In ancient mythology, the 8-pointed star represents the God of the heaven who was called Anu (Aunu, Aun). This star is actually not a star at all, but the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter.
The 8-pointed star is the pentacle of Jupiter.
This image below is of a relief in the British Museum that shows the Sumerian God Ninurta. His father was Enlil and his mother, Ninlil. The emblem around his neck you will find is very similar to the cross patee of the Knights Templar.
The 8 pointed Cross Pattee of the Knights Templar
The oldest records of the word Anu comes to us from the Sumerians, and is said to be an Akkadian word brought from the Euphrates to Egypt, meaning Heaven and God.
The ancient Akkadians, Assyrians, Chinese, and Phoenicians had known Anu to be the king of the Anunnaki. In Babylonian hymns and incantations, the Igigi and Anunnaki play a very prominent part, in which Anu is represented as the father of both groups. The Anunnaki, who as children of Enki were the special friends of the newly created men.
Jupiter is known as the star of Babylon, that which is frequently spoken of in the Inscriptions as Marduk and Niribu (nΓ©-bΓ©-ru) who is called the god of the morning-and spring sun, or what we can call the blazing morning star. Please note the 8 pointed stars on his clothing
The secret underlying this article is the Greek alphabet when computing the gematria of the allegorical language of the New Testament. The number eight corresponds to the New Testament, according to Ambroise. In Christianity there are eight beatitudes: poverty of spirit; mourning; meekness; desire of righteousness; mercy; purity of heart; the peacemaker; and suffering for the sake of righteousness. It is the number of salvation, the baptismal font is octagonal, and the sign of Godβs covenant. 8 is the number of the New Beginning found in the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in Revelation the Anti-Christ is the eighth king. Amongst the Jews, 8 is the number of circumcision, because that ceremony took place on the eighth day.
The Sacred Cross Chi-Rho ‘XP’ symbol
The 8 pointed Cross Pattee of the Hospitalers
The number 8, which arithmeticians call the first actual square, has been named by the Pythagorean Philo; laus- the name of geometrical harmony, because he thinks he recognizes in it all the harmonic relations. You will find that in mathematics that the symbol of the infinity is represented by a 8 laid down. It was the Pythagoreans who held that there are in man eight organs of knowledge; sense, fantasy, art, opinion, prudence, science, wisdom, and mind.
The Greeks had dedicated the number 8 to Dionysius, who was born in the eighth month of the year. The True Principles of All Things, an illustration by Dionysius Andreas Freher for the first English edition of the works of Jacob BΓΆhme, 1764

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Can somebody explain all of examples shown above where there are only 6 points, not 8 (star of David)? How does the 6-pointed star play in to this overview of 8-pointed stars? Thanks in advance!
I am looking for the meaning of the 18-pointed star. However, I am unable to find anything. Help anyone?
look for meaning of 9. 1+8 stuff.
I have alot of questions about who I am and reading these convos I am or have walked in if not all the situations know I’m different but not enough to know who I am I don’t believe in fron here
And here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know
It’s a little secret, just the Robinsons’ affair
Most of all, you’ve got to hide it from the kids
Coo, coo, ca-choo
Three years ago I started writing a fantasy book. In the process of constructing its narrative I came accross thousands of similarities between what I had already written and what I found about gnosticism, Sumerian mythology and History, anunakis, etc. I even baptized the world in my book as “Ur” just to find out three years later that it was the name of a Sumerian city. It happens constantly. Could there be some inner connection I am making with the gnostic knowledge hidden in my genes?
You just gave yourself confirmation that there is a spirit world and we are constantly under spiritual attack from beigns we call demons. Their only occupation is to make sure we spend eternity with them in damnation as they are full of hate that Jesus Christ made it possible for us to be redeemed as sinners before God. Seek Christ and He will give you eternal life ! This is the our main concern in this lifetime as we are eternal beigns and we can either spend eternity with God or apart from Him in eternal suffering. Read you Bible !
The name of this came to me in English, House Most High, about 12 years ago. I did not know what it was, or that it was called Ur. G Bush bombed it as one of the first targets when invading Iraq. Knowing today that he is from the house of Moab, forbidden forever from the body of Christ.
As John says, do not dive into any Gnosticism without the King’s official 1611 1st Ed with the Planetary Hours Calendar.
Obey the commandments Exodus 20, and learn to give your heart to God, he will pour the scripture into you. As you learn the scripture might realize that you are not learning it but remembering it. Jeremiah 17:9
Go back to the commandments, go back to the commandments. This one everyone forgets, the fundamental rule, Thall Shalt Not Kill. (Full stop) You cannot add or remove anything to it. If you are questioning if you can eat animal flesh, the answer is already there for you. If you need to survive, then you can find this answer also very easily, Ecc 3:3, but go back to the commandments, as Jesus said, if you love him, then love God first, and to love him, have faith first, and obey his top laws.
Music helps evokes a connection but be mindful the energy that they put into the music. If you are lamenting severely, and the scripture is reading to you, you will hear music already.
Glad to see your findings.Actually the same thing happened to me when I was only eleven. In a extremely unbelievable dream,yes a dream,there was a blackhair alien who created mankind and established a great HIGH-TECH human empire with his younger brother,goldenhair.(His eyes were so blue so were his creatons-the first human)In the dream there was also a silver hair handsome young boy called VALENTINE ,who was a priest really kind and devout to his traditional god.However he changed his opinion after some events.(several years later I searched on internet,and found Enki had blue blue eyes and priest Valentius was the creator of Gnosis!)
you have no idea how correct you are mate
I met the Goddess Inanna as I invoked a mother help I said her name without consciously knowing about her.
I have an onyx necklace that has a hidden, carved goat face in an 8-pointed star. Any thoughts as to the symbolic meaning?
The star is for Jupiter and goat for Pan, or the God of all things.
How about the 8pt star as the symbol of Isis much like the one on Janet Jackson’s breast at the Superbowl, at the base of the obelisk at St Peter’s Cathedral, the headdress of Vlad Vondevoire the Impaled. Could this star/planet be interchangeable between Jupiter the King Planet and Isis/Inanna?
John whitesides parsons and cameron: the whore of babylon?
There is only 0.1% people with level 11 ….out of entire human population.
Could you please touch a bit more on the level 11 people please? How are they 11 people etc.
Sitchin is unworthy, he is of the beast, Cain, an adulterated broken cistern, a Neanderthal Hybrid with broken chromosomes. He is a spoiled seed, a result of one of the high commandments broken, Not loving God 1st, Adultery, and Lying.
Odin told me today that 11s are the pillars of judgment and a pyramid of Gods laws from the top down. The names of each moral rule is placed on each pillar. The Book of the King’s Bible creates another level in the pyramid.
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
for each book, but Chapter 11.
1-1 – these are the pillars of judgment. Each Commandment creates a new plain of laws that go in a specific order, levels of a pyramid but are built from the top down. This is encoded into the pyramids as well. Anunnaki I have only heard of in Sitchin’s books. There is Osiris and Isis.
These are the Pillars of Judgment, which are built to gain knowledge of cosmic laws. Francis Bacon understood this also. GO READ EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER 11 of the King’s Bible 1611 1st Ed. ONLY. You will understand then how important the commandments are.
We are approaching a final judgment where ALL commandments have been broken on a mass scale. 2/3 of the population should be saved when Sion the Deliverer goes through the door in Revelations 3.
“Secret Journeys of Jeronimo.” This is the modern youth doctrines and mirrors Saint Jeronimo, the hermits. The prophets are already working on the youth today. DC Comics, Wheeler. Illumination is not happening anywhere here on any Gnostic articles, pages, or anything. It is inherited, but the good news is there are some 5th-day men starting to dream, like Benjamen Bennaker the Quincunx. This was a glorious sign of hope that God’s divine plan is finally coming to fruition and they are illuminating.
I could read Akashic Records, detect and erase bad karma…for people with level 11….
Then hook a mother fucker up boss.
Please read this:
LOL no
this guys Gay ^ LOL gay