Please do not shoot the messenger ladies. I’m just talking about the female reproductive organ known as the uterus and its strong connection to the notorious head of Baphomet, whom many people mistakenly call “Satan or a demon.”
Here is an image below we created. I will let you all be the judge.
Many ancient cultures had fertility cults. The uterus was the center of a woman’s power and creativity. The place of creation that brings forth the light or dark. Numerous cultures had worshiped the goddess through the power of the uterus that gives birth to the world. Naturally, the uterus and phallus would be depicted in various art forms, from pictures to stone carvings.
In the occult, the uterus is called the lake of fire. The power of the fire of the solar logos is kindled here and this power can rise up from the sexual organ to the brain.
Could the image of Baphomet, that many people think is Satan or a demon, really be the image of the goddess in the form of the uterus?
The original drawing of Baphomet below comes to us from a French-Jewish Freemason named Eliphas Levi, born Alphonse Louis Constant (February 8, 1810 – May 31, 1875).

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
ELIPHAS LEVI WAS NOT JEWISH he merely adopted the pseudonym because of his awe at the quabbalisticums comprehension of the universal dogma of thoth hermes trismegistus and acrane science contained therein. He was merely a frenchmen and even the sephiroth is a copy of the Paut Em Neteru of the egyptians. I have his Ritual de la Haute Magie and History of Magic. All of his other books are merely to throw dust in your eyes. The Androgyne of arcane perfection is a Synthesis of the 15th key of the Tarot and Kunrath it a has no relation to the uterus. It is also more closely related to the scarifes to azazel and the Astral Light of which levi spoke of extensively.