As more revolutionary research comes out about our human origins, it is shattering the previous Darwinian notions about natural selection on its genetic head.

To explain Darwin’s evolution theory, in a nutshell, is that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inherited variations that increase the individual’s ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. This natural selection had then formed the tree of life but in recent years, this theory is starting to be modified from the belief that genes flow only vertically, from parents to offspring, that they can also come sideways from fungi via two phenomenons called parthenogenesis and horizontal gene transfer (H.G.T.).

Meaning, Darwin’s notion that evolution is a tree moving upward with various branches is wrong and it is more like an entangled mass of fungi mycelium moving in all directions – sideways and up and down.

My theory is that evolution does not occur vertically via a DNA tree from a remote ancestor to modern humans but is determined from the very fungi in our bodies who are the creators, legislators, and destroyers through virgin births, religious laws to control sin, and the birth of fungal royalty from the line of Cain via horizontal gene transfer.

The modern science I speak of relates to the biochemical, structural and evolutionary relationships among all living things that are proving that fungi are closer relative to animals like humans than to plants. It is this universal fungal network that we humans are the highest conscious representatives who can communicate this science and immortal laws where I believe that true natural selection and human evolution or devolution occurs.

This new branch of science is called molecular phylogenetics which reads the ancient history of life from the different sequences of DNA, RNA and a few select proteins in all the molecules inhabiting our bodies and not just the human.

If we now know that DNA itself can indeed move from fungi sideways within humans across dimensions from one kind of creature into another, possibly this is the answer to how human/alien hybrids are formed who then become the benefactors of the human race. Meaning the illustrious teachers, saviors, saints, and scientists are actually sent here from their world to become the most intelligent humans on the planet bringing their fellow parasitic humans religion, science and laws in which they can consume/devour until death.

My theory is that the unseen world of microorganisms and in particular, fungi are the original authors of natural selection for all life on earth and we actually imitate their hierarchical structure of government whose laws govern life and death. As Julius Evolva once said,

“The truths that allow us to understand the world of Tradition are not those that can be “learned” or “discussed.” They either are or are not. We can only remember them, and that happens when we are freed from the obstacles represented by various human constructions (chief among these are the results and methods of the authorized “researchers”) and have awakened the capacity to see from the nonhuman viewpoint, which is the same as the Traditional viewpoint.

“Traditional truths have always been held to be essentially non-human.”

In order to wrap your fungi derived mind around my hypothesis, it is important that you start to understand the last few decades of research about our human origins and also our symbiotic and sometimes pathogenic relationship with these alien microorganisms.

To quote from a 2019 NY Times article, The Scientist Who Scrambled Darwin’s Tree of Life;

“We are not precisely who we thought we were.

We are composite creatures, and our ancestry seems to arise from a dark zone of the living world, a group of creatures about which science, until recent decades, was ignorant. Evolution is trickier, far more complicated, than we realized.

The tree of life is more tangled. Genes don’t just move vertically. They can also pass laterally across species boundaries, across wider gaps, even between different kingdoms of life, and some have come sideways into our own lineage — the primate lineage — from unsuspected, nonprimate sources. It’s the genetic equivalent of a blood transfusion or (to use a different metaphor preferred by some scientists) an infection that transforms identity.”

They called it “infective heredity.”

In 2004, a Wired Magazine article, People Are Human-Bacteria Hybrid, reported that most of our cells are not human, but more bacterial and we are simply outnumbered by aliens in our own bodies;

“Most of the cells in your body are not your own, nor are they even human. They are bacterial.

From the invisible strands of fungi waiting to sprout between our toes, to the kilogram of bacterial matter in our guts, we are best viewed as walking “superorganisms,” highly complex conglomerations of human cells, bacteria, fungi, and viruses. That’s the view of scientists at Imperial College London who published a paper in Nature Biotechnology Oct. 6 describing how these microbes interact with the body.

Understanding the workings of the superorganism, they say, is crucial to the development of personalized medicine and health care in the future because individuals can have very different responses to drugs, depending on their microbial fauna. The scientists concentrated on bacteria.

More than 500 different species of bacteria exist in our bodies, making up more than 100 trillion cells. Because our bodies are made of only some several trillion human cells, we are somewhat outnumbered by the aliens. It follows that most of the genes in our bodies are from bacteria, too.

Luckily for us, the bacteria are on the whole commensal, sharing our food but doing no real harm. (The word derives from the Latin meaning to share a table for dinner.) In fact, they are often beneficial: Our commensal bacteria protect us from potentially dangerous infections. They do this through close interaction with our immune systems.”

In the early 1990s, the Journal Science reported that a common ancestor of animals and fungi was a so-called protist, a single-celled creature that had most likely inherited both animal and fungal genes and characteristics — possibly living part of its early life cycle in a membranous and mobile form resembling a human sperm, and at a different stage growing a stiff cell wall similar to that seen in today’s fungi.

Later in 2003, Mitchell Sogin, an evolutionary microbiologist at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, used advanced automated DNA technology and computing power to trace the molecular evolution of dozens of today’s oldest known species—jellyfish, sea anemones, sponges, mollusks, starfish—back to their common point of origin.

Sogin had told Discover Magazine;

“Sponges didn’t seem like animals—they didn’t go seeking prey, didn’t have 4 legs—or 10 legs. Show Joe Blow a sponge and it looks like cauliflower. But it’s not. It’s an animal.”

A the time, Sogin also uncovered something older in the animal line than sponges that isn’t an animal: fungi.

And he says that his findings have implications for evolutionary studies and may even shed light on the shape of extraterrestrial life.

The only thing older in the same line, the line leading directly to animals and to us, are the fungi. “This is revolutionary,” Sogin says, pushing back thick, graying hair. “Animals and sponges share a common evolutionary history from fungi.”

When Sogin was asked at the time, Does all this mean humans are just highly evolved mushrooms?

He emphatically stated, “I’d say we share a common, unique evolutionary history with fungi,” Sogin says. “There was a single ancestral group of organisms, and some split off to become fungi and some split off to become animals.”

The latter have become us.

If you study these sponges and their symbiotic fungi you will also find that they are the first creatures to ejaculate sperm and have hermaphroditic sex, producing both eggs and sperm, which they release into the water.

They also have the ability to have sex with themselves by breaking free its individual cells will drift until they find each other, then stick together and create an exact genetic duplicate of the parent.

A fitting synonym here would be a “mold of its parent.”

I believe the same thing can also happen within certain humans that are chosen by this unseen world to be harbingers of oracles and prophets that are born from this process and can be mistaken for human sexual intercourse.  In humans, this process is called Parthenogenesis /ˌpɑrθənɵˈdʒɛnɨsɨs/, which is derived from the Geek term parthenos, meaning “virgin.” (The Science of Virgin Births)

This science has actually documented several species of animals and plants who give birth to healthy offspring without having a sexual partner or sex. In fact, there are modern cases of humans being born through virgin births, which is a form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization.

Many important Gods, Saviors and Saints throughout history had claimed to be born of a virgin such as Horus, Attis, Moses, Jesus, John the Baptist, the Druid God Hu,  the Suffi god Huwa, Quetzalcoatl, Zoroaster, Buddha, the ancient Chinese Fo-hi,  and Hindu Jezeus Christna. (The Many Virgin Born Gods)

Then we have Godlike Men Who Were Born of the Serpent such as Pythagoras, Alexander the Great, the Ptolemies, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar,  who were all said by many scholars to have miraculous divine births and “virgin born.”

My theory on virgin births has now developed into these fungi ejaculating sperm, producing both eggs and sperm, which they release into the womb in which they create one of their offspring using a chosen human mother as its host which creates an exact genetic duplicate of the oldest parent of the human race ie: Adam and his law giving descendants through Moses and the Saints.

More on that theory later.

Not only did we humans descend from fungi, but scientists are also now saying that fungi are the ONLY reason why life on earth exists. They estimate that approximately 65 million years ago, an asteroid strike wiped out 70% of all life on Earth.

After the impact, dark clouds permeated the sky which created a lack of sunlight making everything decay rapidly which created the perfect conditions for fungi to dominate the earth.

Rob Dunn, a professor at North Carolina State University says;

“The warm-bloodedness of mammals, including ourselves, has evolved, in part, as a response to the pressure from fungus and so we seem to have cooked out the fungal pathogens.”


Mahmoud Ghannoum, a Case Western Reserve medical mycologist and the person who in 1998 first coined the term mycobiome said when he first was attending meetings talking about the microbiome, for the most part, they were only talking about bacteria, not the fungus and viruses that also comprise our biome.

Ghannoum had thought to himself “that we should also start looking at fungal communities.”

It turns out that he was spot (spore) on with his assessment.

More recently, DNA researchers have estimated that we carry approximately 80 genera or more of fungi in and on the surface of our bodies that are considered to be part of a healthy fungal community that includes humans.

In recent years, scientists have devoted a lot of time to studying these fungi and bacteria that who that in order to be healthy, we MUST maintain a balanced gut microbiome so that we can live symbiotic with our gut flora – AKA the microbes and fungi living inside and on our bodies.

When a creature lives symbiotically with a host such as us humans, it means that the host – meaning we feed them what “they want and need,” and “we are their food.”

Researchers have found that maintaining a proper balance and managing these microbes are crucial for good health and actually help protect you from these same parasitic organisms becoming pathogenic.

Meaning, for our symbiotic fungal friends within to become our immortal foes akin to the world’s oldest serial killers hell-bent on infecting our blood and organs with fungoid carcasses and poop that we call infections, cancers, and unknown diseases.

To put it simply, they get rid of the human garbage who are dead men walking.

According to Cardiff University biosciences professor Lynne Boddy;

“[Fungi] are the garbage disposal agents of the natural world. They break down dead, organic matter and by doing that they release nutrients and those nutrients are then made available for plants to carry on growing.”

Rob Dunn, a professor at North Carolina State University says, “It’s how everything is reborn. So that this entire web of life is connected and it’s connected through the fungi.”

“In short, fungi eat death, and in doing so, create new life.”

I find these statements to align with what I have been taught from the Christian religion which teaches, God creates life and the devil ie: fungi who govern this world is God’s Right-Hand man who has authority to judge and also destroy (eat) those humans whom he deems unfit as a result of their sins (missing the mark by being unbalanced in mind and body).

It is through the trials and tribulations that we can live symbiotically or in a religious sense, in heaven or hell where these same said fungi can become parasitic and pathogenic ie: evil tormenting our very souls for our sins and transgressions.

Soul eaters taking the damned demons to hell.

Or when speaking in UFOlogy terms, alien ships kidnapping people who always seem to be unhealthy (ie: sinning) and somewhat mentally deranged (ie: evil) and inserting their sperm (spores) into their decaying human whose rotting carcass will incubate further descendants set for destruction to further their cause or maybe so they are just more food for the moon.

Hell, after all, everyone’s got to eat and have their place in this heavenly hierarchy that spans into outer space in a world literally built and governed by alien fungi who are our masters.


1. Thomas Sheehan. Myth and Violence: The Fascism of Julius Evola and Alain de Benoist. Social Research, XLVIII, 1 (Spring, 1981). 45-73

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