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Queen Dog Star and the Dog Kings
"The Blazing Star in our Lodges represent Sirius. The Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All Seeing Eye, which to the Ancients was the Sun." - Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma. The word "Seirios" is Greek for the English "Sirius" meaning...
The First Templars – King’s Bedesmen Part 1
Not that many people and even Templar historians are aware of the fact that there was a secret fraternity under the Temple of Solomon who wore the cross patte on their chests long before the Knight's Templar had become militarized in the 11th century. My research...
The Culdees – Part 1
The Culdees, sometimes Kyllidei, Colidei, and Kelidei were at one time Druid Bards before they had become Christian. They had been formed in a time where it was very dangerous to be anything other than pagan. After all, the Druids had long held the title of the...
King Solomon, Charlemagne and St John the Scot
"What shall I say of Ireland," cries Heiric, " which, despising the dangers of the ocean, emigrates entirely with her troops of philosophers, and descends on our shores ? Her most learned masters become exiles, to place themselves under the obedience of our wise...
Of the Situation of Britain and Ireland, and of their ancient inhabitants | Book 1 | Chapter 1
Britain, an island in the Atlantic, formerly called Albion, lies to the north-west, facing, though at a considerable distance, the coasts of Germany, France, and Spain, which form the greatest part of Europe. It extends 800 miles in length towards the north, and is...
When the nation of the Picts received the faith of Christ [565 A.D.] | Book 3 | Chapter 4
IN the year of our Lord 565, when Justin, the younger, the successor of Justinian, obtained the government of the Roman empire, there came into Britain from Ireland a famous priest and abbot, marked as a monk by habit and manner of life, whose name was Columba,to...