For many ages our great ancestors had known about what we call today, “the philosophers stone.” However it wasn’t until 1699 when the “modern discovery” of the secret behind the philosopher’s stone was first made.
It was in Hamburg, Germany, that a master alchemist named Hennig Brandt had figured a method where he had collected large amounts of urine which he then heated on his furnace to a boil until it was red hot. Once the urine had become red hot, it had started glowing like a bright light and would suddenly burst into fire when exposed to air. This strange fiery liquid substance he collected into jars and then placed it on his laboratory shelves where it sat glowing in the dark.
Hennig Brandt had just rediscovered phosphorus which is also known as the philosopher’s stone.
This is the manna spoken of by Saint John in Revelation 2:17 – He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it. And in Psalm 78:24 –
he rained down manna for the people to eat, he gave them the grain of heaven.
Phosphorus is commonly found in inorganic phosphate rocks and phosphate is the body’s source of chemical energy. The phosphorus atom is of the nitrogen family, but having that characteristic of firing.
Phosphorus is the philosopher’s stone that is the central symbol of alchemy, symbolizing the light within our DNA and in nature. Without phosphorus, there would be no thought or wisdom. This is the atom that fires our blood to produce chemical energy, consciousness, creativity and life. It is the Fiat Lux of all nature.
As a phosphate, it is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes. Humans obtain their energy through phosphorus that is extracted from foods within the body by converting it to the chemical energy that is then stored in the body. It makes up 1% of our total body weight and is present in every cell of the body; most of the phosphorus in the body is found (85%) in bones and teeth.
The English phrase “philosopher’s stone” comes from the Latin word, “philosophorum.” The word philosophorum is a combination of the Greek “philosopher” and a Hebrew word “horum.” The meaning of philosopher comes from the word philosophy that is Greek meaning “the love of wisdom.” The word horum which I have found to be related to the Egyptian Horus, the Phoenician King of Tyre, and Hiram, who we also can connect to the Hiram Abiff of Freemasonry. Horus is known as a son of truth, god of light, and the light-bringer. Hiram is also related to the light and truth and Abiff is a Hebrew word meaning “father.” Hence, Hiram Abiff means “father of truth or the light.”
Isaiah 14:12 – How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
Phosphorus is also known as Lucifer, the morning star and got its name because it glows in the dark like the planet Jupiter. It is the light bringer who in Hebrew is known as Heylel because phosphorus is the number one chemical substance in nature and life that brings light to the dark. Nothing in nature compares to it and this is why our ancestors had left us so many clues in ancient writings such as the bible to help illuminate how creation was formed and God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”
Revelation 22:16 – “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
The philosopher’s stone which we know today as “phosphorus” is the Alpha and Omega of nature and essential for all life.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
The philosophers stone is the heart which is the zero point of the toroidal field(aura)each of us generate. It is no coincidence that the first 2 letters of the word aura are au which is the chemical symbol for gold. Only the heart can transmutate hatred into love.
Phosphorus is toxic thought…
Definitely disagree with the philosopher’s stone being a physical object and quite disappointed to see that on this website. Alchemy is all about internal transformation masquerading under the guise of physical chemistry, so it would only make sense that the philosopher’s stone is some internal state as opposed to an actual substance..
My understanding is that the Philosopher’s Stone is a state of such internal sexual charge and purity that the ‘Kundalini Serpent’ flows freely throughout your body to connect the energy centers of your own body with that of the natural world (Mother) and God (Father). The Royal Marriage of the Red King and White Queen. You become a pure internal unity that reunifies yourself as well as your mind with nature and God.
I’ve experienced what I could call this over a period of just under a week and can only describe it as beyond absolute bliss and connection. The quintessence of freedom. Your energy never burns out, you constantly feel blissful (literally, words do it no justice) and you require no more than a couple hours sleep at night, if that. It can only be described as heavenly. Oh, and you don’t have to sit in meditation or something to maintain it, it stays with you so long as you maintain the internal unity and purity
The philosopher’s stone, to my mind, is not at all a physical object, but a purified internal state of perpetual unity and flow of energy that reconnects you to the unified mind of nature and God. The Holy (Which provides the notion of a unity) Spirit dwells within you.