“Cecy est un livre de bonne Foy.” – MONTAIGNE

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Whoever is guided by the SPIRIT and is familiar with the correspondence between the material- and spirit world, to him it is then also possible to discern how the MATERIAL world has GONE FORTH from the SPIRIT world, and how finally the suns and planets and satellites and all the creatures upon them came into being.
But that is not so easy, because it means having to be fully awake in the spirit. For only the arch-primeval witness to all becoming and existence can light up yonder LABYRINTHS for you, behind which no mortal eye has penetrated till now. However, beyond everything, that the age of the human race in completion, like it is today …
Only with all people of this earth it is the case like nowhere else, that they loose ALLl recollection and therefore have to start right from the beginning with a completely new life order and new education, which is setup in such a way that every person can grow to the fullest resemblance of God.
Therefore such a SOUL can only be incarnated on this earth, which either originates from the SUN where still all the primordial elements are present, already went through the way of the flesh there and as such have collected all those soul intelligence specifics, which are necessary for the perfection of the highest spiritual life, – or a soul originates directly from this earth and has previously passed through all three so-called nature kingdoms, from the ungainliest stone matter through all mineral layers, from there through the complete plant world and lastly through the complete animal world in the water, on earth and in the air.
Of course, here one should not think of the physical body, but the soul-spiritual element which is present in its shell; since … >
I can see now that You, O Lord, are revealing Yourself to the people completely and nowhere You are holding back or keep any secrets like the old Prophets have done, who revealed You to the people only under cover of the thickest veil and nearly showed only the hemline of Your dress to the mortals. Indeed, they founded a religion and a church; but what religion and church was this? Religion was a nearly invisible star, sending a most sparing ray of hope from somewhere of infinite space to earth covered in the thickest night, and the church, a building of hard rocks, a temple, surrounded by many labyrinths and gloomy forecourts, which the people could enter, but never the innermost of the temple, where all the great secrets of life are lying revealed on the golden tables.
However here, not only the innermost of the temple is made completely accessible to the people, but also God, the everlasting Inaccessible, totally reveals Himself personally to the people, as He was, is and will be forever. Therefore it is also necessary, to accept God not only partially, but entirely with body, soul and spirit, by the exclusive sole love for Him. Such obligingness like this of the Creator towards the created, therefore also this from the created towards the Creator, must finally result in the full identification between the creative primordial Being and the created after-being.
God becomes one with us, and we become one with Him, without the slightest limitation of our personal individuality and the most perfect freedom of will! Since without the most perfect identification of the created with the Creator, a most perfect freedom of will is unthinkable, because only the will of the Creator can be present in the most perfect unlimitedness and the will of the created only then, if it has perfectly become one with the will of the Creator.
If we want what the Lord wants, our will is perfectly free, because also the Lord’s will is perfectly free; but if we does not want this or only partially, we are the most wretched slaves of our own blindness. Only in God can we become perfectly free; except for God there exists only judgement and death! [GGJ 4.176.4]