Lying in the middle of the brain is part of the temporal lobe called the Ammon’s horn (Amuns Horn) or the hippocampus. In neuroanatomy, Ammon’s horn is a metaphor that relates to the gods and the brain.
Ammon’s horn is the hidden creator, king of the gods, and the lord of the thrones of the world. Amun is ‘The hidden one.'” Lord of the visible and the invisible worlds, he was the mysterious soul of the universe which reveals itself in light.
The God Amun or Ammon in ancient times was usually depicted as a ram with curved horns, a man with a ram’s head, or a man with two upright plumes as a headpiece. The name cornu ammonis, Ammon’s horn, or the hippocampus, is a major component in the brains of humans where we find the clues in the secret mysteries that lie deep within each one of us; that we too can access with our own horns in prayer, séance, meditation, psychedelics and paranormal “visions.”
All humans have Ammon’s horn which is two hippocampi, one in each side of the brain and it is a part of the cerebral cortex, and in primates is located in the medial temporal lobe, underneath the cortical surface. It contains two main interlocking parts: Ammon’s horn and the gyrus. Ammon’s Horn or the hippocampus that plays one of the most important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory and spatial navigation. The Latin Hippocampus is from Ancient Greek ἱππόκαμπος (hippokampos), from ἵππος (hippos, “horse”) and κάμπος (kampos, “sea monster”).
When we damage our Ammon’s Horn (hippocampus), we damage the Lord and we humans will often sink into severe depression. In addition, it will be difficult for us to form new memories and this will often also affect memories formed before the damage (retrograde amnesia). Hence, it will become impossible for you to know thyself or evolve your soul without memory of who you are or were in past lives.
Ammon’s horn had special significance to our ancestors. In Egyptian mythology, the head and the horn of the ram were symbolic of activity and creative energy. This was signified in God’s under such names as Amun-Ba or Ra and Jupiter Ammon. Jupiter equated with the Egyptian deity Amun after the Roman conquest of Egypt. The god Jupiter could assume the form of a ram, in which guise his name was Jupiter-Ammon. Jupiter is the Father of the day and as mentioned above, Ammon is “The Lord of Thrones and “The Hidden One.” Many ancient images depict Jupiter Ammon under the figure of a ram, or on medals and coins he appears in human shape with ram-horns growing out beneath his ears.
They are the horns of Jupiter Ammon, the same symbol which is later to appear again as the horns on the corners of the Hebrew altar; the Moses of Michelangelo is also shown with horns.- (Manly P Hall)
Could it be that they were sending us a message with these images and that the Ammon’s Horn or (hippocampus) is one of the most important areas of our brains in our evolution and reincarnation helping us recall past lives? My intuition tells me, YES, without a doubt this is exactly what they were doing and now I will help prove this ancient fact to my brothers and sisters out there who care about such secret teachings.
Venetian anatomist Julius Caesar Aranzi (1587), who initially likened it to a seahorse, using the Latin: hippocampus (from Greek: ἵππος, “horse” and Greek: κάμπος, “sea monster”) or alternatively to a silkworm. The German anatomist Duvernoy (1729), the first to illustrate the structure, also wavered between “seahorse” and “silkworm.” “Ram’s horn” was proposed by the Danish anatomist Jacob Winsløw in 1732; and a decade later his fellow Parisian, the surgeon de Garengeot, used “cornu Ammonis” – horn of (the ancient Egyptian god) Amun. – Excerpt From Wikipedia

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
There are also many Goddesses with horns as found on
A most interesting article, Moe.
Thanks for the comment and link Nancy!
I really enjoy reading this.but please tell me excisees do I need to do to awaken my ammons horn in my brain.this is very important to me,peace