Bizarre Human Like Creature With Wings Preserved in Mexico City

Deep in Mexico City, author and renowned elongated skull expert, Brien Foerster found a bizarre small human like creature with wings preserved in a glass jar. He is claiming that the creature is not fake and is real.

Brien had said, “To be honest, I have no idea WHAT is in this jar of preservative, but it has 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 wings, 10 fingers, 10 toes and a human like face.  IT IS NOT FAKE. In a private collection in Mexico City…simply bizarre!”

Human in jar with wings

Physicists investigate the structure of time, with implications for quantum mechanics and philosophy

Spiral of time(—Although in theory it may seem possible to divide time up into infinitely tiny intervals, the smallest physically meaningful interval of time is widely considered to be the Planck time, which is approximately 10-43 seconds. This ultimate limit means that it is not possible for two events to be separated by a time smaller than this.

But now in a new paper, physicists have proposed that the shortest physically meaningful length of time may actually be several orders of magnitude longer than the Planck time. In addition, the physicists have demonstrated that the existence of such a minimum time alters the basic equations of quantum mechanics, and as quantum mechanics describes all physical systems at a very small scale, this would change the description of all quantum mechanical systems.

Danes discover 9,000-year-old skeletons with a strange history

Excavation reveals that the bones of the dead were sorted and categorised before burial

(Source: Cphpost.dK ) – Danish archaeologists have unearthed a burial site in an ancient town in southern Jordan that suggests the dead were not buried until they had decomposed to skeletal remains. The skeletons were then dismantled and bones of similar types were buried together

Danes discover 9,000-year-old skeletons (more…)

Has medical science demonstrated the fact that a spark of the divine rests in the heart of every man?

When an echocardiogram of the human heart is made, the tissues that separate the chambers of the heart are aligned in such a way as to manifest the Hebrew letter Shin ש שין.

spark of the divine rests in the heart (more…)

Scientists to Discuss a Suitable Post-Materialistic Science of Consciousness in 2015

(Source: IAC) – Modern day’s foremost researchers of post-materialistic consciousness science will convene at the International Science of consciousnessAcademy of Consciousness’ (IAC) research campus, located near Évora, in the Alentejo region in Portugal, for the 1st International Congress of Conscientiology (consciousness science).

For over a century, maverick scientists have been venturing where only religion and philosophy dared; applying the principles of science along with new methodologies to the internal, subjective world of consciousness.

Consciousness is widely considered as one of the most remarkable and persistent mysteries of science. Why are we aware? Where does that awareness come from? Is it created by biology or is it more than biology, surviving physical death? The prevailing paradigm worldwide is a materialistic one that reduces life to an ephemeral result of the brain, which itself is an accident of genetic mutation. However, over a century of scientific advances like parapsychology, quantum physics and the public interest in near-death experience research (popularized in the 70’s by Raymond Moody, MD, author of Life after Life and recently rekindled by Eben Alexander, MD, author of Proof of Heaven), have demonstrated the inadequacies of this reductionist paradigm. Conscientiology, a non-reductionist science of consciousness, sees each of us as a conscious, evolving, intelligent life principle whose ‘internal world’ is as worthy of study as the ‘outer world’ focus of science to date. (more…)

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