Over the last few years, I have created several articles and videos detailing my scientific theories as to why and how molds/fungi can be associated with demonic and or alien activity (entities, possession, haunted houses, etc.).
What I have found is that these fantastical and mythical religious type of descriptions describe the reality these people are experiencing given fact that a fungal infection can be scientifically described as a “demonic entity” or an “alien invader” who has entered the blood of its victim and is or has highjacked their central nervous system.
This infection then leads to what one can call a split (dual) in personalities in its victim.
Meaning, the person is still human per say, but they are also now part alien species due to the “molds/fungi” that have infected them are rapidly duplicating in their bodies to the point that there are necrotizing into two different entities operating in some type of symbiotic fashion within the same body.
A dark entity that we know is molds/fungi has now integrated into their blood, organs, and of course, personalities.
What Carl Jung had called “The Shadow.”
In describing this experience, Jung had written in The Symbolism of the Spirit;
“The enlargement of the light side of consciousness has the necessary consequence that the part of the psyche which is less light and less capable of consciousness is thrown into darkness to such an extent that sooner or later a rift occurs in the psychic system.
At first, this is not recognized as such and is therefore projected – i.e. it appears as a religious projection, in the form of a split between the powers of Light and Darkness.”
Carl Jung also said everyone has this dark side or shadow. He writes;
“Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.” (Carl Jung)
When thinking of Jung’s reference to the shadow and a split between the powers of Light and Darkness, I would like to turn your mind to the science of fungal infections and contagious diseases.
The etymology of the words “infection and contagious” reveal to us what is truly happening internally when these “demonic or alien invaders” start attempting to take over our brains and subsequently, our bodies and actions to make a new entity fit to serve “their cause.”
For example, in researching the etymology of the English compound word ‘infection’, we find that it is composed of the words “in, fect and ion.”
The first word ‘in’ is a preposition “expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else.” We use the word in to indicate “inclusion within space, a place, or limits which means “to be on the inside; within; inner; internal: the in part of a mechanism.”
The next word in infection is ‘fect’ which is derived from the Latin work fac which means “make or do” and is where we also get the words “fact and factor.”
The compound word contagious is composed of the words “con, tag or tagi and ous”.
The meaning of the prefix word con- means “together, with, or “thoroughly,” and it appears in numerous English vocabulary words, such as the word connect, or join “with.”
The second word in contagious is the word tag which means “to touch, attack, come to; con-
The last word in con-tagi-ous is ‘ous’ which a suffix used in the forming adjectives characterized by; “of the nature of” or “possessing, full of, having the quality of, or having a large amount of,” and in science, the word ous is used to “denote an element in a lower valence.”
So when a person has been infected with a contagious fungal entity that is alien to their bodies, they might describe these sensations as demonic and or alien, but scientifically speaking, we can say that they have been infected by a contagion or using the full etymology of the words, we could rather say that they have been;
“enclosed or surrounded by something else that operates from the inside; within; inner; internal: the in part of a mechanism” that has “joined together by thoroughly being connected with” our bodies via “to touch, attack, come to; con-
These “fungal invaders” if they have not caused severe sickness and or death, or the person is in a perpetual state of necrosis (putrefaction) where they are now symbiotically connected to not only the self, but also not only the global but the universality (universe) of the internet of fungi/molds.
The alien invaders hell bent on total domination have a “personality” for their own in the form of an energy resonation. They become Demonic in terms of the self when they have attained total self-integration.
In this situation, the person becomes what can be called a “hybrid” or “demon”.
These hybrid humans may describe an inner experience of separation from the true self and in a sense, they have become dual entities operating within one person that can be described as an integration between individuality of the self governed by the true God through the spirit and also the God of this world, fungi/molds who have been around for millions, if not billions of years longer than we have and have their own hierarchal system of government.
It makes you wonder if they have been here longer than we humans, whose controlling the blood of The Powers That Be and what form government do we model ours after?
It is as if this miraculous freak of demonic nature that appears is meant to biologically happen and has occurred for millennia.
In a sense, you and I have become infected…
And in this contagious (fungal network) religious states of Amer-I-Ca within, we are creating an American Jesus (destroyer)…
Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Ya know that folk saying “there’s a fungus among-us”… Take a guess where that comes from? I hope you never were vaccinated. I can almost guarantee it is made from some sort of mind control fungus and is usurping the consciousness of people. i have been noticing people I have known for years displaying different preference for their hands (going from right to left handed all the sudden) engaging in odd behavior like believing themselves to be biblical characters incarnated, and becoming extremely sexually sadistic.