Sir Godfrey Higgins had written about the Roman God of New Years, Janus in Anacalypsis an Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the
Saitic Isis – Volume 1, ” Janus was not one of what they called their twelve great Gods, but he was said to be the father of them all. He had twelve altars erected to him. He held in one hand letters denoting 365, and in the other the keys of heaven, which he opened to the good and shut to the wicked.

The first month of the year, Januarius, was dedicated to him. He was represented sometimes with two, and sometimes with four faces; the reason of which is unknown. He was called Junonius from the Goddess Juno, whose name Mr. Bryant resolves into Juneh, which signifies a dove, and is in the Hebrew language rtJV iune, and is the same as the Yoni or Yuni, the female principle, as observed by Col. Wilford. On his coins are often seen a boat and dove, with a chaplet of olive leaves, or an olive branch.
Gale, after observing that Juno was the same as Jana, and that Janus came from a’ Jah of the Hebrews, and that Diana was Di-va Jana, or Dea Jana, says also, that she was the same as Astarte or Asteroth of the Sidonians, and had the head of a Bull. He also says, that she was the Belisama of the Hebrews.1 In Sanscrit Diana is the Goddess Jana”

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