Scientists from NASA and the German Aerospace Center have found that black mold can survive on the planet Mars after launching several molds (fungi) and bacterial microorganisms into the stratosphere in 2019, as part of the Microbes in Atmosphere for Radiation, Survival, and Biological Outcomes Experiment or MARSBOx.
The project is part of NASA’s Aerobilogoy lab where they claim, “The Answers to Life Are Up in the Air,” or as Saint Paul had pointedly said over 2,000 years ago, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)
The researchers discovered that, for example, the mold (fungal) spores of Aspergillus niger could survive on the surface of Mars temporarily and would go dormant, but they found that the spores could be revived after they returned to earth, according to the study published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology.
I have discussed this ancient and modern science in my previous articles such as, Spirits of the Air: Scientists find that bacteria can be transferred horizontally to others through the air, Demonic Fungi/Molds Survive at 33,000 Feet in the Air, The Demonic Dark Spirits of the Air, and Pythagoras: ‘The whole air is filled with souls which are called geni or heroes.’
Nasa claims that “the sampling techniques that aerobiologists at NASA are developing to collect uncontaminated samples could help future space exploration missions searching for extraterrestrial life.”
“We successfully tested a new way of exposing bacteria and fungi to Mars-like conditions by using a scientific balloon to fly our experimental equipment up to Earth’s stratosphere,” said Marta Filipa Cortesão, joint first author of the study from the German Aerospace Center, in a statement. “Some microbes, in particular spores from the black mold fungus, were able to survive the trip, even when exposed to very high UV radiation.”
Cortesão had said in 2019 to Live science that, “Mold reproduces through spores. Typically, these spores aren’t harmful, but breathing in high doses of them can be, especially for someone who’s sick or has a compromised immune system.
The molds and bacterial organisms were carried into space in a special container, where they were tested under “alien-like” conditions and exposed to UV radiation over a thousand times more than the levels that cause sunburn.
An author from the study, Katharina Siems, also from the German Aerospace Center had said that the mold can pose a health risk to astronauts;
“With crewed long-term missions to Mars, we need to know how human-associated microorganisms would survive on the Red Planet, as some may pose a health risk to astronauts. In addition, some microbes… could help us produce food and material supplies independently from earth, which will be crucial when far away from home.”
“Microorganisms are closely-connected to us; our body, our food, our environment, so it is impossible to rule them out of space travel,” Siems said.
She stated that experiments like the MARSBOx mission “is a really important way to help us explore all the implications of space travel on microbial life and how we can drive this knowledge (Gnosis) towards amazing space discoveries.”
The first MARSBOx experiment was a scientific balloon mission launched from Fort Sumner, New Mexico, on Sept. 23, 2019. It took approximately 6.5 hours and reached a sustained altitude of 110,000 feet.
According to NASA, “MARSBOx measured the ionizing radiation conditions in the stratosphere using onboard instruments. It also carried nine different microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, in a dormant state that can protect them from many harsh environmental conditions.
Preliminary results from the flight show that most of the bacteria died, but the fungal spores were able to better withstand the harsh environment at more than 20 miles up. Further analysis will determine which genes may be responsible for survival outcomes. “

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.