TEM OHP AB – The Meaning of Baphomet

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.  Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

What you just read is the end of Psalms 23. It is the Psalm of David who is the TEM OHP AB (Temple omnium hominum pads abba), which is Latin for “Father of the Temple.” TEM OHP AB spelled backwards is Baphomet whose meaning we find Baʿal (Lord) or Hadad which means Son of Dod or David, Be-dad, or Bon-dad, “the son of Dad.” Father of the Edomites, Hadad. David, Daoud, or Dood means the beloved ; and as a mythical character the beloved one, the Lord’s anointed. (more…)

Pontifex Baphomet Maximus – Part 1

Pope Sylvester II and bahomet(NOTE: This article will be Part 1 in a series of articles on Gerbert of Aurillac and the Origins of Baphomet)

The terrible Baphomet is, in fact, like all monstrous enigmas of ancient science, nothing more than an innocent and even pious hieroglyph.- Eliphas Lévi

The mysterious true origins of Baphomet has eluded historians for centuries. Many books and tales have been made in attempt to trace the true history, but to this date no one has made “all” the connections that will be made in the article below. The purpose of the series of these articles will be to explore the origins and also the hidden allegorical meaning of this somewhat grotesque image of a half goat man/woman.

In the course of my research I have found that the origins of Baphomet all lead to one man that had lived in the eleventh century who happened to become the first French Pope. His name was no other then Gerbert of Aurillac or known in the Christian world as  Pope Sylvester II.


Ancient Name of Britain is Brutus

Not many people are aware that many of our current countries, kingdoms or state’s names are not the actual original names of when these  lands were founded. One such name is for the biggest island located in the current European Union, Britain. But the facts are that is not the original name of this most beautiful kingdom.

In the course of my research I have found that the most ancient known name for Britain was called Albion, but the actual original name for Britain derives from the Latin name Brutus. This Brutus would be no other that the “alleged” killer of Julius Caesar. The name Brutus or Bruti is Latin form of the Old English, Britain.

Let it be said that I AM a blood descendant of both the Roman Julius and Greek Brutus. My inner Gnosis is telling me that this was not a murder, but a blood sacrifice to end an old age and bring in anew. In addition, I also believe that this Brutus was a son of Julius, and possibly the half brother to Augustus Caesar. This I will explain in another article, but to help you understand how I can know such things, please read my article titled, DNA Gnosis.

This story resonated deep within my DNA and intuition. So much so, that I often cry or get very emotional when researching this subject. For us Gnostics, this is a sign of a past life regression or memory that emotionally affects us at our root core which is accessed via Gnosis to validate your feelings or knowings.

As with many names in history, you will find that either historians or the actual people themselves had changed or obscured the original names such as in this case. The full name of this Roman General was Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger , Decimus Junius Albinus or Brutus of Troy (early June, 85 BC – late October, 42 BC). He  had served under Caesar in both the Gallic war in 43 B.C., and in the Roman civil war at the time. For his service under Julius, he was awarded the Gaul and whole island of Britain. In addition to being awarded vast amounts of territory, he was also placed in Julius’s will that in case of Octavian’s death, he would be the heir the the House of Caesar. (more…)

Ancient Memories Run Deep

(This is a poem by me that I was inspired to write tonight on 7-5-2012)

The beat of a mended broken heart

Born into bondage, never would we part

Today I pictured the smiles on your faces

Time frozen still in my mind of ancestors and places

In my blood, ancient memories run deep

Veins like a canal, merging bloodlines I no longer sleep

Leopards and Eagles, Lilies and Roses

You did this for your children to tap our inner Gnosis

Words not spoken, histories explained

Water of our brotherhood, washes away disdain

Always in my heart these memories I will keep

The eternal fire burns inside,  I will no longer sleep

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