The Immortal Egyptian Beetle

“Initiates of the Egyptian Mysteries were sometimes called scarabs; again, lions and panthers. The scarab was the emissary of the sun, symbolizing light, truth, and regeneration.” – Manly P. Hall

The sacred beetle reproduces itself without sexual contact with another beetle. They are the ultimate virgins of nature.

In ancient Egypt, the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer was represented under the form of a beetle whom they had held sacred for it represented the Sun/Son. The third form of Ra, the Sun-god, was Khepera the self-produced, whose type and symbol was a beetle. However the worship of the beetle was older than Ra in Egypt.

In the oldest of the Egyptian Zodiacs two Beetles were placed in this sign for we know that in 4000 BC, as we learn from the zodiacs of Denderah and Esne, it was is the emblem of the soul that had also represented the Egyptian mode of  immortality . (more…)

Historian uncovers secrets of the Reformation hidden in England’s oldest printed bible

The annotations were discovered in England’s first printed Bible, published in 1535 by Henry VIII‘s printer. It is one of just seven
surviving copies, and is housed in Lambeth Palace Library, London. The secrets hidden in the Lambeth Library copy were revealed during research by Dr Eyal Poleg, a historian from Queen Mary University of London.


Warrior King Uncovered in Yorkshire Iron Age Settlement

A warrior king buried almost 2,500 years ago has been discovered in an iron-age settlement unearthed at the foot of the Yorkshire warrior kingWolds. The remains of the burial ground is being hailed as one of the largest and most significant iron age finds of recent times.

In 2014 a housing developer stumbled upon the fossil site in the small market town of Pocklington in east Yorkshire, a find that is said to be of extreme “national and international significance”.

One of the most exciting discoveries was the “remarkably” well-preserved remains of a youthful warrior. Found in the cemetery and dated to 800 BC he had been ritually speared to “release his spirit” and lay in the ground next to his sword. (more…)

Ancient Manuscript Shows How Isaac Newton Was An Alchemist

An ancient 17th century manuscript describing the procedure for making mercury that was handwritten by Issac Newton proves he was issac newton
an alchemist. The original manuscript was first published in 1678.

Mercury is the famous substance that many alchemists thought could turn lead into gold. A process that is also known as the discovery of The Philosopher’s Stone, or the Elixir of Life. (more…)

Seek knowledge for pure love, and self-knowledge eventually crowns the effort

“The right motive for seeking self-knowledge, is the attainment of knowledge, and self-knowledge is worth seeking by virtue of its being esoteric knowledgeknowledge, and not by virtue of its pertaining to self.

The main requisite for acquiring self-knowledge is pure love.

Seek knowledge for pure love, and self-knowledge eventually crowns the effort.

The fact of someone growing impatient, is proof positive that they work for reward, and not for love.” ~ Helena Blavatsky

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