Crowley was a recreational drug experimenter and a social critic. In many of these roles he “was in revolt against the moral and religious values of his time”, espousing a form of libertinism based upon the rule of “Do What Thou Wilt“. Part of his philosophy of Thelema was the use of “sex magick” and the speculation about the sexual rituals that were practiced by the followers of Thelema has been a subject of fascination for many. Because of this, he gained widespread notoriety during his lifetime, and was denounced in the popular press of the day as “the wickedest man in the world.”
Crowley has remained an influential figure and is widely thought of as the most influential occultist of all time. References to him can be found in the works of numerous writers, musicians and filmmakers, and he has also been cited as a key influence on many later esoteric groups and individuals, including Kenneth Grant, Jack Parsons, Gerald Gardner, Robert Anton Wilson, and to some degree, Austin Osman Spare.
He is also frequently referred to as a Freemason, and it has been the subject of debate for many years. He was a member of many “Masonic-like” groups, including the Ordo templi Orientis, but the Grand Lodge of England does not recognize him as a Freemason because none of the organizations he belonged to were recognized Masonic bodies or lodges. All of the groups in which he was a member were irregular (clandestine) organizations.
Aleister Crowley was not a Freemason.
Todd E. Creason, 33° is the founder of the Midnight Freemasons blog and continues to be a regular contributor. He is the author of several books and novels, including the Famous American Freemasons series. He is member of Homer Lodge No. 199, and a Past Master of Ogden Lodge No. 754 (IL). He is a member of the Scottish Rite Valley of Danville, the York Rite Bodies of Champaign/Urbana (IL), the Ansar Shrine (IL), Eastern Illinois Council No. 356 Allied Masonic Degrees, and Charter President of the Illinnois High Twelve in Champaign-Urbana (IL).

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
im intrested in esoteric shit adn ocult shit but deifnatly do NOT want to take “Crawlys path” dose NOT LOOK HAPPY AT ALL and i have “autism” and he still looks unhappy AF, i dont think he was “evil” tho just “confused”
Just FYI Joshua, Daemons and Angles are one and the same. In regards to Crowley, he followed the Left Hand Path whom the Satanists follow and rebranded under the Church of Satan Inc. Sure, he may have been a Gnostic, but he didn’t always practice what he preaches in regards to Love is the Law, love under will. All one has to do is study his various torn and tattered relationships to see this fact. You do not throw sex around like it is some magickal toy and play with people’s souls if you are a true good angel or daemon. He was here to lead the ignorant to the dark and it looks like he did a mighty fine job. I’m not a Mason, but a Gnostic and a Christian. My ancestors started the brotherhood in Egypt and Greece that he had defamed and profaned for his own pathetic selfish gain. He is NOT one of us.
You don’t seem to posses enough information.
the “Do What Thou wilt shall be the whole of the law – LOVE is the law, LOVE under WILL” must be interpreted from a Qabbalah perspective, more specifically the practice of Gematria within the Qabbalistic teachings.
LOVE is AGAPE in Greek. The Greek did this thing where they attributed numbers to every letter, called isopsephy (this is what Gematria is as well). When we add up the letters in the word AGAPE we arrive at the number 93.
WILL is THELEMA in Greek. When we add up the letters in the word THELEMA we arrive at the number 93.
That’s why “LOVE” is under “WILL”. They’re two pieces from the same pie.
And that is why true occultists do not bother to say the whole Do What Thou Wilt phrase, but instead opt to say simply 93 93/93.
In addition, Crowley is the great Beast 666 because the word beast in Greek is THERION, the letters of which add up to the number 666, therefore the number of the beast is 666. Simple. Boring. The Bible knows all these things, and presents them in allegorical fashion that no one understands. Crowley did the exact same thing. Which is why he was “allowed” to start his own relgious society, because the allegories and symbolism was all correct. Can’t start a proper religion without it.
You forgot half the quote there as most Crowley haters seem to do. “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, love under will.” Wow, you people must have never studied much about his life or his works, everything about Crowley on this site is from the same school of Christian speculation and hearsay regarding him. He was an explorer of the spiritual realm. He was NOT a Satanist, but he did like to piss off Christians! if anything he was Gnostic himself. Yes, he summoned demons when he was younger as experiments, but he also reworked the Enochian Keys to summon Angels as well. Basically he put himself in danger so others didn’t have too. Yes he had a drug problem, but many great people do! I agree with quite a bit on here, but what’s really stupid about this site is how you act like Crowley was so evil, yet Albert Pike was so great, Pike was a Ku Klux Klansman for Christ’s sake!!! If anything Crowley taught a truer form of Gnosticism with less Christian crap attached to it!!! But then again, I’m Gnostic, not a Christian or a Mason…
Crowley was thrown out of the Order of the Golden Dawn for publishing their rituals and ending the secrecy of the order. He was thrown out of France for having a coffee pot that the police assumed was for making drugs. I do believe he was the one who at about six years old killed and skinned a cat. Not a nice person and from what I understand died crazy and without money. All that evil magick and using spirits who no doubt, in the end, were done with him and quite tired of his silly antics. I read once the way to invoke him was to cast a circle, sit in the middle of it with pot and beer and cocaine and spit and hiss insults, for his evil and aweful ass to appear. Don’t really know why anyone would try that. He took power and magick to such a dark and evil place. Yikes!!!!!!