In the Book of Revelation, the phrase “I am the alpha and the omega” is given as the title of Jesus (verses 1:8, 21:6, and 22:13). Jesus tells us that he is the Alpha and Omega, but he also refers to himself as the “morning star”, as it is written in Revelation 22:16: “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.”
It is clear that Jesus, the Son of God is not only telling us that he is the alpha and omega, but that he is also the morning star. These are biblical clues to the true nature of Jesus that are simply veiled in allegory and parables to keep hidden from the profane (uninitiated) until the time of the Apocalypse, which is now and simply means, “the unveiling.”
When I say that the bible is written allegorically, this basically means that what they had written and the actual spiritual meaning hidden in these words, are two different things. Hence, these bible passages are not to be taken literally, but metaphorically, because there is a secret meaning behind these allegories such as the “alpha and omega and the morning star.” I would like to help unveil this allegory for the sake of the Apocalypse.
In order to solve the meaning of the alpha and omega, let us first list some facts from my research on the morning star. What star could this be? In order to locate the answer to this biblical question, we must first look to the AS ABOVE in the heavens, to the stars and planets for our answer.
What stars or planets in ancient mythology have been called the morning star?
I had written about the morning star in a previous article, “What is the morning star? and Osiris The Morning Star.” The image to the left, is of the Ancient Egyptian God Osiris as the Green Man, with what I think is the morning star in between what appears to be two DNA strands in the left of the image.
In these articles, I explain that Venus is not the only morning star in our galaxy and that the planet Jupiter is also called the morning star. I have found that in ancient history, there was no planet that compared to the worship and adoration that was given to the planet Jupiter. This is why I have come to the conclusion, that this is the “allegorical morning star” often spoken of in the bible and that is truly a planet. This fact I can help confirm, in the bible passage: Job 38: 7, where it is said, “When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”
It is clear that in Job 38: 7, we are told that the “morning stars sang together.” Hence, there isn’t just one morning star or planet, but there are actually “two or more morning stars” that the bible is referring to, when it is said “the morning stars sang together.” As I mentioned above, these morning stars are actually both the planets of Jupiter, and Venus. The planet Jupiter has always been known as the father of the Gods, father of men and producer of kings on earth. The Greek Pharaoh, Alexander the Great was proclaimed as son of Jupiter Amon in Egypt and also the well-known Roman Caesars of Julius and Augustus had both said that Jupiter was their father and Venus their mother. The planet Venus was always associated with fertility and as the mother, and Jupiter as the father. Two planets, that in the bible are allegorically called the morning stars. Alexander, Julius, Augustus and Jesus would be the “sons of the God Jupiter” and ordained by the priesthood as kings and Messiah’s on earth, with the divine right to rule.
Another fact to help support my article, is that this past July 15, 2012 in the early morning hours, if you would have looked East, you could see with the naked eye, the morning stars of Venus and Jupiter in all their glory, in a grand alignment with the crescent moon. It’s as if the “morning stars sang together.” What I also find interesting, is that this alignment of the morning stars occurred in the month of July which was named by the Roman Senate in honor of the Roman general, Julius Caesar, it being the month of his birth. Prior to that, it was called Quintilis. (Wikipedia)
This makes sense, since much of the New Testament that we see today and the story of Jesus had originated from the early Roman Catholic Church. Julius Caesar was also a high priest in the Ancient Priesthood of Jupiter Amon that had first originated in the East, in Egypt and Greece. The same priesthood, in which Augustus Caesar after conquering Egypt would become the first true Pope (Pontifex Maximus) to begin the 6th Age. An age, in which there would be no more pharaohs that would rule from Egypt and Greece, but Popes, bishops, kings and knights spread around the world with the Roman Empire in the West and Byzantine Empire in the East.
NOTE TO MY READERS: The reason I detailed some of my research above on the morning stars is because there is a strong connection between these morning stars and the alpha and omega of the bible, and also the planet Jupiter that I will explain to you below.
The Father of English history and Doctor of the Catholic Church, Saint Bede had written this about the alpha and omega; “He is the beginning Whom no one precedes, the end Whom no one succeeds in His kingdom.” Clement of Alexandria (2nd century, philosopher and commentator on pagan and Christian information) speaks of the Word as “the Alpha and the Omega of Whom alone the end becomes beginning, and ends again at the original beginning without any break”
When I look to the Lord and the beautiful world around me created through him, I look to nature and also to the animal kingdom. In observing nature, its cycles, its science and its laws, I have found that it too has an alpha and an omega. This same alpha and omega is also found in all animal life. An alchemical beginning and an end, that is the natural cycle of evolution on earth. This alpha and omega that all life depends on, I have identified as the chemical energy that we know of today under the Greek word, ‘phosphorus.’
This alpha and omega of nature, that we know of today as phosphorus, is known in Latin as Lucifer. The great alchemist knew of the alpha and omega as the philosopher’s stone. I have written about phosphorus, Lucifer and the philosopher’s stone in my articles; Who is Lucifer?, The Philosopher’s Stone and Blood Alchemy: Red Blood of Lucifer
Phosphorus is a nonmetallic chemical element with symbol P and atomic number 15.
A multivalent pnictogen, phosphorus as a mineral is almost always present in its maximally oxidised state, as inorganic phosphate rocks. It is from these phosphate rocks, that all life truly evolves. Phosphorus enters the environment from native rocks or possibly meteorites from space that landed upon earth many tens of thousands, and possibly millions of years ago. It is from these ancient life-giving rocks and mountains that deposit the phosphate sediment into the ocean and waters of the earth, in which science has stated all life comes from water. Then from this water the plants, fish, animals and mammals etc. are born and feed off this natural system of ecology; that places this phosphate rock that produces phosphorus, as the true alpha and omega of the planet earth.
Below is an image of this process of nature, that shows the cycle of phosphorus from the phosphate rock to water life, and then plant and animal life.
Here is another good image of this process.
Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for all life forms and is stored primarily in soil and sediment. Phosphorus is an essential component of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism (i.e. uptake and transport of nutrients); deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms; and ribonucleic acid (RNA) which is important for protein synthesis in plants and animals.(1)
Phosphorus is a very important chemical that is in our very own DNA. Phosphorus is essential for all life on earth and the phosphate is a component of DNA, RNA, ATP, and also the phospholipids that form all cell membranes. Simply put, without phosphorus, we humans would simply not be human, because consciousness and our spiritual energy would not exist. It is through our DNA which contains phosphorus, that we become conscious to the world and who we are in order to live in the light. Please notice the images below of DNA and phosphorus, and how it relates to the ancient image above of Osiris where I had referenced what appears to be DNA and the morning star.
This thermal image below, shows the actual process of phosphorus in our blood and proves the firing action that happens within our blood, or maybe we should now say, “God had said, let there be, and there was light.”
Here is an explanation below of how phosphate is not irreversibly consumed in these natural processes of life and can be recycled indefinitely. Hence, it is the immortal substance of all life on earth and possibly the universe. This is why its is the true alpha and omega.
Structurally, phosphorus occurs as phospholipids, which are a major component of most biological membranes, and as nucleotides and nucleic acids. The functional roles include: (1) the buffering of acid or alkali excesses, hence helping to maintain normal pH; (2) the temporary storage and transfer of the energy derived from metabolic fuels; and (3) by phosphorylation, the activation of many catalytic proteins. Since phosphate is not irreversibly consumed in these processes and can be recycled indefinitely, the actual function of dietary phosphorus is first to support tissue growth (either during individual development or through pregnancy and lactation) and, second, to replace excretory and dermal losses. In both processes it is necessary to maintain a normal level of Pi in the extracellular fluid (ECF), which would otherwise be depleted of its phosphorus by growth and excretion.
Phosphate is the only chemical energy that remains of us humans when we die. It is essential when we are born as the alpha, and when we die as the omega. Hence, you will find no other chemical energy that can compare to phosphate and phosphorus as the true alpha and omega of ALL life.
Alpha and Omega, alpha (α or Α) and omega (ω or Ω). They are the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet and are an appellation of Christ or of God in the Book of Revelation.
This symbol was suggested by the Apocalypse, where many believe that Christ, as well as the Father, is “the First and the Last” (ii, 8); “the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end” (cf., xxii, 13; i, 8). These couple of letters are used as Christian symbols, and are often combined with the Cross, Chi-rho, or other Christian symbols. Below is an image of the Chi-Rho with a wreath symbolizing the victory of the Resurrection, above Roman soldiers, circa 350. (Wikipedia)
Although modern representations of the Chi-Rho sign represent the two lines crossing at ninety degree angles, the early examples of the Chi-Rho cross at an angle that is more vividly representative of the chi formed by the solar ecliptic path and the celestial equator.
As I stated above, the first and the last letters of the Greek alphabet represent the Alpha and Omega, alpha (α or Α) and omega (ω or Ω), and are also an appellation of Christ or of God in the Book of Revelation. What is an interesting fact today, is the connection that we can find in the symbology of the alpha and omega, to that of science. Connections, that simply help validate the facts I have set forth in this article. For example, the Omega in science can be found under the minuscule letter ω is used as a symbol that in Biochemistry and chemistry:
* Denotes the carbon atom furthest from the carboxyl group of a fatty acid.
* In biochemistry, for one of the RNA Polymerase subunits.
* In biochemistry, for the dihedral angle associated with the peptide group, involving the backbone atoms Cα-C’-N-Cα
* In genomics, as a measure of evolution at the protein level (also denoted as dN/dS or Ka/Ks ratio).
What you may find interesting, is the fact that phosphorus is contained in the fatty tissues of the body and is also as I mentioned above, is an important factor in our DNA and RDNA. It also plays a huge part in the evolution of all life on earth, because it is the ONLY chemical on earth that can be recycled indefinitely!
The symbology of the Chi-Rho is most familiar in Plato‘s Timaeus, where it is explained that the two bands which form the “world soul” or anima mundi cross each other like the letter chi. The meaning of world soul (Greek: ψυχή κόσμου, Latin: Anima mundi) is;
The world soul, according to several systems of thought, an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet, which relates to our world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body. The idea originated with Plato and was an important component of most Neoplatonic systems: Therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence … a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related. (Wikipedia)
The teachings of the Theosophical Society and Madame Blavatsky had written this in regards to Jupiter and The Soul of the World, or “Anima Mundi;”
Q. Are they inferior according to the size of the planet or inferior in quality?
A. The latter, as we are taught. You see the ancients lacked our modern, and especially theological, conceit, which makes of this little speck of mud of ours something ineffably grander than any of the stars and planets known to us. If, for instance, Esoteric Philosophy teaches that the “Spirit” (collectively again) of Jupiter is far superior to the Terrestrial Spirit, it is not because Jupiter is so many times larger than our earth, but because its substance and texture are so much finer than, and superior to, that of the earth. And it is in proportion to this quality that the Hierarchies of respective “Planetary Builders” reflect and act upon the ideations they find planned for them in the Universal Consciousness, the real great Architect of the Universe.
Q. The Soul of the World, or “Anima Mundi”?
A. Call it so, if you like. It is the Antitype of these Hierarchies, which are its differentiated types. The one impersonal Great Architect of the Universe is Mahat, the Universal Mind. And Mahat is a symbol, an abstraction, an aspect which assumed a hazy, entitative form in the all-materializing conceptions of men.
The connection between the alpha and omega, phosphorus, the chi-rho and world soul, should be more than obvious for those with an eye to see. As I explained above, the morning star Jupiter in the heavens of the AS ABOVE and the alpha omega, and phosphorus here on earth in the SO BELOW, appear to be connected and/or one and the same. In many of my articles that I have written before, I have detailed this research with such facts, that Jupiter was worshiped under a variety of different names and forms depending on the country and language as the King of the Gods throughout ancient history. No other planet or star compares to the glory given to this one planet.
The reason being, that Jupiter is truly the King of Gods and of the planets because it gives the universe the essential life-giving light substance or Anima Mundi here on earth, called phosphorus. A chemical energy, that we can now prove with science as the true alpha and omega, that also helps form the consciousness of all human life. A substance, that was spoken about in the bible and that we know of today in science, as the chemical energy phosphorus.
An energy and fire, that has been worshiped by secret societies under such figures as Lucifer and Baphomet. A fire, that is derived throughout the earth in the form of the phosphate rock. The true Alpha and Omega of all life here on earth and also the heavens.
I AM the truth and I AM the light. I AM the Alpha and Omega. I AM phosphorus.
Isaiah 44:6 – “This is what the LORD says– Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.”
1. University of Minnesota
2. Other sources are listed and or linked to in yellow
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
I think you’re exactly on point with your linking Jesus to Alexander the Great. This is exceedingly evident when John quotes Jesus as saying “I am the Alpha and Omega”. “Alpha” in modern Hebrew and in ancient Greek isn’t pronounced “Alpha” but “Alesh” or “Αλέξ”, which is Alex in Greek. And “Omega” sounds exactly like “o Mega” or “Ο Μέγα”, which is Greek for “the Great”.
Consider the following:
IF… Ptolomaeus was, in fact, the son of Alexander the Great, then Cleopatra VII was as she claimed, descended from Alexander the Great, his fifth removed granddaughter…
IF… Caesarion, the son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra, wasn’t really slain by Augustus Caesar as Roman history indicates, but rather survived as Egyptian history indicates the 11 year-old boy Augustus killed was an impostor the Egyptians were able to put forward because no Roman had seen Caesarion since he was a baby when Cleopatra had him whisked off to India for his protection immediately following Julius Caesar’s assassination…
IF… Caesarion did eventually secretly return home to Egypt after his mother’s death and went on to marry another exiled royal, a high born Jewess of the House of David whose nobility in the line of Israelite kings had been deposed…
IF… Their issue included a girl named Hannah, who had three daughters, the eldest of whom was called Mary, who bore a son out of Egypt unto the City of David…
THEN, the Son of David would also be Son of Alexander and could rightly proclaim, I am of Alexander the Great: εγώ είμαι του Αλεξ ο Μεγα; which sounds exactly like, I am Alpha & Omega: εγώ είμαι το Αλεξ, Ωμέγα. Furthermore, the prophecies about Jesus being Lord of Lords, King of Kings, etc., isn’t just metaphoric or in some spiritual or heavenly sense, it becomes quite literal and true.
While such thinking may seem far fetched to some, I don’t think that it actually is given history. It very well explains why many Romans and Jews were generally indifferent to Jesus, while some Romans and Jews reacted so severely to the extreme befuddlement of their peers. If it was known in some circles that Caesarion was of Alexander the Great (as well as Julius Caesar and Cleopatra) and that he lived and had children, that would be a serious threat to the Roman Empire. If those children also happened to be with a potential progenitor of a would-be King of Israel, that would also seriously threaten the status quo of Jewish government. All that is regardless of whether or not anyone believes Jesus is divine. And, what then when those people in the know or who believe in its very real possibility come across a man whose statements match little known facts and who fits the bill in age, resemblance, background, etc.? Would they not be have to react quickly and harshly to try and quash the possibility of subversion by this person proving His claims, proof they could not predict? Would not such reaction appear oddly disproportionate and out of character from the outside? Was this not the reaction to Jesus, with some highly reputable people coming down with a lethally heavy hand, and other highly reputable people as bystanders left scratching their heads wondering why?