The Amorites (Sumerian MAR.TU, Akkadian Tidnum or Amurrūm, Egyptian Amar, Hebrew אמורי ʼĔmōrī, Ancient Greek Αμορίτες) were a tribe who could be found in literature, residing in such places as the Land of Canaan, land of Amurru and the Land of the Amorites. On the Ancient Egyptian monuments, the Amorite is called ‘Amar (Amarii)’ and in the cuneiform tablets of Tel el-Amarna, they are referred to as the Amurra. The Babylonians had called this area of Canaan in Syria-Palestine, “the land of the Amorites” and sometime referred to them as ‘Westerners.’ In the bible, the Amorites are physically described as a powerful people of great stature “like the height of the cedars,” (Amos 2:9).
Some evidence of the ancient Amorites was found in one of their old main cities called, ‘Mari’ which is located in modern-day Syria on the Euphrates. Today, the city of Mari is known under the modern name of ‘Tall al-Ḥarīrī.’ Mari was also known to be the ancient city of the Sumerians. The ancient texts found in this city date from 18B.C. and are written in the Akkadian-language, and refer to the Amorites by the name of the warlike tribe, ‘Banuyamina.’ The meaning of the compound Hebrew name, Banu- Yamina is another form of the English name, Benjamin. Benjamin was one of the Tribes of Israel
Both names meaning, “the Son of the right hand” as described when Moses delivered Israel from Pharaoh, he became the right hand of God. In Colossians 1:16 – “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether [they be] thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him;” Christ also ascended to heaven and sat down in the place of authority at the right hand of God as written in Peter 3:22 – Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.
The Amorites had ruled the kingdom that the Egyptians had called, “the Land of Amurru;”
this land would become known biblically as the “Land of Canaan.” Please compare the map below of Canaan, with the map above of the “Land of Amurru.” It is obvious, that they are one and the same maps but just with different “names of tribes and of the land.” Again, the reason is because one name, the Land of Amurru is based on the truth from actual Egyptian texts, and the other name, the Land of Canaan is also based on truth, but is a biblical name coded in allegory.
The Land of Amurru and Land of Canaan would also be known under another name, “Land of the Phoenicians.” This designation had come down to us from the Greeks and is confirmed in Assyrian inscriptions from about 1100 bc, where the term Amurru designated part of Syria and all of Phoenicia and Palestine, but no longer referred to any specific kingdom, language, or population.
The Amorites in the Bible are often referred to as, “certain highland mountaineers who inhabited the Land of Canaan,’ which I have already established above, is also known in history by the names of the Land of Amaruu and the Land of the Phoenicians. In other passages, we find the Amorites located in the southern mountain country of Canaan such as in Genesis 15:16, 48:22, Joshua 24:15, Judges 1:34, etc. The name Amorite is regarded as synonymous with “Canaanite”—only “Amorite” is never used for the population on the coast. They are described as a powerful people of great stature “like the height of the cedars,” (Amos 2:9) By the time of the Second Temple, “Canaanite” in Hebrew had come to be not an ethnic designation, so much as a general synonym for “merchant”, as it is interpreted in, for example, Job 40:30, or Proverbs 31:24. (Wikipedia) Hence, when we see various tribes such as the Amorites and Canaanites, we must not immediately assume that they are of a different race from one another.
You will find, the Amorites in the Old Testament are often associated with another tribe called the Hittites. In fact, these tribes had merged under the banner of ‘Jerusalem‘ as seen in Ezekiel (xvi. 3, 45) where it is written, “the mother of Jerusalem was a Hittite, and its father an Amorite.”Meaning, the tribes of the Amorites and Hittites had merged under the new banner of Jerusalem. According to the Biblical tradition, King David established the city as the capital of the united Kingdom of Israel and his son, King Solomon commissioned the building of the First Temple. In Ezekiel 16:1, Jerusalem is said to be the daughter of a Hittite mother and an Amorite father, sister of Samaria and Sodom. A century later, Ezra is dismayed to learn, on his arrival from Babylon, that the leaders who had remained on the land had been “polluted” by mixing with other people, including the Hittites. (Wikipedia)
The Hittites “dwell in the mountains”, together with the Jebusites, Amorites, and Perizzites; whereas the Canaanites live “on the east and on the west”, on the coast of Jordan, and the Amalekites live “in the south.” This gives us a biblical connection between the Amorites and Hittites, who both of these tribes had occupied the mountainous regions in whatever country they had inhabited; whereas the Canaanites live “on the east and on the west”, which we can say would be the coastal regions. By the time of the Second Temple, “Canaanite” in Hebrew had come to be not an ethnic designation, so much as a general synonym for “merchant”, as it is interpreted in, for example, Job 40:30, or Proverbs 31:24. (Wikipedia)
The term “Canaanites” in the Old Testament was normally applied to the inhabitants of the lower coastal regions of the Land of Canaan, as opposed to the inhabitants of the mountainous regions like that of the Amorites who I had mentioned above are often referred to in the bible as, “certain highland mountaineers in the land of Canaan.” Hence, I believe that the Amorites were related to the Canaanites and their names are more related to their functions in government. The Land of Canaan was a massive area that bordered from Sidon, to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lash, and it was also composed of the five seas of the Land of Canaan which were; the Mediterranean or the Great Sea, the Dead Sea, the Sea of Tiberias, the Samorchonite Sea or Lake, and the Sea of Jazer. Hence, the Land of Canaan gave birth to almost all the area nations and cities of this region surrounding these five large seas.
In the etymology of Amorite, we find it is a compound word that is actually a combination of the four words, Am or Om, ma, ri or ry and ite.
The word Am or Om is also written universally as ॐ; in Devanagari as ओं oṃ [õː], औं auṃ [ə̃ũ], or ‘ओ३म्’ om [õːm]. The mantra “OM” is the name of God, the vibration of the Supreme and the Hindus regard ‘om’ as a sacred mystic syllable, considered the most sacred mantra. It appears at the beginning and end of most Sanskrit recitations, prayers, and texts.(2) In Buddhist texts of East Asian provenance, om is often written as the Chinese character 唵 (pinyin ǎn) or 嗡 (pinyin wēng). The Om represents all the sounds that the human voice can make, and when taken letter by letter, A-U-M represents the divine energy (Shakti) united in its three elementary aspects: Bhrahma Shakti (creation), Vishnu Shakti (preservation) and Shiva Shakti (liberation, and/or destruction).
The meaning of ‘ma’ is mother.
NOTE ON ‘MA’ WORSHIP: It is written that in southern Cappadocia, also known as Caphtor in the bible, and today is known as the Island of Crete, was the stronghold of the worship of Ma who is also known as the goddess, Enyo. Enyo (Greek: Ἐνυώ, English translation: “warlike” in Greek mythology) She was an ancient goddess of war, acting as a counterpart and companion to the war god Ares. She is also identified as his sister, and daughter of Zeus and Hera. It is also said that these priests of Ma had rivaled the king himself in power, and at the time of Strabo’s visit to Crete, the Priests of Ma who are also known as the Curetes, Corbynites and Capadoneans were said to be numbered at over six thousand. Hence, it appears that many of them may have been warrior priests trained in magic and the art of war and who later became the Druids in Ireland, Scotland, Gaul and Britain.
The meaning of ‘ri’ is queen.
The meaning of ‘ite’ is the forming names denoting natives of a country and also the followers of a movement, doctrine, etc.
It is interesting that we can study modern written history and find two of the most powerful tribes ever; the Sumerians and the Amorites, who had both occupied the ancient city called ‘Mari.’ What is even more interesting, is that their tribal names of Su-Meri-An and A-Mori-tes appear to contain the name of “Meri or Mary.” In addition to these facts, both the Sumerians and the Amorites were known to be fair-skinned, tall in stature and with blonde or red hair, and also with blue or green eyes. They come from the same place, they have very similar names, and the physical descriptions given on both these tribes describe them as looking identically alike one another.
The people called the Sumerians had depicted themselves as tall with blue eyes. These facts are found in several statuettes and figurines from the Ancient Sumerians, who are also painted similarly in frescoes and sculptures as well. The Egyptian Eighteenth Dynasty represented “the Amurri” in the same fashion in their hieroglyphs as tall, fair skin, and with blue eyes. It is also interesting, that early Rome was said to be populated by a tall, blue-eyed race. This fact goes along with my article, The Umbri, who were a tribe that I believe were from Crete and who had settled in Italy sometime in the 1500B.C.-500 B.C. centuries. The same tribe and family, who Pliny had said,“the Greeks had called them the people of the thunderstorm because they survived the deluge.”
With these simple facts, we can reason that they were all most likely one and the same, or somehow related by blood due to the physical similarities between these tribes. Therefor, we can safely theorize that the historical Sumerians are related to the biblical Amorites and they would be the historical Sumerians who later would be known in Italy as the Umbri (Ombri, Kymry, Cimry etc). Hence, they are the same people (Race and Tribe) or from the same original stock DNA Tree, but with two different stories in his-story attributed to them from two different competing sources, where the latter would have a political and religious agenda, and the former is simply the truth of history written in stone.
They were the Sons and Daughters of God who sat at his right hand from the Ancient Land of Amaruu, also known in the bible as the Land of Canann and to the Greeks as the Land of Phoenicia who later joined the Kingdom of Israel as servants to the King under the biblical Hebrew name of, ‘Banuyamina,’ who are known in English as the “Benjamites or the “Tribe of Benjamin.” The Tribe of Benjamin was a part of the Israelite tribes who were spared and allowed to marry women of another town, whose husbands had been killed, to enable the tribe to continue.
They would go on to inhabit various countries with their religion and the doctrines of the Goddess of War, who is at times named Ma, Enyo, Rhea, Ishtar and or Isis. Ptolemy had called her the Goddess of a thousand names who they made Queen of the earth. In English we know her name as, “Mary or Mari.”
“And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God” – Acts 7:56
“Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.” – 1 Peter 3:22
Hence, the Amorites are still alive, and well………….

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
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