Did you know that Jesus may have been a powerful Gnostic magician who terrified and killed some people in his village who angered him? Did you also know that a schoolmaster named ‘Levi’ had slapped him for being disrespectful to his authority?
Allegedly, the chaos and ruckus that Jesus had caused with his magic in his hometown got so bad that his father Joseph declared that the Lord would be on house arrest when he said;
“Henceforth, we will not allow him to go out of the house; for everyone who displeases him is killed.”
Today, you will discover this secret story of Jesus in the British Museum. The story is told on what is known as the “Tring Tiles” which date from the early 14th century and illustrates the scenes from Jesus’ alleged childhood that are said to be of English, or Norman manufacture. (Norman-Anglo-Saxon Old Guard) using a 14th-century art technique known as graffito.
The images on the tiles were said to be based on the Sacred Writings of the Apocrypha the New Testament which was originally translated by The Ante-Nicene Fathers and was very popular in the 14th century. These specific designs are thought to be derived from the Apocryphal Gospels via a French manuscript in the Bodleian Library in Oxford University.
The tiles were presumably once wall-mounted at St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church at Tring near London and is also said to be called the “Tring Parish Church” located on “Frogmore Street.”
Nobody knows exactly how many tiles there are in existence, but there are currently eight tiles on display at The British Museum and two in the Victoria and Albert Museum.
We can see in one image in the lower right on the tile shows Jesus entering school, on the right and in the next tile he is standing directly in front of his teacher who is named ‘Levi’ from whom he receives a slap on the face.
You may ask, “Why in the hell would anyone want to slap Jesus?” – I did not learn about that in Sunday school or in my newly edited 666th version of the New Testament Bible.
The reason is that these are the stories that became “banned and unlawful” by Rome and the Church through the Roman Curia to distribute so they did not make the cut in the editing process of the Old and New Testaments but were still considered “sacred” by the early Church Fathers. They are collectively known as the “Infancy Gospels,” written in Syriac, Arabic, and Greek which relates to us Jesus’ childhood acts or more appropriately – “magic acts.”
Even though many theologians and Christian researchers may have never heard of these writings, these books were still being taught and distributed in various parts of the world by what appears to be an Orthodox Greek and Russian conspiracy with the help of the English Anglican Church to keep these teachings for their descendants.
I believe the reason being is that they contain a treasure trove of the knowledge and Gnosis of the secret mysteries of the early church and also the fact that Jesus appears to be a superhero type of Gnostic – prodigal son who is portrayed as a magician with supernatural powers who heals and kills people with his magic.
The Jesus we find in these stories appears here not as the Prince of Peace who loves thy neighbor and turns the other cheek when slapped. No, Jesus is portrayed as a boy with supernatural knowledge (Gnosis) and magic whose abilities can easily debate and beat his elder schoolmasters and also kill his foes at will.
It is clear as day that Jesus is a warrior priest who can get just as angry as an “an eye for an eye” Old Testament or Greek God.
In one of the images on the Tiles, Mary and Joseph stand behind Jesus giving hand salutes with Joseph respectively with the Right Hand representing the Father and Mary the Left Hand -the Holy Spirit. We are shown a depiction of how even beasts like the Wolf had known Jesus, the Son but men knew him not.
He takes his Left Hand and touches the Left Hand of a man behind him, then Jesus proclaims;
“These beasts know me: but men know me not.”
To many people, the idea of the Lord Jesus being some type of “bad boy” who declares wolves as his friends and men as his foes and then practices magic and is feared by almost everyone in his community might seem totally reprehensible. But that is exactly what these stories of Jesus’ early childhood portray.
In fact, he absolutely amazed the learned elder teachers of his village with his knowledge and he copletely terrified the profane children and parents of his village with his magical abilities.
For example, we are told that Jesus kills a boy who bumped into him with his words and magic. In the gospels, a boy running down the street bumps into Jesus, knocking him down and in the Tring tile series, the event happens in a classroom. After the boy bumps into Jesus, he angrily condemns the boy to death when he declares:
“As thou has thrown me down, so shalt thou fall, nor ever rise. And that moment the boy fell down and died.”
News about Jesus began to spread around the village and the people truly began to fear him. The story goes that when a group of parents saw him coming up the street one day, they hid their children in a large oven.
Jesus asked the parents, “What was in the oven?”
They replied, “Little pigs.”
Jesus then said, “So be it.” And when the oven was opened, they found that the children were gone and only piglets remained.”
The facts are that the children were morphed into pigs by Jesus stating, “So be it.”
In another scene from the tiles, it shows how Jesus treats bullies with “zero tolerance.”
Here we clearly witness Jesus making some nice round circles which are said to be pools beside the river large with what looks like a large Masonic compass. More evidence for Freemasons and theologians that the family of Jesus were not only Priests and teachers but also Chaos magicians who were the original master builders ie: Freemasons.
Hence, “We started the Brotherhood.”
Jesus then proclaimed the death penalty on the boy who was the son of Annas the Scribe when he said, “In like manner as this water has vanished, so shall thy life vanish;” and the boy died.
This same “destructive boy” who dies is associated with Satan in the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew where it is written;
“Then one of the children, the son of the Devil, and of an envious mind, shut up the channels which supplied water to the pools, and overthrew what Jesus had made. Then Jesus said unto him, Woe unto thee, son of death, Son of Satan. Does thou destroy the works which I have wrought? And straightway he who had done this died.”
It appears that the retribution dished out by Jesus seems to exceed the limits of moral justice where the offense did not warrant the death penalty even when compared to the Old Law of the slaves which allowed “an eye for an eye” and today we have the “Rule of Law” which only allows the state to administer justice.
In the next scene, it looks like his mother Mary instructs him to follow the light of the True God of the Most High with her Right Hand raised to the heavens as it shows Jesus with his right hand also raised with his left foot on the ground than restoring the boy back to life with magic using his right foot.
I believe the placing of the arms, hands, legs, and feet in these tiles play a huge role in the secret message they were trying to communicate to the initiates of their sacred bloodline via DNA Gnosis. Magic and Gnosis that the profane ie: uninitiated would not have understood and would have been absolutely terrified of Jesus’s supernatural abilities.
In one scene of the Tring tiles, a boy jumps on Infant Jesus’ shoulder. That angered the young Jesus so he kills him. The parents who are pictured on the right then come and complain to Joseph who has a talk with his son Jesus who then with his magic, revives the boy, who is next seen walking off to the right.
This may be the reason why the tiles show outraged village parents who came to Joseph complaining of Jesus’ atrocious acts. They demanded that something is done about the boy.
Joseph then attempted to admonish Jesus, but when Jesus discovered that the parents had complained about him, he used his magical powers to strike them blind.
In this story, it is obvious that although the knowledge (Gnosis) and intelligence of Jesus had easily exceeded that of the elders in his village, he lacked self-control which contributed to his rage and his unjust retribution against those who angered him. It was at this time that Joseph was persuaded by a schoolmaster named Zaccheus that the young Jesus should be sent to school where he might learn both discipline and literacy and more.
The secret story of the Bad Boy Jesus will be continued…

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Even in the bible Jesus is kind of messed up. He killed a tree for no reason. He confused people with instructions contradictory. He attacked the money changers. He said lies to convey his own so called truth. He went against the will of God and said the old testament is obsolete. The man would put his spit on peoples eyes and said you are healed. Seriously in real life manifestations of him. He is messed up. And he is not God. God wants the world to end. Jesus wants us all to continue in this chaos and misery. He did not want to go to the cross. Those jews knew he was a bad boy. He killed so he got killed. How God worked out a way of salvation to him on the cross like that is a total mystery to me. No one wants to hear cut off your hand and gouge out your eye if it offends you. That is grotesque. And run around naked seeking the kingdom of God and forsake earthly things in this life
There is no J in the Hebrew, so therefore Jesus could be someone else, the real name is Isu or Yeshua, or Christ. Masons and other cults always trying to keep people far from the truth, if the Bible it is true, then no point talking anything as the prophecy has to be fulfilled.
Christ did not cured people, from His own words they cured themselves because they believed, as every one of us have the Spirit of Father. Another thing:
John 8:1-11 New Living Translation (NLT)
A Woman Caught in Adultery
8 Jesus returned to the Mount of Olives, 2 but early the next morning he was back again at the Temple. A crowd soon gathered, and he sat down and taught them. 3 As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd.
4 “Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?”
6 They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. 7 They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” 8 Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.
9 When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. 10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”
11 “No, Lord,” she said.
And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”
So what do we understand from this is that Jesus didn’t condemned her either because he knew he wasn’t without sin, hence we are born in sin. If people would pay more attention to details they would see a lot more than it is written… TRUTH WILL ALWAYS STAND ON IT’S OWN! TRUTH doesn’t need to be defended.