The Secret Science of Humans Created from Clay (Dust)

The Secret Science of Humans Created from Clay (Dust)

We humans have been shaped through our DNA, life, and death that came from the dust and where we will all return. Unbroken chains of ancient DNA that the records of our lost history that can be found in the dust into eternal life.

This secret science of humans created from dust, mud, clay has been written about and encoded into the history of many nations by many of the world’s greatest philosophers, historians, and scientists. From Ancient Egypt to the Phoenicians, Greece, China, and to the Abrahamic Scriptures of the Christians and Arabs, all claim from their earliest of histories that man was made or molded from the earth (dust, dirt, clay, or mud).

To many people who read these creation stories, they appear to be fiction told in the form of a myth. Impossible claims of our human origins that could never be true. But with the advent of modern science and some of the discoveries made in the last five decades, we are learning that these stories told for thousands of years are most likely true.

Even today, hardcore atheists and scientists like Richard Dawkins have suggested human beings were born when mud led to the creation of the famous DNA double helix and life itself. He had written that mud n the form of clay, may have learned to replicate, and eventually the process led to the creation of the famous DNA double helix and life itself.

This statement is coming from a man who built much of his career by criticizing God, religion, and believers who to him, qualify as a delusion, which he defined in his 2006 book, The God Delusion. In fact, he considers faith or belief that is not based on evidence—as “one of the world’s great evils”.

But regardless of Dawkins’ criticisms and his disbelief of religion are the facts that some of the great stories found in the Abrahamic religions are starting to be inadvertently verified by modern science as true. So much so they may cause the worlds’ most outspoken and famous atheist to be forced to do an about-face and recognize the truths found in the Scriptures to become not just a believer, but a knower.

As I explained in my previous article, The History of Humans Created From Mud and Clay, one of the earliest writers to detail this science of what is called Môt was the Phoenician historian and a priest of Byblos (City of the Book/Bible), Sanchuniathon (Phoenician: 𐤎𐤊𐤍𐤉𐤕𐤍), whose works were later translated by Philo of Byblos into Greek. Sanchuniathon refers to a great wind which merged with its parents, and that connection was called ‘Desire’ (πόθος). From its connection, Môt or Mud was produced from the fermentation (putrefaction) of a watery mixture, and out of this came every germ of creation and the generation of the universe including animals and humans.

From the teachings of Môt or Mud by Sanchuniathon, and the various histories from almost all cultures of the world telling a very similar story, we have various philosophers, scientists, and authors who have speculated and commented on this subject. The original belief was that various insects and animals could be spontaneously generated from putrified (fungal colonized/rotting/decayed) matter.

Writing in the 17th century, theologian and historian, Alexander Ross, had said;

“[May one] doubt whether, in cheese and timber, worms are generated, or, if beetles and wasps, in cow’s dung, or if butterflies, locusts, shellfish, snails, eels, and suchlike be procreated of putrefied matter, which is apt to receive the form of that creature to which it is by the formative power disposed. To question this is to question reason, sense, and experience. If he doubts of this, let him go to Egypt, and there he will find the fields swarming with mice begot of the mud of the Nylus [Nile], to the great calamity of the inhabitants.” (Alexander Ross, Arcana Microcosmi, 1652.)

Charles Darwin stated in The Origin of Species that “all the organic beings which have ever lived on this Earth may be descended from some primordial form”. In 1837, Darwin was convinced that “the intimate relation of Life with laws of chemical combination, and the universality of latter render spontaneous generation not improbable” but he rejected the idea that putrefaction of preexisting organic compounds could lead to the appearance of organisms.  As he wrote in 1839 in his Fourth Notebook, “My theory leaves quite untouched the question of spontaneous generation.”

 The German geologist Heinrich George Bronn, who translated Darwin’s The Origin of Species, in , added another chapter of his own to the book discussing spontaneous generation in the context of Darwin’s theory. Shortly thereafter, Bronn published an essay arguing that Darwin’s theory was incomplete until it could account for the origin of life, in which he provided the research of Priestley, Pouchet, and others who have provided evidence of spontaneous generation.

The famous British biologist, Thomas Henry Huxley, also known as “Darwin’s Bulldog” for his advocacy of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution asserted that life could be generated from inorganic chemicals in his book Protoplasm: The Physical Basis of Life (1869). The British physicist John Tyndall in his “Belfast Address” of 1874 also stated that life could be generated from inorganic chemicals.

What is fascinating as it relates to our modern era is that science has already validated Sanchuniathon’s theory that all life came from the fermentation (putrefaction) of a watery mixture or what we simply call “molds or fungi.” For example, in 2003, researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital showed that clay helps RNA form. Harvard Medical School Professor of Genetics Jack Szostak said, “It’s exciting because we know that a particular clay mineral helps with the assembly of RNA.”

Today, all living organisms store and transmit hereditary information using both DNA and RNA composed of four kinds of subunits known as nucleotides that determine the sequence of amino acids in proteins, which is the central mechanism in all of biology. (The Origin of the Universe, Earth, and Life)

Experiments conducted under conditions intended to resemble those present on primitive Earth have resulted in the production of some of the chemical components of proteins, DNA, and RNA. Some of these molecules also have been detected in meteorites from outer space and in interstellar space by astronomers using radio-telescopes. Scientists have concluded that the “building blocks of life” could have been available early in Earth’s history.

A 2013 study found that clay (dried mud) might have been the birthplace of life on Earth. Researchers from the Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science discovered that clay forms a hydrogel — a mass of microscopic spaces capable of soaking up liquids like a sponge. Over billions of years, chemicals confined in those spaces could have carried out the complex reactions that formed proteins, DNA, and eventually all the machinery that makes a living cell work, which protected those chemical processes until the membrane that surrounds living cells developed.

The researchers told the journal Scientific Reports that clay acts as a breeding laboratory for tiny molecules and chemicals which it ‘absorbs like a sponge’ and over billions of years the chemicals react with each other to form proteins, DNA and, eventually, living cells.

It is important to understand that it is not the actual particles of dirt or dust that mix with water to become clay that forms all life, but it is most likely the microbes that make up the earth’s soils that create life forms. Dust doesn’t absorb nutrients and or DNA. It is the microrganisms within and that make the dust that are able to absorb all matter aropund them.

This why researchers have discovered that it was most likely fungi that first colonized the surface of the earth leading to the beginnings of a soil system that still functions today. Fungi were some of the first complex life forms on land, mining rocks for mineral nourishment, slowly turning them into what would become soil. Fungi probably colonized the land during the Cambrian, over 500 million years ago, (Taylor & Osborn, 1996).

According to an article published on, “Fungi Are Responsible For Life On Land As We Know It.

“Fungi are absolutely remarkable chemists,” says McMaster University biochemistry professor Gerry Wright.  Fungi produce molecules that humans still can’t reproduce in a lab, and we’re only beginning to scrape the surface of what we can learn from them.

“[Fungi] are the garbage disposal agents of the natural world,” according to Cardiff University biosciences professor Lynne Boddy. “They break down dead, organic matter and by doing that they release nutrients and those nutrients are then made available for plants to carry on growing.”

“It’s how everything is reborn,” says Dunn. “So that this entire web of life is connected and it’s connected through the fungi.”

In short, fungi eat death, and in doing so, create new life.

Fungi hyphae form mycelium that connects trees and plants in an underground fungal highway — called the wood-wide web — transporting nutrients and sending danger signals.”

A 2006 paper published online by the journal Science said, “The evolutionary innovation and expansion of land biota could permanently increase [chemical] weathering intensity and [clay] formation, establishing a new level of organic carbon burial and oxygen accumulation.”

In 2009, a study published by The New Scientist suggested that the building blocks of DNA can form spontaneously from chemicals thought to be present on the primordial Earth and that DNA could have predated the birth of life. The researchers at by the University College London generated RNA using chemicals that probably existed on the early Earth showing that RNA may have formed spontaneously – powerful support for the idea that life began in an “RNA world”.

The New Scientist had stated; “Conventional wisdom is that RNA-based life eventually switched to DNA because DNA is better at storing information. In other words, RNA organisms made the first DNA.

If that is true, how did life make the switch? Modern organisms can convert RNA nucleotides into DNA nucleotides, but only using special enzymes that are costly to produce in terms of energy and materials. “You have to know that DNA does something good for you before you invent something like that,” Switzer says.

He says the story makes more sense if DNA nucleotides were naturally present in the environment. Organisms could have taken up and used them, later developing the tools to make their own DNA once it became clear how advantageous the molecule was – and once natural supplies began to run low.

“Organisms could have used naturally occurring DNA, then developed the tools to make their own”

Early organisms must have scavenged for materials in this way, says Matthew Levy of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. “The early Earth was probably a bloody mess,” he says, with all manner of rich pickings on offer.

More recently, researchers analyzing samples from muddy sites in the western United States discovered that novel DNA structures appear to scavenge and ‘assimilate’ genes from microorganisms in their environment. These extra-long DNA strands, which the scientists named in honor of the fictional Star Trek ‘Borg’ aliens who assimilate the knowledge and technology of other species.

Jill Banfield, a geomicrobiologist at the University of California, Berkeley, had said, “We started off with a piece of mud and 10 trillion pieces of DNA”.

According to Cal State Berkley, “One sample, taken from the mud on her property, contained a gene-filled stretch of DNA almost 1 million bases long—and more than half the genes were novel. This linear stretch of DNA also had a particular pattern of bases at its beginning and end, distinct stretches of repetitive DNA between its genes, and two places along the sequence where DNA duplication could begin—which indicated the Borg could make copies of itself. Together, this suggested it was not just a random concoction of genes.”

Borgs are DNA structures “not like any that’s been seen before”, says Brett Baker, a microbiologist at the University of Texas at Austin. Other scientists agree that the find is exciting, but have questioned whether Borgs really are unique, noting similarities between them and other large ECEs.

I recently reported on a new study that found bits of genetic code (DNA) in tiny particles of dust that are the building blocks for all vertebrates, including humans. The researchers found that these bits of genetic code have been scrambled and placed on larger chromosomes discovering that these tiny ‘specks of dust’ are actually important building blocks for all vertebrates.

Last but not least, within the dust found in our modern homes is human skin and DNA. In fact, it is one of the main components of all household dust.

A 2008 study found that environmental samples from indoor surfaces of dust are composed largely of human skin cells and have been documented to contain roughly tens of micrograms of total DNA per gram of dust. The researchers found that human DNA was detected in 97% of 36 dust samples.

Humans shed dead skin cells in the millions every day. These decaying flakes of skin land all around you where you live in your home or work that are then fed upon by the various microscopic organisms such as fungi and dust mites whose job is to eat decaying matter.

A newly discarded skin scale is ‘the perfect food for fungi and dust mites who thrive on decomposing organic matter.

Scientists believe that fungi may either constitute a food supplement for mites or may have an indirect effect by decomposing human dander, thus making it more accessible for dust mites. There is a mutual relationship between fungi and HDMs.

Here is an image of fungal hyphae Fungal emerging from house dust mite poop/droppings.

With the above scientific evidence and the history told by almost all cultures around the world of humans being created and molded by the dust, it is difficult to maintain that we are the product of some chemical reaction. Our DNA and the science of all life on earth tell us otherwise.

We are part of the dust.

To put it more accurately, we are the offspring of the organisms within the dust.

Both creators and destroyers who are internally, externally, and eternally connected to the earth’s biosphere molding ourselves and the world around us.

The words are taken from Genesis 3:19, where God told “the man” that he is going to toil, struggle, and sweat trying to get food from the ground. Then he’ll return to the ground, for that’s where he was taken from to begin with—you are dust, and to dust you will return. It seems this message was understood to apply to all of us. As the great Psalmist says,

“As a father has compassion for his children, so the Lord has compassion for those who fear him. For he knows how we were made; he remembers that we are dust. As for mortals, their days are like grass; they flourish like a flower of the field; For the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.” (Psalm 103:13-16)

The History of Humans Created From Mud and Clay

The History of Humans Created From Mud and Clay

Many ancient historians, the Bible,  Koran (Quran), Greek myths, and even Chinese legends have claimed for thousands of years that all life came from the earth forming from the dust, mud, or clay. In the Abrahamic religions, Adam is said to have been made from clay that God molds into the shape of a man and then breathes life into him through his nostrils.

In the Scripture, we learn, “Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7) Genesis 13:16 describes how the LORD made Abrahams descendants of the dust – “I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth, so that if anyone can number the dust of the earth, then your descendants can also be numbered. “Arise, walk about the land through its length and breadth; for I will give it to you.”

The Koran describes how Allah molded Adam from clay: “We created man from sounding clay, from mud molded into shape…” (15:26). And, “He began the creation of man from clay, and made his progeny from a quintessence of fluid” (32:7-8). This was not just any clay but an extract of clay that was sticky in nature as it is said, “We created man from an extract of clay,” (Quran 23:12) and “Then inquire of them: Is it they who are stronger in structure or other things We have created? We created them from sticky clay.” (Quran 37:11)

In researching this concept, the first story in history we find is that of Môt (Mut, Maut, Mu, Ma, Maat, Mud) who was an Ancient Phoenician/Hebrew creator god of the material world, earth, life, and death. From, Môt, all seeds creation were made including, microorganisms, animals, and intelligent life were made, and into Môt, they will all reach death in the circle of life.

The earliest writer to describe Môt was the Phoenician historian and a priest of Byblos (City of the Book/Bible), Sanchuniathon (Phoenician: 𐤎𐤊𐤍𐤉𐤕𐤍), whose works were later translated by Philo of Byblos into Greek. Sanchuniathon refers to a great wind which merged with its parents, and that connection was called ‘Desire’ (πόθος). From its connection, Môt or Mud was produced from the fermentation (putrefaction) of a watery mixture, and out of this came every germ of creation and the generation of the universe including animals and humans.

Sanchuniathon had said, “So there were certain animals which had no sensation, and out of them grew intelligent animals, and were called “Zophasemin”, that is “observers of heaven”; and they were formed like the shape of an egg. So also Môt burst forth into the light, and sun, and moon, and stars, and the great constellations.”

The Phoenicians had depicted the Egg of Môt as an egg encircled by a serpent, which was originally attributed to the mythical founder of the Orphic mysteries, Orpheus. It was a religion centered on the teachings of the origins of life, procreation, immortality, mortality, creativity, and wisdom.


The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light. In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden-winged hermaphroditic primordial being who was hatched from the silver shining cosmic Orphic Egg. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means manifestor or revealer, and is related to the Greek words “light” and “to shine forth.”

An ancient Orphic hymn addresses the serpent thus: “Ineffable, hidden, brilliant scion, whose motion is whirring, you scattered the dark mist that lay before your eyes and, flapping your wings, you whirled about, and through this world, you brought pure light.” The Derveni Papyrus refers to Phanes as, “Of the First-born king, the reverend one; and upon him all the immortals grew, blessed gods and goddesses and rivers and lovely springs and everything else that had then been born; and he himself became the sole one”.

Manly P. Hall had said about the serpent and egg, “The ancient symbol of the Orphic Mysteries was the serpent-entwined egg, which signified Cosmos as encircled by the fiery Creative Spirit. The egg also represents the soul of the philosopher; the serpent, the Mysteries. At the time of initiation, the shell is broke and man emerges from the embryonic state of physical existence wherein he had remained through the fetal period of philosophic regeneration.” Albert Pike had said – “Among the Egyptians, the serpent was a symbol of Divine Wisdom; and, with its tail in its mouth (Ouroboros), of Eternity. In the ritual of Zoroaster, it was a symbol of the Universe.”

Today in Memphis Misraim Freemasonry, it is referred to as the Cosmic Egg or Egg of the World and our main symbol.

From the teachings of Sanchuniathon and the translation by Philo, we get the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament) in which Môt was translated and corrupted into the myths of Behemôt/Behemôth. He is King of all animals, including man of the land, and is listed as the primeval chaos-monster created by God at the beginning of creation in the Book of Job and is a form of the primeval chaos-monster created by God at the beginning of creation.

The Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance lists Mot as meaning, “be carried, cast, be cast out of, befallen in decay, exceedingly, falling down.” The modern word for death in Spanish is Muerte, in Latin, it is mortem, or morte in Italian and in Portuguese and Romanian, it is moarte. The Arabic it is spelled maut, in Sanskrit Mahat (Sanskrit: महत्), and in Persian, it’s faut. From mot where we get the words like moth, motion, motive, motley, and of course, mold, molded, and mucus which all spring from Môt AKA putrefaction and mold.

As I have explained many times before, this history and the stories we read today have been changed and intentionally obscured over the last 2,500 years. These false stories created the great myths of our Age and countless mysteries doctored by various priesthoods that have been retold by countless authors cloaking the truth of our origins in an endless trail of darkness, lies, and absurdities. This age-old fact leaves most seasoned authors, veteran researchers, and even the modern priest class lost in a sea of chaos, further perpetuating false narratives of our so-called history.

According to Eusebius of Caesarea, Philo had divided the works of Sanchuniathon into nine books. In the introduction to the first book, he claims that Sanchuniathon had known the earliest history of all nations from the creation of the world and was closest to the truth.

Eusebius tells us that after opening his translation acknowledging the truth found in Sanchuniathon’s writings, he admonishes more recent authors as having invented allegories and myths by untruly reducing the legends into “invented allegories and myths, and formed a fictitious affinity to the cosmical phenomena, established mysteries, and overlaid them with a cloud of absurdity, so that one cannot easily discern what really occurred and “priests who followed in later times wished to hide this away again, and to restore the mythical character; from which time mysticism began to rise up, not having previously reached the Greeks.”

Philo then had said:

‘These things I have discovered in my anxious desire to know the history of the Phoenicians, and after a thorough investigation of much matter, not that which is found among the Greeks, for that is contradictory, and compiled by some in a contentious spirit rather than with a view to truth.’

Once Philo established in his preface that the true cosmological history of the world from the Phoenician was changed, corrupted, and overlain with a mythical cloud of absurdity, he starts the first chapter with the creation of the universe where he mentions Môt had generated the “first seeds of the universe” from which every germ and intelligent creature grew from Môt. Philo had written;

“The first principle of the universe he supposes to have been air dark with cloud and wind, or rather a blast of cloudy air, and a turbid chaos dark as Erebus; and these were boundless and for long ages had no limit. But when the wind, says he, became enamored of its own parents, and a mixture took place, that connexion was called Desire. This was the beginning of the creation of all things: but the wind itself had no knowledge of its own creation.

From its connexion, Mot was produced, which some say is mud, and others a putrescence of watery compound; and out of this came every germ of creation, and the generation of the universe. So there were certain animals which had no sensation, and out of them grew intelligent animals, and were called “Zophasemin,” that is “observers of heaven”; and they were formed like the shape of an egg. Also, Mot burst forth into the light, and sun, and moon, and stars, and the great constellations.”

In the Book of Job, we are told that Behemot is the beginning of the ways of God, and the strength is found in his loins and his force in the muscles of his belly;

“Behold now Behemoth, which I made like I made you; he eats grass like an ox. Behold now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the muscles of his belly. He stiffens his tail like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are knit together. His bones are like tubes of bronze; his limbs are like bars of iron. He is the beginning of the ways of God; let him who made him bring near his sword to him. Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play. He lies under the thorny bushes, in the cover of the reed, and fens. The thorny bushes cover him with their shadow; the willows of the brook surround him. Behold, he drinks up a river, and hastens not; he trusts that he can draw the Jordan up into his mouth. Shall any one take him with his eyes open? Or pierce through his nose with a snare?” (Job 40:15-24)

In Ancient Egypt, the god, Khnum (Chnubis, Knubis, Chnum, Knum, or Khnemu) was a creator god credited with giving birth to all life and the Gods of Egypt. He was Chief of the Potter’s wheel, father of fathers who makes women pregnant, was Lord of the air and the field.

In Egyptian mythology, he creates humans from clay, which he made at a potter’s wheel before placing them into their mother’s womb was one of the earliest Egyptian deities, originally the god of the source of the Nile. He was later described as having molded the other deities as the “Divine Potter” and “Lord of created things from himself” and the “father of the fathers” and Neith as the “mother of the mothers” who later become the parents of Ra, who is also referred to as Khnum-Re.

He was depicted as a ram-headed man.

Khnum was credited with molding the great cosmic egg and he is also associated with the goddess Maat (truth) and Thoth, the divine scribe.

Ancient Egyptian tomb relief of the ram-headed god Khnum, guardian of the source of the Nile.

The female Goddess of Justice and the Lower World, the Land of Ghosts was called Maat (Mot, Mout or Mut). She was often depicted with the vulture headdress and sometimes a Lion’s head. In legends, she is “The opener of the nostrils of the living.”

In Greek mythologyPrometheus created and molded men out of water and earth. Greek myths tell us the creation story of how Prometheus and Epimetheus were spared imprisonment in Tartarus and were given the task of creating man. Other myths related how Zeus directed Prometheus and Athena to make images of clay, on which he caused the winds to blow breathing life into the figures.

After the first humans were created, legend tells us that Prometheus had caused them to walk upright and have features similar to the Gods but realized they lacked the wisdom so he defied the will of Zeus by traveling to Mount Olympus and stole fire from the gods, which became the beginning of civilization. Prometheus had taught man how to craft tools from iron ore, to plant crops and live through agriculture, and to craft weapons to defend themselves from wild animals. With fire, the newly created man began to thrive becoming superior to the animals of the wild.

Zeus was outraged so he planned to punish Prometheus and mankind for their obstruction of the gods’ will by commanding Hephaestus, to create a beautiful woman named Pandora from a lump of clay bestowed with gifts like a pleasing voice and unmatched beauty by the gods.

“From her is the race of women and female kind:
of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who
live amongst mortal men to their great trouble,
no helpmates in hateful poverty, but only in wealth.”

The Greeks trace the word Môt to the creation of the material (mot-erial) world and mythicized in the legends of Mósos or Mothos and Tartarus. Homer had written in the Illiad, “You all to earth and water must return.” Writing at a later date, Apollonius says in his Argonautics ,“The earth’s produced from mud.”  Virgil had proclaimed, “Then earth began to harden, and include The seas within its bounds, and things to take Their proper forms.” (Eclogue vi)

According to Chinese mythology, Nüwa molded figures from the yellow earth, giving them life and the ability to bear children. In Zoroastrian mythology, the primordial human, Gayomart are created from mud by the supreme deity Ahura Mazda. In the Epic of GilgameshEnkidu is created by the goddess Aruru out of clay to be a partner for Gilgamesh, “mighty in strength”.

The Sanscrit version tells us of the first product of the mixture of spirit and matter, and the First Great principle is Mahat which is an incorporeal substance that contains all potential matter of the gross universe in its cosmic extent as the first manifest principle. In Arabic, Môt is written as madat, maddat, or madah, which means ‘matter’.

All cultures and histories list the woman or mother as the source of fertility and all life symbolizing the earth. This knowledge gives rise to the myths and stories of the deification of the earth with the various Gods and Goddesses who are also deities connected to the underworld such as the Earth Mother, Mother Nature, or Mother Earth who is the divine source of terrestrial life.

From the word Môt, we get the English words mother (moth-er), mom, and ma.

Dew of Heavan

Dew of Heavan

The Bible introduces us to a substance in the atmosphere and fatness of the earth called the “Dew of Heaven.” It is connected to the Holy Spirit, the manna of Heaven, and wisdom. A symbol of material prosperity (Deuteronomy 33:13, 28; Zechariah 8:12), and its absence is represented as a sign of Divine displeasure (2 Samuel 1:21; 1 Kings 17:1; Haggai 1:10, 11) It is among the choicest parts of the earth (Genesis 45:18) and with it, we have plenty of corn and wine, which is the produce of the soil (cf. Deuteronomy 33:28).

This peculiar Dew substance is also likened to a tree with its stump within the earth and part of the land that also could be drenched upon men turning them from a man into Beasts by taking over their mind as we learn in Daniel 4:15;

“He called out in a loud voice: ‘Cut down the tree and chop off its branches; strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the beasts flee from under it, and the birds from its branches. But leave the stump with its roots in the ground, and a band of iron and bronze around it, in the tender grass of the field. Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven and graze with the beasts on the grass of the earth. Let his mind be changed from that of a man, and let him be given the mind of a beast till seven times pass him by.”

In Deuteronomy 33:13, this dew reached to heaven and also lies beneath us – “And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD [be] his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath.”

These Beasts i.e men like King Daniel were to live in darkness in the shadow of death bounded by what are called chains because they rebelled against the Most High God. As it is said in Psalm 107:10; “For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. Some sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, prisoners in affliction and chains, because they rebelled against the words of God and despised the counsel of the Most High.”

As I explained in my essay, The LORD of Hosts, The Most High i.e. God represents what is called the Supreme Being, the Creator, or Father of the world. While the word ‘LORD’ or Yahweh (Jehova) is a power, force, and or a person on earth having an honorary title that has influence and authority over others on earth and in hell ie the underworld. For disobeying these natural laws, people like Daniel were put under a spell or curse in which they live like Beasts and are unable to know God who is the ultimate ruler over humankind.

In Daniel 4:25, it is said;

“This is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree that the Most High has issued against my lord the king:  You will be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling will be with the beasts of the field. You will feed on grass like an ox and be drenched with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass you by, until you acknowledge that the Most High rules over the kingdom of mankind and gives it to whom He wishes. As for the command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots, your kingdom will be restored to you as soon as you acknowledge that Heaven rules.”

In the old Ancient Greek text translated from the Phoenician/Hebrew, the darkness can also be translated as ignorance, wickedness, misery, destruction, and death. While the chains which bound these people like Daniel is variously translated as barzel or ubarzel in the original Phoenician. Many interpreters who study the doctored script, ignorantly claim this world means iron, but this is not the true meaning.

My research shows that the word barzel is connected to the word fetters. This word is connected to the Arabic frzn and firzil, which also means fetters and the Aramaic parzel, Syriac parzel, and Akkadian parzillu.

Barzel or Parzel is also related to the modern English, parcel which means a thing or collection of things wrapped or packed up; small package; bundle or land that has been sectioned off. It can also mean a wrap (rope) which mariners use with strips of tarred canvas, before binding it with yarn as part of a traditional technique to reduce chafing.

These words, barzel or parzel can also be connected to the Demon of the Wind and Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms named Pazrael or Pazula also spelled Fazuzu, and Pazuza. A demon who is said to control the west and southwest winds bringing famine and locusts.

In the Scripture, the desert and demons of the wind are some of the most formidable foes of humankind like those found in Leviticus xvi. 9 which specifically gives the name of one desert demon to Azazel, and in Isaiah 34 to Lilith and to several demons of the same class.

Hence, we must understand by “the band” the chains by which the unfortunate king would be confined is metaphorically speaking of fetters and not actual iron chains. The word fetter is also tied to the Latin word fetor and fetid – meaning stench or a strong smell of which Francis Bacon said is related to putrefaction or moldy.

Fetters are also connected to fools, and the unwise who have them up on their feet while learning is to wise men as an ornament of gold as we learn in Ecclesiasticus 21:16-21;

“As is a house that is destroyed, so is wisdom to a fool: and the knowledge of the unwise is as talk without sense. Doctrine unto fools is as fetters on the feet, and like manacles on the right hand. A fool lifteth up his voice with laughter, but a wise man doth scarce smile a little. Learning is unto a wise man as an ornament of gold, and like a bracelet upon his right arm.”

These chains i.e., fetters, were under the control of unclean spirits, and they restrained and seized demons.

For example, in Luke 8:29, we learn, “For Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was bound with chains and shackles, he had broken the chains and been driven by the Demon into solitary places.” However, some of these demons could easily break the chains and could not be subdued as it is said in Mark 5:4-5;

“This man had been living in the tombs and could no longer be restrained, even with chains. Though he was often bound with chains and shackles, he had broken the chains and shattered the shackles. Now there was no one with the strength to subdue him. Night and day in the tombs and in the mountains, he kept crying out and cutting himself with stones.”

Throughout Daniel 4-5, the beastly king was ‘drenched by dew’ three times until his sanity was restored. (Dan. 4:15, 23, 25, 33, 5:21) First in the dream, v.15, then in the interpretation in v. 25, and again in the outcome v.33 when the king was ‘driven away from people, and ate grass like cattle. His body was drenched with the Dew of heaven until . . . his sanity was restored”.

“As for the command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots, your kingdom will be restored to you as soon as you acknowledge that Heaven rules.” (Daniel 4:26)

Nebuchadnezzar represented the sons of rebellion, the fallen ones who defy God like wild beasts, even though, all the while, he was drenched with blessings from heaven. This supernatural Dew God continues to send down upon the just and unjust to drive them to repentance and thanksgiving. A type of symbiotic relationship with the Dew that can also become parasitic, issuing our punishments according to our deeds.

In contrast to the people who have rebelled against the Most High God, i.e. the Beasts (Behemoths/Behemoths/Fallen Angels/Demons) who lived chained (fetters/molds/fungi) in darkness and ignorance, in Proverbs, a wise man is compared to a fountain and tree of life, whose words and deeds refresh and encourage.

The Dew ie, oil or manna, is a symbol of the Holy Spirit associated with light, knowledge, and everlasting life throughout the Scripture. A reminder to God’s people of the death and resurrection of Christ. Dew is connected with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or the anointing of the head, which is symbolized by the pouring of water or fire in Baptism. The rite of induction into the priesthood — in the New Covenant, baptism. Baptism is also our induction into the Body of Christ. Psalm 133 stresses the unity of God’s people as they are ingrafted into the priesthood of the Greater Aaron, and share in the “one baptism” — the Baptism of Christ.

Dew is also a symbol of a metaphysical oil or manna involved in Baptism, the resurrection of the dead who live in the Dust but are awakened in the morning to become God’s people, and the washing of regeneration and renewal of the earth.

As it is said on Issaih 26:19;

“We were with child; we writhed in pain, but we gave birth to wind. We have given no salvation to the earth nor brought any life into the world. 19Your dead will live; their bodies will rise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in the Dust! For your Dew is like the Dew of the morning, and the earth will bring forth her dead. Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves a little while until the wrath has passed.”

The Dew of heaven is a symbol of God’s blessings in general. Jacob received the blessings as the firstborn; Isaac promised Jacob that as the earth would produce its fatness of grain and new wine, the heavens would also create Dew (Gen. 27:27-29). Thus when Jacob is restored to God’s favor after the exile, they receive the blessings of Jacob, including the promise of Dew (Zech. 12:8) again.

The word Dew is variously translated as Tal, Dal, Del, Yal, Zal, or Zel in the Scripture. The Oxford Dictionary also lists the Old English dæl, of Germanic origin; related to Old Norse dalr, Dutch dal, and German Tal, also to dell. In ancient literature, Dadal is the name of an Akadian Fish God. It is connected to the Arabic Zal.

From Zal or Zel, we find the Demon called Azazel from Leviticus in the Scripture and The Book of Enoch. He is among the chief of the spirits by whose doctrine and influence the earth was corrupted in the book of Enoch. According to some of the Church Fathers, Azazel is connected to Satan or the Devil and many biblical interpreters translated the name as “scapegoat” in Leviticus xvi, 8, 10.

Amongst the Ancient Gnostics, there is the God Yaldabaoth, who is first mentioned in “The Cosmos, Chaos, and the Underworld” as one of the twelve angels to come “into being [to] rule over chaos and the [underworld]”. In the “Gospel of Nicodemus,” Yaldabaoth is called Satan. In the Nag Hammadi Library under The Apocryphon of John (The Secret Book of John – The Secret Revelation of John), it states that Yaldabaoth is the Chief Archon created by the Goddess Sophia in the “form of a lion-faced serpent, with its eyes were like lightning fires which flash. In Pistis-Sophia, Yaldabaoth is spoken of as residing in the “Great Chaos which is the Outer Mist”, where, with his Forty-nine Daemons, he tortures wicked souls (pg. 382). 

In old magical books, he was the Chief demon presiding over the elements, elementals, or what I would call today – Chief of the fungi/mold Kingdom.

We find the name Dal in the Dál Riata, Dál Riada or Dalriada Scots, which was a Gaelic kingdom that encompassed the western seaboard of Scotland and the north-eastern corner of Ireland in the 6th and 7th centuries, it covered what is now Argyll in Scotland and part of County Antrim in Northern Ireland.

“For this is what the LORD has told me: “I will quietly look on from My dwelling place, like shimmering heat in the sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.” (Isaiah 18:4)

The LORD extends Your mighty scepter from Zion: “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.” 3Your people shall be willing on Your day of battle. Arrayed in holy splendor, from the womb of the dawn to You belong the Dew of Your youth. The LORD has sworn and will not change His mind: “You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.” (Psalm 110:3)

Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake

Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake

“Many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to everlasting life, but others to shame and everlasting contempt. Then the wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever.” – The Book of Daniel 12:2-3

Before I begin, it is important to note that the original Greek scripture that was later changed into Latin had used a different word for dust than our modern English version. In addition, many of the words and meanings have been purposely doctored over centuries. Mainly due to the Doctors of the Catholic Church who were tasked with rewriting the books of the Bible. For example, the Greek Septuagint rendering of this Biblical passage from Daniel 12:2 above is, “And many that sleep in the breadth (πλάτει) of the earth shall arise, some to life eternal, and some to reproach, some to dispersion (διασπορὰν) and eternal shame.”

This was done so that the average person or the profane could not easily decipher the encoded secret philosophies, history, and science that were contained within its pages. Hence, “The Secret Rites of Gnosis Controlled by the Church and Secret Societies.” Oh, and might I also add the CIA, MI6, KGB, and Mossad in modern times.

As Francis Bacon once said, “knowledge is power” and more recently, Tom Clancy puts Bacon’s quote in proper perspective when he said, “The control of information is something the elite always does, particularly in a despotic form of government. Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people.”

Yes, there is nothing new under the Gnostic sun but the cover of darkness via black magic.

Over the years, I have decoded many Biblical passages to their original meanings. As a result, I now understand that there is a hidden science encoded into the Scripture that was once lost and is now being revealed. I have proven this in many of the numerous essays that I give freely on this website, time and time again.

Hence, if you sleep in the dust and are not illuminated to these facts, you must awake to this Gnosis to have everlasting life. Therefore, we must understand this simple fact as we attempt to bring light to this age in which they are finally being revealed. For example, as it relates to the English word ‘dust’ in the current translations of the Scripture, the actual word used thousands of years ago was apar or aphar, which was changed to sperma in the Greek Septuagint. I will attempt to decipher these words and their proper meanings later in this essay.

In the Scripture, dust is a material that has the ability to not only create man, it could also make men appear dead or asleep (unaware, ignorant, unenlightened) of their true nature. As it is said both in the Book of Daniel above and in Isaiah 26:19 – “Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.”

This dust was also what God had used to form and create man (Genesis 2:7), “For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust” (Genesis 18:27 Job 4:19, etc.). In a previous article, The Lord God formed man of the dust: Dust’ is the Building Block of All Vertebrate Genomes, I explain how scientists recently discovered genetic code (DNA) in tiny particles of dust that are the building blocks for all animal vertebrates, including humans.

Genesis 13:16 also informs us that the LORD made Abrahams descendants of the dust – “I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth, so that if anyone can number the dust of the earth, then your descendants can also be numbered. “Arise, walk about the land through its length and breadth; for I will give it to you.” Then Abram moved his tent and came and dwelt by the oaks of Mamre, which are in Hebron, and there he built an altar to the LORD.”

As the Bible tells us, this so-called dust is part of our human biology and has a supernatural ability to not only graft into our DNA, it is connected to touchable darkness and can also be cursed, cause plagues, rain from the sky, and when we die, this dust takes us into the grave.

In Exodus 10:21-22, Dust is “touchable” darkness that could be cursed. “For the LORD God (Yahweh, Jehova) had “cursed man and the dust” by saying to the serpent, “Because you have done this, you are cursed above all livestock, and above every animal of the field. On your belly, you shall go, and you shall eat dust all the days of your life. (Genesis 3:14). When man dies, he returns to whence he came (Genesis 3:19, “Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return”; compare Job 34:15 Psalm 104:29 Ecclesiastes 3:20Ecclesiastes 12:7, etc.) and dust is used figuratively for the grave (Psalm 22:15, 29Psalm 30:9 Daniel 12:2).

The cursing of the ground is another ancient black magic art that I have also researched and in more modern times, we can look to the Native American Indians as I have also shown would perform curses upon the soil/fungi/molds. I explain this phenomenon in my essay, “Daytona Demons: Native American Curses and Spiritual Warfare.”

This dust could also rain from the sky and destroy you as we learn in Deuteronomy, “The sky over your head will be bronze, and the earth beneath you iron. The LORD will turn the rain of your land into dust and powder; it will descend on you from the sky until you are destroyed. The LORD will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. You will march out against them in one direction but flee from them in seven. You will be an object of horror to all the kingdoms of the earth.”

As I also had explained in another previous article relating to dust and the Scripture about the Third Plague of Egypt was the result of fungus gnats after the Phoenician (Hebrew) lawgiver and Levite Priest, Moses, tells his Brother Aaron to use his staff to strike the dust.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or even a biblical scholar to understand the science of dust, but a microbiologist or great researcher to know that it is not the dust that created man could be cursed and make people as if they sleep when they are allegedly awake. Instead, the microorganisms contained within its tiny fine particles and that also make up approximately 97% of our DNA that the Bible is genuinely speaking of.

In regards to the meaning of Daniel and in particular, the “dust of the earth,” as I mentioned above, the modern English word ‘dust’ was changed overtime from apar or aphar, which was changed to sperma in the Greek Septuagint. Biblical scholars like Professor Robertson Smith have suggested that instead of reading ‘admath ‘aphar, we should read ‘armath ‘aphar – aram in Arabic meaning a “cairn” or “mound.”

The word apar or aphar can also be interpreted as ‘mud.’ As I explained in my many of my previous essays such as, The Theology of the Phoenicians from Sanchoniatho, the historian and a priest of Byblos (City of the Book/Bible), Sanchuniathon (Phoenician: 𐤎𐤊𐤍𐤉𐤕𐤍) said the word Môt was a Semitic word for ‘Death’ but may also mean ‘mud’ which some call Ilus (Mud), but others the putrefaction of a watery mixture. And from this sprung all the seed (sperma) of the creation and the generation of the universe.

The Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance lists the word Mot as meaning, “be carried, cast, be cast out of, befallen in decay, exceedingly, falling down.” The modern word for death in Spanish is Muerte, in Latin, it is mortem, morte in Italian and Portuguese, in Romanian, it is moarte, Arabic is maut, in Sanskrit mirtiu, and in Persian, it’s faut. From mot where we get the words like moth, motion, motive, motley, and of course, mold, molded, and mucus which all spring from Môt AKA putrefaction and mold.

With that said, those that “sleep in the dust” that shall thus “awake” is the resurrection and illumination of the mind whose condition was brought into a waking sleep and Beasts (Bĕhēmôt or Behemoth) like existence by the state black magicians over the last 2,000 plus years who must cease their enslavement of “my people.”

For those that doeth evil, judgment awaits. For it is proclaimed in John 5:28-29, “And He has given Him authority to execute judgment because He is the Son of Man. Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming when all who are in their graves will hear His voice and come out—those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment.”

As it is said in Daniel 12:2-3, “Then the wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever.” But you, Daniel, shut up these words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will roam to and fro and knowledge (Gnosis) will increase.”

We learn in Revelation 22:12 – “And as he hath given the fullest assurance that there is a reward for the righteous; so he hath assured us also that it will be augmented, in proportion as men have labored to be more extensively useful, and to advance the real and best interests of their fellow-creatures, namely, their spiritual and eternal interests.”

And my True Brothers around the world proclaimed, “AMEN!

Third Plague of Egypt: Aaron struck the dust of the earth and fungus gnats came upon man and beast

Third Plague of Egypt: Aaron struck the dust of the earth and fungus gnats came upon man and beast

The Great Plagues of Ancient Egypt are described in the Bible as being derived from the dust of the earth via various flying pests such as locusts, flies, and gnats. This dust could be turned into gnats and create a plague that affects both man and beast via their skin which breaks out in boils.

In the Scripture, the Phoenician (Hebrew) lawgiver and Levite Priest, Moses, tells his Brother Aaron to use his staff to strike the dust, causing a swarm of these critters to cause the Third Plague of Gnats;
“Then the LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Stretch out your staff and strike the dust of the earth, that it may turn into swarms of gnats throughout the land of Egypt. This they did, and when Aaron stretched out his hand with his staff and struck the dust of the earth, gnats came upon man and beast. All the dust of the earth turned into gnats throughout the land of Egypt.”

When the Pharoah’s black magicians tried to produce gnats by their secret arts, they could not. The gnats were on people and animals everywhere. The magicians then said to Pharaoh, “This is truly the finger of God.”

Our modern world and science remind me of the current COVID pandemic (plague) and my main subject of study relating to molds/fungi and how they cause illness, disease, and fungus gnats. These fungus gnats live, eat, breed, and die on various fungi and are pests that cause a whole host of problems for humankind such as attacking our plants, crops, and food creating root rot and stem rot, and they also like human blood causing various diseases.

These fungus gnats are a major problem in Egypt today as I assume they were in the time of Moses. We learn from the Father of History, Herodotus who tells us the Ancient Egyptians had a big problem with gnats and they had used their fishing nets to protect themselves when they had slept. Herodotus had said;

“Against the gnats, which are very numerous, the Egyptians use the following means: the inhabitants of Upper Egypt protect themselves by turrets, in which they sleep: for the gnats are unable to rise to any considerable elevation. Those who live near the marshes take a net, with which they fish by day, spread it over their beds by night, and sleep beneath it; the gnats, which sting through clothes or linen, do not even try to penetrate through the net.”

What Herodotus and other historians had called gnats, over time and today, we have various non-authoritarian and ignorant authors adding their invented names and descriptions to the chaos.

For example, here in California,  these biting gnats tend to attack humans outdoors in grassy or moist areas with sand, such as parks, ponds, golf courses, and the beach. Unfortunately, due to misinformation and various authors adding their own descriptions over the centuries, today, we ignorantly call them a whole host of different names such as black flies, bot flies, fruit flies, sand flies, sand gnats, shore flies, soldier flies, black kelp flies, buffalo flies, nuisance flies, no-see-ums, biting midges, punkies, and o’fives to name a few.

Here are some images of gnat bites causing sores and what we can call boils;

When we look to science, we are given a bunch of different Latin names further confusing the situation. Names like the ‘Sciaridae, which represents a large family of dark-winged fungus gnats. The different name changes these little gnats have gone through just in the past 50 years or so under the banner of science is staggering and disturbing.

As the University of Florida reports, “Sciaridae was formerly a subfamily in Mycetophilidae, and, for a short time, sciarids were called lycoriids (Lycoriidae). Many of the species formerly in genera Sciara and Neosciara are now in the genus Bradysia.

Kennedy (1974) reported on the significance of fungi in the survival and development of Bradysia impatiens, a fungus gnat found commonly in greenhouses of New York State. He reported that larvae of this species frequently feed on the root and stem tissue of many greenhouse plants. His experiments suggested that fungi provide an essential nutrient source for the larvae of B. impatiens, and that if fungi are in low supply in the immediate vicinity of a living plant, there is a tendency for the larvae to use the plant as an alternate food source.” (Kennedy MK. 1974. Survival and development of Bradysia impatiens (Diptera: Sciaridae) on fungal and nonfungal food sources. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 67: 745-749.)

Darkwinged fungus gnat larvae feeding in rotten potato. Photograph by Jim Kalisch, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

There are currently, approximately 1700 species that have been described, but an estimated 20,000 species are awaiting discovery, mainly in the tropics. More than 600 species are known from Europe. Sciaridae larvae are mainly found in soil and sand, where they feed mainly on fungi, decaying matter, and animal feces.

Going back to ancient history, the Judeo-Egyptian Philo of Alexandria describes the gnat as an insect, although of very small size, yet of a most troublesome nature; for it hurts not only the surface, causing intolerable and protracted itching, but penetrates also into the interior through the ears and nose. It flies even into the eyes of those who do not guard themselves, and produces serious pain.”

Theodoret of Cyrus, a 5th-century Byzantine Church theologian of the School of Antioch, and biblical commentator said that when Sapores besieged Nisibis, his horses and elephants were so fearfully tormented by the stings of innumerable gnats, that they broke their yokes in wild fury, and madly ran about in all directions. They are, chiefly in seasons of a cool atmosphere, a perfect plague, rendering both eating and sleeping almost impossible.

Saint Augustine says the gnats breed in slime which is an ancient word for fungi. Hence, they are fungus gnats and were aggressive when man tried to drive them away. He had said, “ The gnats in Egypt breed in the slime; they are very small flies, but most lively and versatile, not allowing men to rest; if they are scared off, they return with the greater eagerness.”

The statement above by Philo is interesting. He says, “but penetrates also into the interior through the ears and nose and even the eyes.” Today, we know there are several types of black gnats, or what some ignorant people call black flies that can burrow into the skin and bodies of humans. For example, the condition called Onchocerciasis is an infectious disease caused by what science calls black flies but are also fungus gnats that are found mainly in Africa that can cause blindness and permanent skin damage.

Here is a description from the CDC who calls these fungus gnats black flies;

An article in Nature describes this disease;

“Approximately 17 million people are still infected with O. volvulus, predominantly in Africa. Infections are chronic and manifest clinically as debilitating skin disease and—in 1.2 million people—vision impairment or blindness. First-stage larvae, known as microfilariae (L1/mf), are produced by fertile female worms residing within onchocercomata (nodules). They migrate to the skin and other organs (for example, the anterior chamber of the eye), where they induce inflammatory reactions that are responsible for most Onchocerca-related pathology.

Onchocerciasis was identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a potential candidate for disease elimination through annual (or semiannual) mass drug administration (MDA) of ivermectin, an approach that has eliminated onchocerciasis from all but two countries in the Americas.”

A 2021 study shows us just how these infections take over the body with the larva moving through our blood and skin like it is their own personal highway and just how macabre these gnat infections are;

“At any given time, millions of microfilariae are moving through subcutaneous tissues and, to a lesser extent, the lymphatic system of an affected patient. During a subsequent blood meal, these L1 forms are ingested by a biting fly. They then transform over 1 to 3 weeks first by migrating from the gut into the thoracic flight muscles as an L2 larval stage. From here, they develop into an infective L3 larval stage and migrate into the salivary gland for subsequent transmission during the next blood meal. Once in the human body, the injected larvae transform into the L4 stage from where they mature in about one year.”

In regards to the Scripture and Third Plague, the 19th century German theologian and author, Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg connects the word “kinnim to gnats.” Hengstenberg had written;

“As respects the third plague, it is now generally agreed, that by day, kinnim, gnats are meant. These are, even in ordinary years, very troublesome in Egypt. Herodotus,’ as early as his time, speaks of the great trouble which the gnats cause, and of the precautions which are taken to guard against them. The passages in modern travellers are collected in Oedmann, according to the testimony of Maillet and Pococke, they often darken the air in Cairo,-in Hartmann, and last in Eichhorn.4 Hartmann comprises the results in the following words :

All travellers speak of these gnats as an ordinary plague of the country. In cool weather they are especially bold.

They pursue the men, prevent them from eating, disturb their sleep, and cause swellings which are sensibly painful. What Sonnini’ says of these gnats, in his account of his abode in Rosetta, is of peculiar interest; “It is asserted that the multitude of gnats, with which the streets and the inside of the houses were then filled, owe their origin to this employment (the drying of rice about the end of October.)

Indeed, there are fewer of them at other times. After the rice harvest, they go forth in multitudes from the overflowed fields in which the preceding generation laid their eggs. They come to trouble men, they make wounds, in order to suck their blood, not less burning than those of the Maringonins of South America.” (Egypt and the Books of Moses: Or the Books of Egypt By Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg)

As you can see, in the ancient past, we simply called them black gnats as many historians and philosophers had testified but today you will find them under a plethora of different names as I have described in this essay. The word kinnim that Hengstenberg mentions is the word found in the Bible to represent gnats and maggots which is also variously spelled as kennem, chinnim, kanem, etc. This word is also falsely said to represent lice, which history and my evidence proves is either wrong or simply a lie to misdirect people.

The Strong’s Concordance translates ken as gnats.

Today, Egypt is the largest producer of rice in the Near East region, as well it has the most productive rice farms worldwide with an average yield of 500.000 feddans, and is considered the second most important export crop after cotton. Rice is a summer crop that is grown from April to October and is limited to the north, east, and west parts of the Nile Delta and it is also the place where many people suffer from these fungus gnats due to it being the perfect breeding ground in the region for these little pests.
To give your more modern examples of these grants, here is a video of one member of this fungus gnat family called the Sciara Militaris, while still in larvae form. They seem to form as if one mind which I assume is part of the earth’s magnetic biosphere in which fungi plays a large role.

Here are some more examples just prove my fungus gnat point;

Cynomya mortuorum (m…

Rhagio cf. rondanii …

Rhagio cf. rondanii …

Rhagio cf. rondanii …

Chaetorellia jaceae …

Urophora solstitiali…

Urophora solstitiali…

Urophora solstitiali…

Urophora solstitiali…

Tanytarsini (female)…
I just call them fungus gnats since they all are from the same family of flying pests that plague humankind.

I have seen these fungus gnats myself swarming around and in rotting sea kelp and have been attacked with my family. Yes, they have bitten my wife, kids, and myself and they leave marks like mini boils, and they hurt like heck! So we do our best not to go near the rotting kelp, and the first thing I do when I see this rotting kelp is to bury it in the sand.


This type of gnat is known as the Coelopa frigida is a species of seaweed fly or kelp fly. It is the most widely distributed species of seaweed fly. It can be found on most shorelines in the temperate Northern Hemisphere. C. frigida need a constant supply of algae to feed and lay their eggs. Thus, coastal beaches with stranded seaweed are their preferred environment.  The adults detect the scent of the seaweed and lie their eggs in the decaying algae. The seaweed’s particular environment allows the eggs to hatch, and the larvae begin to burrow into the seaweed.

The University of Massachusetts explains;

Fungus gnats and shore flies are attracted to damp locations where fungi are apt to flourish. Fungi are a major part of their diet. Studies have shown that fungus gnats develop more rapidly and have greater survival on fungal diets. In the absence of a fungal food source however, fungus gnats are capable of feeding on healthy plant tissue. Fungus gnats are general feeders and can injure a number of flower crops grown in the greenhouse. Adults are primarily a nuisance however, larvae feed on plant roots, fungi and decaying organic matter and tunnel into the crown and stems of plants. The feeding damage creates wounds that allow soilborne pathogens to enter and can kill plants.

The Scripture tells us of a sixth plague was more personal than the previous plagues. Soot was said be a black particulate matter formed as a by-product of wood combustion in the Egyptian kilns, but something tells me it is just black molds (fungi).

According to the biblical text, “then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron: ‘Take for yourselves handfuls of soot from a kiln, and let Moses throw it toward the sky in the sight of Pharaoh. It will become fine dust over all the land of Egypt, and will become boils breaking out with sores on man and beast through all the land of Egypt’. So they took soot from a kiln, and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses threw it toward the sky, and it became boils breaking out with sores on man and beast. The magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils that were on them and on all the Egyptians” (Exodus 9:8-11).

To be continued…

The Lord God formed man of the dust: Dust’ is the Building Block of All Vertebrate Genomes

The Lord God formed man of the dust: Dust’ is the Building Block of All Vertebrate Genomes

“Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.” – Genesis 2:7

As the knowledge of our world increases, we are beginning to learn that the teachings in the Bible that many modern atheists and so-called scholars scoff at as mythical madness and poppycock are in reality a hidden science being revealed right before our eyes. For example, a new study has found bits of genetic code (DNA) in tiny particles of dust that are the building blocks for all vertebrates, including humans.

As it is said in Genesis 3:19 – “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

As Science Alert reports;

Originally, they were thought to be just specks of dust on a microscope slide.

Now, a new study suggests that microchromosomes – a type of tiny chromosome found in birds and reptiles – have a longer history, and a bigger role to play in mammals than we ever suspected.

By lining up the DNA sequence of microchromosomes across many different species, researchers have been able to show the consistency of these DNA molecules across bird and reptile families, a consistency that stretches back hundreds of millions of years.

What’s more, the team found that these bits of genetic code have been scrambled and placed on larger chromosomes in marsupial and placental mammals, including humans. In other words, the human genome isn’t quite as ‘normal’ as previously supposed.

“We lined up these sequences from birds, turtles, snakes and lizards, platypus and humans and compared them,” says geneticist Jenny Graves, from La Trobe University in Australia. “Astonishingly, the microchromosomes were the same across all bird and reptile species.

“Even more astonishingly, they were the same as the tiny chromosomes of Amphioxus – a little fish-like animal with no backbone that last shared a common ancestor with vertebrates 684 million years ago.”

By tracing these microchromosomes back to the ancient Amphioxus, the scientists were able to establish genetic links to all of its descendants. These tiny ‘specks of dust’ are actually important building blocks for vertebrates, not just abnormal extras.

It seems that most mammals have absorbed and jumbled up their microchromosomes as they’ve evolved, making them seem like normal pieces of DNA. The exception is the platypus, which has several chromosome sections line up with microchromosomes, suggesting that this method may well have acted as a ‘stepping stone’ for other mammals in this regard, according to the researchers.

Phylogenetic relationships of reptiles, birds, mammals, and amphioxus genome assemblies compared in this study. Cytological chromosome numbers (n) are shown, along with the number of assembled macrochromosomes and microchromosomes (their percentage of the anchored genome) and genome size. Species names and full common names are given in SI Appendix, Table S1; in the text they are referred to by abbreviated common names.

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