Scientists Build World’s Smallest Antenna Using DNA

Scientists Build World’s Smallest Antenna Using DNA

Scientists have built the smallest antenna ever made using DNA. It’s 20,000 times smaller than human hair, fluorescent, and uses light signals to record and report back information.

Like a two-way radio that can both receive and transmit radio waves, the fluorescent nanoantenna receives light in one color, or wavelength, and depending on the protein movement it senses, then transmits light back in another color, which we can detect,” says chemist Alexis Vallée-Bélisle, from the Université de Montréal (UdeM) in Canada.

“Experimental study of protein transient states remains a major challenge because high-structural-resolution techniques, including nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography, often cannot be directly applied to study short-lived protein states,” the team explains in their paper.

DNA is quickly becoming more and more popular with researchers because it is relatively simple to program, and easy to use once programed. They have been using it to build the world’s fastest computers and to create nanostructures like the antenna in this study.

The latest DNA synthesizing technology – some 40 years in development – is able to produce bespoke nanostructures of different lengths and flexibilities, optimized to fulfill their required functions.

One advantage that this super-small DNA antenna has over other analysis techniques is that it’s able to capture very short-lived protein states. That, the researchers say, means there are plenty of potential applications here, in both biochemistry and nanotechnology more generally.

This research interests me because of my own studies of DNA and my recent interview with DNA scientist Dr. Max Rempel, who has a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the Institute of Gene Biology in Moscow, Russia. In the interview, he informed me that DNA acts like a quantum computer with an antenna connecting to a fiber-optic network transmitting our energy, knowledge, and memories into the earth’s biofield.

Dr. Rempel had said, “It is exactly what it’s called facia. And it is a network, a fiber-optic network, which transmits energy by a field. DNA resonance model, genomic resonance model every cell with DNA in 99% of the cells have DNA except erythrocytes, which is red blood cells and everybody, everything else has DNA, participating in in the biofield.

And we are thinking in part of the brain’s thinking, but in part, we think with the whole body, the whole, with the whole DNA of the planet, and this facia is a fiber-optic network, which connects to the tissue.

So you have the computers on the internet you have with the wires, and the facia are the hubs which connect everything.

Obviously, the main thinking work happens in the cells, in the cell’s nucleus, in the brain cells, and all the other sense of the body’s cells makes sense.”


The Secret Science of Humans Created from Clay (Dust)

The Secret Science of Humans Created from Clay (Dust)

We humans have been shaped through our DNA, life, and death that came from the dust and where we will all return. Unbroken chains of ancient DNA that the records of our lost history that can be found in the dust into eternal life.

This secret science of humans created from dust, mud, clay has been written about and encoded into the history of many nations by many of the world’s greatest philosophers, historians, and scientists. From Ancient Egypt to the Phoenicians, Greece, China, and to the Abrahamic Scriptures of the Christians and Arabs, all claim from their earliest of histories that man was made or molded from the earth (dust, dirt, clay, or mud).

To many people who read these creation stories, they appear to be fiction told in the form of a myth. Impossible claims of our human origins that could never be true. But with the advent of modern science and some of the discoveries made in the last five decades, we are learning that these stories told for thousands of years are most likely true.

Even today, hardcore atheists and scientists like Richard Dawkins have suggested human beings were born when mud led to the creation of the famous DNA double helix and life itself. He had written that mud n the form of clay, may have learned to replicate, and eventually the process led to the creation of the famous DNA double helix and life itself.

This statement is coming from a man who built much of his career by criticizing God, religion, and believers who to him, qualify as a delusion, which he defined in his 2006 book, The God Delusion. In fact, he considers faith or belief that is not based on evidence—as “one of the world’s great evils”.

But regardless of Dawkins’ criticisms and his disbelief of religion are the facts that some of the great stories found in the Abrahamic religions are starting to be inadvertently verified by modern science as true. So much so they may cause the worlds’ most outspoken and famous atheist to be forced to do an about-face and recognize the truths found in the Scriptures to become not just a believer, but a knower.

As I explained in my previous article, The History of Humans Created From Mud and Clay, one of the earliest writers to detail this science of what is called Môt was the Phoenician historian and a priest of Byblos (City of the Book/Bible), Sanchuniathon (Phoenician: 𐤎𐤊𐤍𐤉𐤕𐤍), whose works were later translated by Philo of Byblos into Greek. Sanchuniathon refers to a great wind which merged with its parents, and that connection was called ‘Desire’ (πόθος). From its connection, Môt or Mud was produced from the fermentation (putrefaction) of a watery mixture, and out of this came every germ of creation and the generation of the universe including animals and humans.

From the teachings of Môt or Mud by Sanchuniathon, and the various histories from almost all cultures of the world telling a very similar story, we have various philosophers, scientists, and authors who have speculated and commented on this subject. The original belief was that various insects and animals could be spontaneously generated from putrified (fungal colonized/rotting/decayed) matter.

Writing in the 17th century, theologian and historian, Alexander Ross, had said;

“[May one] doubt whether, in cheese and timber, worms are generated, or, if beetles and wasps, in cow’s dung, or if butterflies, locusts, shellfish, snails, eels, and suchlike be procreated of putrefied matter, which is apt to receive the form of that creature to which it is by the formative power disposed. To question this is to question reason, sense, and experience. If he doubts of this, let him go to Egypt, and there he will find the fields swarming with mice begot of the mud of the Nylus [Nile], to the great calamity of the inhabitants.” (Alexander Ross, Arcana Microcosmi, 1652.)

Charles Darwin stated in The Origin of Species that “all the organic beings which have ever lived on this Earth may be descended from some primordial form”. In 1837, Darwin was convinced that “the intimate relation of Life with laws of chemical combination, and the universality of latter render spontaneous generation not improbable” but he rejected the idea that putrefaction of preexisting organic compounds could lead to the appearance of organisms.  As he wrote in 1839 in his Fourth Notebook, “My theory leaves quite untouched the question of spontaneous generation.”

 The German geologist Heinrich George Bronn, who translated Darwin’s The Origin of Species, in , added another chapter of his own to the book discussing spontaneous generation in the context of Darwin’s theory. Shortly thereafter, Bronn published an essay arguing that Darwin’s theory was incomplete until it could account for the origin of life, in which he provided the research of Priestley, Pouchet, and others who have provided evidence of spontaneous generation.

The famous British biologist, Thomas Henry Huxley, also known as “Darwin’s Bulldog” for his advocacy of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution asserted that life could be generated from inorganic chemicals in his book Protoplasm: The Physical Basis of Life (1869). The British physicist John Tyndall in his “Belfast Address” of 1874 also stated that life could be generated from inorganic chemicals.

What is fascinating as it relates to our modern era is that science has already validated Sanchuniathon’s theory that all life came from the fermentation (putrefaction) of a watery mixture or what we simply call “molds or fungi.” For example, in 2003, researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital showed that clay helps RNA form. Harvard Medical School Professor of Genetics Jack Szostak said, “It’s exciting because we know that a particular clay mineral helps with the assembly of RNA.”

Today, all living organisms store and transmit hereditary information using both DNA and RNA composed of four kinds of subunits known as nucleotides that determine the sequence of amino acids in proteins, which is the central mechanism in all of biology. (The Origin of the Universe, Earth, and Life)

Experiments conducted under conditions intended to resemble those present on primitive Earth have resulted in the production of some of the chemical components of proteins, DNA, and RNA. Some of these molecules also have been detected in meteorites from outer space and in interstellar space by astronomers using radio-telescopes. Scientists have concluded that the “building blocks of life” could have been available early in Earth’s history.

A 2013 study found that clay (dried mud) might have been the birthplace of life on Earth. Researchers from the Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science discovered that clay forms a hydrogel — a mass of microscopic spaces capable of soaking up liquids like a sponge. Over billions of years, chemicals confined in those spaces could have carried out the complex reactions that formed proteins, DNA, and eventually all the machinery that makes a living cell work, which protected those chemical processes until the membrane that surrounds living cells developed.

The researchers told the journal Scientific Reports that clay acts as a breeding laboratory for tiny molecules and chemicals which it ‘absorbs like a sponge’ and over billions of years the chemicals react with each other to form proteins, DNA and, eventually, living cells.

It is important to understand that it is not the actual particles of dirt or dust that mix with water to become clay that forms all life, but it is most likely the microbes that make up the earth’s soils that create life forms. Dust doesn’t absorb nutrients and or DNA. It is the microrganisms within and that make the dust that are able to absorb all matter aropund them.

This why researchers have discovered that it was most likely fungi that first colonized the surface of the earth leading to the beginnings of a soil system that still functions today. Fungi were some of the first complex life forms on land, mining rocks for mineral nourishment, slowly turning them into what would become soil. Fungi probably colonized the land during the Cambrian, over 500 million years ago, (Taylor & Osborn, 1996).

According to an article published on, “Fungi Are Responsible For Life On Land As We Know It.

“Fungi are absolutely remarkable chemists,” says McMaster University biochemistry professor Gerry Wright.  Fungi produce molecules that humans still can’t reproduce in a lab, and we’re only beginning to scrape the surface of what we can learn from them.

“[Fungi] are the garbage disposal agents of the natural world,” according to Cardiff University biosciences professor Lynne Boddy. “They break down dead, organic matter and by doing that they release nutrients and those nutrients are then made available for plants to carry on growing.”

“It’s how everything is reborn,” says Dunn. “So that this entire web of life is connected and it’s connected through the fungi.”

In short, fungi eat death, and in doing so, create new life.

Fungi hyphae form mycelium that connects trees and plants in an underground fungal highway — called the wood-wide web — transporting nutrients and sending danger signals.”

A 2006 paper published online by the journal Science said, “The evolutionary innovation and expansion of land biota could permanently increase [chemical] weathering intensity and [clay] formation, establishing a new level of organic carbon burial and oxygen accumulation.”

In 2009, a study published by The New Scientist suggested that the building blocks of DNA can form spontaneously from chemicals thought to be present on the primordial Earth and that DNA could have predated the birth of life. The researchers at by the University College London generated RNA using chemicals that probably existed on the early Earth showing that RNA may have formed spontaneously – powerful support for the idea that life began in an “RNA world”.

The New Scientist had stated; “Conventional wisdom is that RNA-based life eventually switched to DNA because DNA is better at storing information. In other words, RNA organisms made the first DNA.

If that is true, how did life make the switch? Modern organisms can convert RNA nucleotides into DNA nucleotides, but only using special enzymes that are costly to produce in terms of energy and materials. “You have to know that DNA does something good for you before you invent something like that,” Switzer says.

He says the story makes more sense if DNA nucleotides were naturally present in the environment. Organisms could have taken up and used them, later developing the tools to make their own DNA once it became clear how advantageous the molecule was – and once natural supplies began to run low.

“Organisms could have used naturally occurring DNA, then developed the tools to make their own”

Early organisms must have scavenged for materials in this way, says Matthew Levy of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. “The early Earth was probably a bloody mess,” he says, with all manner of rich pickings on offer.

More recently, researchers analyzing samples from muddy sites in the western United States discovered that novel DNA structures appear to scavenge and ‘assimilate’ genes from microorganisms in their environment. These extra-long DNA strands, which the scientists named in honor of the fictional Star Trek ‘Borg’ aliens who assimilate the knowledge and technology of other species.

Jill Banfield, a geomicrobiologist at the University of California, Berkeley, had said, “We started off with a piece of mud and 10 trillion pieces of DNA”.

According to Cal State Berkley, “One sample, taken from the mud on her property, contained a gene-filled stretch of DNA almost 1 million bases long—and more than half the genes were novel. This linear stretch of DNA also had a particular pattern of bases at its beginning and end, distinct stretches of repetitive DNA between its genes, and two places along the sequence where DNA duplication could begin—which indicated the Borg could make copies of itself. Together, this suggested it was not just a random concoction of genes.”

Borgs are DNA structures “not like any that’s been seen before”, says Brett Baker, a microbiologist at the University of Texas at Austin. Other scientists agree that the find is exciting, but have questioned whether Borgs really are unique, noting similarities between them and other large ECEs.

I recently reported on a new study that found bits of genetic code (DNA) in tiny particles of dust that are the building blocks for all vertebrates, including humans. The researchers found that these bits of genetic code have been scrambled and placed on larger chromosomes discovering that these tiny ‘specks of dust’ are actually important building blocks for all vertebrates.

Last but not least, within the dust found in our modern homes is human skin and DNA. In fact, it is one of the main components of all household dust.

A 2008 study found that environmental samples from indoor surfaces of dust are composed largely of human skin cells and have been documented to contain roughly tens of micrograms of total DNA per gram of dust. The researchers found that human DNA was detected in 97% of 36 dust samples.

Humans shed dead skin cells in the millions every day. These decaying flakes of skin land all around you where you live in your home or work that are then fed upon by the various microscopic organisms such as fungi and dust mites whose job is to eat decaying matter.

A newly discarded skin scale is ‘the perfect food for fungi and dust mites who thrive on decomposing organic matter.

Scientists believe that fungi may either constitute a food supplement for mites or may have an indirect effect by decomposing human dander, thus making it more accessible for dust mites. There is a mutual relationship between fungi and HDMs.

Here is an image of fungal hyphae Fungal emerging from house dust mite poop/droppings.

With the above scientific evidence and the history told by almost all cultures around the world of humans being created and molded by the dust, it is difficult to maintain that we are the product of some chemical reaction. Our DNA and the science of all life on earth tell us otherwise.

We are part of the dust.

To put it more accurately, we are the offspring of the organisms within the dust.

Both creators and destroyers who are internally, externally, and eternally connected to the earth’s biosphere molding ourselves and the world around us.

The words are taken from Genesis 3:19, where God told “the man” that he is going to toil, struggle, and sweat trying to get food from the ground. Then he’ll return to the ground, for that’s where he was taken from to begin with—you are dust, and to dust you will return. It seems this message was understood to apply to all of us. As the great Psalmist says,

“As a father has compassion for his children, so the Lord has compassion for those who fear him. For he knows how we were made; he remembers that we are dust. As for mortals, their days are like grass; they flourish like a flower of the field; For the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more.” (Psalm 103:13-16)

The Lord God formed man of the dust: Dust’ is the Building Block of All Vertebrate Genomes

The Lord God formed man of the dust: Dust’ is the Building Block of All Vertebrate Genomes

“Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.” – Genesis 2:7

As the knowledge of our world increases, we are beginning to learn that the teachings in the Bible that many modern atheists and so-called scholars scoff at as mythical madness and poppycock are in reality a hidden science being revealed right before our eyes. For example, a new study has found bits of genetic code (DNA) in tiny particles of dust that are the building blocks for all vertebrates, including humans.

As it is said in Genesis 3:19 – “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

As Science Alert reports;

Originally, they were thought to be just specks of dust on a microscope slide.

Now, a new study suggests that microchromosomes – a type of tiny chromosome found in birds and reptiles – have a longer history, and a bigger role to play in mammals than we ever suspected.

By lining up the DNA sequence of microchromosomes across many different species, researchers have been able to show the consistency of these DNA molecules across bird and reptile families, a consistency that stretches back hundreds of millions of years.

What’s more, the team found that these bits of genetic code have been scrambled and placed on larger chromosomes in marsupial and placental mammals, including humans. In other words, the human genome isn’t quite as ‘normal’ as previously supposed.

“We lined up these sequences from birds, turtles, snakes and lizards, platypus and humans and compared them,” says geneticist Jenny Graves, from La Trobe University in Australia. “Astonishingly, the microchromosomes were the same across all bird and reptile species.

“Even more astonishingly, they were the same as the tiny chromosomes of Amphioxus – a little fish-like animal with no backbone that last shared a common ancestor with vertebrates 684 million years ago.”

By tracing these microchromosomes back to the ancient Amphioxus, the scientists were able to establish genetic links to all of its descendants. These tiny ‘specks of dust’ are actually important building blocks for vertebrates, not just abnormal extras.

It seems that most mammals have absorbed and jumbled up their microchromosomes as they’ve evolved, making them seem like normal pieces of DNA. The exception is the platypus, which has several chromosome sections line up with microchromosomes, suggesting that this method may well have acted as a ‘stepping stone’ for other mammals in this regard, according to the researchers.

Phylogenetic relationships of reptiles, birds, mammals, and amphioxus genome assemblies compared in this study. Cytological chromosome numbers (n) are shown, along with the number of assembled macrochromosomes and microchromosomes (their percentage of the anchored genome) and genome size. Species names and full common names are given in SI Appendix, Table S1; in the text they are referred to by abbreviated common names.

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Read the original study at this link

The Hierarchical Structure of DNA Ordering Humanity

The Hierarchical Structure of DNA Ordering Humanity

The hierarchical nature of the helical DNA molecule within the cell carries the genetic instructions and such a large volume of information packed within its “supercoiled” architecture. What makes DNA perfect for data storage is that you can store an enormous amount of data in tiny amounts of mass. It is also one of the most stable and long-lasting substances in all the world, lasting up to the oldest DNA ever sequenced which is 700,000 years old.

In a recent interview that I conducted with DNA scientist Dr. Max Rempel, who has a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the Institute of Gene Biology in Moscow, Russia, he informed me that DNA is a physical substance that can be placed in a tube and measured. He says it acts like a quantum computer with an antenna connecting to a fiber-optic network transmitting our energy, knowledge, and memories into the earth’s biofield.

This concept was fascinating because I have been writing about what I dubbed DNA Gnosis and our DNA computers back in 2012. I had written a series of essays detailing how our DNA stores knowledge. As a result, we can not only participate in adding more knowledge, but we can also travel back in time and tap into ancient ancestral knowledge by researching their lives and historical records. By doing so, you become connected to the proper computer network and, more appropriately, the true hierarchical structure that both nature and God had intended for the human race.

Dr. Rempel had said, “It is exactly what it’s called facia. And it is a network, a fiber-optic network, which transmits energy by a field. DNA resonance model, genomic resonance model every cell with DNA in 99% of the cells have DNA except erythrocytes, which is red blood cells and everybody, everything else has DNA, participating in in the biofield.

And we are thinking in part of the brain’s thinking, but in part, we think with the whole body, the whole, with the whole DNA of the planet, and this facia is a fiber-optic network, which connects to the tissue. So you have the computers on the internet you have with the wires and the facial is are the hubs which connect everything. Obviously, the main thinking work happens in the cells, in the cell’s nucleus, in the brain cells, and all the other sense of the body’s cells makes sense.”

“Basically, it’s the molecular mechanism; scientists love that, and everybody else is scared like a nonscientist, but the molecular mechanism, how the DNA makes the biofield. One thing is to say DNA is a magic molecule that makes the biofield,” he said.

When I listened further to Dr. Rempel educate me about the secret world of DNA, it made me think about the hierarchical structure of the order of the earth. How the animals, mammals, insects, and, more importantly, the microscopic and magical world of fungi each have their own hierarchical system and play a significant role in the earth’s biofield and human evolution, and our mental and physical health.

Hence, I contend that the natural human hierarchy with its various genuses, races, and nationalities acts in a similar way to nature’s hierarchies when our society is properly managed. This can be done by structuring a hierarchical government and society by first matching a person who has a certain DNA Haplogroup and its historical and empirical physical traits and secondly by their knowledge and skills into their proper position in the hierarchical structure of the world.

Dr, Rempel further stated, “And another thing is to describe the physics of that. I described only minimum, but I can point to the molecular structure and say, these electrons, these aromatic electrons of Purin rings, basically of these structures within the GNA. They form a liquid crystal structure.

Okay. DNA for Analytica, liquid, crystal structure, and periods for within the structure, form an antenna and an antenna that creates the field basically to create a field. You’d like to run to, to radiate it out.”

So this is an antenna and this proton’s electrons are negatively charged. Protons are the smallest, positively charged elementary particles. There have the sign H plus protons H so they H two O they have two ages. There are protons in the water. So these protons in the DNA form a string. Electrons make clouds of spirits, specific shapes and protons make strings, creating another oscillator and another antenna.

And together, they create I pronounce the world, a computer and specifically a quantum computer. 

So a sequence of DNA made four letters, a C T it creates a program for that computer and forms the body of that computer. Within this letter, there is a badge of that computer, which thinks within the DNA.

And as I mentioned, each cell contains 6 billion letters. So this is a pretty sophisticated program like a big library equivalent of a big library, but it can also be written on a DVD or put on a flash drive, six gigabytes. It’s big, but it is manageable. So now I have published the mechanism, how the DNA creates the field.”

It is this field or biofield that is controlled by our own bodies and also our human interactions. It is no secret that there is a hierarchical structure in nature in how it operates each of its functions, with a particular animal, mammal, insect, and fungi species naturally obtaining their rank in the order. This order is arranged by the size and the violence and death that the specific species is able to exert on its fellow competitors.

For example, the lions of Africa and other countries stand at the top of the animal hierarchy, and when you go to Alaska, it is the bears or in the ocean, it is the Killer Whale who can quickly kill a Great White shark who stands 2nd in the hierarchy of the ocean. This type of hierarchal order can be witnessed in all life down to the microscopic fungi who I contend are the “hard drive” running the human-computer, and our DNA is the software creating the property structure of human order by means of knowledge, intelligence, and IQ, rather than a person’s body size and violence they are capable of like we see in animal and mammal kingdoms.

The various human Haplogroups do this via their contribution to humanity’s enlightenment and moral progress or lack thereof over history. I contend this natural hierarchy can also be artificially influenced and usurped by violence and laws that create a lack of wisdom and reason in governing the people instituted by the same said usurpers, causing the Apex of the human pyramid structure to become temporarily inverted. This inversion causes our world to operate in an automaton-type fashion or a group-think based on the very ideas and laws that govern us, which change over time accordingly.

As author and political strategist, Dr. Nikolas Laos explains in his essay, The Enlightenment of the Soviet Union, And The Revival of An Enlightened Civilisation, “Enlightenment is a movement of intellectual change that penetrated Europe (and America) during the eighteenth century. He says that it aimed essentially to emancipate human reason from the thraldom of prejudice and superstition (and especially from the feudal ethos and institutions) and to apply it to the cause of social and political reform. This changed many times over history simply by the rulers’ values and morals or lack thereof and the culture as a whole.

Dr. Laos had written,

“Even though, in different segments of historical space-time, different values were placed at the apex of the corresponding “moral pyramid,” certain values, such as “veracity,” “uprightness,” “accountability,” “strength,” and “perseverance,” irrespective of the particular ways in which they are interpreted by different human communities, seem to have been exerting indisputable moral authority over humanity throughout its known history.

In addition, if we inquire into the forms of moral values, and if we approach morality in a formalist way, then we realize that, in every segment of historical space-time, humanity makes a fundamental distinction between “good,” perceived as moral positivity, and “evil,” perceived as moral negativity. Therefore, by inquiring into the contents of moral values and into the forms through which moral values are manifested, we realize that moral consciousness has some recurrent qualitative features (meaning that it is characterized by structural stability),” Dr. Laos had said.

He further writes, “It goes without saying that the social system exerts significant influence over moral consciousness, and the latter internalizes and reflects social values. But the social system does not create moral consciousness itself, and moral consciousness can always judge and change the established system of values instead of passively complying with it. Hence, moral consciousness seems to be an innate attribute of the human being. In particular, through a combination of sentiments, volition, and reason, moral consciousness obtains a conception of the “good,” and it determines the conditions under which the “good” can be historically objectified and, thus, become historically meaningful.”

The social systems are created either by degree of knowledge and wisdom acquiesced, which equates to moralistic and ethical reasoning, leads to the “good,” i.e., good people leading.


Advanced life forms, such as humans, dogs, and whales, have what are called eukaryotic cells. Unlike prokaryotic cells such as bacteria, Eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus that stores and protects the genetic material, DNA, which is “condensed” (i.e., packaged) into chromosomes. To get an idea of just how condensed DNA is, inside every one of the 30 to 40 trillion cells (excluding bacteria and reproductive cells) that make up a human, if you were to stretch the 3 billion base pairs of DNA end to end, its length would be about two meters.

In humans, DNA is found in almost all the body’s cells and provides the instructions they need to grow, function, and respond to their environment. DNA stores biological information, such as eye color, hair color, skin tone, and much more information that science is just beginning to discover.

When a cell of the body divides, it will pass on a copy of its DNA to each of its daughter cells. DNA is also passed on at the level of organisms, with the DNA in sperm and egg cells combining to form a new organism with genetic material from both its parents. Physically speaking, DNA is a long string of paired chemical units (nucleotides) that come in four different types, and it carries information organized into units called genes. Genes typically provide instructions for making proteins, which give cells and organisms their functional characteristics.

The genetic data contained in DNA serves as a blueprint for each cell to perform its functions. It is as if it was specially made by nature to encode knowledge and information that is compressed and packaged within the nucleus of our cells for the instructions needed for our continued operation. An internal operation manual but also a program for the human body that can be hacked by the operator by adding and taking away information and highjacked by the outside biofield.

An energy transfer of sorts via the very microscopic entities that reside in our blood and these fields such as viruses and fungi as well. This is done through vertical and or lateral gene transfer that shows a symbiotic or pathogenic which I have discussed in my previous essays.

The Scientist reports:

“Lateral Gene Transfer is not limited to bacteria. Scientists now recognize that microbes transfer DNA to the plants, fungi, and animals they infect or reside in, and conversely, human long interspersed elements (LINEs) have been found in bacterial genomes. Moreover, researchers have documented LGT from fungi to insects and from algae to sea slugs. There is a reason to believe that any two major groups of organisms—including humans—can share their genetic codes.

“A new analysis published last year by Alastair Crisp of the University of Cambridge and colleagues found more than 130 traces of possible LGT events in the human genome—including the presence of fungal hyaluronan synthases, a fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO), and the gene responsible for blood types (ABO).”

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The computer industry has a data storage problem. The torrent of information created over the last two years is more than in all of preceding human history, which may soon outstrip the ability of computer hard drives to store it all. However, some of the world’s brightest researchers have created a new way to encode information as digital data within DNA to create the largest data storage devices invented.

According to Harvard, “It is estimated that 1 gram of DNA can hold up to ~215 petabytes (1 petabyte = 1 million gigabytes) of information, although this number fluctuates as different research teams break new grounds in testing the upper storage limit of DNA.” Microsoft, who is also currently engaged in DNA research, noting on their website: “Using DNA to archive data is an attractive possibility because it is extremely dense (up to about 1 exabyte per cubic millimeter) and durable (half-life of over 500 years).”

“DNA won’t degrade over time like cassette tapes and CDs, and it won’t become obsolete,” says Yaniv Erlich.

This statement by Erlich coincides with the research showing that DNA can last for hundreds of thousands of years and also Dr. Max Rempel’s comments that DNA is a type of quantum computer with an antenna connecting us to the biofield. I believe that as humans act morally, ethically, and responsibly when we search, acquire, and act upon the knowledge, we are not only creating a symbiotic relationship with this biofield, we are participating in the natural hierarchal order of humanity as God intended.

I contend this DNA and the human endeavor of acquiring knowledge, information, and experience has created a natural human hierarchy that spans the globe since this same said knowledge was applied to governing empires and imperialism.

In November 2020, a coalition of computing and biotech firms including Microsoft, Twist Bioscience, Illumina, and Western Digital announced forming the DNA Data Storage Alliance (DDSA). The alliance hopes to “organize the industry and think of how to build the whole ecosystem for DNA data storage”, says Xavier Godron, chief technology officer at DNA Script, a Paris-based developer of bench-top DNA synthesizers and a member of the alliance, according to

In June 2019, researchers reported that all 16 GB of text from Wikipedia’s English-language website had been encoded into synthetic DNA.

Researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and Harvard Medical School (HMS) have developed a low-cost DNA storage technique that enables encoding, storing, and retrieving digital information at a large scale.

DNA stores our biological information in sequences of four bases of nucleic acid — adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C) and guanine (G) — which are strung along with ribbons of sugar-phosphate molecules in the shape of a double helix which serves as its owner’s complete genetic blueprint. The sequence of DNA bases is arranged into genes, most of which contain the instructions to build a protein. DNA stores information in the sequence of its bases. The data is grouped into genes. Protein is what is mainly coded.

These coded genes become the storage files of DNA is very much like hierarchical file systems that we find on Windows and Linux computer systems or a zip file. In the same manner that folders are contained within folders in a computer or zip file, individual genes within a DNA molecule are equivalent to “computer files” needed for the cell to function.

It is these human-computer files that work individually, acquiring knowledge and wisdom for the collective of humanity that naturally creates the true human hierarchy.

The Secret History of DNA w/ Max Rempel

The Secret History of DNA w/ Max Rempel

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Hello, this is Moe with the latest episode of the Gnostic Warrior Podcast with DNA scientist, Max Rempel. We talk about the science behind DNA Gnosis, DNA Resonance, Biofields, and Bloodlines.

Max got his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the Institute of Gene Biology in Moscow, Russia in 1994.

Please visit Max’s website @ – Human Colony – helping humanity ascend

Or this link on Facebook

Max Rempel Quotes:

“Let me first start just to connect the idea of Gnosis and DNA. This double helix is very ancient. It comes from outside of the planet. It’s depicted on many ancient stones, two snakes wrapping around each other, and they are also present in the Middle East in Egypt and in America in, in, in the native American culture to snakes overlapping.

So that’s very ancient knowledge.”

“It is exactly what it’s called facia. And it is a network, a fiber-optic network, which transmits by energy by a field. DNA resonance model, genomic resonance model every cell with DNA in 99% of the cells have DNA except erythrocytes, which is red blood cells and everybody, everything else has DNA is participating in in the biofield.

And we are thinking in part of the brain’s thinking, but in part, we think with the whole body, the whole, with the whole DNA of the planet, and this facia is a fiber-optic network, which connects to the tissue. So it’s a. You have the computers on the internet you have with the wires.

So facial is the worse and the hubs, which connect everything. Obviously, the main thinking work happens in the cells, in the cells’ nucleous, in the brain cells, and all the other sense of the body’s cells makes sense.”

“Basically, it’s the molecular mechanism; scientists love that, and everybody else is scared like a nonscientist, but the molecular mechanism, how the DNA makes the biofield. One thing is to say DNA is a magic molecule that makes the biofield.

And another thing is to describe the physics of that. I described only minimum, but I can actually point to the molecular structure and say, these electrons, these aromatic electrons of Purin rings, basically of these structures within the GNA. They form a liquid crystal structure. Okay. DNA for Analytica, liquid, crystal structure and periods for within the structure, they form an antenna and they form an antenna that creates the field basically to create a field. You’d like to run to, to radiate it out.

So this is an antenna and this proton’s electrons are negatively charged. Protons are the smallest, positively charged elementary particles. There have the sign H plus protons H so they H two O they have two ages. There are protons in the water. So these protons in the DNA form a string. Electrons make clouds of spirits, specific shapes and protons make strings which also creates another oscillator and another antenna.

And together they create I pronounce the world, a computer and specifically a quantum computer. So a sequence of DNA made four letters, a C T it creates a program for that computer and creates the body of that computer. Within this letter, there is a badge of that computer, which thinks within the DNA.

And as I mentioned, each cell contains 6 billion letters. So this is a pretty sophisticated program like a big library equivalent of a big library, but it can also be written on a DVD or put on a flash drive, six gigabytes it’s big, but it is manageable. So now I have published the mechanism, how the DNA creates the field.”

Carl Jung: The Dead Have a Claim on Us

Carl Jung: The Dead Have a Claim on Us

“What is the power of the individual against the voice of the whole people in him?” – Carl Jung, Liber Novus

Carl Jung had believed that communing and honoring with love our Ancestors and Spirits of the Dead was a way of tapping into the collective consciousness or what some call the Noosphere. Through this immortal journey into thyself and into the past ancestral genome contained within our DNA, Jung believed we reached salvation, which is our true selves.

He also believed that our dead ancestors had a claim on our lives and souls and will torment those of their descendants who live by either causing misfortune and illness or bestowing gifts of health and prosperity. Almost as if our true consciousness, Gnosis, being, and ability to awaken from the dark night of the soul depended upon our ancestors’ proper reverendship.

For example, Jung had written in the Red Book;

The dead who besiege us are souls who have not fulfilled the principium individuationis, or else they would have become distant stars. Insofar as we do not fulfill it, the dead have a claim on us and besiege us and we cannot escape them. (Jung- The Red Book P.370)

Jung believed if you got it right, you would enjoy their good company and revelations to become a “bridge from the dead to the living” to be their “prophet or spokesperson.” Thus earning your right through honor, love, and communion to assist them in devoting part of your life to this collective unconscious or Noos in which you help them answer unanswered questions they were unable to complete while living and or carry on work where they had left off.

Jung had once said, “Death is a drawing together of two worlds, not an end. We are the bridge.” (Carl Jung, J.E.T., Page 95)

Almost as if our ancestors and we never die, but we live continuously through this consciousness/Noos of ideas that are not only contained within our very own DNA but that they were all around us and even our own homes at all times since ancient times. When we tap thyself, we awaken into their collective unconsciousness in our homes, lives, and the world Noosphere.

He warns us not to become blind spokespersons who are self-described prophets and thus stone themselves. The idea is to revere and accept the dead and carry on their work, giving it new meaning.

Jung had said;

“Then turn to the dead listen to their lament and accept them with love. Be not their blind spokesman / there are prophets who in the end have stoned themselves.

But we seek salvation, and hence we need to revere what has become and to accept the dead, who have fluttered through the air and lived like bats under our roofs since time immemorial.

The new will be built on the old, and the meaning of what has become will become manifold. Our poverty in what has become you will thus deliver into the wealth of the future. (Liber Novus, Page 297)

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