The Scripture lists both ‘God’ and ‘LORD’ as two very important deities that rule over humankind. The main difference between ‘God’ and ‘LORD’ is that God represents what is called the Supreme Being, the Creator, or Father of the world. While the word ‘LORD’ is a specific power, force, and or a person on earth having an honorary title that has influence and authority over others on earth and in hell.
The Supreme God in Heaven (universe) being a separate deity would perform his works (power/force) through the LORD of the earth who also worked through humans via knowledge (gnosis), philosophy, good works, and or sins. The LORD is the Almighty One, governing all creatures, guiding all events, commanding all powers both heavenly and earthly, and ruling the whole history of humanity. The LORD was also a supernatural force that worked through matter, animals, and even human bodies to become instruments or tools for God issuing punishments and rewards to people for their good or bad behaviors often called sins.
This power is also called the “LORD of Hosts” who we win favor by maintaining love and justice as it is said in Hosea; “Yes, he struggled with the angel and prevailed; he wept and sought His favor; he found Him at Bethel and spoke with Him there— 5the LORD is the God of Hosts— the LORD is His name of renown. But you must return to your God, maintaining love and justice, and always waiting on your God.”
The “LORD of Hosts” can also make the earth melt, control people’s minds, make war, and bring devastation as we read in Psalm 46:7 – “Nations rage, kingdoms crumble; the earth melts when He lifts His voice. The LORD of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah Come, see the works of the LORD, who brings devastation upon the earth.” The LORD of Hosts has countless angels at his command (2 Kings 6:16, 17; Psalm 68:17; Matthew 26:53). And he is “with us” – on our side, ready to help. The word ‘Hosts’ is variously translated as a mass of persons organized for, war, a campaign.
Throughout the Old Testament, we find the name LORD God also referred to as YAHWEH and JEHOVA working as an instrument of God’s mercy and his vengeance upon the earth. Yahweh, name for the God of the Israelites, represents the biblical pronunciation of “YHWH,” the Hebrew name revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus. The name YHWH, consisting of the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh, is known as the Tetragrammaton.
The word “LORD” is written in all upper case and had the inherent ability to make or mold man into being- “And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” (KJV, Genesis 2:15) Our LORD could be jealous, vengeful, and also loving and giving – just like we humans of today. YAH or the LORD worked in the prima material i.e., the dust and in the heavens via the winds and human anatomy, with his Prophets/Servants as the executor of God’s judgments. These wise people would become Prophets or speakers for God and saviors to the masses who believed in their knowledge and teachings.
YAWEH aka the LORD, was the ruler of the world and people as Moses emphasized to the Israelites, “The Lord [yhwh] your God [‘eloheykem] is God of gods [‘elohey ha’elohim], and Lord of lords [‘adoney ha’adonim], a great God [ha’el haggadol]” (Deuteronomy 10:17). He was, and still is, the Lord or ruler of his people, who covenant to be loyal to and obey him.
For example, in Nahum, we read the Oracle of Nineveh;
“The LORD is a jealous and avenging God; the LORD is avenging and full of wrath. The LORD takes vengeance on His foes and reserves wrath for His enemies. The LORD is slow to anger and great in power; the LORD will by no means leave the guilty unpunished. His path is in the whirlwind and storm, and clouds are the dust beneath His feet.” (Nahum 1:2) In Samuel 25:26, Abigail swore an oath to David, saying, “Now, therefore, my lord [‘adoni], as the Lord [yhwh] liveth,” and Job declared, “The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord [ Jehovah]” ( Job 1:21). And the Psalmist proclaimed, “Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and forevermore” (Psalm 113:2; see also Enos 1:1; Alma 7:4; 3 Nephi 11:17).
In the New Testament and with the advent of our LORD Jesus Christ, this concept was personified as the Son of God or his Captain being an earthly representative of these eternal truths. Jesus was not God but his Father who worked through him proving to the Apostles and early Church authorities that he was a de facto Son of God by his words and works. Hence, God created and was in Jesus so he became a God amongst the people and earned the title LORD and his place amongst the Saints.
These humans who are metaphysically connected and honor God’s will would be called his servants, witnesses, and angels in the world like Jesus Christ and John. For example, as we read in Revelation – “The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.
John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood.”
“Jesus is Lord” (Greek: κύριος Ἰησοῦς, kyrios Iesous) is a statement of faith for Christians who regard Jesus as both fully man and God. As the early Church Father, Polycarp had explained in The Letter of Polycarp to the Philippians – “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” and “our Lord and God Jesus Christ.” Justin called Jesus, a “created angel” who is “other than the God who made all things.” He said Jesus was inferior to God and “never did anything except what the Creator willed him to do and say.” Irenaeus clarifies that “God, the Creator, who formed the world, is the only God, and that there is no other God besides Him.” But that Jesus even though he is a man is also God in the Flesh indicated by the name, Emmanuel (Immanuel) – meaning “God is within man”. Clement of Alexandria said that the Son ‘is next to the only omnipotent Father’ but not equal to him.”
In the prophecies of First Isaiah, an important 8th-century BCE prophet of Judah, we learn that the Apostles through the Tribe of Judah have made a covenant with death, and with hell. Issah had prophecied against the sins of Judah, which strongly resemble the problems of our Modern world – “the rich oppress the poor, the nation squanders its economic resources on military spending, idolatry runs rampant in the land, everyone tries to cheat his fellowman, women flaunt their sexual charms in the streets, and there are many who cannot wait for a strong drink in the morning to get them through the day. One of Isaiah’s castigations warns: “Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine, and valiant men in mixing strong drink, who acquit the guilty for a bribe, and deprive the innocent of his right!”
In humans, he worked as an instrument through the mind of the skin or body called the Sarka, and based on a person’s good deeds or evil deeds, could reward or punish us accordingly. This would make sense since YAH represents primordial matter, including the human body, which the modern science of today has already informed us is intelligent and works similarly via our genetics, lives, and our natural immune systems.
This is important for you to understand as it relates to the story of human civilization and the science of earth’s ecology and human biology. The LORD or Yahweh would represent the God of this world who in Christianity is the Devil and is referred to as the “Prince of the World.” The Hebrews (Phoenicians) had called this force Behemoth of the land and Leviathon of the water and the Ancient Greeks Kronus and in Rome, Saturn.
This is why the Biblical prophets had prayed and honored the LORD of their flesh, the Word of God, the world, and hell. They are all metaphysically and permanently connected.
To the Ancient Phoenicians (Hebrews, Canaanites) writing in 12-10 B.C., we find the name of God on the Mesha Stele, which is the oldest known inscription dating to approximately 840 B.C. Since our modern writing systems and computers do not compute the actual Pheoncian letters initially used, I will post an image below showing how they had traditionally written God’s name, which is as such;
The Mesha Stele (840 BCE)
The Mesha Stele (840 BCE) is an old Phoenician inscription dated to around 590 B.C. called the Lachish letters (Lachish Ostraca or Hoshaiah Letters) also shows the anciently used letters discovered at the excavations at the Biblical city called Lachish, which is also variously spelled as Laish, Lavish, Lasha, and Leshem. These letters are in reality, the Phoenician script.
In the Scripture, the city is located in the southwest part of Idumea, now called Judah (Joshua 10:3,5,31), which was near Mount Ida on the island of Crete. Lachish was part of the Kingdom of Judah, also known as the Tribe of Judah had originated. An island that was once a Phoenician and Israelite stronghold that today can be found in Greece.
The letters representing God are also commonly known today as the Tetragrammaton. The original Phoenician letters dating from 1100 BC to AD 300), and modern Hebrew scripts.
The Ancient Greeks were the inheritors of the Phoenician empires so they had naturally adopted the Phoenician writing system, further developing the first true alphabet, the various names of Phoenician deities, and their philosophies. The Greek concept of God was represented as matter and form (materia prima) by the words EIAO, IAO, or ΙΑΩ (Iώτα, ιαω, Αλφα, Io or Ia), which was a further interpretation of the Tetragrammaton, or name of God. These were scientific concepts of great importance in Grecian Philosophy that were allegorized and mythicized to occult these teachings from the profane. (1)
The English translation is the first letter of the Hebrew and Greek alphabet being Alpha or Aleph (Α) symbolizes the origin of the primordial substance that created all things in the material universe and the end represented by the Greek omega (Ω). The first and last letters of the traditional (Io-nic) Greek alphabet. From the Greek EIAO, IAO, or ΙΑΩ (Iώτα, ιαω, Αλφα, Io or Ia), different translations are Ya, Yah, Yahweh, Vah, Jah, Jehova, and the LORD (Κύριος, Kyrios) with various similar appellations depending on the language, religion, time in history, and the country. These ideas further developed much later into the modern four-letter Hebrew word יהוה (YHWH), the name of the national God of Israel. The four letters, read from right to left, are yodh, he, waw, and he.
In the Scripture, this philosophy is conveyed via various passages such as we find in Revelation, “I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end;” “saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8, 21:6, 22:13) And in Isaiah, “Thus says the LORD, the King, and Redeemer of Israel, the LORD of Hosts: “I am the first, and I am the last, and there is no God but Me.” (Isaiah 44:6)
To the Greek stoics, through the power of EIAO – Iώτα Αλφα, Io or Ia or Yah was the bestower of darkness and light, health and sickness, intelligence and ignorance, wealth and poverty, honor and dishonor. Plato had called it the Demiurge that worked through the mind of humans, constantly creating, fabricating, molding, and even destroying our world via the inherent power of matter that they believed possessed a peculiar form of intelligence.
The Supreme Intelligence of the universe has passed through all things, including humans; thus people are given their natural capacity for knowledge could be receptacles and instruments for the LORD. People who can be called “Sons or Prophets of God” can gain intelligence as a force of the universe to act upon the world to form matter to create and destroy – even ourselves. This is where we get the word ‘materialize’ to form matter into being and materialism, which is the doctrine of materialists and Freemasons.
As we read in Exodus 31:1-5; “Then the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver, and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts.”
From EIAO, YAH, the LORD, or primordial matter, various forms of I.O., IOS, or ION are important or Holy nouns of person, places and or things were named who helped create our world such as ἱερός (hierós, “holy”) + -εια (-EIA) → ἱέρειᾰ (hiéreia, “priestess”) Καῖσᾰρ (Kaîsar, “Caesar”) + -εια (-EIA) → Καισᾰ́ρειᾰ (Kaisáreia, “Caesarea”). And from YAH or JAH, we have many of the Biblical Prophets such as Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the name John ( Ιωάννης, Ioannes, Joannes) as several very important Israelites such as the Apostle John the Baptist – a member of the Sanhedrin to whom God is gracious (1 Chronicles 3:24; Ἰωνᾶ, 2 Kings 25:23; Ἰωάνης, 2 Chronicles 28:12)
Our world is materialized, including humans through this peculiar substance i.e., EIAO, YAH, the LORD that is constantly creating, molding, and even destroying our world via the inherent power of matter that they believed possessed a peculiar form of intelligence. Whether corporeal or incorporeal, it had the ability to create nature, humans and through our minds was constantly creating, molding, and even destroying our world via the inherent power of matter to be molded into something else.
Including our thoughts and words, which not only create our realities, they shape the world around us. In the Scripture, this is emphasized with the passage, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was at the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.” (John 1-3)
In Greek Mythology, Yahweh aka the LORD or prima material force was personified in the Goddess, IO who the God Zeus loved, but due to the jealousy of Hera, Zeus transformed the maiden into a white heifer. Herodotus (i. l, &c., ii. 41) tells us that Isis was represented like the Greek Io, in the form of a woman, with cows’ horns.
Philostratus had written, “He [the C1st AD philosopher Apollonios of Tyana] reached the ancient city of Ninon [Nineveh in Babylonia], where he found an idol set up of barbarous aspect, and it is, they say, Io, the daughter of Inakhos (Inachus), and horns short and, as it were, budding project from her temple.” (Life of Apollonius of Tyana 1. 19 (trans. Conybeare Greek biography C1st to 2nd A.D.)
In the 10th century A.D., this philosophy was further developed in the Suidas, making IO (Isis) representing the moon;
“Io : A name. Inakhos (Inachus), a king of Argos, founded a city which he named for the moon, Io, for that is what Argives call the moon. He also had a daughter Io; Pekos (Pecus), who is also Zeus abducted her and fathered a daughter, Libya, by her. And Io, lamenting her ruin, fled to the Silicon Mountain and there died. Her father and her brothers, when they learned this, built a shrine to her and called the place Iopolis and remained there until the end. And they performed a ritual in her memory, banging on each other’s doors every year and saying ‘io, io!'” (Suidas s.v. Io (trans. Suda On Line) (Byzantine Greek lexicon C10th A.D.) :
According to the prophet Haggai who prophecizes; “On that day, says the Lord of Hosts, I will take you Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, my servant, and wear you like a signet ring; for it is you whom I have chosen. This is the word of the Lord of Hosts’” (Hag. 2:23).
“And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive.” (Revelation 2:8)
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
A speech given in the late 1990s by Jesuit political scientist Michael Novak, published in the weekly magazine of American Jesuits, claims the United States of “liberty and justice for all” was a political system built for a land of sinners who would constitute the “moral majority” of the country. Novak had stated,
‘The framers wanted to build a “novus ordo” that would secure “liberty and justice for all”…. The underlying principle of this new order is the fact of human sin. To build a republic designed for sinners, then, is the indispensable task…. There is no use building a social system for saints. There are too few of them. And those there are are impossible to live with!… Any effective social system must therefore be designed for the only moral majority there is: sinners.” (1)
This statement by the Jesuit political scientist Michael Novak is essential to relate to the title and theme of my new book – The Satanic State of America. It is a national state of mind that I believe is mental and, more importantly, has originated from sin, sinners, and what could be called a Satanic ethos.
When I use these terms, please do not confuse this with a typical fundamentalist Christian point of view or someone not educated on philosophy, occultism, and history. The English word sin means to “miss the mark.” It is derived from the Biblical Greek New Testament ἁμαρτία hamartia “sin”, missing the mark (failure or error) which is derived from the Hebrew hata – “sin”. A word that originates in archery and literally refers to missing the “gold” at the “center of a target,” but hitting the target – i.e. “to miss the mark.”
Think of sin as not being a good or decent person who treats others as they want to be treated. Hence, you are missing the point of being a good person. In secular terms, it means hate, selfishness, lewdness, human excess, crime, immorality, gluttony ie eating or drinking too much, consuming porn, stealing, drug use, cheating on your spouse, inventing killing devices, consuming human blood or semen, and the list can go on. Even non-religious people and decent atheists understand this and will refrain from these activities.
Many of the world’s best philosophers and political statesmen, no matter the country or time going back throughout history, have mostly believed that all people should strive to live a just, moral and ethical life. In the Biblical sense, they should do their best to remain free from sin. This serves as the microcosm of a nation that is the macrocosm mirroring and governing this same ethos. However, in the United States, when you allow everyone to have liberty and bad people with bad ideas to have Free Speech, this leads to immoral and evil activities that are protected by law.
In the Scripture, we learn that the law is for the sinners, rebels, and the immoral who are the lawbreakers to be punished for their sins, “We know that the law is good if one uses it properly. We also know that the law is made not for the righteous but lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine” (1 Timothy 1:8-10″ — University Of Wisconsin-Madison, Legal Studies Program, Sources Of Law 1)
When you understand that in the early beginning of American history, it was both a plan and an experiment, you will find that our nation bears all the signs of the Novus Ordo Republic of Sinners. As if the U.S.A. was purposely created to allow individuals to pursue liberty and individualism without being taught about philosophy and or religious values.
This would result in human error and a lack of wisdom to know the difference, causing many of the irreligious and ignorant citizens of the United States to create a Satanic culture. They are being punished for their sins via the various laws that enchain them.
The upside of sin is that the United States has become a global superpower, spawning some of the most intelligent independent thinkers like black magician Jack Parsons and Alfred Nobel who invented dynamite and other more powerful explosives and who also founded the Nobel Peace Prizes or the many other people who have invented some of the best machinery, weaponry, medicines, poisons, computer systems, and media that the world has ever seen. A massively successful experiment for the government, military-industrial complex, global elites, and big business.
However, there is a massive downside to allowing sin to be protected by law. The cost on the mental health and criminality of the people can be seen in the nation’s most current statistics indicating we have a massive crisis on our hands.
For example, the United States has the worst mental health-related outcomes, including the highest suicide rate and second-highest drug-related death rate. 20.6% of U.S. adults have experienced some type of mental illness such as major depression (also called clinical depression), manic depression (also called bipolar disorder), schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
According to John Hopkins University, “an estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older — about 1 in 4 adults — suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. Many people suffer from more than one mental disorder at a given time.” Approximately about 18% of people ages 18- 54 in a given year have an anxiety disorder in a given year. In 2019, 51.5 million people representing 1 in 5 adults. (2) The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates these numbers as high as 40% post COVID. (3)
The U.S.A. also has the highest prison and jail population with over 2 million people in the nation’s prisons and jails—a 500% increase over the last 40 years. Many of these people are in jail for the sins they committed, like simple drug crimes where the so-called criminal has hurt nobody and committed no crime to anyone but themselves. Since the 1980’s War on Drugs, sentencing policies have caused massive growth in incarceration for drug offenses skyrocketing from 40,900 in 1980 to 430,926 in 2019. Hence, they are behind bars for their sins. (3)
One of the most common reasons to go to jail is because of drug-related offenses. This is because the prison industrial complex with the guard unions and private prison system along with cheap labor make billions of dollars by capitalizing on the sins of the American people. The politicians also benefit from the lobbyists’ donations. It seems all the players are winning while the people lose their minds and their freedoms.
This massive increase in mental health diseases and the incarceration of millions of people, I contend, was caused by the legalization of sin via the Satanic State of Mind in the American culture. It happened slowly over time through the liberalization of our culture and the courts resulting in our values and various laws being changed.
The graph below shows the increase in incarceration rates, which coincide with various events, mainly starting in the 1930s and 40s with the promotion of sin with the invention of television, the entertainment industry, legalizing alcohol, and multiple drugs for medicine. Then we had famous black magicians such as Aleister Crowley and the teachings and O.T.O. promoting a lifestyle of liberalism and ultra individuality that took off in the 1960s with various Satanic organizations such as Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan and the Process Church of Unification who infiltrated the music scene and Hollywood with their Satanic ethos infecting the entire nation like a viral contagion.
The results can be witnessed as I mentioned above and also many other statistics via our modern mental health and prison crisis which can all be attributed to sins of the people and the government due to the Satanic State of America.
1. Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies
2. John Hopkins University – Mental Health Disorder Statistics
3. Sentencing Project – Criminal Justice Facts
4. Prison Policy – Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
In the Scripture, we are introduced to a powerful part of the human body and also a force or spirit that works through the flesh. What is called “sarka.” A form of Christian dualism that teaches us there are two spirits controlling humankind’s destiny.
The Spiritual is called the Mind from the Holy Spirit and the Sarka is the Mind of the Flesh and they appear to work against one another. The Mind is from the Holy Spirit is good and allows us to connect to God while the other is the Mind of the Flesh, which is the Law of Sin and causes us to lose self-control and to be bad.
Sarka is variously described as a bodily organ related to our flesh or the soft tissue that acts as a supernatural conduit that can shape and mold us via our thoughts and actions, often resulting in sin, disease, death, and even our genetics.
Think of it as the actual machine under your skin controlling your destiny by pronouncing judgments upon you via your actions. The real you. The skin on the outside with your good looks, lovely eyes, and hair, that’s just part of your ego – a temporary facade. One in which the very machine lurking below your exterior veneer can command its kill switch upon your very being, causing illness, cancer, and death for your transgressions/sins.
The scripture informs us that it is related to the human body, 2 Cor. 7:5; flesh, human nature, human frame, Jn. 1:13, 14; 1 Pet. 4:1; 1 Jn. 4:2; kindred, Rom. 11:14; lineage, Rom. 1:3; 9:3; flesh, humanity, human beings, Mt. 24:22; Lk. 3:6; Jn. 17:2; the circumstances of the body, material condition, 1 Cor. 5:5; 7:28; materiality, material circumstance, as opposed to the spiritual, Phil. 3:3, 4.
We read in Matthew 26:41, “Stay alert and pray lest you enter a time of trial. The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh (sarx) is weak.” Then we learn that there is something called “the one” who feeds upon John’s flesh (sarka) and drinks his blood dwells within him and John in him. Through our flesh, we serve the law of sin but with our minds via the Holy Spirit, we serve God.
In John 6:54, we are told, “The one who feeds on my flesh (sarka) and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day, and John 6:55, “for my flesh (sarx) is real food and my blood is real drink or in John 6:56;
“The one who eats my flesh (sarka) and drinks my blood dwells in me, and I in him.”
This sarka is not only part of our flesh, it also has the ability to control our minds so we are hostile towards God and we lose self-control.
We read in Romans 8:7, “because the mind set on the flesh (sarkos) is hostile to God; it does not submit to the law of God; in fact, it cannot and in Romans 8:8, “Those controlled by the flesh (sarki) cannot please God.”
These are the people who commit various moral and legal crimes, which Paul calls the ‘works of the sarkos’.
“Now the works of the sarkos are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Gal 5:19-21)
It also has the ability to punish us and deem us for the destruction of our flesh by giving us to Satan as we read in Corinthians 5:5, “hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh (sarkos), so that the spirit may be saved on the Day of the Lord.”
Later we learn that this sarka and the Holy Spirit will become one flesh and this is a good thing for all humankind.
Meaning the duality that we face and fight against will no longer be.
As it relates to sarka, it is my belief that it is not our skin, but a special organ that is part of our flesh called the interstitium.
It is through this organ that I believe our flesh and bodies interact with the outer or material world. Hence, it is what I contend as the scientific explanation of Sarka of the Scripture.
The interstitium is the connective tissue containing various bodily chemical and fluid-filled spaces existing between the skin and the body organs, including every part of our body such as the organs, brain, muscles and the circulatory system.
That means that the interstitium covers the whole body from head to toe which lies right below the skin’s surface; lining the digestive tract, lungs, and urinary systems; and surrounding muscles, according to a study published today on March 27, 2020, in the journal Scientific Reports.
Interstitial tissue is composed of cells, and what is called cerebral interstitial fluid (ISF) – water and electrolytes, ground substance, and fibrillary elements. (Figure 2-1)
It has been called an anatomical “highway” that provides a route for cell signal-carrying and may potentially explain everything from tumor growth to how cells move within our bodies.
The ‘ground substance’ of the extracellular matrix is an amorphous gelatinous material of the cerebral interstitial fluid (ISF). It fills the spaces between fibers and cells consisting of large molecules called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) which link together to form even larger molecules called proteoglycans. Glycosaminoglycans are native components of the extracellular matrix that drive cell behavior and control the cell’s microenvironment.
I contend this microenvironment works through the Sarka ie the interstitium to function as a barrier from attackers via the outside world and the very microorganisms that live symbiotically on our skin and within our blood. When we are properly balanced in homeostasis, it protects against external aggressions, including colonization and infection by these organisms that can turn into pathogens ie our undertakers.
This is accomplished through the degradation of glycosaminoglycans which appears to be very important for fungi to become pathogenic and also increase skin adhesion such as the genus, Candida Albicans.
They became pathogenic when we become unhealthy ie, sin, due to our thoughts, actions, and environment. Then, by default, our natural barrier is weakened, and by an act of judgment from God or the laws of nature, they are allowed to punish us, sinners, with illness, disease, and death.
This is why I believe that antifungal drugs are largely unsuccessful in treating these various illnesses and diseases. To treat a person who has not changed their ways of being and the very actions that caused their illness or disease are temporary band-aids because the very microorganisms that caused the pathogenesis are still present both within the patient’s body and also on the exterior.
The use of antifungal agents may temporarily sever this connection and fungal adhesion, but like flies in search of rotting meat or a pile of feces, the fungi will naturally find their way back to decomposing that which they have been tasked by nature to do. This causes long-term antifungal resistance.
In regards to the central nervous system and brain via cerebral interstitial fluid (ISF) homeostasis and neuronal regulation with the help of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) which helps with the circulation of metabolic products, hormones, and neurotransmitters. It helps maintain the homeostatic balance of the central nervous system, protecting the brain against mechanical injuries, preventing direct contact of the brain with the extracellular region.
The extracellular matrix region is the space external to the outermost structure of a host cell environment outside an intracellular parasite.
Researchers have found that various chronic diseases that deal with the interstitium AKA our flesh and our blood and the “Prince of the Power of the Air” such as interstitial lung disease and diabetes. For example, scientists are finding that interstitium could act as a superhighway signal or code carrier for cancers and other diseases to travel throughout the body, according to research published on March 31, 2018, in Communications Biology.
The study suggested that the interstitium carries cancer codes and other disease factors that travel throughout its tissue through the natural movements of the body like the pulsing of our blood, the pumping of our heart, and even the rhythmic squeezing that moves food through the digestive tract, and the flexing of muscles.
This explanation of the interstitium would align with the Scriptural Sarka in several passages as will many of the scientific explanations of this mysterious organ.
To examine the interstitium’s connectivity, Neil Theise, a liver pathologist at New York University Grossman School of Medicine, and colleagues injected tattoo ink into three human skin samples and five colon biopsies from colon cancer patients. In every case, the pigment traveled through many layers of skin or colon tissue. The team also saw evidence that various tumor types had traveled along the interstitium to different tissue layers in the samples from people with cancer.
“Our experiments suggest that interstitial spaces are continuous, creating a potential superhighway through the body, distinct from blood and lymphatic vessels, though which cells and molecules circulate,” says lead study author Odise Cenaj, MD, assistant professor in the Department of Pathology at NYU Langone Health.
“This finding may have significant implications for how the body signals to itself across long distances to maintain health, as well as for the spread of certain cancers,” he said.
Before I finish this essay, I would like to ask you a couple of questions.
Did you know the noun ‘sarcasm’ is derived from the Greek noun σάρξ, which is transliterated as sarka (sarx, sarki, sarca, sarkinos, etc.) and means to rip the flesh off a person?
When you are sarcastic towards someone, you mock their insecurities and sins and make fun of their ego with a sneering or cutting remark. However, the ego of a person is all part of the flesh or, more appropriately, the mind of the flesh. Hence, you expose their true selves by attacking, AKA ripping their fleshly or egotistical shortfalls.
While today, in the West, we have a common saying, “sticks and stones can’t break our bones,” but even the ancient Greeks understood sarcastic words that attack our ego is akin to someone ripping off our flesh and exposing our frailties that are often caused by our sins.
Sins that cause illnesses, cancer, and even death.
Alcohol is associated with 2.8 million deaths each year worldwide. Globally, one in three people drink alcohol (equivalent to 2.4 billion people), and 2.2% of women and 6.8% of men die from alcohol-related health problems each year.Tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year. More than 7 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.
Traveling through our flesh via the biblical sarka, or what today we may call the interstitium, our microscopic legislators issue their judgments upon humanity for all of our sins.
Whether we drink alcohol in excess, thus ruing our livers, smoke too much bad Western tobacco to contract cancer, maintain unhealthy diets, and get diabetes. When we abuse anything, our ancestors would have called sins – gluttony and lack of self-control.
The sins bring illness, disease, and death, as we see now with a global epidemic in 2021.
Scripturally speaking, I believe these are natural law legal pronouncements under God for what Paul had called the ‘works of the sarkos’.
As John said so pointedly well over 2,000 years ago, “The one who eats my flesh (sarka) and drinks my blood dwells in me, and I in him.”
Perhaps today if John were alive he might add, “The one who rots my flesh (sarka), causing cancer, diabetes, and death, rots my blood dwells in me, and I in him.”
In the video below, Gil Hedley, Ph.D. demonstrates with on-camera dissection of the interstitium, which he calls “perifascia.”
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Being a sinner or what some people would simply call a juvenile delinquent for most of my early life, the darkness of my acts has always shrouded my ability to see the light and goodness in the world. This inability to see the good made me hate that which I didn’t understand.
Figure emerges from the comos
The English word sin means to “miss the mark.”
It is derived from the Biblical Greek New Testament ἁμαρτία hamartia “sin”, missing the mark (failure or error) which is derived from the Hebrew hata – “sin”. A word that originates in archery and literally refers to missing the “gold” at the “center of a target,” but hitting the target – i.e. “to miss the mark”
So when we sin, humans are missing the mark. We are not getting the whole point of life which is to treat people how we want to be treated, to be blessed, and to love and live a good life.
Looking back on those years, I can honestly say that I was missing the mark and my sins caused me to have broken relationships and multiple trips to jail and prison. Obviously, the drugs, parties, music, violence, and girls were just part of the scene that constituted my sins.
Sins that almost killed me on multiple occasions and have killed countless peers.
But even in my darkest hours, I dreamed about the light and breaking the chains that bound me to my evil ways. I often thought, what does it take to make things right and what steps must I take to stop sinning in order to begin the road of redemption to recover my lost and tattered soul.
To many people outside of religion, a supernatural conversion of a bad person or even a former criminal or Satanist is ludicrous. Some people would even say that recent converts to the Faith are mentally deranged. However, my research into the subject and my own journey into the Valley of the Shadows of Darkness ie Hell, and back to the Light ie Heaven has shown me that there is something metaphysical happening when a person truly makes a conscious decision to change their evil ways.
A modern example of a high-profile famous person who has done this Great Work of Justification in redeeming his soul is Brian “Head” Welch from Bakersfield, California who plays bass in the iconic Nu Metal Rock Band, Korn. From finding God and quitting Korn, to going solo and then back to rejoining Korn, this man has traveled the dark labyrinths of Hell back to the Light of God to bring testimony to as many people as possible.
Like Brian Welch, I had a similar journey but less public and with a lot less money. My research into his story and his path over the last decade proved to me that he walks the talk. He is a shining example of someone famous who has redeemed his soul. A man who appears to be humble while still playing in the band Korn and testifying of his conversion. In a future article, I will speak more about his story and hope to interview him for a new book I’m writing.
So how does a real-life sinner like Brian Welch or myself make a miraculous conversion? How do we stop doing drugs, sex, and a debauched lifestyle to become a good man who no longer does those things ie sins, and give his life to a higher power ie God?
As the Scripture informs us, sinners can go from darkness to light to be saved from death to life via the Christian concept of Justification.
The Fathers of the Church, both Greek, and Latin, unanimously teach that justification effects the forgiveness of sins. Justification is described in the Bible not only as a remission of sins, but likewise as the beginning of a new life, a renewal of the Spirit, a new creation, a regeneration, a supernatural likeness of God, etc.
The concept of Justification renews the sinner inwardly and makes of him a new person.
This remission event first occurs in a person’s mind when they truly imagine and want to stop their sinful or bad ways. Then through their thoughts and actions, they do the work that is necessary to, for example, stay clean from drugs or stop watching porn to help with their sex addictions.
This new mindset to live clean followed by real-life action put to Death or Crucify the old Ego or old self/creature and the figurative rebirth of a new person occurs. Like Christ, we can rise to live again from our Tombs. This is the whole point of these Christian teachings.
They have sloughed off sin and become just and holy in the sight of God. Cfr.2 Cor. V, 17: “If then any be in Christ a new creature, the old things are passed away, behold all things are made new.”
As we read in John: “We know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren; he that loveth not, abideth in death. (1 John III, 14)” In Colossians: “And you, when you were dead in your sins, … he hath quickened together with him, forgiving you all offenses, (Col. II, 13),” and Ephesians. V, 8: “For you were heretofore darkness, but now light in the Lord.”
The word “justification” also occurs in two other meanings in the Bible. Ps. CXVIII, 8 and 26 for the “law”: “I will keep thy justifications;” and “Teach me thy justifications.” Apoc. XXII, 11 and other passages it signifies “growth in interior holiness,” which theologians call Justificatio secunda.
The earliest Church Father to write about this concept comes to us from Clement of Rome: The Letter of the Church of Rome to the Church of Corinth (Clement’s First Letter) who was familiar with St. Paul’s Epistles, and he certainly believed and taught that we are justified by faith and also via self-control, being humble and this is not in word only, it is “justified by deeds.”
Clement had written:
And we, therefore…are not justified of ourselves or by our wisdom or insight or religious devotion or the holy deeds we have done from the heart, but by that faith by which almighty God has justified all men from the very beginning (ch. 32:4).
We should clothe ourselves with concord, being humble, self-controlled, far removed from all gossiping and slandering, and justified by our deeds, not by words (ch. 30:3).
These quotes by Clement really hit home for me.
I always hated gossip and myself when I partook in it. Self-control is something I have battled with since being a little chubby kid who was picked on by my peers or to my alcohol and drug addictions. Today, the art of self-control plays a big part in all that I do.
I have never been a man who thought by Faith only we are redeemed or saved. To me, these people who walk by Faith only are hypocrites who do not walk the talk. They give Christianity a bad name. The very people Godless Atheists and Satanists poke fun at all day long.
The Eastern Father St. Justin Martyr (AD 100-165) makes it clear that it is not those who “merely profess” Christ on their lips, but by the values of their actions through those who “do the works” the Saviour commanded that will be saved:
Those who are found not living as he taught should know that they are not really Christians, even if his teachings are on their lips, for he said that not those who merely profess but those who also do the works will be saved (cf. Matt. 13:42, 43; 7:15,16,19)” (The First Apology of Justin, ch.16).
Each man goes to everlasting punishment or salvation according to the value of his actions (The First Apology of Justin, ch. 7).
Ignatius of Antioch (AD 35-107), Apostolic Father from the East, informs us that along with baptism, faith, and charity, our works will be our deposits to receive what is our due:
“Let your baptism be ever your shield, your faith a helmet, your charity a spear, your patience a panoply. Let your works be deposits, so that you may receive the sum that is due you” (Letter to St. Polycarp, 6).
Most Christians fail to understand that when you are “dead in your sins” and when you move from being a sinner who lives in darkness to the Light of the Lord, it is a form of Baptism by Fire.
A self-initiation in which you consciously make the decision to stop living a selfish life by the mind of the flesh and to no longer be ruled by your material things, money, and the world. This does not mean that you no longer have a need for material necessities such as money, a house, and or a car, but they no longer define who you are and or take precedence over the most important things in life like family, love, and our spiritual life such as God.
When a person has genuinely made this decision to stop consciously sinning by living in Mind of the Flesh, and their thoughts and actions validate this fact, it is called Justification that their sins be forgiven. They now walk in the Light of the Lord ie Spiritus Principalis ie, the directing or Governing Spirit of God as Jesus had done.
Unfortunately, many people deceive themselves and continue to sin, so you must understand that this cannot be done in words only. They miss the mark.
There is also the misconception that our sins are caused by one man and also have been forgiven by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Having faith and just merely believing this will cause you to be saved. As we read in Romans, “by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners” (Romans 5:19), and to overcome this alienation from God by sin, Jesus died on the cross, thereby reconciling us to our Creator, insisting that “when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son” (Romans 5:10).
But this interpretation is wrong because if we are to examine the Greek and Hebrew Scripture, we would find that
The Scripture is emphatic that Forgiveness is imparted via penance from God. NOT by Jesus dying on the cross, a preacher, or some outside authority. It comes from both within and God, which is Natural Law.
Another Eastern Father, Basil the Great (AD 329-379), tells us of being “acceptable to God” through obeying the gospel, purging sins, and being active in good works:
He who would obey the gospel must first be purged of all defilement of the flesh and the spirit that so he may be acceptable to God in the good works of holiness (The Morals, 2, 1).
Basil believed that simply renouncing sins was not enough for salvation; rather, an act of penance was necessary as well:
Mere renouncement of sin is not sufficient for the salvation of penitents, but fruits worthy of penance are also required of them (The Morals, 1, 3).
The people who are saved ie break free via the values of their actions are Redeemed, which is the Christian concept of Redemption.
The word Redemption comes from the Latin redemptio which is originally rendered from the Hebrew kopher and Greek lytron which, in the Old Testament, redemption (Hebrewge’ulah) referred to the ransom price of slaves (Exodus 21:8). In the New Testament, it is designated as the “great price” (1 Corinthians 6:20) which the Redeemer paid for our liberation.
GreekFathers, like St. Athanasius (De incarnatione, in P.G., XXV, 105), St. Cyril of Alexandria (Contra Julianum in P.G., LXXV, 925) and St. John Damascene (De fide orthodoxa, in P. G, XCIV, 983), emphasized that Redemption is a remedy for original sin as almost to make it appear the sole and necessary means of rehabilitation.
In this regard, Gregory of Nyssa introduced the concept of Satan and souls on a fishing hook. Just as in fishing, Satan clamped down on this hook (i.e. Christ), and found a surprise. This surprise was the claims of all the souls taken from the devil.
This concept of redemption has been extended to the law for example of human chattel or slaves: an Israelite slave, an Israelite captive, and the firstborn son, pidyon haben, (Hebrew: פדיון הבן) or redemption of the first-born son. Firstborn’ derived from Jacob, who are God’s slaves forever, but are currently held captive, even while residing in the modern state of Israel.
Redemption is extended from the person to material possessions like real estate for foreclosed properties. Before a bank can cease or take back the property from a delinquent owner, they are given a Right of redemption, which is a right to reclaim the foreclosed property.
The right of redemption to transform individual persons one mind, heart, and soul at a time.
Through Justification, they have been saved from the jaws of Leviathon, the Devil, or the earth’s biosphere which controls the mind of the flesh.
Their souls Redeemed by thoughts, words, and actions.
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
When Pope John Paul II performed a pagan fertility ritual of pouring a special mixture of flour onto the earth with African witch doctors in Togo or let the Lakota Indians pass him the peace pipe in the presence of the Wakan Tanka, it was not part of some photo op. Contrary to popular Christain belief, even the Pope and these pagans knew the difference between God and the Spirit of the world.
In the Christian sense, they were communing ecumenically with who we find in the Scripture and the ‘spiritus principalis.’ The Latin term, “spiritus principali”, is found only once, in Psalm and variously translated as “chief spirit, governing spirit, thy directing spirit, or the Holy Spirit,” which is in contrast to what is called the Spiritus Paracliticus.
The Scripture informs us that one of these spirits is a governing spirit or Holy Spirit from God, which is good, while the other is the “mind or spirit of the flesh,” which causes humans to be selfish and sin, leading to destruction and death. The mind of the flesh is not high minded
The original Greek translation for “set their minds” is the word phroneo, which comes from the phren (Ancient Greek: φρήν, romanized: phrēn, lit. ‘mind’; plural phrenes, φρένες), an Ancient Greek philosophical concept for the location of thought or contemplation. Both a physical body part and emotions. According to Pythagoras, it is one of the intellectual capacities that constitute the soul, along with nous (spirit or mind) and thymos (passion).
Several Ancient Greek literary sources refer to the word phrenes ruled by the Goddess ” Atē” as being the place or location of the mind where emotion like anger arises. In the story told by Agamemnon, he makes an appeal to Achilles’ emotion;
“…he was struck in his mind [phrēn] with a sharp sorrow [akhos]. And right away he grabbed the goddess Atē by the head—that head covered with luxuriant curls— since he was angry in his thinking [phrenes], and he swore a binding oath that never will she come to Olympus and to the starry sky never again will she come back, that goddess Atē, who makes everyone veer off-course [aâsthai].
In Homer’s Iliad, the dialogue between the Nurse and Phaedra shows us that listening to the wrong God (voice or spirit) steers us off course causing us to go mad and become deranged. (Iliad 19.125–129, Sourcebook)
Nurse – These things are worth a lot of consultation with seers: which one of the gods is steering you off course and deflects your thinking [phrenes], child?
Phaedra – Wretched me, what have I done? Where have I strayed from good sense? I have gone mad and fallen by derangement [atē] from a daimōn.
In the speech of Circe, she tells Odysseus to consult Teiresias:
But first, you [Odysseus] must bring to fulfillment [teleîn] another journey and travel until you enter the palace of Hādēs and of the dreaded Peresephone, and there you all will consult [khrē-] the spirit [psūkhē] of Teiresias of Thebes, the blind seer [mantis], whose thinking [phrenes] is grounded [empedoi]: to him, even though he was dead, Persephone gave consciousness [noos], so as to be the only one there who has the power to think [pepnusthai].
This Greek concept of the location on the anatomy of phrēn or phrenes would be the midriff or gut of the person.
Examples of words we derive from the Greek phren in English are diaphragm (“phrenic nerve”) and the mind or senses. Words like schizophrenia, frenetic and frantic. Schizophrenia is from the Greek roots schizein ( “to split”) and phren, phren- (“mind”), which is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental illness characterized by impairments in the perception or expression of reality.
It is interesting these concepts of the mind of the flesh being related to the gut, belly, or digestive tracts are validated by science today. This is where our second brains are located as I have stated many times before.
Research indicates that this is oftentimes true of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, as well as disorders that are typically thought of as being confined to a specific portion of the digestive tract—such as ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Researchers are even finding a strong correlation between individual mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, and deviations in the populations of specific gut bacteria populations.
They further reported;
“Writing in the February 2019 edition of Science Advances, the team “found obvious differences in gut microbial composition between the two groups,” and that the bacterial communities in the two deviated at the phylum or class level. Furthermore, they discovered that “Global microbial phenotypes were not greatly influenced by sex or medication status.”
In other words, the gut biomes of the schizophrenic subjects had an elevated level of some specific bacterial families and a deficiency of other specific bacterial families when compared to the gut biomes of the healthy controls. The researchers also found that imbalances of gut bacteria (dysbiosis) in the schizophrenic subjects were distinct from patients with a major depressive disorder and that there were clear microbial markers that correlated strongly with symptomatic severity. They could even determine whether or not a biome sample came from a schizophrenic subject or a control subject with a great deal of accuracy.”
The Christian concept of two mindsets governing people’s minds and there are two destinies based on what spirit people listen to and live their lives. Like the Ancient Greeks, the mind of the flesh came from the gut or belly. The Spiritus Principalis i.e., God’s directing or Governing Spirit, is a higher mind in contrast to the “mind of the flesh” as written in Romans 8:5-7. Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.
In Philippians 3:19, we learn that people whose end destruction, God is the belly and glory is the shame of things earthly minded.
Psalm 50, verse 12, we find the term Spiritus Principalis. Brenton’s LXX translation asks God to “establish me with thy directing Spirit” and David and James both ask for a “governing spirit” that seems to have the same meaning. Spiritus Principalis is also variously translated as “chief Spirit, governing Spirit, perfect Spirit, and generous resolve.
Translations from the Hebrew word is nadib: generous, magnanimous, willing-hearted, noble, and the Hebrew nakōn, from the root kwn, which means “to be firm, established, prepared.” The Hebrew naqntā means things like “firmly set, stable, steady, reliable, firm, steadfast, honest, trusty, good, thorough.”
St. Paul is clear when he tells us, “For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh” (verse 5). Those who are “according to the flesh” are “in the flesh” in verse 8. Meaning they are governed and ruled by their flesh rather than by the Spirit of God. The “flesh” refers to selfishness, material pleasures, worldly pursuits, secular beliefs, self-interest, and self-promotion.
Paul previously said, “Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?” (Romans 6:16).
Paul states that “Because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God” (verse 7). The meaning of hostile is opposed. antagonistic, and hatred against God. An unbeliever is “hostile in mind” toward God (Colossians 1:21). James says that unbelievers have “hostility toward God” and are “an enemy of God” (James 4:4).
According to Monet of Cremona, the Holy Spirit is called Spiritus Principalis, meaning “firmus” because the devil did not deceive them, and he also created a great multitude of different entities called Spiritus Paracliticus. Their whole mental and moral activity is set upon nothing else but the gratification of the flesh and the material world, which is selfish and carnal because the carnal mind is enmity against God and equates to death.
These were the sinners who lived in darkness and were covered in sackcloth.
The Sons of Disobedience and the Children of Wrath.
These mind-controlled people were the “children in whom is no faith” (Isa 30:9; 57:4). They disobey the Gospel of their ancestors both in faith and practice (2Th 1:8; 2Co 2:12) and thus become “children of disobedience” and the “wicked.” Saint Paul had said, “The spirit that now worketh – That still lives, and whose energy for evil is still seen and felt among the wicked.”
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) issues the power of governance (CCC 1537) through the governing Spirit in the form of Episcopal ordination promulgated by Pope Paul VI to be conferred on a new bishop: “And now pour forth on this chosen one that power which is from you, the governing Spirit, whom you gave to your beloved Son Jesus Christ, whom He gave to the holy Apostles, who founded the Church in every place as your sanctuary, unto the glory and unending praise of Your Name.”
In Romans 8:13; “For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. Romans 8:27 “And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. We find in Galatians 6:8, “The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”
Therefore, Catholic teaching tells us that spiritus principalisis conferred via a formal cause (causa formalis) is that cause or principle which determines the form, that is, the structure, the essence of a being. The principal of the formal cause, like the material cause, is an internal cause of every (created) being.
It simply consists in the form or appearance (Greek: ‘idea’ or ‘eidos’), the structure or the pattern found in beings molded in the form of the Holy Spirit or the Mind of the Flesh.
A de facto type of mind control in which we choose to live determines how our minds operate in the world and how natural laws dictate our destinies.
You will know them by their ideas (eidos) words and works.
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
The word leprosy is derived from the Greek lepra, which means spotted or stained and represents an ancient illness and disease known for millennia. Whole cities, houses, and even entire islands worldwide up until the 1900s were specifically designated by government and church authorities to segregate the sick lepers from the rest of the healthy population.
Not only people could get leprosy, but also their clothes and homes would become leprous via green, white (lepra alba), and red spots that they had to destroy if the stuff did not keep growing. I contend that this disease, medical practices, and remediation techniques have been carried out well over 2,000 years up until this very day.
In studying the etymology of leprosy before the Greeks had called this disease lepra, the Phoenician Hebrews (Canaanites) had called it by the name tsara or tsarath in the Old Testament/Tora. The Coptic name for leprosy is tseht and the disease is described in the Papyrus Ebers as ukhedu. It is also mentioned in ancient Indian and Japanese history.
The Hebrew Tzaraath describes disfigurative conditions of the skin, hair of the beard and head, clothing made of linen or wool, or stones of homes located in the land of Israel in chapters 13–14 of Leviticus.
The first Old Testament mention of this disease is a sign given by God to the Hebrew Lawgiver Moses (Exodus 4:6 (Jahwist)), who was not only a king and priest but also a sick man with Leprosy aka Mold/Fungi. In the third Book of Exodus xi chapter, 4th verse, we learn, “Whence one cannot but smile at those who say that Moses was himself afflicted with the leprosy when he fled out of Egypt.”
Hence, Moses was expelled from Heliopolis on account of his being a leper (see also I, 26 and Ant, III, xi, 4). The second case is that of Miriam (Numbers 12:10), where the disease is graphically described (EP2).
The word tsara’at appears approximately two dozen times in the Hebrew Bible, almost exclusively in Leviticus, describing how it infects people, clothes, and people.
We find in the Greek Septuagint, the translation of the Hebrew Bible, negac tsara’at was translated in Greek as aphe lepras, and later in the Latin Vulgate, this became plega leprae. The word Tsara’at has continued to be translated as “leprosy,” even though the word leprosy was not known in the Mediterranean when the Hebrew Bible was written.
Other scholars have suggested that the proper translation of tsara’at is “mold or fungi” and I agree.
There is now a tremendous amount of science and research we have showing that molds contaminate (defile) buildings and cause respiratory distress, memory loss, and spots in the form of rashes, pimples, ulcers, and cancer in humans, and the fact that mold has been present since the beginning of time, validate the translation of tsara’at and the later lepra as “molds/fungi.”
These modern references can be compared to the Scripture like in Leviticus 14:45 to mildew defiling a place to live in, so drastic measures had to be taken.
In Leviticus, we learn an all-out effort by the ruling class and priesthood to cleanse Isreal of mildew/mold and leprosy, which seem to go hand in hand. Drastic measures were taken to inspect homes, people and make judgments or final inspection reports on all reported cases. If the home and people were found to have mildew or to contain leprosy, they were officially pronounced unclean and set for destruction and/or banishment from the community.
We can compare COVID patients to the Leper because people who contracted this disease were officially pronounced unclean (COVID positive) and were isolated from the community. The word unclean was a word that did not just describe a person who was infected, but it was what they did and how they lived that caused the disease. The English word unclean is derived from the Greek akathartos; impurity (the quality), physically or morally — uncleanness.
Also, people who have COVID have similar symptoms in Leviticus 13; 14; Numbers 12:10-15 under which the disease might develop itself:
Without any apparent cause (Leviticus 13:2-8)
Its reappearance (9-17)
From inflammation (18-28)
On the head or chin (29-37)
In white polished spots (38, 39)
At the back or in the front of the head (40-44)
Like leprosy, COVID and certain pathogenic fungi also cause inflammation in victims, with the main feature being lung inflammation and respiratory failure caused by an overexuberant immune response. This may lead to “multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) , which is a serious condition associated with COVID-19 where different body parts can become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or gastrointestinal organs.
COVID patients also get spots like lepers via red and white spots in the mouth and throat, and it also has the ability to reinfect people who have recovered from a previous illness. We are also treating modern COVID patients like we would the Lepers in the past. I assume soon, we may take this remediation program to the next level like they did back in the days of Moses when the Lepers were often banished to special cities and islands to be officially segregated from the rest of the world indefinitely.
You must distinguish between the unclean and the clean. – Leviticus 11:47
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.