Did you know dogs have human DNA?

Dogs human DNARecent findings by DNA scientists prove that dogs have human DNA. The science is out that we humans and dogs have exchanged bodily fluids or DNA, thus causing our genetic makeup over the millennia to become very similar to one another. As a matter of fact, the top ten diseases that affect us humans, also are the top ten diseases amongst purebred dogs including cancer, epilepsy, heart disease, allergy, retinal disease and cataracts.

Here is an excerpt from National Geographic that helps explain this for you:

Scientists have completed a rough sketch of the canine genome. The results may explain why dogs are humans’ best friend: Their genes are similar.

“Dogs suffer from more than 350 genetic disorders, many of which resemble human conditions,” said Ewen Kirkness, a molecular biologist at the Institute for Genomic Research in Rockville, Maryland who led the research. “The genes responsible for these are probably constant to humans and dogs.”

The sequencing indicates that dog and human genomes are more similar to each other than either is to the mouse, though it appears the dog lineage diverged first from the common ancestor. (more…)

What is Intuition?

Intuition comes from within our DNA. Our DNA is a form of computer or internet. When we tap our intuition for answers or to know, we access our computers which is our DNA. This is where gnosis comes from and is our sixth sense.

Not many people are aware of their sixth sense that is known as intuition. Of course, most all of us are aware of the five physical senses known as sight, touch, taste, hearing and smell. But how come we are not taught in school about the sixth sense of intuition when growing up? Is there a reason why we are not taught to tap our “inner wells of resources,” AKA our blood to find answers or solutions to our lives?

I believe that this is one of the biggest secrets being held from man kind over the last one thousand or two thousand years and this was done purposely be design so we humans forget our pasts and the truth of where we come from. Maybe this was done for our own good or the opposite. This conclusion I have yet come to because I am still in the research stage of tracing my past through my DNA which has encoded into it these intuitive answers that I seek.

So, where does one intuit in order to sense via a human experience in order to have or even explain this sixth sense? The answer is that this sixth sense comes from within. As within, so without. For it is our DNA that we individually tap via our minds and hearts into in order to have intuition. The mind seeks and reasons while the heart is your DNA feeling and memory device in which you use your intuition to either confirm or discredit your minds finding based on cellular memory that uses vibrations to send these signals to our heart and gut. (more…)

Satanists view themselves as animals who are part of Nature

Gnostics and Illuminists are humans just like you and I who view themselves as sentient beings of the light whose goal is to rise above their lowly animal natures. Satanists view themselves as animals who are part of nature.

Satanists walk the Left Hand Path and Gnostic Illuminists walk the Right Hand Path. If you are not aware of the differences, please see my article here that explains this in the most simple way possible because in all reality, the occult world is very easy to understand once you pullback the veil of all the bullshit.

What we gnostic illuminsits who seek the light need to comprehend is that spirituality and the occult world is truly as simple as black and white. It is just the “players” in the occult world who make it complicated because the facts are that most Magi who are “players” are really business people do so for entrepreneurial purposes. Meaning, they make money by what they tell and do not tell or how spiritually complicated they make it.

After all is said and done, if all religions put out a book on really how easy it is and how few words we truly need to teach God or spirituality, they would be out of business in a New York Corporate minute. The reason being is that easy and simply does not sell as well to the masses as having a shepherd tell you how complicated it really all is. They tell you to just buy this thick book in order to get life. You can live like Jesus or Satan, hell they don’t care, but for Augustus Caesar’s sake, give to us what is Caesars and send in your last few dollars while you are at it.

In all honesty, if many of these religions and spiritual gurus told you how easy it all is, well then the billion dollar bible business and the hugely successful copyrighted Satanic Bible would not be best sellers anymore. Yes, just like the Roman Jesus Caesar Christ keeps the Catholic Church bank accounts fat, you can bet your last dollar that the Church of Satan is laughing with the allegorical Satan all the way to the bank.

However, let there be light and let it be said that there is a big difference between the two in their bank accounts and mission. One is a true 1300 year old successful Billion Dollar Brotherhood backed in gold via Pax Romana and the Rose CroSS with their spiritual home base on the 7 hills in Rome

and the latter is a meager 40 year old successful California based business in San Francisco.

As you can clearly see from this article that there is a big difference between a true Gnostic and practicing Satanist. I choose the light and gnosis to rise AS ABOVE the dark of my weak animal flesh in order to live in the Heavens. Satanists choose to live in their weak animal flesh natures in AS BELOW in what I would like to call Hell.

What do you choose? Light or dark?  It is simple and there is NO middle ground!


What is the difference between the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path?

There are many people out there that are confused to the differences between the Left Hand Path (LHP) and Right Hand Paths (RHP). The facts are it is really simple to understand once you get educated. My hopes are that this article does this for you.

Please look at this pictures below where we have Madonna, Baphomet, our first President, George Washington and a Tarot Card all indicating AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. But also their hands signify the two different paths as well.

As you can see from the pictures above, you have the right hand pointing up and the left hand point down. The right hand is pointing to the light which is the right hand path to represent illumination and a higher consciousness. When you take this path, you choose the light. You are AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. (more…)

Did you know that Washington DC was once called Rome?

This article will kick off a series of daily “Did you know?” articles where I will make a simple Apocalyptic Revelation about the world we live in by pulling the veil down from the illusion. One way I AM going to do this is by explaining how history, places, people and things have been changed from their original meanings in order to conceal them from the public over the years.

One such place happens to be built on seven hills and is the capital of the United States of America, Washington DC. Not many people are aware of the fact that before this city got its current name of Washington DC, the capital was simply named after that other city on seven hills, Rome. Yes, that Capital that holds our Senate with the Roman Eagle and Roman Fascias to this current day is in fact an extension of what once was thought of has fallen, the Roman Empire.

What this means in simple terms is that yes, the Roman Empire did in fact fall in 476 AD when Odoacer, the Barbarian Germanic General deposed Romulus Agustulus, but that doesn’t mean the Roman way completely died in this 5th century takeover. Often when one Empire falls, the intelligent new conquering King and empire just doesn’t throw the old Roman baby out with the old bath water or destroy the entire old Roman system in order to have to painstakingly create a new Anglo Saxon one. No, they simply take things over and sometimes this is as easy as taking one crown off of a deposed headless kings body and placing that same crown on their new royal heads. They even make clever family alliances in the old empire with their old enemies to further the goals of the newly formed empire.

It is a simple change of thrones, where the old aristocracy is replaced or modified, plans changed, new blood alliances formed, new bibles written to honor these alliances, new laws set in stone of scone, names allegorically changed, places cleverly hidden and history intelligently altered. (more…)

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