One of the most Ancient Egyptian artifacts ever found in Greece was discovered on the Holy Island of Crete which further proves that the Egyptians had connections going a long way back with the Cretans who they called the Keiftu and the Greeks called the Phoenicians. A people who I believe were blood-related and ruled the world together for thousands of years.
This ancient artifact was buried beneath the Temple of Knossos (Gnosis) where archeologists discovered an ancient alabaster engraved with Egyptian Pharaoh Khian’s upon it in a deposit assigned by Arthur Evans to Middle Minoan III A.9. The remarkable parallels between the Cretan seal designs and the Egyptian scarab-designs were first pointed out by Evans.
Seuserenre Khyan (Khian, Khayan or Khan) was said to be the First king of all Hyksos during the Fifteenth dynasty of Egypt. His birthdate is estimated between 1725BCE and 1605BCE.
It is said that the supremacy of Egyptian power in the Mediterranean had started right around the reign of Khian. An interesting note is that the supremacy of Crete’s power had started approximately the same time period and lasted for 2,000 years later until Rome and the Caesars conquered Greco-Roman Egypt.
Khian is Manetho’s Yannas. His cousin Tubal ruled Spain. His alternate names as “Khayan, Khian, Apachnan, Yannas, Jannis, Iannes, Joannis , Khiyaran, and Khajran.”
Khyan had carried the titles of an Egyptian king, but also the title ruler of the foreign land (heqa-khaset) which was a typical designation of the Hyksos rulers.
He was in control of Thebes just like one of his predecessors and descendants, Rekhmire.
Khyan symbol was a lion. His throne name, Seuserenra, has been found on a grey granite lion which had been built into the wall of a house in Baghdad.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Yes, you are correct. Everything will make more sense to you if you begin with the EIGHT off the Ark in Khemenu called Ashumien and Shomayim
The Primordial Watery Abyss is Nu; the flood is Ogyges (Ogdoad, Ogdios, EIGHT GODS)
The Korus, Horus, Chorus is the Circle of the Tuat from which HE emerges – the same as King Og
The Bearer of LIGHT fell from Khemenu called Shomayim – The Place of the EIGHT
Josephus says Simon and Judas and Ya akov and YoKhanan were of the Essaio race
They were like the Baptizer of the Essene
This is the place of the TWO FISH called Kekui – the 12th city after the 12th gate
The Essene are of Nysa called Latopolis and Leucothea who leapt into the sea with her son
Now they are in Mercury’s hand
Kadmus was of Khemmis as you suspect
Kekrops was the First King of Athens too
Likely Cheops and Kamos
The E1b1b M78 are the Khemites of Kekistan from Khemenu to Abu Ra where the Temple to Salome was built
The E1b1b M78 are Sons of Salome and Seleme’s son was raised in Nysa by his aunt Ino called Leucothea of the Kotharat
King Pepi lives forever and dwells in the Tree of Life where the swallows sing
V12 is the Jebu of Yebu called Aby and Elephantine
These are the Medjay called Magi
The V22 are the Khons, Kohenim priests
V13 is the Cadmus and Nebu line
Start in Khemenu and find the bearer of light
Start in Abu Ra – follow the Goat and the Cow
Then you learn of the First Kings – Ogyges the flood and Kekrops the King
Nu is Noah
Kek is the Beaer of the Light from the primordial watery abyss
Heh is infinity
Kek + Heh = Khem the infinite LIGHT
Khem is Hm and Ham and Ammon and Amen and Min
Abu Ra is the place between the North called precinct of Mut mistress of Isheru El and the South called Sudan and Judan too
Thoth is Lord of Khnum and Eshmun too
Eshmun is Ishma El the other son
The E1b1b subclades M281 and M34 and V1515 (V6) were always South of the First Cataract in the Land of Meroe and Askum and Askulum inherited by Salome BUT what is interesting is THEY ARE NOT THE GREEKS
The Greeks are the Khananites of the First Cataract called Nebu, Nubian, Ionian, Euboean, Ethiopian, Negus, Inchus, Nekus, Nibiru, Nagar, and Nebo and almost exclusively V13 except the Erzurum who are V12
The names all reference Kek and Kush, Chus, Zeus, Deus, Dios and Ysus
Kebni and Kebri and Kushy too
The Shasu are the V22 Shaso of Eritrea
Start with the fall of the line of King Pepi
And the Famine Stela of Sehel and the fake Djoser’s Decree of a 1/10th tax on Nebu the Mighty Hunter in the eyes of the Lord – the FISHER and FOWLER
Tthe Elephantine Papyri and the story of Bagoas the eunuch too
The story of Satis and Sarai and Ishtar called Ishar too
I’ve seen your videos. Great information and I agree with much of what you propose, but where do you get your science attributing these exact tribes to a specific haplogroup? I’m M123+ and I believe of the Essaio race – AKA Essenes – AKA Gnostic Priests – AKA Pytharareans – AKA Kohanim Levites.
I never see you address the Kohanim for Kos – now Dia who have a well documented but lost history. This is my tribe. The Tribe of Joseph.