By Manly P. Hall – “Certain Rosicrucian scholars have given special appellations to these three phases of the sun: the spiritual sun they called Vulcan; the soular and intellectual sun, Christ and Lucifer respectively; and the material sun, the Jewish Demiurgus Jehovah.
Lucifer here represents the intellectual mind without the illumination of the spiritual mind; therefore it is “the false light. ”
The false light is finally overcome and redeemed by the true light of the soul, called the Second Logos or Christ.
The secret processes by which the Luciferian intellect is transmuted into the Christly intellect constitute one of the great secrets of alchemy, and are symbolized by the process of transmuting base metals into gold.”
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.