(By Angel Millar) – The FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force foiled a plot to attack a Masonic building today. Samy Mohamed Hamzeh, 23, and two others, had planned to shoot and kill as many people as possible at the Humphrey Scottish Rite Masonic building. The suspect has been charged with possessing machine guns and a silencer, but has not been remanded on terrorist charges.
He is reported to have described his plans for the attack, saying, “…one of us will stay at the door at the entrance and lock the door down, he will be at the main door down, two will get to the lift up, they will enter the room, and spray everyone in the room. The one who is standing downstairs will spray anyone he finds. We will shot them, kill them and get out.”
The Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel also reports Hamzeh as saying, “We are Muslims, defending Muslim religion, we are on our own, my dear, we have organized our own group,” and adding, “And we will eliminate everyone.”
Why Attack a Masonic Building?
I have already seen disbelief expressed by Freemasons that a Masonic building would be targeted for what, by any standard, appears to be a terrorist attack. However, there is both a long history of Jihadist anti-Masonic propaganda, and attempts to attack Masonic buildings.
Weapons seized from the attackers of the Istanbul Masonic building.
The most successful attack so far came in 2004, when two Jihadist terrorists entered a Masonic building in Istanbul, Turkey, and sprayed it with bullets. They then exploded several devices that they had strapped to their bodies. However, one of the terrorist’s bombs failed to detonate properly. Six people were injured, and a waiter was killed, along with one of the terrorists.
(CNN-Turk showed the surviving attacker being taken into hospital, shouting out “damn Israel.” Notably, anti-Freemasonry is intimately tied with antisemitism in Jihadist ideology.)
According to Istanbul’s governor Muammer Guler, eighteen suspects were questioned after the attack, ten of which had been formally charged at the time of his announcement. The bombers had been trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan. “We don’t know if they are al Qaeda camps,” Guler said, “but the influence of al Qaeda in those camps is obvious.”
In 2009, Syed Haris Ahmed was found guilty of making “casing videos” of potential terror targets in the USA. One of the targets was a Masonic building in northern Virginia.
Since it has never been mentioned publicly, I won’t give away too many details, except to say that when I visited a Masonic building in 2002 I was met with nervous-looking security guards at the entrance, and had to be escorted around inside. When I asked ‘why?’ I was told that three “Muslim gentlemen” had been found wandering the building, taking photos, and talking on a cellphone. The call was later traced, by police, I was told, to a shop selling Islamist anti-Masonic propaganda videos.
As a 2009 CSIS (Canadian intelligence service) report noted, between 2008 and 2009 al-Qaeda in Yemen called for attacks against the embassies of Western nations, claiming that they “facilitated the spread of factions that run counter to Islam, including Freemasonry.”
The Fall 2010 edition of the online al-Qaeda magazine Inspire carried an article by Abu Mus Ab al Suri titled “The Jihad Experience: Open Fronts & The Individual Initiative.” Al Suri tells the reader that “individual initiatives” of performing “the religious duty of jihad” have been repeated throughout Islamic history. He goes on to list numerous attacks against Jews, Americans, Russians, and Freemasons that he considers praiseworthy. In regard to the latter, he says:
In Jordan, an outstanding group consisting of four men created a cell to assassinate Freemasons in Amman, and succeeded in executing a number of them. They were subsequently arrested after clashing with the police, and some of them died as martyrs.
More importantly, ultimately, the Saudi Arabian tenth grade curriculum for boys has taught — and perhaps still teaches — that the anti-Semitic fake The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (which was probably created by the Tsarist secret police in France at the turn of the 20th century, claims that Freemasons are working for Zionists in hope of taking over the world) is an authentic text, and accurately describes a war on Islam. The charter of the Palestinian Islamist party and militia, Hamas, also cites the Protocols, and explicitly condemns Freemasons. For example, Article 17, on the role of women, says:
…the various Zionist Organizations which take on all sorts of names and shapes such as: the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, gangs of spies and the like. All of them are nests of saboteurs and sabotage. Those Zionist organizations control vast material resources, which enable them to fulfill their mission amidst societies, with a view of implementing Zionist goals and sowing the concepts that can be of use to the enemy.
Why Freemasonry?
The Protocols was translated into Arabic in the 1920s, and became a part of anti-Zionist and, later, anti-Israeli propaganda. Freemasonry serves a specific role, however, in this political mythology. While the term “Crusader” is used to denote Western military power, “Freemasonry” is used to describe Western culture, and, more especially, the introduction of Western, and especially American, culture to Muslim-majority countries, in order to corrupt them and make them non-Muslims. Most often, then, “Freemasonry” is associated with alcohol, pornography, democracy, and women’s rights.
Amin Omar encapsulated this worldview neatly in his 1991 New Straits Times book review of Lukman Thaib’s Notion of State in Islam. Omar objected even to the use of the word “state” in an Islamic context, “since in its strict sense, it is a Western-Jewish concept. State is structured in technique, it is system-controlled and influenced by international freemasonry.”
A long history of Jihadist anti-Freemasonry (in which “Freemasonry” is associated with America (and American culture), the way “Zionist entity” is used as a synonym for Israel), precedes at least one successful attack on a Masonic building, as well as other planned attacks. The Milwaukee incident appears to be only the most recent, and most high-profile for some time.
Such attacks and planned attacks will undoubtedly continue, since “Freemasonry,” as I have said several times before (and have written about in my book The Crescent and The Compass), is one of the central targets of Jihadism.
SOURCE: AngelMillar.com

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.