NASA is exploring technologies that would use fungi (molds) to grow self-repairing, self-replicating habitats on the Moon and other planets.

NASA says that one-day future astronauts may live in habitats that are fabricated with a “revolutionary concept called Myco-architecture explores the impressive properties of fungal mycelium which is, in some ways, stronger than reinforced concrete and is capable of growing and repairing itself.”

A researcher holding a petri dish containing mycelia – the underground threads that make up the main part of a fungus – growing in simulated Martian soil, also known as Martian regolith. Image via NASA/ Ames Research Center/ Lynn Rothschild

Fungi or Molds are microscopic organisms that produce underground nutrient-absorbing threads called mycelia and spores that emit poisons and eat organic material.

NASA researchers are investigating the potential of mycelia to help construct self-repairing, self-replicating habitats on the moon and Mars.

The video below shows the NASA Innovative Advanced Concept (NIAC) known as Myco-architecture.

To watch the in-depth presentation about his topic please visit the 2018 NIAC Symposium Livestream site:


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