Thus ends that part of the Code which is to be communicated to the Epopts. The following Chapters will delineate the laws and instructions which are to guide their conduct when admitted to the degree of Regent or Prince of Illuminism.
540:1 Instructions for this degree, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 11.
540:2 Instructions for the degree, No. 2, 5, 6, 9.
540:3 Nos. 5 and 12.
540:4 No. 15.
540:5 Das der Order die bisherigen systeme entbehren, und eigene, auf die natur allein gegründete systeme seinen anhänger vorlegen könne.
540:6 Ibid. No. 7.
540:7 See Art. Pascal in the Historical Dictionary of Flexier Dureval, last Edition.
540:8 Vide Hoch wichtige erinnerungen—Von Leopold-alois—Hoffman. Sect. V. Page 279 to 307.
540:9 Ibid. No. 15.
540:10 Ibid. No. 18.
540:11 Ibid. No. 18.
540:12 Ibid. No. 20.
540:13 Ibid. No. 17.
540:14 Ibid. No. 23.
540:15 Ibid. No. 24.
540:16 Müssen stets neue plane entworfen und eingeführt werden: Wie man die hände in erziehungswesen, geistliche regierung, lehr, und predigt-stühle in der provinz bekomme. Ibid. No. 28.
540:17 Ibid. No. 2.
540:18 Damit junge schriftsteller dergleichen unter das volk ausbreiten, und uns, ohne dass sie es wissen, dienen.
540:19 Ibid. No. 3.
540:20 Ibid. No. 4.
540:21 Ibid. No. 5.
540:22 Ibid. No. 29.
540:23 Original Writings, Vol. II. Let. 8, to Cato.
540:24 Ibid. No. 31.
540:25 Ibid. No. 32.
Next: Instructions for the Regent or Prince Illuminee, on the Government of the Order

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.