As the Apocalypse evolves to its end stages, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and all Rus’, Patriarch Kirill had issued an ominous warning to Russians on state TV. as if it was taken out of an updated version of George Orwell’s 1984 but with a religious twist.
Kirill had said in an interview Monday that the data-gathering capacity of devices such as smartphones risks bringing humanity closer to the arrival of whom the Christians call the Antichrist who will control the world from the internet.
“Control from one point is a foreshadowing of the coming of Antichrist, if we talk about the Christian view. Antichrist is the person who will be at the head of the world wide web that controls the entire human race,” he said.
Patriarch Kirill told Rossiya 1, “Every time you use your gadget, whether you like it or not, whether you turn on your location or not, somebody can find out exactly where you are, exactly what your interests are and exactly what you are scared of.”
The Moscow Times stated that Kirill continued to warn against “falling into slavery” to smartphones and that user data like “location, interests and fears” could allow any potential forthcoming Antichrist to control the entire global population and cause “the apocalypse.”
He emphasized that the Russian Orthodox Chruch does not oppose technological progress but is concerned that “someone can know exactly where you are, know exactly what you are interested in, know exactly what you are afraid of” and that such information could be used for centralized control of the world.
Официальный канал ток-шоу “60 минут”. Ток-шоу с Ольгой Скабеевой и Евгением Поповым. В социально-политическом ток-шоу каждый день ведущие и гости программы обсуждают главную тему текущего дня. В студию приглашаются политические и общественные деятели, эксперты по актуальной проблематике.
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
soon [ a ONE } / TO CONTROL THE ? world
I am a SPIRIT that lives in a body. We all are. Most of us are out of touch with our own essence; i.e. THE SPIRIT. We exist to be refined; if we choose; or we can allow all kinds of nonsense into our being. No one is coming back from ancient times to save the world. We are one on one with the CREATOR at all times. Some of don’t have a clue, most of us are weak; stuck on a level of consciousness; attached to the worldly flesh and lust; and looking to religion for answers that religion can not answer. Everything we need to now is already inside us; finding it and getting to it; that’s the problem; especially with all the IGNORANCE in the world (commercial tv, politics, fake religions, traditions, symbolism from ancient struggles to understand our existence.) “Anti-Christ” types are EVERYWHERE; like EVIL; and GOOD. Evil is winning right now on a large scale. Don’t assume, conclude, and judge that you fully understand what this post is saying. Thank you.
Frorence Scovel Shinn wrote a book ”The game of life and how to play it”, in 1925. I read it at internet archives and listered to it, too.
Best wishes,
Have a good spring season,
Eleni Maleviti, housewife.
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Dr. Jim Tucker and others have proven reincarnation to be a fact. There is a dead man coming back.
Patriarch Kirill traveled to Antarctica a few years ago, as did such personages as John Kerry, along with many other economic/political elites and royals. Hardly proof substantiation of anything, just an observation. I too would like to see it one day, so it’s not necessarily unthinkable that people with the means would also do so given an opportunity.
John Kerry did this while still holding the office of Secretary of State.
Jittery Christians. Perpetually seeding fear so they can control the minds of the people. The serpent told the truth. They lie. All the time.
Hi Gnostic warrior, how are you? Don’t be taken in by this shit. If you want to be a messenger, send messages of love. You might think that you are doing people a favour by letting them in on the “conspiracy” but what can we do about it. Think about it. Before technology we were only concerned about news that was closely related to us but now there’s a whole world of shit to deal with. Fuck that. I have all the mod cons but I like a nice relexed life and other people’s shit doesn’t matter to me. I love you bro but you are playing there game and spreading this shit. Give yourself a break and listen to a channel on YouTube called “Giving Voice to the Wisdom of the Ages” it’s helped me a lot with my negative issues and reminded me what this experience is all about. We are God incarnate and we are here to give love and be loved. It’s the only thing that matters. Come home brother.
I received a email from You.
Hi to Gnostic Warrior,
ich weiß, dass mich jeder im Internet verfolgen und lesen kann, was ich schreibe, unabhängig davon welche tools ich zur Verschlüsselung, zur Sicherheit oder zum Virenschutz benutze. Alle diese Softwareprogramme zum Schutz meiner Identität sind ein umfangreiches Geschäftsmodel, um den Reichtum vermögender Firmen zu erhöhen. Ich bin zu arm, um weiteres Geld in meine Minimalausrüstung für den Internetzugang zu investieren, zumal die Nutzung zusätzlicher Software oft auf die Dauer von einem Jahr begrenzt ist oder durch Updates ständig geändert wird.
Die Überwachung des Internet ist perfekt, und deshalb tue ich nichts Unerlaubtes im Internet.
( Vom US-FBI bekam ich vor vielen Jahren einmal eine Anfrage per Email. Wegen Belanglosigkeit beantwortete ich sie nicht. 😉 ).
Jeder darf wissen, dass ich die Politik des Präsidenten der USA inc., D. Trump, seine Reden im WH-Office live im Internet verfolge, die regelmäßigen Artikel in den mehr als 1450 Schreiben der uSA uninc. Juristin Anna von Reitz und vieles Mehr an aktuellen US-Videos im Internet verfolge,.
Gnostic Warrrior gefällt mir, und die Beiträge werde ich zukünftig im Internet regelmäßig verfolgen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen H. Sievers
Spiritual growth/inner battle is to eradicate fear…that said, one today must be aware of their surroundings and decide if it matters if whole world can know you went to grocery or visited your great aunt….if it matters not, just be aware of your surroundings. If yes matters , then put devices down . Use forethought as much as possible!!! Learn spiritual tools to overcome fears ! Overcome jealousy, overcome anger , resentment and hardly fear comes knocking! Go forth and do good!
The “Bible” is the foundation of neurotic fictions. There is no dead man coming back.
Do u believe the world will end eventually or not? It’s in the Bible and it’s inevitable .
No, not the world. Just us 🙂