For the last few years, the most observant Orthodox Church leaders in Russia have been protesting against the use of “satanic figures”, such as the “internet, smartphones, tax code, and Covid.”
In January 2019, Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church had made the proclamation that the Antichrist was here and would eventually rule the entire human race over the worldwide internet web. He said, “The Antichrist is the person who will be at the head of the worldwide web, controlling all of humankind.”
“That means that the structure itself poses a danger. There shouldn’t be a single centre, at least not in the foreseeable future, if we don’t want to bring on the apocalypse.”
“Every time you use your gadget, whether you like it or not, whether you turn on your location or not, somebody can find out exactly where you are, exactly what your interests are, and exactly what you are scared of,” Kirill continued. “Such control from one place forebodes the coming of the Antichrist.” (1)
The “devil acts very wisely” in offering people such a “toy”, he said.
Previously, while speaking at the Duma, Patriarch Kirill warned his colleagues and citizens, “Contemporary progress contains dangers, first and foremost for the freedom of people. True freedom does not tolerate global control over the lives of individuals, this would be a prospect of apocalyptic ruin for all mankind. When we talk about the arrival of the Antichrist, starting from the Scriptures, we understand precisely this system of global control, realized by a single center of power, or even by a single person,” he said.
The key takeaways from these statements by the Russian Patriarch are the Antichrist is the person and will be the head or Master of the worldwide web.
Not a thing, not an entity, or primeval force – a single person or a man.
In May 2020, bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church and the most authoritative member of the Moscow Synod, Metropolitan Ilarion (Alfeev), had conveyed similar revelations of the time we are living;
“There is, alongside the hypotheses of biological warfare, also the possibility of bio-psychological warfare, when trying to instill fear in the population, to control it in a more radical way, “Ilarion told the Rossija-24 TV channel. He, therefore, called for the development of “strong immunity not only physically, but also spiritually, in the strength of mind”.
Valentina Pashenko, president of the “Committee in defense of the family and morality” in Voronezh, denounces the use of biometric fingerprints to enter the bank and government buildings and rejects electronic texts.
Speaking to the BBC in April 2019, Valentina said that “when all personal data will be stored in one system, evil people will be able to exclude any unwanted person from the system”.
“First pensions and then all other information about the person, his property, social rights, data on the family and children, school and medical data, salaries: the whole life of the individual will be inserted into an electronic number”, Pashenko complains, “it is like the mark of the Stalinist camps, where our grandparents were sent”.
More recently, Orthodox bishop, Irinej (Tafunja) of Orsk, said that Covid was a sign of the Antichrist. He had said;
“Eschatological coronavirus epidemic”, in which Covid-19 is considered one of the signs of the advent of the Antichrist: “After the 666 tax codes, credit cards, e-money and other similar things, today we see with the excuse of the virus another step towards total control of every individual. In the controlled data the economic and social life of each person will be decided, without it, it will not be possible to live. Probably the next measure will be the installation of a chip directly under the skin, to check not only the health, but also the emotions and actions of the people,” he said, (2)
1. Asia News
2. Asia News
3. Other sources linked above

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Given that the holy place (temple) is the body, the abomination of desolation will most likely be a soulless man controlled by AI. I’m not an Orthodox Christian but this priest makes a lot of sense. That said, the god of this world is also known as the prince of the power of the air, which could mean much more than we think. There is a 2017 article in MIT Technology Review titled “The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI.” The subhead is “ No one really knows how the most advanced algorithms do what they do. That could be a problem.” We have Geordie Rose, founder of D-Wave and Kindred AI, saying they’re summoning entities from other dimensions who don’t care about us the way we don’t care about bugs. And then there’s CERN. Would they even tell us what all they’re involved in? I think not. I’ve realized over the past 10 years that science and the evil aspects of the occult are intertwined. While I have major problems with the Bible in its bastardized form (especially the Old Testament and Revelation), I can no longer discount its obvious truths coming to fruition. If we all had what is undoubtedly a plethora of knowledge being hidden from us, we could easily overcome the parasitical elite class who want us dead or comtrolled. I don’t want to be trapped in the Lake of Fire, which I believe is a metaphor for an AI hell from which we can’t escape – much like the Borg in Star Trek, the Next Generation. Of course I could be wrong on everything I just wrote. This realm is extremely deceptive. Hopefully, all things will be revealed soon. Thank you for this post.
The AntiChrist is within each one of us, in my opinion. It is not a person from the future. It is happening here and now, and has always been here and probably will remain for decades to come. It is the spirit opposed to the spirit of truth. The fruits of the spirit of the Christ are love, joy, obedience, long-suffering, brotherly love, kindness and against these qualities, there is no law. The spirit of hate, or the AntiChrist, is contention, strife, fault-finding, lovers of self, lovers of praise, lovers of money, lovers of materialism, lovers of the temporal, etc… Those are the AntiChrist and they take possession of groups, masses, and show themselves today in the lives of men. The internet can be a bad place to go for the lovers of porn and gambling, and all the things the AntiChrist has set up for us to fail, but to a God Fearing, Christ driven person, that would not be the case. The AntiChrist has infiltrated our world from the very beginning – Nostradamus, and The Revelation, and other sages who wrote about the AntiChrist were taken out of content, is what I think. When we read deeper, and ask The Christ for more understandings, and deeper insight into the symbolism, then we will be on our way back up, or continuing up to His Kingdom of Heaven. Once everyone incarnates The Christ, The Word, whatever you may call it, then we will no longer be living in ignorance, we will be living in Divine Truth.
Yes, The Innerstanding, The knowing, the christ consciousness or whatever we want to call it, etc!