Through the Fibonacci spirals of love we surf our creative sexual energy back through time and space to our heavenly homeland where we had met before.
Together we forever bind our soul’s energies once again as one in the ethereal elements of the divine cosmos that will always be connected through the immortal love we have for one another.
When we calm our souls to unite with our creative spark we light the fire of the eons that are hidden within the hearts of each one of us.
Once dormant, we activate the true meaning of life in which we make beautiful music with our souls in this one hell of a world.
A powerful human chain that cannot be broken and is bound by a love that is stronger than any man-made steel or element found on earth and in hell.
For we are made of the heavens.
A spectacular display of divine star-dust incarnated as matter to feel the vibrations of our souls in the grasp of each others energies enveloped through the sands of time.
By Moe – This is dedicated to my beautiful wife, soul mate and best friend, Agricola. I learn so much from you every day. I’m blessed to be your husband.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.