The main Gospel of the Trismegistic Gnosis is contained in a sacred sermon which bears in Greek the title “Pcemandres.”
This may perhaps have been originally the Greek transliteration of an Egyptian name (ii., 50); but from OF the treatise itself it is manifest that it HERMES, was understood by the Greek followers of this Gnosis to mean “The Shepherd of Men,” or ” Man-shepherd.”
This Shepherd was no man, but Divine Humanity or the Great Man or Mind, the inspirer of all wisdom and hierophant of all spiritual initiations.
His majestic Reality or Essence of Certitude was conceived of as a limitless Presence, or Person, of Light and Life and Goodness, which enwrapped the contemplative mind of the pious worshipper of God or the Good, of the single-hearted lover of the Beautiful, and of the unwearied striver for the knowledge of the True.
And so, in His instruction to one who was striving to reach the grade of a true self-conscious Hermes, Pcemandres declares:
“I, Mind, Myself am present with Him, holy men and good, the pure and merciful, men who live piously.”
~ The Hymns of Hermes By George Robert Stow Mead, Hermes (Trismegistus.)

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Great description . From my perspective I see so many similarities or descriptions within all the old “story’s ” that from whatever age add up to the same treasure ,once truly found . To be free from mind . Truly objective and free from desire ,envy pride doubt or fear . And to put a bronze snake upon a staff . Have ego “at foot” having transmuted past acquired coal into diamonds . To have passed through the alchemical chambers of mind to marry each side and to rise above them embodying that energy frequency as it grows with each new day and with the transmutation of experience given . Intuitively without plan .