FBI Crime Reports Reveals Americans Less Violent, and Cops More Violent

The FBI released their annual crime report this week, revealing that the estimated number of violent crimes in the American violenceU.S. decreased 4.4 percent in 2013 when compared with 2012 data. Property crimes also decreased 4.1 percent, marking the 11th straight year the collective estimates for these offenses declined.

These stats are interesting because the number of people who own legal firearms has significantly increased from 192 million in 1994, to 310 million in 2009, and has continued to increase every year since. However, violent crime for private citizens has been going down.

But the big pink elephant in the room, is the fact that there appears to be an increase in police shootings, scandals and violence. According to another report called the FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report, 461 felony suspects were shot by police this past year, which was the most amount in two decades. (more…)

The One Eye of Odin and Jupiter

“Odin, where have you hidden the eye? In the greater Fountain of Mimir.”Odin one eye

In ancient Norse and Germanic mythology, it was said that Odin sacrificed one of his eyes at Mímir‘s spring in order to gain wisdom. Odin’s Teacher of the Runes is known as Mímir, the giant who lives in the roots of Yggdrasil, and guards the well to the spring of Mimir which was the source of all knowledge. After the sacrifice of his eye, Odin then drank the water from the well to then become the wisest of gods and men.

This esoteric story has a hidden meaning that tells of the sacrifices one must make to attain wisdom, and also the secrets of where this heavenly energy of wisdom formally originates, from which I will explain to you in this article.

In order to uncover these secrets of the ancients, one of the best methods I have found, is by researching the etymology of the name of the subjects you are studying. By doing this it will help lead you to the scientific truth and set you free from the myths and secrets of the past. (more…)

Alleged Sexual Predator Michael Miller Not a Member of the O.T.O.

Earlier this week I reported on a news story on Michael Miller, a basketball coach, and the CEO of the occult book publisher,Michael Miller new falcon New Falcon Publications who was arrested by the Los Angeles Police Department this past week on suspicion of sexual battery, and for illegally filming several students in a bathroom at his home.

During the course of my research into this incident, I came across an article claiming that Miller was an active member of the Church of Latter Day Saints, York Rite Lodge (No. 327) located in Long Beach, California, Ordo Templis Orientis, Church of Scientology, and Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Apparently this information was not entirely true, and my original source was subsequently taken off the internet.

Since the release of the article, I have been contacted by member and also the Assistant Legal Secretary for Ordo Templi Orientis, stating that Miller was never a member of the O.T.O. They have also asked me to delete that information referencing these falsities, and to repudiate my statement to let my readers know that Micheal Miller is not a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis. (more…)

Jesse Ventura says U.S. military doesn’t ‘fight for our freedom’

“You can hate the war and not hate the vet. The veteran is a pawn. They have to do it. They are not given a choice. Our vets Jessee Ventura navy sealare honorable people… I bear no grudge,” said Ventura.

Former Minnesota governor, Navy SEAL, and WWF wrestler, James George Janos, better known by his stage name as Jesse Ventura, apparently has had enough BS in regards to the true purpose of U.S. military. Yesterday, on a day when we are to honor our veterans and military, instead Governor Ventura had some very harsh words directed to the leaders of the armed forces. He also said that if he was given the option to join the military today, he’d opt out of military service.

“I hate to say it, but no, I would be a conscientious objector today. I don’t believe that the military fights for our freedom,” the former special forces Navy SEAL and governor had said. (more…)

Ötzi the Ice Man and His Worms

In 1991, a now famous ancient tattooed mummy, dated from approximately 3300 B.C. known as “Ötzi the Ice Man” was OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAfound frozen in a glacier on what is now the Austria-Italy border of the Otzal alps, and this is why he was named Otzi. He is Europe’s oldest known natural human mummy ever discovered, and he also had approximately 50 tattoos making him the oldest tattooed mummy as well.

One of the little known facts about “Ötzi”, was that he suffered from worms known as threadworms (pinworms) and whipworms (Trichuris trichiura), and near his frozen body in the cave were found possible health remedies for these parasites such as the birch fungus called Piptoporus betulinus. This fungus is well-known for its laxative and anti-parasitic/worm purging properties.

This is very interesting because it falls in line with the worm research that I have been sharing with you here on Gnostic Warrior over the last two years. If we put all the worm and health facts together, we can now safely say that Ötzi the Ice Man is one of the oldest examples of humans that proves they had known about these man destroying worms for thousands of years.   (more…)

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