A Christmas present is a symbol

By Manly P. Hall (33°) – “It may well happen that we can injure our children on this occasion by our very desire to please them. We christmas-Giftshould never teach the young by word or example that Christmas is only a lavish season in which we cater to all their wishes.

We should never substitute presents for parental thoughtfulness through the year, or use them in an effort to buy respect or admiration.

A Christmas present is a symbol.

We give of what we have to indicate our intention to give of what we are. We tell our loved ones that they may depend upon us for strength and integrity and protection. (more…)

I don’t believe there is a devil. There is white and black. Just the choice

Reader comment:  I don’t believe there is a devil. There is white and black. Just the choiceJesus-Crushing-Serpent

My comment:  I look at the words devil, satan etc as allegorical names that Latin bible writers had changed from the word worm to the serpent. This worm I have found to be where humans have descended, and that reside in each and everyone of our bodies that is capable of taking over our nervous systems, and thus control our lives.

This is why you see Christian Saints such as St. Michael, or the Messiah Jesus slaying the dragon/serpent/worm/parasite. They have risen above the flesh in the control of the dragon/serpent/worm/parasite to work in the spirit of illumination to become enlightened.

In a sense, to become hu-man who is leagues above their fellow man who are but beasts in the field whose nervous systems are controlled by the dragon / serpent/ worm/ parasite.

The festival of the 25th of December, was celebrated by the Druids in Britain and Ireland with great fires

The festival of the 25th of December, was celebrated by the Druids in Britain and Ireland with great fires lighted on the tops of the hills. druids-christmasThe festival was repeated on the twelfth day, or what we now call the Epiphany. In some parts the fires are still continued.

Godfrey Higgins, commenting upon this, says, “We have not now remaining “any documents to inform us what, amongst the British Druids, was “the object or name of this festival, but perhaps we may gather it from “circumstances.”It was the great festival of Frey, and this is evidenced by the words of the Venerable Bede, who wrote in the 7th. century; he states that this very night was observed by the heathen Saxons. (more…)

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