The number 33 is directly related to human enlightenment, health and true Gnosis.
Our spine which in the occult is sometimes called the serpent has 33 vertebrae. Initiates in ancient times were known as Nagas, a word that means serpent. Top level Freemasons are said to be 33rd Degree Masons.
The Master’s number is also 33. This is why the Christ Jesus who also known as the Master and represents human enlightenment was crucified at Golgotha (place of the skull) on the logos at age 33 in the year 33 A.D. Logos means reason.
It is the serpent power that rises up the spine through the Kundalini (central nervous system) to the brain in the place of Golgatha, also known as our skull.
This is the alchemical path to illumination. The place of Christ, our savior.
That is why before the Universal Brotherhood of the Catholic Church had depicted Jesus on cross in the 8th century A.D., for hundreds of years before this time, the Savior was always shown as a serpent on a cross.
In science, the kundalini relates to the central nervous system rising 33 degrees up the spinal chaord as it connects to our chakras or what are known in science as our endocrine glands. Our central nervous system, and endocrine glands are both key factors in our alchemical awakening and Gnosis.
It is our spinal chord that is a vital part of our central nervous system that supplies nerves and receives information from the peripheral nervous system within the body.
The word endocrine derives from the Greek words “endo,” meaning within, and “crinis,” meaning to secrete. These glands produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, and mood, among other things.
A properly operating central nervous system will cause our endocrine glands to function which will help us attain good health and enlightenment if we live healthy, stay away from toxins and think healthy, happy thoughts.
A dysfunctional nervous system will cause our chakras/endocrine glands to not function properly. Hence, your kundalini and chakras wil be damaged, and you will become sick and diseased. Both mentally and physically.
In addition, it will be impossible to become illuminated without properly functioning kundalinis (central nervous systems) and chakras (endocrine glands).
Your light will become dark, and will prematurely leave this world.
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Question…if everything is about the number 33 the serpent, 33 vertebrae in the spine, 33 degree masons etc….then what does the occult say about somebody with a 6th lumbar vertebrae….(an extra lumbar in their lower back…also called a transitional lumbar vertebrae)? I have one & aside from making my butt crack a little crooked at the top bcuz the extra bone is on one side & slightly tilts my hips about 1/4 inch. Anyways my question is …since I’m not evenly balanced like say some kind of sacred geometry in nature…then can I ever really be aligned in this universe. I live on a vortex of the earth in Nor Cal…tons of spiritual & illuminated people here. They always say stiff like ” Align urself with the vortex & then u can manifest blah blah blah”.
I was born & raised here & hated it. I never
felt good vibes here…when I moved away at 17 I felt amazing….everything was do different & wonderful for me. A few years ago I moved back home when my mom got sick. Ugh…this dark cloud is still here & hands heavy on me all the time. I hate it. No matter what I do….I just cant shake it. This is my hometown…it’s only 2,500 people….most of them I’ve known my whole life or went to grade school with. I know them…but I don’t have a single friend in the whole town. I’m not a freak show….anywhere else I’ve eve lived I’ve been the “it” girl….tons of friends, totally happy etc. Here it’s like I see people I’ve known since kindergarten & they look away or cross the street. They go out of their way to make me know that I am a deplorable. It’s so strange….my friends on other cities think I am exaggerating….but I really don’t have a single friend or even somebody here to call in an emergency.
Is there some kind of correlation in the occult sciences & human spine with an extra bone making them a 34….& Outta wack with the universe? I’ve been trying to find answers bcuz I know the spine is everything …but wtf does it mean if I physically cannot align & genetically unbalanced? Thank U for any response.
No correlation and kundalini is only supposed to be released at death nobody reaches enlightenment the idea is for crazy hippies and a complete waste of time. People are different in every place we’re not all the same and some places are just awful. Friendship requires consistency and presence and you moved away. Gossip is a weapon in small towns, doesn’t work in cities people have to take you as you are.