In studying the history of reincarnation, I have found a strong correlation between people who have birthmarks and also reincarnation. I AM finding out in my research that there are many cases with people such as myself who believe they are reincarnated who also have peculiar birthmarks and or moles on their bodies. In addition to these connections, I have also found medical research, religions and entire cultures who believe that the birthmark is some sort of divine sign and or mark from the Gods indicating a past life.
I wrote an article a while back that had somewhat went into the subject of birthmarks called “The BirthMark of Cain.” In that article I had made some birthmark connections to the bible and also ancient history. I also had explained how birthmarks were held in very high esteem amongst various secret societies throughout history.
What I have also found in the course of my studies is that there are very few people that have researched this subject in history and in fact I have only found one major study that was put out in the year 1997 by a man named Dr. Ian Stevenson who is a psychiatrist. In his study he found that an incredible 35% of the subjects who claimed they were reincarnated had also either birthmarks or birth defects on their skin.
Stevenson reported that in the majority of these cases “the subject’s marks or defects correspond to injuries or illness experienced by the deceased person who the subject remembers; and medical documents have confirmed this correspondence in more than forty cases”.[18] Many of the birthmarks are not just small discolourations. They are “often unusual in shape or size and are often puckered or raised rather than simply being flat. Some can be quite dramatic and unusual in appearance.”[19] Stevenson believed that the existence of birth marks and deformities on children, when they occurred at the location of fatal wounds in the deceased, provided the best evidence for reincarnation.[15] His major work in the area of birthmarks is Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects (Praeger, 1997), at 2,268 pages.
The birthmark that I have is white and is located on my thigh. The mark is near my scrotum and shaped like a large spear head that is approximately 3 inches in diameter. It has always stood out in my mind as a young boy, where I would often stare at this bright white spot and wonder what the heck it was. Even then I had believed in past lives, but my boyhood wonder of the past quickly faded in this propagandist mind controlled world with absolutely no role model to speak of.
However, my wonder for my past would come back and that mysterious birthmark on my thigh would once again start to fill my mind with questions in the past couple of years. It wasn’t until just recently that my mind refocused on this mark, due to some research I was performing into my ancestry that had revealed several of my ancestors had these birthmarks.
My intuition was telling me that there was a lot more here than a simple white mark on my skin. It had meaning and my gut knew to look back at history to connect both birthmarks with reincarnation. Within seconds of my very first Google search into this subject, I had started to locate evidence and research confirming my suspicions.
In fact there are so many stories of birthmarks with connections to so many great men that we can now all say within reason that this is more than a theory and should be solidified as fact. Such great men as Pythagoras who had a golden birthmark on his thigh. Seleucus (the founder of Syria) who was said to be Apollo’s son who also had Apollo’s symbol of an anchor that was a birthmark on his thigh, just like his kin Pythagoras had. There was also Demeter with an ivory shoulder, whose descendants were all said to have the white birthmark. This same mark was passed along to all their descendants who were all born with a similar birthmark.
Could Sir Launcelot, King Arthur, and the the Merovingian kings be descendants of Demeter, Pythagoras and Seleucus?

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
I have a big white birthmark on my tight that stretches up a bit to my middle part.
I have flat moles or what some people call beauty Mark’s on the front left top part of my left thigh the dots make up Orion’s belt the wierd thing is I was born in October so i have always wondered what if anything this could mean or if it’s just an odd coincidence
I have a birth mark on my lower back that is 3 Hebrew letters.
My left palm.. one small brown birthmark by two middle and one one the left side one on the right side.. play connect the dots.. and they make a triangle.. had a dream one day that another appeared on the bottom making a cross if you drew two lines.. I’m just curious ..
I have a birthmark in the middle of my back between my shoulders. It’s a pyramid and it’s like it was wrote on my back in red, it’s not filled in. I’ve been talking to spirits since I can remember and I have always wondered if it meant something. I also had a dark mole on my left shoulder that was a birthmark.
I have a dark patch-almost black- on my FOREHEAD since birth. this patch fades and merges with my skin colour as it goes upwards from the centre of my eye brows. Recently, I visited my natives, where I was remarked of having ancestral rebirth. Finding this site, I tried to peek into my ancestral history of deaths and weird birth marks, but in vein, I found nothing. Also I don’t have eye problems or any injuries (at least not that I know of from this life). Also, last time during a full moon, I had burning sensation on that patch and it hurt whenever touched or even brushed by my own hair. This has been happening since I returned from my native place. It scares me to know that most Indian rituals remark a “tilak”.
I’ve got a weird birth mark on my butt.. Its blackish brown in color and looks like bat’s wings.What could this mean?
I have a white birthmark over my heart. It looks like a map. What could this mean?
Hi, I have white birthmark on my left shoulder , what is that means? A half inch and it shape like an mango
My son has an anchor birthmark on his thigh. Anyone know anything about it? I didn’t notice it when he was born only a couple months after he was born but it is getting darker as he grows
I have a birthmark over my womb, I am fairly certain (and have been since childhood) that this is from having a child cut from my womb in a previous life. I also have a small butterfly shaped birthmark under my right arm on my chest… this one I have always thought was from an arrow piercing me.
Hi excuse i dont speak really good english , i have a strange birthmark on my right legs up, is a sign of infinity and i wonder what mean so if someone can help me i will be happy… Thank all V
i have a birth mark which is triangular in shape and it is made by lots of small black dots like moles…
and its is about 1 and 1/2 inch in size….. pls tell me something about it…..
I have unraised or flat moles on my left shin that form a perfect pentagram. I have been trying to find an explanation as to what this might mean, but I haven’t really had any luck yet. Any ideas?
I was born with a discolouration of the skin on the rear side of my right leg and have wondered all my life what may have caused it. My Mother often used to show this ‘birth mark’ to her friends when I was little as it was rather unusual. It actually looks like the results of sever burns but I never received such an injury in my lifetime. I recently read Ian Stevenson’s book ’20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation’ and that detailed evidence that an injury in a past life can be present to some extent on re-birth. There are other puzzling things that I remember as a small child that I do not wish to discuss here (but I will if someone wants to know more), that adds up to my possibly me being involved in a war situation or a major crash of some sort.
pls. help I have been seeking answer since I’m a kid. since i was still a child have this thinking that i will be great person someday. but i never thought about all this things it’s weird thinking things like this.. i have a birth mark on my left hand its symbol triangle it’s a bout an inch and half big it’s it real shape like a triangle and most of my moles are all triangle formation. i have 3 sets of moles which forms like a trinagle like 3 dots, 2 in the buttom and 1 on top. and no moles around except for those 3 triangles shape moles when you trace it, it’s almost a perfect triangle.any answers to this?
Your birthmarks are hereditary. My research into the matter has led me to information that they may be signs of reincarnation and if you ever felt like you were, then maybe intuitively you knew all along. I AM not sure entirely what they mean, but in regards to my birthmark which is white and on my thigh, it is very rare and in fact, I have found only very famous people with the same mark. So maybe you should research to see who may have had a similar mark or marks to yours and maybe you are that person born again. I hope that helps you some and best of luck to you!
I have a red upsidedown triangle on my forehead and a black Mark o.j. the top left side
I have a white spear shaped birthmark on my left inner thigh and it looks very very much like a dragons head.
There is much that cannot be revealed here. Please contact me when possible.
I have a similar mark. They are race marks that we call birthmarks. I believe they are inherited and show who we are. In my opinion, the shape is just random but a clue to who you may have been in a past life.
I have the same thing …neck and my back on side
I just decided to do some research on my white birthmark. I have always thought it meant something special. This is the first website I have looked at and I am a little freaked out. I also have a white Orions’ s Belt birthmark. It is on the inside of my Left forearm! I have never known of anyone else with this marking and the first time I decide to do research, I found one!
i have a picture of mine on my tumblr.
Okay, by that logic Analyze mine… I have a bithmark of Orians Belt, Osiris, or whatever you want to call it on my Radial Artery on my Left Arm. The story and experience only gets stranger from here.
I wouldn’t know. If you know of someone else in the past that has the same or very similar, then there may be a past life connection. In addition, many people who have birthmarks of a similar kind may be related or reincarnated. Not much else else is known on this.
Is there anyway to submit comments or speak with someone privately?
Well..same here i born with a birthmark like was also orion’s belt yeah a 3 moles on my right cheeks anyone notice it and says that it was beautiful and reminds them of the 3 stars in the sky which is orion