There is a toxic mold/fungus in West Virginia that is controlling the minds of an insect called cicadas so they become zombies as it slowly eats their bodies and they infect other insects with mold. Researchers from West Virginia University had said in a press release;
Mind games aren’t exclusive to humans.
Cicadas infected with the parasitic fungus Massospora unknowingly engage in trickery with their fellow insects, resulting in effective disease transmission, according to West Virginia University-led research.
Massospora manipulates male cicadas into flicking their wings like females – a mating invitation – which tempts unsuspecting male cicadas and infects them.
It’s a recent discovery into the bizarre world of cicadas plagued by a psychedelic fungus that contains chemicals including those found in hallucinogenic mushrooms. The research, “Behavioral betrayal: How select fungal parasites enlist living insects to do their bidding,” was published in the journal PLOS Pathogens.
“Essentially, the cicadas are luring others into becoming infected because their healthy counterparts are interested in mating,” said Brian Lovett, study co-author and post-doctoral researcher with the Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design. “The bioactive compounds may manipulate the insect to stay awake and continue to transmit the pathogen for longer.”
This same process I believe happens to humans who cannot control their minds and bodies such as alcoholics who drink themselves to death, addicts who use drugs until they self suicide, and morbidly obese people who overeat bad foods until they literally explode.
What is controlling the guts and minds of these people as I mentioned above who act irrational, cannot control themselves, and end up dead from their suicidal behaviors even when they have a desire and or wish to quit that which is killing them?
Could it be that the modern medical establishment has overlooked molds/fungi as a possible cause like what is affecting these cicadas, controlling their minds as it eats them from inside causing an early death?
What I found interesting when reading about these insects is that they are often confused with locusts and that these insects may in fact be the locusts mentioned in the bible.
An article in Smithsonian describes how cicadas were confused with locusts by early American colonists;
Cicadas have a longstanding reputation as loud, swarming pests that keep obnoxiously particular schedules. In the United States, they got a bad rap from the beginning, as early colonists misidentified these clouds of emerging cicadas as locusts.
“They were thought of as a biblical plague,” says John Cooley, an assistant professor in residence at the University of Connecticut. That impression has been a lasting one: a group of cicadas is still referred to as a plague or a cloud.
The article continues by discussing the zombie like affect on the cicadas.
“In recent years, researchers have unearthed peculiar and sometimes horrifying relationships between cicadas and fungi. Massospora fungi infect cicadas and hijack their bodies. The fungi can even synchronize to the cicada’s life cycle, staying dormant until the cicada is ready to emerge. Once active, they take over the bottom half of the cicada’s body while somehow keeping the cicada alive. The infected cicada flies away, spreading spores that infect future generations.
“Once the host is neutralized, it’s a walking zombie,” says Cooley, who was involved in the work. “It is the walking dead.”
That’s not the only fungus to wreak havoc on cicadas. Ophiocordyceps fungi also invade the underground cicada. But rather than keep the cicada alive, this fungal parasite coaxes its host to crawl upwards towards the forest floor and die. With nothing in its way, the fungus grows to sprout a mushroom out of the soil—all from within the cicada’s body.
Despite these wild parasites, cicadas are far from doomed. Recent research suggests some cicadas have flipped the script and domesticated their fungal parasites. Rather than turning into a fungal flowerpot for the parasitic Ophiocordyceps, a few species live symbiotically with the parasite.
The fungus gets a home and probably provides the cicada with essential nutrients in return. This has happened in species all over the world, but the origin of this arrangement is a mystery.
Simon says this fungal relationship is currently her lab’s major project. “Maybe it’s the fungus that decided to give up its parasitic ways and live inside a comfy cicada.”
And maybe the same can be said about humans…
As it is said in Joel 1:4-7; “What the cutting locust left, the swarming locust has eaten. What the swarming locust left, the hopping locust has eaten, and what the hopping locust left, the destroying locust has eaten.
Awake, you drunkards, and weep, and wail, all you drinkers of wine, because of the sweet wine, for it is cut off from your mouth. For a nation has come up against my land, powerful and beyond number; its teeth are lions’ teeth, and it has the fangs of a lioness.
It has laid waste my vine and splintered my fig tree; it has stripped off their bark and thrown it down; their branches are made white.”

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Great writings!!