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This is an excerpt from the Gnostic Warrior Podcast with Author Eric Dubay of the and Moe the Gnostic Warrior, talking about their experiences with Alex Jones and David Icke. This video was produced by Eric. Everyone is entitled to their own point of view.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
thanks me and my NOW- research friends- figure that out= about // icke/Jones= years ago… we all agree we are salves to a system you don’t need gurus/or Prophets- to tell us this!.. we need to live in truth/love/peace justice as the true god made us.. not man- made god!!!!!
Yes, and it has also been said that there is no reason that a world ruled by archons and darkness has to prevail over a world ruled by light and reason. I personally would die in support of this idea. That’s because I believe that humanity can awaken, but clearly there are many roadblocks it must overcome as a whole if it should ever wish to reach that point. What else could be expected if people wished to completely redirect the course of this planet and achieve heaven on earth?
I believe it is possible but it hasn’t happened in known history. Maybe there is a parallel world that is light and reason, maybe leaving is the answer.
Leaving is so permanent! Maybe okay for you and us.Leaving in what sense I have to ask? Remember the horns of (sorry phonetic spell) Bathomet that Moe (founder of this site) said in his articles on Satan in that the Bathomet was computed (dare I say demonized in a metaphorical sense). That is the horns grow back from our part of the brain called the hippocampus. That is another incarnation like say living on this hell hole School being planet earth which can be liken to to school that wasn’ t the or one perfected (my bias sorry). Also I am sure you know this given your on this site, but remember WE ARE OF (aka say dust of the Stars) THE STARS of venus NOT say of( black Sun )Saturn ring like misinformation crap. The primary physical element called PHOSPHORUS allows this to be so that is the morning star of Jesus (aka Horus).
God(s) bless us being our heavenly parents and their parents and their parents. They did most times the best they can on a much higher perfected level but none the less similar to our ancestral parents (MY GUESS IN THIS IS THE BEST I CAN COME UP WITH AT THIS MOMENT)striving to meet many competing needs and wants within the period of the pedagogical developmental process of the themselves.
Budhha, Enoch, Elijah, Yashua all left, where did they go? IDK Nibiru maybe, parallel earth, “heaven”, pleroma, IDK
Kevin here. My MISTAKE in that I took your post to a great extent out of context. I am new to this site in the working order here. This post was posted under ALEX JONES AND DAVID IKE. Well I thought you might have been insinuating you were feeling suicidal. HOW IDIOTIC OF ME. I am sorry what you really meant was leaving Alex Jones and David IKE viewing. Well I agree with that to a reasonable degree. I feel they trump up the RETILIANS TOO MUCH. Michael Tsarion is reasonably better in my view. I feel John Lash in his book GOD NOT IN HIS IMAGE is more balanced in dealing with reptillians.
However, humans becoming archonic reptillians is a REAL DANGER DUE TO THE TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA. I so value Jesse Ventura books documentries. However. I DON’T go along with Ventura discarding real EVIL FORCES that pray (feed) on low vibratory energy if Ventura does. So many writers of course need to be psychologically integrated so as to prevent BEEHIVE THINKING that is insecticide. Your probably way advanced spiritually to me so I DON’T mean to patronize at all! I just don’t know who I am writing to or who may be reading this. I do know that excessive left brain intellect take over is Darth Vader (the man/woman/third sex ect that went over to the mechanical side of the brain). I recommend the viewer to YouTube; THE POWER OF MYTH JOSEPH CAMPBELL (with also typing) DARTH VADER. CAMPBELL there talks about the dangers of going over to the intellectual side by having a system takeover our humanity. This is my problem too with NOT only Alex Jones & DAVID IKE (to a degree that warrants discretionary viewing in there audience may be feeding off their ACHONIC AGENA. This is a similar experience I have with Jan Irvan THOU I have appreciated some of his heuristics so to speak in managing information. But again he is primarily left brain as I interpret him. Joseph Atwill perhaps too THOU I very much appreciate his revelations from his book CEASUR’S MESSSIAH. Take care reader (aka love), Kevin
Jones is most definitely a disinformation agent, as for Icke I believe he could have actually been manipulated into spouting the wild theories he believes to make the idea of “conspiracies” seem like something only an insane person would believe in, but there’s no reason he couldn’t just be another paid shill. There’s no question about Jones’ objectives though, he’s shown what kind of person he really is on numerous occasions and many people have called him out for it. He has driven a lot of his own fans away by giving them a glimpse of his true nature, he is driven by greed and makes all of his money from the exploitation of the common mans fears. He is truly a charlatan, one of the many false prophets of the new age.
You can see some of his antics here:
I personally enjoy the clip where he walks up on a public protest and starts using his megaphone to shout over the protesters who are already speaking, he yells at everyone saying he is being rude and tells them and also his own show viewers that the protesters are counter intelligence agents trying to infringe on his freedom of speech and right to protest, very eye opening stuff. These men are the true counter intelligence program, they control massive cults of disinformation and are leading millions of potential truth seekers into the muck, helping people to see these types of money hungry conspiracy peddlers for what they really are should be a top priority.
Honestly do you really not know why the illuminati doesn’t remove jones and icke. Are you all so naive. Those that speak the truth to those who (the masses) believe lies unfortunately discredit the truth, hence strengthening the lie. Satan loves the truth he craves it, because it is only perceived by the few and considered insanity by the many. They want icke and jones out there. The truth is being destroyed slowly and will eventually be illegal to utter. The masses will welcome and ask for their enslavment and those that speak the real truth will be washed away with it. That’s why they don’t acknowledge them or eliminate them they need the truth to be the last thing the masses believe. It’s kinda obvious. Also get real, jones is a hoax? Obnoxious yes, irrational yes loses composure yes but not a hoax and icke is off the charts dedicated. Anyone involved in gnosis, magic, ancient blah blah or calls himself abraxas, that has these guys nailed to a cross is really not about the healing but rather his little Internet world of play time magic. Really man, look at what they have done in the big picture. I don’t see you screaming off a box or laying your butt on the line. A wise man once said ” a beggar in the right is better than a prince in the wrong” this fight hard enough united not divided. Good life to you abraxas. Good life to you. – TLGD
I have found so much more truth in music than probably the rest of modern media combined
a lot of song are written by donald marshall
Well it’s a cold world
And I’m in the middle
Caught in the in-between
I don’t belong here
So I’m writing to you
It’s wrong here
Where I’m sending you some
Letters from earth, yeah
Well it’s a new world
And now I’m a stranger
Stranger than you know
I don’t belong here
And I’m writing to you
With blood on my hands
What if I send you madness
What if I send you pain
And letters from earth, ooh
All right
Come on it’s another game
But you gotta play on
Cause they say it’s just pretend
Ask them why they say you’ll never, never die
Come on – the game is called the end
I have often wondered ( after following them for a bit) if these two were legit and right than why would the elite allow them to continue on as they do? Truly I have come to realize that yes, somebody other than me rules this world and they do it cruelly. As the ancients spoke there are “archons” but there are also aeons and gnosis. Concentrating too much on trying to unravel the system of the archons isn’t helpful. The ancients told us of the archons so we knew to bypass their systems of rule, religion, and illusion