” Love calling order from Chaos” – Hesiod
According to the bible, Nimrod is the son of Cush, Grandson of Ham and great-grandson of Noah. The names Nimrod and Cush have dual meanings. The meanings for Nimrod are “ the leopard who subdues,” “the leopard tamer,” the great hunter, and in Hebrew, spotted. He is often depicted in wearing a garment of a leopard. In the Chaldee, chaos is said to be the pronunciation of Cush and is also written Khus (Chus) and is derived from Khawos (Khaos) or “Chaos.”
The legend of Nimrod is found in the most early versions of the history of Freemasonry where he was said to have been one of the fraternity’s founders. As I stated above, Nimrod was the son of a ‘Cush,” and Cush or Khus (Chus) is derived from Khawos (Khaos) or “Chaos.” The motto of the Thirty-third Degree is ORDO AB CHAO which is Latin for Order Out of Chaos. The origins of ODO AB CHAO can be attributed to the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite on February 1, 1802.
As Dan Brown says in his book the Lost Symbol; Its face bore the image of a double-headed phoenix holding a banner proclaiming ORDO AB CHAO, and its chest was emblazoned with the number 33. “The double-headed phoenix with the number thirty-three is the emblem of the highest Masonic degree. Essentially, the thirty-third degree is an elite honor reserved for a small group of highly accomplished Masons.”
Nimrod was the grand architect of Babylon, the great builder of the city of Nineveh. Ham’s firstborn son was Belus or Bel, the mythological founder of Babylon; Bel signifies “the Confounder.” Bel (Greek, Latin) Ba`al (Chaldean) [from Semitic ba`al chief, lord] Lord, chief; one of the supreme gods of the Chaldeo- or Assyro-Babylonian pantheon: the second of the triad composed of Anu, Bel, and Ea. The Greek Belus we can easily connect with a Canaanite and Phoenician God Ba‘al. Baʿal is a Semitic word signifying “The Lord, master, owner (male), keeper, husband”. Baal’s meaning in Gaelic as in Phoenician – the lord of heaven.
The Tower of Babble was said to have been erected by the descendants of Nimrod. The descendants of Noah listed by name in chapter 10 of Genesis (LXX) provides 15 names for Japheth’s descendants, 30 for Ham’s, and 27 for Shem’s. These figures became established as the 72 languages resulting from the confusion at Babel — although the exact listing of these languages tended to vary over time.
As we see in Genesis 11:7 – Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech.”
Confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech = Chaos = ORDO AB CHAO
The great Masonic author, Albert Gallatin Mackey expands on this allegorical story and how Nimrod is one of the founders of Masonry; “The legend of the Craft in the Old Constitutions refers to Nimrod as one of the founders of Masonry. Thus in the York Manuscript we read: “At y* making of y* Tour of Babell there was Mason first much esteemed of, and the King of Babilon was called Nimrod was A mason himself and loved well Masons.”
From Manly P. Hall’s “The Secret Teachings of All Ages; “The rakshasas or men-demons of Lanka, the opponents conquered by Rama in the Ramayana, are some of the latest representatives of the Atlanteans in their last days. These rakshasas correspond to the Greek titans, the Egyptian colossal heroes, the Chaldean izdubars, the Jewish ‘eimim (terrifiers) of the land of Moab, and with the famous giants anakim (`anaqim) mentioned in Numbers 13:33. According to Manly P. Hall, Izudbar was Nimrod, thus he was a giant, or Nephilim (anakim), a descendant of the Fallen Angels.“
“…In his Chaldean Account of the Genesis, George Smith, copying from the cuneiform cylinders, in describing the wanderings of the hero Izdubar (Nimrod)…”
An encyclopaedia of freemasonry and its kindred sciences: By Albert Gallatin Mackey – page 530; In the mythical relations of the Old Constitutions, which make up the legend of the Craft, it is spoken of as the ancient birthplace of Masonry, where Nimrod, who was its builder, “was a Mason and loved well the Craft,” employed 60,000 Masons to build it, and gave them a charge “that they should be true,” aud this, says the Harleian Manuscript, was the first time, that any Mason had any charge of Craft.
And the Cooke MS. thus repeats the story: “And this same Nembroth (Nimrod) began the towre of babilon and he taught to his werkemen the craft of Masonrie, and he had with him many Masons more than forty thousand. And he loved and cherished them well“
“…The Lenadowne Manuscript, whose date is about 1660, it is said that Nimrod gave a charge to the Masons that “they should ordaine the most wise and cunning man to be ‘Master of the King’“…

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
the comment above^ proves the psychosis of anyone with “religious leanings”. Only a fool rails against the natural order. CHAOS IS THE NATURAL ORDER. Only a lame man needs a crutch to lean on
Did Nimrod ever stop being the Emperor of the world? No he was transmuted to Valhalla following his slaughter by Shem out of jealousy for Nimrod’s supreme countenance! Nimrod has been ruling Earth from the True to Life Second Heaven of Valhalla. And the Freemason is a Fascist! A Hamite! But the peasant is Church of Satan membership! Japhethite! And the Communist hates our race; they hate us for Cush’s sake! They sent our beloved Wilhelm II into exile and for doing more than defending the Merovingian. Even Victoria hated him — she being a Bolshevik within our global Kaiser Reich! Saturnalia — prostitution and narcotics; leisure and no more the intentional stodgery of the Irish Catholic. A world wide New Amsterdam! No more the Communist! Sieg Heil! Merovingia — Nimrodia