Do you pledge your soul to the light or to the darkness?
In the occult, the meaning of the term when referring to the Sons of Light are those brethren who dedicate their lives to truth, love, gnosis and serving their fellow mankind to the best of their God-given abilities. To be a true member of the Sons of Light is to be an immortal soul on the course of evolution who has made the sacrificial pledge to serve others in order make the world a better place than you found it, rather than serve yourself and pursue selfish desires.
Hence, the Masonic term, “To make good men better.”
The idea of the term is to create an organized fraternity of good men who make the world better by bettering themselves and the world around them. It is not just about hanging out in a lodge with your fellow Bros for 20-30 years collecting degrees without putting what you have been taught about the light and truth into real life practice. A life dedicated to the building Solomon’s Temple in which you are to be a living stone, and not a dying stone who does nothing with your years of teaching. But a true Masonic builder of a heaven on earth for your future Bros and family of descendants who are to follow you.
It is to live a life of giving, rather than taking.
These are the true Masons of Solomon’s Temple. The Masonic Sons of Light.
To put it simply, to be member of the Sons of Light is to be a spiritual human who uses the material world to create a heaven on earth based on truth, light and love. They may make mistakes along their path and be vulnerable to human frailties and shortcomings as well, but their hearts are in the right place. If they step into the darkness because of the human pressures of this dark world that we live in, without fail, they will always return to the light.
33rd Degree Freemason and one of the world’s most respected Masonic philosophers, Manly P. Hall had written about the true Masons in the Lost Keys of Freemasonry; “The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth.”
The Sons of Darkness are those brethren who dedicate their lives to pursuing materiality in the forms of selfish desires regardless of their God-given abilities. To be a true member of the Sons of Darkness is to be an immortal soul that was on the course of evolution, but who has made the sacrificial pledge to serve thyself in order to make your own world better, rather than serve others.
It is to live a life of mainly taking, rather than giving.
To be a member of the Sons of Darkness is to be non-spiritual by living your life as a material seeking human who uses this world to obtain whatever it is they selfishly desire in their dark hearts. They may claim their motives are in the right place, but what they do and do not do, speaks for itself.
These are the true false Masons of Solomon’s Temple. The Masonic Sons of Darkness.
33rd Degree Mason and author, Albert Mackey had written about the Sons of Light being connected to Masonry in the Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry;
“Visible Masonry: In a circular published March 18, 1775, by the Grand Orient of France, reference is made to two divisions of the Order, namely,Visible and Invisible Masonry … by ‘Invisible Masonry’ they denoted that body of intelligent and virtuous Masons who, irrespective of any connection with dogmatic authorities, constituted a ‘Mysterious and Invisible Society of the True Sons of Light’, who, scattered over the two hemisphere, were engaged, with one heart and soul in doing everything for the glory of the Great Architect and for the good of their fellow-men.”
The Visible Masons would mainly consist of the Sons of Darkness who normally join the fraternity under the auspices of material gain, and selfish pursuit of their own secret goals. These sons of masonic darkness fill up most of the ranks from the 1st degree, all the way up the 32nd degree.
Material gain is their main goal no matter what they may claim or act, as if they are secret wisdom keepers. They primarily operate through their minds, and not their hearts which they wear on their sleeve like a an old blood stain on bad 1970’s suit. Hence, these masons are not hard to weed out from the true masons of light. In fact, they weed themselves out for they are always showing their cards like a bad poker player.
This would be the reason why when a candidate is being initiated into Masonry, the Senior Deacon of the Lodge describes this person as one “who has long been in darkness, and now seeks the light.” Unfortunately, the vast majority will never make it into the light.
Of course, not all Masons in these degrees are selfish materialistic human parasites because this is how you rise to the 33rd Degree and the tares are weeded out for the wheat.
This is why Mackey had further stated: “By ‘Visible Masonry’ they meant the congregation of Masons into Lodges, which were often affected by the contagious vices of the age in which they lived. The former is perfect; the latter continually needs purification.” (Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry – 1873, page 829)
These Masons fill almost all the lower ranks of Freemasonry. They almost never seek true wisdom on their own accord, or to serve humanity with their light. Please keep in mind that when I state this, I do not mean that all Masons from the 1st through 32nd Degrees are guilty of using the craft for selfish gain or ulterior motives. There are many, many Masons who could be called a Son of the Light in the lower degrees. Men who serve the light, truth and love. Men who are working at building a heaven on earth for generations to come.
This is why Mackey had said they continually need purification.
33rd Degree Mason, Albert Pike discusses that it is these unworthy masons who deserve only to be mislead, and for the truth to be concealed from their selfish materialistic eyes. Pike had written on Morals and Dogma;
“Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead; to conceal the Truth, which it calls light, and draw them away from it.” (Morals and Dogma, p. 104-5, 3rd Degree)
Are you an unworthy Mason or Son of Darkness who deserves to be mislead?
Only you know the answer to that question. If you are upset with me and this article because of the truth and the light of my words, then you are most likely a defacto Son of Darkness serving Satan. That is not my fault, but your own. Maybe it is not too late to correct your de-evolutionary methods of living life and selfish traits.
You see, you have a choice and are given clues all along the masonic way.
You can either ascend the Masonic ranks into the Mysterious and Invisible Society of Masons who earn the 33rd degree of illumination to become a member of the true Masonic Sons of Light who have risen above the 32 degrees of the masses of their fellow material Masonic Sons of Darkness.
“My brother, I now present you with the lambskin or white leather apron…[your covering]…. when you stand before the Great White throne….” (Masons)
“To open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.” – Acts 26:18
The Sons of Light are the fraternity within the fraternity that Manly. P Hall had written about:
“Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity — an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect … it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate and yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of ‘free and accepted’ men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns.
The invisible society is a secret and most August [defined as ‘of majestic dignity, grandeur’] fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcannum arcandrum [defined as ‘a secret, a mystery’].” (Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, p. 433)
The ancient Masonic facts are that only true spiritual initiation brings about illumination and reason. An initiation of your soul in which it becomes Lord of your body, mind and spirit.
A future heaven on earth where the Masonic tares of darkness will be separated from the golden Masonic wheat of light. A process of human evolution in the game of life where those Canaanite idol worshipers who live in false duality will self destruct by their inability to evolve and ascend above the masses of the Masonic Sons of Darkness who mainly fill the lodges of today, will be but a memory.
Albert Pike had written, “Lucifer the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendours intolerable blinds feeble sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! ”
Later Lucifer is transformed into what Manly P. Hall calls the true light of the soul, called the Second Logos or Christ. Hall had written, “Lucifer here represents the intellectual mind without the illumination of the spiritual mind; therefore it is “the false light. ” The false light is finally overcome and redeemed by the true light of the soul, called the Second Logos or Christ. The secret processes by which the Luciferian intellect is transmuted into the Christly intellect constitute one of the great secrets of alchemy, and are symbolized by the process of transmuting base metals into gold.”
As they say, “It is always darkest before the dawn.” Let me please add, “The morning star is always the most bright before daybreak.”
Right now the craft of Freemasonry is divided amongst those who are Luciferians that serve the false light as the Sons of Darkness, and the Invisible 33rd Degree Masons who have been redeemed by the true light of the soul, the Second Logos or Christ.
The Masonic Sons of Light who are the true Sons of Christ.
In the end, only the 33rd Degree Mysterious and Invisible Society of Masons will survive. The Masonic Sons of Darkness will then be a memory. A time when the true Sons of Light will become visible to take the stage in order to lead their true fellow Brothers and Sisters into the next stage of human evolution.
As it is said in 1 Thessalonians 5:5: “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober…”
A time we will know as the beginning of the true heaven on earth…
“Then the Sons of Righteousness shall shine to all ends of the world continuing to shine forth until end of the appointed seasons of darkness. Then at the time appointed by God, His great excellence shall shine for all the times of eternity; for peace and blessing, glory and joy, and long life for all Sons of Light” – (The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness War Scroll)
Disclaimer – To end this article, I feel that I must disclose to you the information I presented above is not for the purpose of creating an anti-mason hit piece; or an attempt to discredit the craft or brethren who dedicate their lives to serving the light. There are good, indifferent, and bad people in whatever organization, order or business in existence on earth.
The facts are that I have the utmost respect for the order, good Masons and the wise Masonic philosopher sages that have given us so much wisdom over the centuries. I have friends who are Masons and a few foes as well. Some of these cool Bros I have interviewed here on the Gnostic Warrior podcast. They were actually some of my most favorite interviews.
With that said, my purpose with these facts are to simply shine a light on the Masonic truth in order to illuminate the darkness, so help me God.
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Hello Chris – I apologize for my late reply here. My thoughts are that once an organization and or business becomes entirely corrupt and is filled with human cancers that the organization needs to be remediated in order to purge the darkness and the original ethos restored.
Sometimes these organization are so corrupt and or damaged that the only hope is a revolution to tear the old fake power structure down and keep the Traditional bare bone foundation and cornerstone in tact so you can build anew upon a firm foundation.
This is what I believe has been happening in the top secret societies such as the Freemasons over the last 5 years or so with momentum really picking up in 2019 and 2020 will be a lot more public and visible.
With that said, please check out the Scholarly and Political Order Ur Illuminati (SPOUI).
You can read the GrandMaster Dr. Nicolas Laos’ essays that have been uploaded onto his website at Also, if you are financially able at this time or the near future, please purchase his book, the Meaning of Being Illuminati so you fully understand the ideas and concepts of the order.
Was not this 33 degree Mason Albert Pike a Confederate general whom trafficked in human slavery? Was a traitor to his country the United States? After he knew the slave traffickers were going to lose to the Union of the United States did he not betray his fellow Confederate slave master cohorts? Playing both sides, and is he not credited with starting and being the grand master of the klu Klux klan? And he’s judging other men?
Some of what you report is true and some not so much. It was very different times back then and during a war of global CHAO, it appears that a person must “adapt to their times” in order to survive and what Pike was involved in, I would bet your ancestors did similar things in the name of war and survival. No people, race, and or person is immune to these historical facts regardless of how divine you might think your bloodline might be, it is usually quite the contrary.
If I may say I quite enjoyed your thoughts on the matter but i can’t help but to give my little two cents about your gnosis. You say rightly that there are in fact two different fashions within freemasonry today, one of darkness a one of light as you say. I know firsthand because I was once a fellow Mason. But let me say this little wisdom in which I am about to tell you rather you wanna call him the devil Lucifer Satan he is the king of this world until our great Lord/God Jesus Christ Yahuah returns. All the ancient philosophies /religions of the world have been tainted by the enemy, we call the devil. Make no mistake all other roads are false and will lead you to destruction destruction of your immortal soul. Quite simply Jesus is the only way. Don’t concern yourself with the philosophies of men who are vain and speak idle words that extort you for money, and rob you of your intelligence and take from you true happiness and forgiveness.
That is an excellent question! I am loving there articles due to what is being illuminated BUT as always where are the women and the light of the Goddess. Is it SOPHIA? Do masons not believe in the feminine aspect of creation? What little I am aware of is that the women are called the Eastern Stars and have their own lodges with their own order that converges with the men from time to time. I may be wrong, it’d be nice to find out. It doesn’t seem like Mo answers questions to his commenters so with that said, good luck.
Hello Nisha, Just FYI – I answer questions as time permits and or if I feel compelled to comment. The reason being is due to the numerous comments, questions, and emails I receive daily and the fact I am a father, husband, and business owner who has to work to live leaves me little time to address everyone who comes across my path. With that said, I mainly comment when the commenter warrants and or deserves a response.
Like most women and many men, you associate the feminine and masculine aspects of ALL humanity as if these teachings are about gender when that is not the case and never has been in esoteric teachings.
With that said, the Freemasonic concept of the feminine and masculine aspects of creation deal with the dual aspects of our spirits, brains, and chemical energies where one must combine the best aspects of both these feminine and masculine energies and purge the bad on each side in order to merge into a true living stone whether you are a man or woman who now uses these combined powers with reason, logic, and will to meet with the true Sophia – a sweet Greek word that means wisdom which is considered a feminine energy that we ALL have and can access.
Mo, I’ve been looking into Masonry for a few years now. I’ve studied the past Masonic oaths and I know the modern watered down oaths. I’ve made lifelong promises to the god, gods, etc.. to be a positive force, however I can, so how can I take oaths to the Mason’s inclusive, when over half of them are not on the correct path? I want knowledge and to be more Adept, but the cost appears to potentially be everything, which could prevent me from doing any further good. I know some of the past and present deeds that were required by those who have taken those oaths, and I do not want to be nullified by and or used for the whims of some evil masons who managed to gain power in the lodge(s). I want the good parts and do not want to be under control by any of the bad parts. Thanks for your efforts!
Tell me how do sons of light fight or handle bad people? I wanted to be in the light, the idea of people doing good make my light burns like cool energy flame. When I was a kid i remember telling my parents that I love all the people. But growing up I experience a lot of their evil ways. How to properly handle the bads, seems like it is the way that darkness is pulling me off the light. But i ask myself why should i even join the darkness when I hate darkness in a man. But the hate that i feel is hard to transmute… All I can do is to ask the ONE and the lords to please do not let my flame or light die.
OK – so why are women excluded from the organization?
Traditionally yes. But there are Co-Fraternal and Female Masonic Lodges. They are not “Regular” lodges. They are not recognized by most lodges. But for those who seek them out, they are there.
Excellent reading, for this work I thank you all. My message is for all beings, be they of the flesh, in the realm of the spirit, or the kingdom of the soul; be they beings of Light (day) or beings of Darkness (night). You are to be brought into a remembrance of what and who you are, self-governing individual freewill sovereigns. We are a people that hold a respect for government and honor the law, however, we must be reminded of that one government and one law which is true and honors the DIGNITY of ALL BEINGS, MERCY and TRUTH. This is the throne noted in Isaiah 16:5 established in MERCY and sat upon in TRUTH. LAW sets the environment for the world in which we live, yet do we find ourselves in the darkness of death. The Adversary that reigns (governs) above and rules as the adversarial system below is neither GOD nor is it LAW. There is only one true government and that is SELF-GOVERNMENT (MERCY) and there is only one true LAW and that is that each and every being is an INDIVIDUAL FREEWILL SOVEREIGN (TRUTH). WAIT (With All In Truth) upon the LORD (Loves ORDer).This one LAW, TRUTH, is that truth that sets all free and is the environment of SAFETY needed in these vulnerable and child-like bodies of flesh and bone to evolve and grow as self-governing beings. The role of the courts is to be a HELP and a GUIDE, a TEACHER in WORD and by EXAMPLE in the ART of SELF-GOVERNMENT while HONORING the FREEWILL SOVEREIGNTY of each and every BEING. We are here to manifest GOD in the flesh, the CHARACTER and NATURE of GOD, MERCY and TRUTH, government and law, the rod and the staff, lion and the lamb, power and authority. Each being is ROYAL, this throne within each and every BEING.
Some aids and definitions which may assist you:
Wisdom Understanding Knowledge
in by through Christ
Judgment Justice Equity
To Judge is to teach in Word
Justice is to teach by Example
Equity is when wisdom=knowledge, to walk the talk
Love is lessons of valuable experience
in tribulation have patience to gain the experience and find hope
hope is his/her own private enterprise
private enterprise is known as self-employment (self-governing) and free-enterprise in America, and the Truth shall set us free, that TRUTH being LAW, individual freewill sovereignty.
Life is lessons in free enterprise
The SALVATION of HOLY WRIT is the salvation of the ADVERSARY, however, this requires that the ADVERSARY step down and be ONE with US rather than one sitting above us. Freewill is the cornerstone of this building that requires ALL that we be ONE.
The white stone referred to in Revelations has upon it the elevation/pattern that is MERCY and TRUTH, the DIGNITY of ALL BEINGS. The BEAUTY is beyond description nor can it be conveyed, as it should be, that the freewill sovereignty of each and every being is HONORED.
I am an independant, I have learned that making the world a better safer place, is better for me. So I do it out of selfish reasons. One doesn’t exclude the other. )O+->
There are plenty of evil 33rd degree masons. You have one right in your article, Albert Pike (how? how can the man who created the KKK be good in your eyes unless you believe in it?). It’s too bad, you have a lot of good info in here.
“Everything ” just” is beautiful.
So then, shouldn’t everything “beautiful” be “just”?
There is no “true”mason that would take umbridge at your words, my friend.
You speak the truth.
No man should be wronged by that.
Sorry to say, you are confused.
No Shane, I’m not confused one bit. It is really this simple. I assume you must be a Son of Darkness who is a bit butt hurt at me shining a light in the dark hole? No pun intended 😉
Sorry that I didn’t elaborate in my first response. It is not simple at all, being taught through symbols is one of the most complex systems in all the world because symbols are made up of a quantifier and a quantified, the quantified can then become it’s own quantifier if the one searching has an open mind, Christians are what make up the vast majority of Masons and they dig into symbology until they arrive at Christ and then are satisfied and so dig no further. Please read a couple of books by Bro. George Steinmetz called Freemasonry: it’s hidden meaning and The Lost Word: it’s hidden meaning. He among many other things basically argues that the institution of Masonry has become exoteric and it is up to a later generation of Masons to get back to the search for the true meaning of the light. Moe, I have read most of your articles and generally they are good, when I (an initiated adept) who knows a lot more than you (an outsider) about this one topic says you are confused, perhaps you should listen. You are in error for thinking that those that enter for the right reasons will get accepted into an invitation only order as if somehow the degree of the 33rd makes a person enlightened and it is asinine for you to automatically think that I am a son of darkness for pointing out that you aren’t understanding what you are talking about in regards to this particular topic. Satan/saturn and Lucifer/venus are not the same and never will be. Esoteric Masonry uses different Mystical traditions to convey meaning to initiates depending on what system has meaning for them. I found Kabbalahand Spiritual Alchemy in it and later found that the things Joseph Campbell and Carl Jung are talking about cross millennia from the Ancient Mystery Cults to the degrees of Masonry today. An initiate must put aside his logical mind and experience with his heart in order to receive the sacred union with Christ Consciousness in the bridal chamber he creates within himself. Sorry I am not allowed to say anything more. Many blessings to you on your journey!
Shayne, I’d love to hear more of what you’ve got say, how and where can I learn?
This is absolutely one of the best posts so far. I have been wondering for two decades how such horrible groups, such as the Illuminati, could be a part of the Masons. Thank you, Moe, for finally explaining this. This is an excellent discourse and I will value it. Keep up the good work. You are a beacon for us all.
Your words mean a lot to me Nancy. I’m glad I could shed light on the dark side of the Masonic brotherhood. Let us hope we see a purification not only in the lodges, but in our modern world. Peace be with you.