“I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword” (Matthew 10:34)
This is a satirical conversation between the great Gnostic and founder of the Catholic Church, Simon Magus and his unfortunate cousin. The cousin we will call Gnostic #1.0 and Simon is Gnostic #2.0.
Gnostic #1.0 – Hey, my knowledge is better than yours.
Gnostic #2.0 – No, my knowledge is better than yours.
Gnostic #1 – Oh yeah, but we worship the true Christ and not some evil god Yahweh of the demiurge.
Gnostic #2.0 – Lol, we Gnostics have a new Christ named Jesus backed by the Roman Army and he has come to bring a sword, not peace.
Gnostic #1.0 – You evil archons will never change our minds and we are intent in fighting forever with you demons for our Gnosis over your Gnosis.
Gnostic #2.0 – Fraternity is the only foundation and the pathway to peace! You know what, screw you Gnostic assholes who do not want to unite under a Universal Brotherhood. If we do things your way, we will be fighting with one another from here to eternity. But if we do things our way, eventually, we will unite humanity under the common banner of Universal Brotherhood and ‘Fraternity’ to eventually have peace on earth.
What is so bad about that?
Gnostic #1 – Lol, don’t you know earth is hell and we Gnostics are trapped in matter. We won’t unite with you and we would rather die by the sword than submit to fraternity or the Universal Brotherhood.
Gnostic #2 – You know what? I’m just going to form my own church backed by an army to take all you other Gnostics out, because we simply are not going play this Gnostic game for the next 5,000 years.
Gnostic #1.0 – Go for it! We are ready to fight for our Gnosis over your Gnosis.
Gnostic #2.0 – OK, just don’t say we didn’t give you the Gnosis to make a wise decision when we come wipe all of you out for being a selfish cog in the Gnostic wheel of humanity.
The church spoken about above would later become known as the Catholic Church, and Simon Magus would be canonized as Saint Peter- who is the rock in which the church was built. In regards to the other Gnostics of the 1.0 civilization who had decided to be selfish intellectual buffoons, well, we all know what happened to those Gnostics…
Fast forward to 2013 and the words of Pope Francis, who now represents 1.2 billion members of the Catholic Church;
“In the face of the many tragedies that afflict the family of nations – poverty, hunger, underdevelopment, conflicts, migrations, pollution, inequalities, injustice, organized crime, fundamentalisms – fraternity is the foundation and the pathway to peace,” says a July 31 Vatican announcement on the theme for the 47th World Day of Peace.
The choice of “Fraternity, the foundation and pathway to peace” as the theme for his first Day of Peace, echoes the message of solidarity that Pope Francis has already made a hallmark of his papacy.
“Fraternity,” says the communiqué, “is a dowry that every man and every woman brings with himself or herself as a human being, as a child of the one Father.”
Pope Francis picks ‘fraternity’ as theme for his first World Peace Day message
Pope links fraternity and peace in 2014 theme – Catholic News Agency

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
I think that now one truly understands God and god. God was a metaphor for the unseen powers of creation. god(s) are the travelers that came to earth and created man. So if you choose to study one over the other problems arise..as we see every where. Someday the gnosis of both the seen and unseen will be realized and accepted…and then…mankind will find peace with each other.
1;6 “Let “us” make Man in “our” image, after our likeness?”
How could a God who has no corporal body and who is universally alone say that? Obviously…He would not.
God and gods…what are they? The bible is written about gods of the earth and the seen Universe handing down rules for the slave man. The Sumerians called god ENKI (the creator of the human race). Earth gods are demanding, greedy, jealous and possessive…they were gold seekers. These gods created man (LULU) as a tool of labor.
Both Gnostics are valid, in my view; Gnostic #1 being not of the world and Gnostic #2 being of the world. Gnostic #1 seeks to be free of mind and matter perceiving it as illusion and Gnostic #2 seeks to perpetuate mind and matter perceiving it as real. Both are correct, depending on who they truly are: born of the world of mind and matter or born of Spirit from another realm altogether and trapped in the world of mind and matter striving to be set free.
Great analysis Catherine. But let me please add that Gnostic #1 seeks to be free of mind and matter as they are encased in it and using it to think, speak or act. Hence, they are walking contradictions based on the fact that being human is a gift for this very reason. In the same breathe, they would rather fight and disagree with one another from here to eternity then to meet at common ground that is good for all or the whole of humanity who may not be so spiritually gifted as Gnostic #1. Gnostic #2 comes from the same group as Gnostic #1, but had the reasoning and knowledge to understand that to have peace on earth and a heavenly homeland, that compromises would need to be made and Gnostic #2 was willing to perform the Great Work in service to human kind while Gnostic #1 performs the Great Work only for himself.