In the quote below, Rosicrucian master, Max Heindel discusses the importance of the alchemical element known as phosphorus to the initiate. He says that phosphorus is peculiar to the brain alone and that idiots have very little phosphorus; shrewd thinkers have much; and in the animal world, the degree of consciousness and intelligence is in proportion to the amount of phosphorus contained in the brain.
As I have written in previous articles, phosphorus is the Alpha and Omega of the Scripture and the Greek word for the Latin archangel known as Lucifer who is the light bearer. We also know of phosphorus in the mysteries as the philosophers stone, which is the most important alchemical element for the lovers of wisdom.
Heindel had said, “The brain is the coordinating mechanism whereby the movements of the body are controlled and our ideas are expressed. It is built of the same substances as are all other parts of the body, with the addition of phosphorus, which is peculiar to the brain alone. (As to proportion.–Ed.)
The logical conclusion is that phosphorus is the particular element by means of which the Ego is able to express thought and influence the dense physical body. It is also a fact that the proportion and variation of this substance is found to correspond to the state and stage of intelligence of the individual. Idiots have very little phosphorus; shrewd thinkers have much; and in the animal world, the degree of consciousness and intelligence is in proportion to the amount of phosphorus contained in the brain.
It is therefore of great importance that the aspirant who is to use his body for mental and spiritual work, should supply his brain with the substance necessary for that purpose.”
Max Heindel- the Rosicrucian cosmo-coception (Phosphorus, brain needs 452-453.)in Index.

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.