Q. To what does this token allude?
A. To the way and manner in which each fellow craft received his wages.
Q. Of what further use is it?
A. To distinguish a true craftsman from an impostor.
Q. When an impostor is discovered, what should be his penalty?
A. To have his right hand chopped off.
Q. Where were you prepared to be advanced to the degree of Mark Master Mason?
A. In a room adjoining a regularly and duly constituted Lodge of Mark Master Masons.
Q. How were you prepared?
A. I was deprived of all metals, divested of my outward apparel, in a working posture, with a cable-tow four times around my body, in which situation I was conducted to the door of the Lodge, where a regular demand was made by four (4) distinct knocks.
Q. To what do the four (4) distinct knocks allude?
A. To the fourth (4th). degree of Masonry, it being that upon which I was about to enter.
Q. What was said to you from within?
A. Who comes here.
Q. Your answer?
A. A worthy brother who has been duly initiated, passed the degree of Fellow Craft, raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, and now wishes for further promotion in Masonry by being advanced to the degree of Mark Master Mason.
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Q. What were you then asked?
A. If it was an act of my own free will and accord, and if I was worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared; if I had wrought in the quarries and exhibited suitable specimens of skill in the preceding degree, and was properly vouched for; all of which being answered in the affirmative, I was then asked by what further right or benefit I expected to gain this important privilege.
Q. Your answer?
A. By the benefit of the pass.
Q. Give the pass. (Joppa!)
Q. To what does it allude?
A. To the ancient city of Joppa, where the materials for the Temple were landed when brought down from Mount Lebanon. Masonic tradition informs us that the sea-coast at that place was so nearly perpendicular it was difficult for workmen to ascend without the assistance from above, which assistance was afforded them, given by guards stationed there for that purpose. It has since been adopted as a proper pass to be given before gaining admission to any regular and well-governed Lodge of Mark Master Masons.
Q. What was then said to you?
A. I was directed to wait until the Right Worshipful Master could be informed of my request, and his answer returned.
Q. What was his answer?
A. Let the candidate enter and be received in due and ancient form.
Q. How were you received?
A. On the edge of the engraver’s chisel, applied to my naked left breast, and under the impression of the mallet, which was to teach that the moral precepts of this degree should make a deep and lasting impression upon my mind and future conduct.
Q. How were you then disposed of?
A. I was conducted four (4) times regularly around the Lodge to the Worshipful Junior Warden in the South, where the same questions were asked and answers returned as at the door.
Q. How did the Worshipful Junior Warden dispose of you?
A. He directed me to be conducted to the Worshipful Senior Warden in the West, where the same questions were asked and answers returned as before.
Q. How did the Worshipful Senior Warden dispose of you”
A. He directed me to be conducted to the Right Worshipful Master in the East, where the same questions were asked and answers returned as before.
Q. How did the Right Worshipful Master dispose of you?
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A. He ordered me to be reconducted to the Worshipful Senior Warden in the West, who taught me to approach to the East, advancing by four (4) upright regular Masonic steps, my feet forming a square and my body erect, to the Right Worshipful Master.
Q. How did the Right Worshipful Master dispose of you?
A. He made me a Mark Master Mason.
Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
I enjoy reading and gaining knowledge to better thyself as well as our surroundings. It is crucial for us to continue the knowledge in order to fully give life freely.