S. G. W.–He is an impostor, for he has attempted to receive wages without being able to give the token, and the penalty must be inflicted.
S. D.–If you will release him, I will take him to our Right Worshipful Master, and state his case to him, and if the penalty must be inflicted, I will see it duly executed.
S. G. W.–On those conditions I will release him, provided he can satisfy me he is a Fellow Craft Mason.
The candidate now withdraws his arm, and gives the sign of a Fellow Craft Mason. (See Fig. 4, p. 17.)
The members of the Lodge then take their seats.
S. D. (taking candidate to Master.)–Right Worshipful, this young craftsman has been detected as an impostor, at the office of the Senior Grand Warden, in attempting to receive wages, which were not his due, without being able to give the token.
R. W. M. (looking sternly at the candidate.)–Are you a Fellow Craft Mason?
Candidate–I am. Try me.
R. W. M.–Give me the sign of a Fellow Craft Mason. Candidate gives the sign of a Fellow Craft.
R. W. M. (to Senior Deacon.)–It is well. He is undoubtedly a Fellow Craft. (Turning to candidate.) You have attempted to receive wages without being able to give the token. I am astonished that so intelligent-looking a young craftsman should thus attempt to impose upon us. Such conduct requires severe punishment. The penalty you have incurred is to have your right hand struck off. Have you ever been taught how to receive wages?
Candidate (prompted.)–I have not.
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R. W. M.–Ah, this in a measure serves to mitigate your crime. If you are instructed how to receive wages, will you do better for the future?
Candidate–I will.
R. W. M.–On account of your youth and inexperience, the penalty is remitted. Brother Senior Deacon, you will take this young craftsman, and give him a severe reprimand, and take him with you to the quarries, and there teach him how to bring up a regularly wrought stone.
The reprimand thus ordered to be given to the candidate is omitted in most Lodges at the present day, but, for the satisfaction of young Masons, and the curious, we insert it here.
S. D. (taking candidate by the collar.)–Young man, it appears you have come up here this evening to impose upon us; first, by presenting work which was not fit for the building, and then by claiming wages when there was not one farthing your due. Your work was not approved; you are not entitled to any wages, and had it not been for my timely interference, you would have lost your right hand, if not your life. Let this he a striking lesson to you, never to attempt to impose upon the craft hereafter. But go with me to the quarries, and there exhibit some specimens of your skill and industry; and if your work is approved, you shall be taught how to receive wages in a proper manner. Come, I say; go with me. (Shakes the candidate severely, and hurries him off into the preparation-room.)
The Senior Deacon returns to his seat in the Lodge, and the Junior Deacon prepares the candidate for the Degree, by divesting him of his outward apparel, and all money and valuables, his breast bare, and a cable-tow four times around his body; he is also securely blindfolded, with a hoodwink prepared for that Purpose. In this condition he is conducted to the door by the Junior Deacon, who gives four distinct knocks. (• • • •)
S. D.–Right Worshipful, while we are peaceably at work on the Fourth Degree in Masonry, the door of our Lodge appears to be alarmed.
R. W. M.–Brother Senior, attend to the cause of that alarm.
The Senior Deacon then steps to the door, and answers the alarm by four knocks. This is responded to from the outside by one knock, which is returned by the Senior Deacon. The door is then partly opened.
S. D.–Who comes there?
J. D.–A worthy brother, who has been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice Mason, served a proper time as such, Passed to the Degree of a Fellow Craft, raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason, and now wishes for further light in
Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
I enjoy reading and gaining knowledge to better thyself as well as our surroundings. It is crucial for us to continue the knowledge in order to fully give life freely.