Master Overseer–Brother Junior Overseer, dial you suffer this work to pass your inspection?
Junior Overseer–I did; I observed to the young craftsman, at the time, that the stone was not such as we had orders to receive; but, owing to its singular form and beauty, I felt unwilling to reject it, and suffered it to pass to the Senior Overseer at the west gate.
Senior Overseer–I made the same observations to the young craftsman, and for the same reason permitted it to pass to the Master Overseer at the east gate.
R. W. M.–Why, you see the stone is neither oblong nor square, neither has it the mark of any of the craft upon it. Do you know this mark that is upon it?
Junior Overseer–I do not.
Senior Overseer–Neither do I.
Master Overseer–What shall I do with it?
Junior Overseer–I propose we heave it over among the rubbish.1
Master Overseer–Agreed.
The Master and Senior Overseers take up the keystone, and swinging it four times back and forth between them, the fourth time the Junior Overseer catches it over the left shoulder of the Master Overseer (in imitation of the sign of “heave-over,” see Fig. 19), and throws it aside. At this moment all the brethren begin to shuffle around the room, leaving their seats.
R. W. M. (giving one rap with his gavel.)–What is the cause of this disturbance among the workmen?
S. G. W.–It is the sixth hour of the sixth day of the week, and the craft are impatient to receive their wages.
The whole Lodge here rise to their feet and sing the following:
R. W. M.–Brother Senior Grand Warden, it is my order that
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you assemble the craft, and march in procession to the office of the Senior Grand Warden, to receive wages.
The members now form two and two (candidate behind), and march round the Lodge, singing the song:
Mark Masters, all appear Before the Chief O’erseer: In concert move; Let him your work inspect, For the Chief Architect, If there be no defect, He will approve.
You who have passed the square, For your rewards prepare, Join heart and hand; Each with his mark in view, March with the just and true, Wages to you are due, At your command.
Hiram, the widow’s son, Sent unto Solomon Our great keystone: On it appears the name Which raises high the fame Of all to whom the same Is truly known.
Now to the westward move, Where, full of strength and love, Hiram doth stand; But if impostors are Mixed with the worthy there, Caution them to beware Of the right hand.
Now to the praise of those Who triumphed o’er the foes Of Masons’ arts : To the praiseworthy three Who founded this Degree, May all their virtues be Deep in our hearts.
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As they finish the second verse, each brother walks up in his turn to the Senior Warden, who stands behind a lattice-window, and thrusts his right hand, with the thumb and two first fingers open, and the third and little fingers clinched, palm up (see Fig. 22), through the hole in the window, receives his penny, withdraws his hand, and passes on, and so on until the candidate, who comes last, puts his hand through for his penny in this manner (see cut.) The Senior Grand Warden seizes his hand, and, bracing his foot against the window, draws the candidate’s arm through to the shoulder, and exclaims
vehemently, “An impostor! an impostor!” Another person exclaims, “Strike off his hand! strike off his hand!” and at the same time runs up with a drawn sword to give the blow. The Senior Deacon now intercedes for the candidate, and says: “Spare him! spare him! he is not an impostor; I know him to be a craftsman; I have wrought with him in the quarries.”
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
I enjoy reading and gaining knowledge to better thyself as well as our surroundings. It is crucial for us to continue the knowledge in order to fully give life freely.