Q. What is that due form?
A. Kneeling upon both knees, both hands covering the Holy Bible, square and compasses, my body erect; in which due form I took upon myself the solemn oath or obligation of a Past Master.
Q. Have you that obligation?
A. I have.
Q. Will you give it?
A. I will, with your assistance.
Q. Proceed. I, A. B., &c., &c. (See obligation of a Past Master.)
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Q. Have you a sign belonging to the Chair?
A. I have several.
Q. Show me a sign? (Give sign, thumb to mouth.)
Q. What is that called?
A. The duegard.
Q. To what, does it allude?
A. To the penalty of my obligation, that I would sooner have my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, than divulge any of the secrets belonging to the chair unlawfully.
Q. Show me another sign? (Give sign, drop your hand in from mouth in a circular manner down over your breast to your right side.)
Q. What is that called?
A. The sign.
Q. To what does it allude?
A. To the additional portion of the penalty of my obligation, that I would sooner suffer the severest inflictions of all my former penalties, than divulge any of the secrets belonging to the chair unlawfully.
Q. Have you a grip belonging to the chair?
A. I have.
Q.. Communicate it to a brother. (Give the Past Master’s grip. See the grip.)
Q. Has it a name?
A. It has.
Q. Give it. (Give the word. See word of Past Master.)
Q. What does it signify?
A. Stone squarer.
Q. What were you presented with?
A. The jewel of my office–which is a square, and it was hoped I would prepare a square stone in the Temple of Masonry.
Q. What were you next presented with?
A. The three great lights in Masonry, the Holy Bible, square and compasses. Within that sacred volume I would find all that was necessary for my counsel and guidance, these three great lights I was always to see in proper position when the lodge was open. If in the E. A. degree, that both points of the compasses are beneath the square; if in the F. C. degree, one point is elevated above the square; if in the Master’s degree, both points are elevated above the square.
Q. What were you next presented with?
A. The charter or warrant, which would empower me to do all regular Masonic work.
Q. What were you next presented with?
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A. The constitution, which I was carefully to search, and see that it was not infringed.
Q. What were you next presented with?
A. The By-laws, which I was to carefully search and see that they were strictly enforced.
Q. What were you next presented with?
A. The records, which I was to see carefully kept, that nothing improper be transmitted to paper, and have a general supervision over the duties of the secretary.
Q. What were you next presented with?
A. I, as Master should be covered; 1 while the rest of the brethren remained uncovered.
Q. What were you next presented with?
A. Last, but not least, I was presented with the gavel, which I was informed was an emblem of power, one blow of which would call the Lodge to order; and in opening and closing, the deacons would arise; two blows would call up the rest of the subordinate officers, on three blows, the whole Lodge; one blow would again seat them and call the Lodge to order.
Q. How were you then disposed of?
A. I was conducted to the chair, once so ably filled by our Grand Master Solomon, King of Israel, and it was hoped that a portion of his wisdom would rest upon and abide with me.
Q. What are the duties of the chair?
A. They are many and various.
Q. Of what do they consist?
A. In opening, instructing and closing Lodges; of initiating, crafting, and raising Masons; presiding at consecrations, dedications and installations; at the laying of corner stones of public edifices; presiding at funeral obsequies, and all other duties corresponding thereunto and connected therewith.

Moe is the founder of GnosticWarrior.com. He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.