In a letter to Thomas Jefferson, John Adams wrote on August 24, 1815, “As to the history of the Revolution, my Ideas may be peculiar, perhaps Singular. What do We mean by the Revolution? The War? That was no part of the Revolution. It was only an Effect and Consequence of it. The Revolution was in the Minds of the People, and this was effected, from 1760 to 1775, in the course of fifteen years before a drop of blood was drawn at Lexington.” (1)
In the beginning, the French, Irish, Spanish, and Native American populations of North America were separated by their respective homelands’ racial and national heritages. To unite them, the Founders had devised a secret plan – a human experiment to change the way they think and act. As Thomas Jefferson once described the Declaration of Independence as an “expression of the American mind” (2) and Thomas Paine stated years later in The Rights of Man, “the independence of America, considered merely as a separation from England, would have been a matter of but little importance.
Independence acquired broad historical significance because it was ‘accompanied by a revolution in the principles and practice of governments.” (3)
The Founders would accomplish this incredible feat by implanting new ideas of personal freedom and liberty into their consciousness. They worked diligently to create a new political system that allowed was an experiment in human freedom, letting people, for the first time, think and act freely from the European aristocratic rulership and the main proclamation written in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal.”
Author and philosopher Manly P. Hall had proposed in his book, “The Secret Destiny of America,” that there was a Great Plan put forth one thousand years before our Nation’s founding: humanistic and mystical organizations wished for the continent to be the location for an experiment in self-government and religious freedom.” This idea of an “experiment of self-government and religious freedom” was an entirely new concept to the world. (4)
Freed from the threat of hostile forces, American minds were suddenly emboldened to resist new British colonial policies because they were stimulated by a new ethos of individuality and self-government which caused them to demand more independence and expand individual rights. As Adams stated, the American Revolution was a revolution of the mind creating both intellectual and political turmoil following Great Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War. The right to political independence, separation of church and state, nationalism, and individual freedoms were the issues that boiled up in the revolutionary cauldron of Britain’s American colonies causing the people to openly and sometimes violently opposed Great Britain’s new assertions of control over their minds.
One of our country’s founders, the American anti-authoritarian political philosopher named John Locke (1632–1704) would be instrumental in instituting many of these new political philosophies. Locke’s teachings of individual freedom, unlimited opportunity to compete for material well-being, and an unprecedented limitation on the arbitrary powers of government to interfere with individual initiative were some of the most powerful ideologies ever invented.
It is these new individualistic ideologies that were an experiment in self-government and religion that I contend creates a “national state of mind”, which has brought our country to the present day. A human experiment in freedom where these revolutionary ideas intended to change the very structure of government, American Culture, and also the entire social global order of society. But it must also be emphasized that our nation’s founders had asserted that the freedom of individuals to pursue their own ends would be tempered by a “public spirit” and concern for the common good that would shape our social and government institutions. As with any experiment, it may succeed or it may fail and plans can also change as I believe has happened with our Traditional Ethos in the U.S.A. and is the main focus of this book.
The current American value system, or “American Creed” is a perverted form of ultra individuality, which we call “liberal individualism is not grounded on our traditional philosophies, values, and the true American ethos and when taken to the extreme can become irrational, evil, or Satanic, leading to tyranny and Totalitarianism. As studies have shown, these ideas of liberty, self-government, equality, and freedom from religion that has led the country to the contemporary U.S. culture which is a highly individualistic ethos. (5)
It is this fixation on individuality and liberalism that I contend is the opposite of collectivism or unity which leads to neo-liberalism in the American Culture. The word culture means the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation or people. Individualism and collectivism refer to cultural values that influence how people construe themselves and their relation to the world.
Researchers have found that “Individualists perceive themselves as stable entities, autonomous from other people and their environment, while collectivists view themselves as dynamic entities, continually defined by their social context and relationships.
A 2006 study reported that this independent mentality makes “North Americans more likely to experience socially disengaging emotions such as pride in the self, feelings of self-confidence, anger, and frustration but less likely to experience engaging emotions such as friendly feelings, respect, guilt, and shame. (Kitayama, Mesquita, & Karasawa, 2006) This would align with de Tocqueville’s argument that equality eventually generates an egoism such that Americans ‘‘look after their own needs. [They] owe no man anything and hardly expect anything from anybody. (1969:506–508) (6) Also, recent research by some of the nation’s leading historians has cast serious doubt on the assumption that individualist values were prevalent among the early Americans in the late 1700s and early 1800s. (7)
As sociologist Robert Bellah and his coauthors written in “The Good Society” to challenge Americans to take a good look at themselves;
“The Lockean ideal of the autonomous individual was, in the eighteenth century, embedded in a complex moral ecology that included family and church on the one hand and on the other a vigorous public sphere in which economic initiative, it was hoped, grew together with public spirit…The eighteenth-century idea of a public was…a discursive community capable of thinking about the public good.” (8)
The authors of the Good Society point out What prevents Americans from “taking charge” is, according to the authors, our long and abiding allegiance to “individualism” — the belief that “the good society” is one in which individuals are left free to pursue their private satisfactions independently of others, a pattern of thinking that emphasizes individual achievement and self-fulfillment. “When citizens are engaged in thinking about the whole, they find their conceptions of their interests broadened, and their commitment to the search for a common good deepens.”
The result of a citizen population working for the common good, the authors contend is “an informed and morally sensitive public active in discussing and debating issues ranging from international financing to day care, within a framework informed by a shared vision of a good society; and a citizenry capable of instituting reforms in our economic and political institutions so that they work for the common benefit of all peoples.”
However, today, in America, we have a tradition of accepting almost all individual pursuits of liberty to be valid or acceptable as long as they do not break the law without a thought of the common or public good. As a result, many activities that were once outlawed for thousands of years have been changed over the last several decades by American Liberal Judges and secret Satanists allowing even more freedom for the American citizens to pursue just about whatever the hell they want. While this may be good for allowing freedom for ideas to increase industry and commerce, I contend that it also provides for the privilege of immoral and even evil ideas to enter our culture.
It is through this New Hybrid American Ideology of unimpeded freedom and ultra individuality without the thinking for the public good or the collective. A Beast-type system that allows laws that once protected the public good to be changed to the point today where bad ideas are protected by law.
A totally new landscape of freedom from what our original Founders had envisioned where pornography, black magicians (sorcerers), devil worshippers, Satanists, murderers, serial killers, and people who claim in their own words to kill in the name of the Great Serpent – Satan are welcomed into our homes with open arms. They often become Cult heroes like Carles Manson and Richard Ramirez to a whole generation of wayward youth.
It is this fixation on complete freedom of the individual and liberalism without thinking about the public good that I contend has created the “Satanic State of Mind.”
2. From Thomas Jefferson to Henry Lee, 8 May 1825 – US National Archives
3. American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence By Pauline Maier · 2012
4. The Secret Destiny of America By Manly P. Hall
5. Ethos of independence across regions in the United States: the production-adoption model of cultural change
6. Cultural regulation of emotion: individual, relational, and structural sources
7. The Origins of American Individualism: Reconsidering the Historical Evidence 1999 – Edward Grabb, Douglas Baer and James Curtis
8. The Good Society, by Robert N. Bellah, Richard Madsen, William Sullivan, Ann Swidler, and Steven M. Tipton (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1991 Published in Issues in Ethics – V. 5, N. 1 Spring 1992)

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
I don’t follow diligently, I confess. But when I do, it’s always a pleasure to greet a mind that works like mine. “Not so base.”
I think I’ll go looking through your stuff to find virus vs. vaccine and your autoimmune disease. That’s what’s been occupying my time. I think God put me on this earth to battle this fight.
My opinion? Let Nature work her magic and quit fn things up even more.
I say this with numb hands. Freaking autoimmune.