The origins of the word spirit comes to us the from Latin spiritus “breath, spirit,” from spirare “breathe.” It was an ancient belief for thousands of years that supernatural beings or things fly and float in the air and they could enter a person’s body simply by breathing in these beings or things.
These flying spirits in the air have been known over the last few thousand years by various names such as “elementals, demons, devils, succubi, incubi, ghosts, specters, phantoms, unclean and impure spirits” to name a few.
If you research the modern meaning of the word spirit, it means “the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character; the soul, inner being, inner man/woman, mind, ego, id; pneuma, a ghost, specter, phantom or supernatural being or thing” It also means “those qualities regarded as forming the definitive or typical elements in the character of a person, nation, or group or in the thought and attitudes of a particular period.”
These different meanings come to us over the last few thousand years and it is important in the scope of this parasitic fungi/molds research that we keep an open mind to the different words used to describe what a spirit is and can be.
It is also imperative that you remember that the original origins of the word spirit comes from the Latin spiritus “breath, spirit,” from spirare “breathe.”
These impure and unclean spirits that fly and float in the air I know to be what I call today, “parasitic fungi/molds,” and demonic elemental parasitic fungi/molds.”
Microscopic organisms that are intelligent and that we cannot see with our own eys. Organisms that emit tiny spores and mycotoxins that fly and float in the air and enter our bodies causing illness, mental disorders, disease and even death.
For example, the meaning “the nonphysical part of a person that is the seat of emotions and character,” tells us that our spirit is essentially a nonphysical part of our persons that forms or emotions and character.
We now know through modern science that parasitic fungi/molds can change the emotions and character of a person who has been infected. There are several studies that show that they can cause depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and other mental disorders.
Some other words I would like to point out in the various meanings of spirit are “ghost, specter, phantom, apparition, haunt, phantom, poltergeist, shade, and inner being.”
If we research the meaning of the word apparition, it comes from Late Latin appāritiō, from Latin: attendance, from appārēre to appear. Hence, it means “a supernatural appearance of a person or thing, especially a ghost; a specter or phantom; wraith.”
So we now know that a spirit can be a thing, a person, ghost, or super natural being that is able to float or fly in the air that suddenly appears that we can breathe in.
Please think about the meaning of the word spirit and the modern research I’m bring forth that is backed by science proving that we breathe (eat/skin absorption) in these parasitic fungi/molds that float and fly in the air and they have the ability to change the nonphysical part of our persons that forms or emotions and character.
Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.
Hello Daniel,
Thanks for your message. I’m sorry but get so many messages and comments that I rarely respond due to time constraints and the fact I own a few businesses.
Also, I’m mostly a recluse with a wife, children, small business and several hobbies which make it extremely difficult for me to have free time or friends.
You can contact me via the contact link and please be detailed on what you would like to ask of me.
Dear Moe, I very much would like to converse with u. Am interested in the gnostic project but feel constrained from pursuing it owing to d circumstance of my immediate environment. This is about the third time am sending u a message. None has yet been replied to. Please, deign to do so.