Conspiracies of the Deep State of Parapolitics
Welcome to a new episode of the Gnostic Warrior Podcast where I interview author and podcaster, Steven Snider AKA Recluse.
Steven operates the VISUP blog where he has published his research and podcasts for over the last decade.
He is an expert on the realms of mind control, deep politics, sacred geometry, onomatology, and synchronicity; occult film and music; the supernatural, the extraterrestrial and the multi-dimensional; high weirdness in all its many forms.
Steven’s Website @
And His Book “A Special Relationship“

Gnostic Warrior on YouTube
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The Hidden Meaning of New Year and January 1st
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There are many holidays we celebrate across the world, and especially here in America that very few people truly understand. Today, January 1st is one of those holidays many people think is just about partying and bringing in the New Year with some new resolutions...
Phillip K. Dick: The Black Iron Prison of the Empire that Never Ended
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“So long as the root of wickedness is hidden, it is strong. But when it is recognized, it is dissolved. When it is revealed, it perishes…. It is powerful because we have not recognized it.” - The Gospel of Phillip (Gnostic Text) One of Phillip K. Dick's most famous...
The Meaning of the Circumpunct
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"The most primitive and fundamental of all symbols is the dot." — Manly P. Hall; Lectures on Ancient Philosophy The ancient symbol known as the dot in the circle, circled dot, circle with a point, or a circumpunct, is one of the oldest symbols known to humans....

Moe is the founder of He is a father, husband, author, martial arts black belt, and an expert in Gnosticism, the occult, and esotericism.