Planned Parenthood: The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it

Planned Parenthood: The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it

The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger had bluntly stated in her 1922 pamphlet, The Pivot of Civilization, “birth control,” a term she coined, as “the process of weeding out the unfit” was aimed at “the creation of a superman.”

She was also influenced by Henry Havelock Ellis (2 February 1859 – 8 July 1939), a British sexologist, who wrote that under-educated women needed contraception so they wouldn’t pass on their “weakness” to their offspring.

Sanger once wrote: “The most urgent problem today is how to limit and discourage the over fertility of those who are physically, mentally, and morally unfit.”

This plan also focused on African Americans using religion and their own people.

In 1922, Sanger wrote: “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal…. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”

Sanger’s organization, Planned Parenthood, has been responsible for countless abortions and birth control measures, but her legacy has been largely forgotten by today’s feminists and African Americans.

Sanger’s background was linked to eugenics, an ideology based on improving human hereditary traits through social intervention. Eugenics was popular in America from the late 19th century through the mid-20th century.

The idea behind eugenics was that if you wanted to get rid of people who were criminals or mentally ill or poor or whatever else, then you should prevent them from having children. In an article in her magazine Birth Control Review, she wrote: “More children from the fit, less from the unfit—that is the chief aim of Eugenics.”

This is why it was so closely associated with birth control and still is to this very day, and her baby killing propaganda has worked wonders on the feeble American mind to the point that the CDC reported 629,898 abortions in 2019, the last full year of available data.

Sanger’s American Eugenics program focused on identifying those with “undesirable” traits and preventing them from reproducing; in some cases, this involved forced sterilization or euthanasia.

She called for legislation “for the sterilization of failure-prone individuals,” and even published a paper entitled “The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda,” which argued that birth control should be used as a method for controlling populations deemed unworthy by the state.

Yes, including today’s feminists, who many belong to the very same undesirable groups she identifies as whose babies need to be simply murdered.

Rather than educate and help lower and middle class women with guidance on proper nutrition, hygiene, and adequate health care to raise their children, Sanger argues that our society as a whole would be better off with these children dead.

This may seem like hyperbole – until you read her own words.

In fact, Margret Sanger was not shy in expressing her opinions on the mass killing of babies.

As I mentioned above, she had written that “the most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it,” and that “all our problems are the result of overbreeding among the evils of too prolific breeding among wage-workers .”

The full quote comes from her 1920 book Woman and the New Race, from the chapter, “The Wickedness of Creating Large Families.” Sanger wrote;

“Many, perhaps, will think it idle to go farther in demonstrating the immorality of large families, but since there is still an abundance of proof at hand, it may be offered for the sake of those who find difficulty in adjusting old-fashioned ideas to the facts.

The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.

The same factors which create the terrible infant mortality rate, and which swell the death rate of children between the ages of one and five, operate even more extensively to lower the health rate of the surviving members. Moreover, the overcrowded homes of large families reared in poverty further contribute to this condition.

Lack of medical attention is still another factor, so that the child who must struggle for health in competition with other members of a closely packed family has still great difficulties to meet after its poor constitution and malnutrition have been accounted for.”

Margret Sanger had complete disdain towards the middle and lower classes in America. The very people who we call today “essential workers” that keep our economy and the system operating.

In fact, Sanger wanted to kill them all!

The unworthy obviously include all criminals, paupers, and work-shirkers. They should either be segregated or eliminated by some humane form of euthanasia. The worthy class would include only those who are physically fit (no cripples or lunatics), mentally capable (no idiots), and morally sound (no criminals).

In “The Morality of Birth Control”, a 1921 speech, she divided society into three groups: the “educated and informed” class that regulated the size of their families, the “intelligent and responsible” who desired to control their families in spite of lacking the means or the knowledge, and the “irresponsible and reckless people” whose religious scruples “prevent their exercising control over their numbers”.

Sanger emphatically states, “There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this group should be stopped.”

The probability of a child handicapped by a weak constitution, an overcrowded home, inadequate food and care, and possibly a deficient mental equipment, winding up in prison or an almshouse, is too evident for comment. Every jail, hospital for the insane, reformatory and institution for the feebleminded cries out against the evils of too prolific breeding among wage-workers,” she said.

In 1939, Sanger wrote in her autobiography: “When I became convinced that there was no reasonable hope of converting the American people to birth control through voluntary education, I decided to devote what time I had left in America to establishing a clinic which would be dedicated to its principles.”

In October 1939, Sanger opened her first birth control clinic in Brownsville, Brooklyn. It was closed by police after three days, but reopened two weeks later under the direction of Sanger’s associate, Mary Lasker. The next year, 1940, Sanger opened another clinic in Harlem; it was closed by police after three months.

Like we see today, Margaret Sanger was the person who introduced the evil propaganda women are not free unless they can control their bodies and decide whether or they will be a mother. Meaning, that if these women do not have the power to kill their unborn babies, then they are not free people.

Sanger wrote;

“No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother.”

“Woman must have her freedom, the fundamental freedom of choosing whether or not she will be a mother and how many children she will have. Regardless of what man’s attitude may be, that problem is hers — and before it can be his, it is hers alone.

She goes through the vale of death alone, each time a babe is born. As it is the right neither of man nor the state to coerce her into this ordeal, so it is her right to decide whether she will endure it.” (Woman and the New Race)

In her 1922 book, The Pivot of Civilization, she wrote: “As an example of what I mean by intelligent direction of fecundity. . . . wee should require that every woman be taught how to perform her own abortion and that there should be erected throughout this nation free clinics where abortions would be performed at public expense.”

As a result of her work and government funding, Sanger co-founded an organization called the American Birth Control League (ABCL) in 1921 and then two years later renamed it The Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA). She served as president of the American Birth Control League from 1922 until 1929, when it was renamed Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA).

Her successor as president was Frederick J. Taussig, an economist and friend who had helped her found PPFA. In 1936 PPFA merged with Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau to form Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA).

When you research the work and quotes from Margret Sanger as I provided just a few above, you find a very cold, psychopathic intellectual who provides the ideology and foundational premises for the like minded monsters (demons) who will actually carry out the business-end of her evil intentions.

Today, she is loved and admired mainly by the Democrats and the political Left in this country.

Sanger’s evil plans seemed to have worked like a charm on those weak American minds who follow her baby-killing gospel to this very day. Even to their own detriment.

People, if that is what you want to call them, who have no qualms at killing their own babies and euthenizing the morally and mentally unfit – meaning their own families.

The very population she wanted to kill is not only demanding the freedom to murder their own babies, if needed be, they will kill you for the right to do so!


Apple’s Secret Occult Origins: Steve Jobs as the Beast and $666.66 for the First Apple I

Apple’s Secret Occult Origins: Steve Jobs as the Beast and $666.66 for the First Apple I

Apple is the most popular and recognizable brand in the world. Their computers and smartphone technology have both changed and taken over our lives. Today, approximately 45% of the U.S. population owns an Apple iPhone.

Almost everyone today recognizes the Apple logo. To me and other people, it looks like it represents the Biblical story of the Devil, serpent, and the apple from the Adam and Eve story.

Apple even capitalized on the story with their first advertisements, such as this one.

Hell, maybe me and my tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy friends are not so crazy after all…

But the occult references and conspiracy clues do not end there.

The original Apple I computers were hand built by Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Jobs and other friends in Wozniak’s garage with parts purchased from a local electronics store called The Byte Shop in Mountain View California (now called Fry’s Electronics) or scavenged from broken machines at their college dorms.

The first Apple 1 computer that cost about $1,533 to build, but Jobs and Wozniak decided to sell them for $666.66 each with the slogan “Byte into an Apple.”

Some people say that Jobs purposely chose the apples with a bite out of it and selling the first computers for $666.66 to honor the Mark of the Beast, and that it was Satanic because in the Bible, the Beast is identified with the number, 666.

In Revelation 13:18, it says, “This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.”

As if Jobs and Wozniak were summoning the Devil to ritualistically assist him in this new demonic venture, and this was the machine that would do it.

Then you have Apple’s slogan, “Think Different,” which glorifies the crazy ones, misfits, rebels and trouble makers.

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

This can’t all be a coincidence, could it?

According to Steve Jobs, “Apple was so named because Jobs was coming back from an apple farm, and he was on a fruitarian diet. He thought the name was “fun, spirited and not intimidating.”

And as for the price of $666.66, Steve Wozniak says it became $666.66 because Wozniak “liked repeating digits” and because of a one-third markup on the $500 wholesale price.

Do you believe these stories or could there be something more occult going on here?

It seems to depend on who you ask.

For example, when Jean Louis Gassée, an executive at Apple Computer from 1981 to 1990, was asked about his thoughts on the Apple logo, he answered:

“One of the deep mysteries to me is our logo, the symbol of lust and knowledge, bitten into, all crossed with the colors of the rainbow in the wrong order. You couldn’t dream of a more appropriate logo: lust, knowledge, hope, and anarchy.”

When it comes to Steve Jobs character, there’s the “Good Steve,” and then, there’s the “Bad Steve,” says biographer Walter Isaacson.

In other words, he had a dark (shadow/demon) and light (enlightened/angel) side to his character.

Steve Jobs has been described as an amazingly talented leader but a highly flawed individual. He was known to be a manipulative, excitable liar who was cold, mean, and vindictive. He was not very pleasant to be around and could change moods at the drop of a dime.

Jobs was also a thief, like the time when he burned his partner Steve Wozniak out of money and lied to the man.

While working at Atari, Jobs recruited Wozniak to help him work on the game Pong. There was a big cash bonus involved if they finished the job fast and efficiently.

They did, but Jobs lied about how much money the bonus was, pocketing the majority of the money for himself.

This was how Jobs treated people. He could give a flying f*ck about friends, co-workers and even family members like his daughter who he refused to acknowledge or support and whose mother had to live on welfare.

And even his practice of Zen Buddhism could not save the man.

Jobs lacked self-reflection skills and acted sociopathic. His capacity to deceive others, distort reality, exhibit emotional outbursts, and inflict cruelty seemed to withstand the test of time.

In my personal opinion, Steve Jobs was a talented business man but also a human piece of shit, or what some people would accurately call a sociopath, and some religious folks, a demon or the Devil incarnate himself.

Even though I do not think that he worshiped Satan or summoned demons, he was a liar, thief and terrible person – just like the so-called Devil.

His mode of being was completely individualistic or what could be called Satanic.

Hell, many CEO’s and captains of industry of this Modern world act in a similar fashion to Jobs. In fact, I believe it is more common than uncommon in the world of business.

So, it is quite fitting that Jobs, the Beast of Apple Computers, had decided to sell their first computer for $666.66.

Remember, “This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.” – Revelation 13:18

Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly: Fuc*ing Like Demons, Blood Rituals, and Lucifer

Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly: Fuc*ing Like Demons, Blood Rituals, and Lucifer

“A life without you is worse than death, put a bullet in my head if we have nothing left and if that ever comes, meet me in heaven and lets f*** like demons.” – Machine Gun Kelly

Shortly after the engagement video of Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox, Megan had posted on Instagram about their blood ritual:

“Just as in every lifetime before this one and as in every lifetime that will follow it, I said yes… And then we drank each other’s blood.”

In a recent interview with Glamour Magazine, the reporter asked Megan Fox if they really drank each other’s blood, she said “Yeah. So, I guess to drink each other’s blood might mislead people or people are imagining us with goblets and we’re like Game of Thrones, drinking each other’s blood,” she responds, laughing.

“It’s just a few drops, but yes, we do consume each other’s blood on occasion for ritual purposes only.”

Fox continued, “I’m much more controlled. I read tarot cards and I’m into astrology and I’m doing all these metaphysical practices and meditations. And I do rituals on new moons and full moons, and all these things.

And so, when I do it, it’s a passage or it is used for a reason. And it is controlled where it’s like, ‘Let’s shed a few drops of blood and each drink it.’

He’s much more haphazard and hectic and chaotic, where he’s willing to just cut his chest open with broken glass and be like, ‘Take my soul,’” she says, dramatically mimicking her beloved’s alleged chest-bearing, chest-slashing passion.

In an interview with British GQ, Megan Fox describes their romance as “demonic”.  She said;

“This is a very intense relationship…Our souls chose this to absolutely have to face our shadow selves; to face things about ourselves we didn’t want to have to know, that we tried to push away…There’s also the demonic side”.

Megan shared pics from the GQ photoshoot as she holds a gun to her boyfriend’s groin in one image on her Instagram profile with the caption:

“The tale of two outcasts and star crossed lovers caught in the throes of a torrid, solar flare of a romance featuring: feverish obsession, guns, addiction, shamans, lots of blood, general mayhem, therapy, tantric night terrors, binding rituals, chakra sound baths, psychedelic hallucinations, organic smoothies, and the kind of sex that would make Lucifer clutch his rosary”.


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They’ve also described each other as “twin flames” descended from the same soul, tattooed each other and recently arrived at the launch of MGK’s nail polish line chained together via their fingernails. Their PDAs are prolific, their high-vis double dates with Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker or Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson have created a whole new genre and aesthetic in celebrity dating culture.

“He’s literally my exact physical type that I’ve been manifesting since I was four. I’m also four years older than him. So, I think I made him. My thoughts and intentions grew him into the person that he is, who knows what he would’ve looked like or been like if it wasn’t for me.”

In a previous interview on the Drew Barrymore Show, Megan Fox had said that her and Kelly’s souls chose eachother“A life without you is worse than death, put a bullet in my head if we have nothing left and if that ever comes, meet me in heaven and lets f*** like demons.”

“Our souls chose this to absolutely have to face our shadow selves; to face things about ourselves we didn’t want to have to know, that we tried to push away.”

Jefferey Dahmer: A potential for great evil resides deep in the blood

Jefferey Dahmer: A potential for great evil resides deep in the blood

Jeffrey L. Dahmer was a convicted serial murderer who had admitted killing and dismembering 17 young men and boys, told police he strangled most of his victims, had sex with corpses, slit the bodies from sternum to toe, and cut off the flesh.

Dahmer surgically experimented with the bodies of his victims in his attempt to preserve them as zombies so he could continue to use them for sex. When that failed, he resorted to even more gruesome measures.

Dahmer surgically experimented with the bodies of his victims in his attempt to preserve them as zombies so he could continue to use them for sex. When that failed, he resorted to even more gruesome measures.

‘He ate body parts so that these poor people he killed would become alive again in him,’ his former attorney, Gerald Boyle said.

Dahmer’s bloody pattern of sexually motivated murder, dismemberment, and cannibalism led him to feel that he was the devil, according to his attorney.

“He became enamored, overwhelmed, caught up in the character in the (horror movie) ‘Exorcist III.’ The character was Satan because he was the personification of evil,” attorney Gerald Boyle said in his opening statement in Dahmer’s sanity trial.

Jeffrey Dahmer said that he was enthralled by the notorious Faces of Death videos. He rented Faces of Death and became fascinated with a corpse shown in the video.

“He was good looking. He was totally naked. I don’t know why I happened to have a fascination with that,” Dahmer said.

When police finally entered Dahmer’s apartment 213, they found seven skulls, four heads in a free-standing freezer, one head on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, and assorted body parts in a blue fifty-seven-gallon barrel.
Among the items were more than a hundred photographs of people in various stages of dismemberment, most so disgusting that even experienced law enforcement officials could not bring themselves to look at them.

Milwaukee detective Dennis Murphy testified about what Dahmer said during his confession.

‘He stated he kept the skulls of the good-looking ones because he did not want to lose them,’ Murphy said.

‘He stated he would cut off the penis and other body parts and masturbate in front of them for gratification.’

Murphy said Dahmer, asked about cannibalism, said, ‘the only time I did was a bicep … it was big and I wanted to try it.’

‘He stated that he put Crisco on the bicep, softened it up with a meat tenderizer, then fried it in a skillet,’ Murphy said.

‘He said it tasted like beef,’ Murphy said.

He said Dahmer ‘talked in a calm, monotone voice’ during his confession.

Jeffrey Dahmer grew up in a middle class family. His parents were incompatible and argued often, which left him with little attention. He had no close friends and no one for him to hug or feel affectionate towards.

This led to isolation for Jeffrey as he had no friends to play with nor adults to spend time with. He coped by withdrawing into his own world and creating his own stories that always turned out right as long as they weren’t disturbed.

Dahmer wasn’t unknown to the law.

In 1982, he was charged with disorderly conduct. In 1986, he was arrested for exposing himself to a group of children. The charge was commuted to disorderly conduct and he pleaded guilty in 1987.

In 1988, Dahmer picked up a thirteen-year-old Laotian boy and gave him a drink laced with a sleeping potion. He fondled the boy as well. This time, he was charged with second-degree sexual assault and the enticement of a child for immoral purposes.

He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year in detention, but because he was apologetic, the sentence was stayed, and he received five years of probation instead.

This meant he could keep his $9.81-an-hour job at the chocolate factory, and go back to jail at night.

His father, Lionel Dahmer, had contemplated in his memoir, A Father’s Story, the family unit was anything but a happy one. Because Lionel was busy with his own doctoral studies, he was often absent from the home.

Yet, he pondered the nature of evil in an existential way, especially as it related to his son, Jeffrey.

“As a scientist, [I] wonder if [the] potential for great evil..resides deep in the blood that some of us … may pass on to our children at birth,” he wrote in the book.

He suggests that prescription drugs Jeffery’s mother was on while pregnant could have affected his brain in a negative way. In his book, Lionel Dahmer questions if his son’s shyness was a red flag of future murderous tendencies.

Confused about what may have “caused” his son to kill, Lionel expresses the complicated and often contradictory feelings he had about Jeffrey. The dad often blamed himself for Jeffrey’s (severe) flaws. Lionel said he was negligent and probably didn’t give enough to Jeffrey, emotionally. In his memoir, he referenced the “fan mail” his son received.

“Clearly, some of these people believe that in some bizarre way, my son could rescue them from lives in which they felt entrapped. It demonstrated a level of sympathy and pity that I simply could not reach. . . . I often wondered why, in a world of so much feeling, I could express so little.”

Recounting Dahmer’s life, Dahmer’s defense attorney, Jerry Boyle said that as a youth in Ohio, Dahmer was fascinated by the bodies of animals he found on the highway and brought home to cut up. At 14, Boyle said, Dahmer realized that he was a homosexual and first fantasized about having sex with a corpse.

Prosecutor Michael McCann, in his opening statement, described Dahmer as a clever plotter who carefully covered up his crimes.

McCann said Dahmer killed his victims so he could continue having sex with them after they were dead. “He wanted to continue the pleasure with their bodies,” he told the jurors.

Dahmer would have preferred sex with men who were alive, but he drugged and strangled his victims because they would always leave after having sex, McCann said.

“He enjoys the bodies for a day or two but then he becomes tired of them. It then becomes a disposal problem,” he said.

Two detectives later Thursday read their account of Dahmer’s 60-hour confession, given shortly after he was apprehended.

The dramatic opening statements and testimony marked the judgment phase in the worst multiple murder case in this city’s history. It began last July 22 when police entered Dahmer’s apartment west of downtown Milwaukee and found body parts of 11 of his victims.

The cannibalistic serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer, had been fired for excessive absenteeism about two weeks before his July 22 arrest. As a result, he could no longer pay his rent. He expressed that he planned on living at a Salvation Army shelter and destroying the body parts in his apartment.

It was at that time when Dahmer bought a 57-gallon drum to dissolve bones and flesh in it, and flush them once they were turned into mush.

He also debated whether to keep 11 skulls as “souvenirs” but the risk of detection by police was too high.

It was a warm summer day in 1991 when police were called to the home of serial killer Jefferey Dahmer.

A young man by the name of Tracy Edwards had escaped from the house and made it to the station. He was chained by the ankle and had just barely survived after being drugged and beaten by Dahmer for several days.

Police immediately went to check out his story, not expecting to see what they found when they got there.

Dahmer claimed that he was his adult lover and that they had been experimenting with S&M.

The man then explained that he had met Dahmer on a bus and agreed to go to his apartment for sex.

Once there, he said that Dahmer was acting very strange, so he asked if he could leave. At this point Dahmer grabbed a pair of handcuffs and put them on him. He then pulled out a knife and began to cut off his clothes.

After being reassured by Dahmer that he wasn’t going to kill him, Edwards convinced Dahmer to let him go to the bathroom. Once there, Edwards locked the door and jumped out of a window. He ran on foot until he found two policemen.

At this point Edwards fled from the apartment, naked and still in handcuffs.

He ran on foot until he found two policemen who immediately went to Dahmer’s apartment to investigate.

Once Dahmer opened the door, the officers were confronted by a foul smell that radiated from his place.

They looked inside and saw a huge pot of acid on the stove that appeared to have body parts bubbling inside it. Then they noticed a head in his refrigerator.

When the police searched Dahmer’s apartment they found an array of photographs depicting dismembered bodies, along with four severed heads in the refrigerator.

Underneath the bed they found two more skulls and a 57 gallon drum filled with chemicals containing human remains.

The police also found some Polaroid photos which showed how some of his victims were murdered.

Jeffery Dahmer, the serial killer and cannibal’s reign of terror had officially ended.

On November 28, 1991, he was convicted of 15 counts of murder and sentenced to 15 consecutive life terms.

In February 1992 Dahmer pleaded guilty but insane to an additional charge of murder and one count of committing a lewd act on a child. He received another life sentence for each charge and was sentenced to 10 years for the lewd act conviction.

A few years into his sentence, Dahmer was killed by a fellow inmate on November 28, 1994.

Christopher Scarver, a man serving time for killing his boss with a claw hammer, beat Dahmer to death with a broom handle. The two men were doing cleaning duty at Columbia Correctional Institution in Portage, Wisconsin.

Scarver had been sentenced in 1990 for the murder of his former boss during a robbery.

In 2015, Scarver decribed the details of his killing to the New York Post.

He said Dahmer had a personal escort of at least one guard at all times when he was out of his cell because of his friction with other inmates.

“Some people who are in prison are repentant — but he was not one of them,” he told the Post.

Scarver said that he was repulsed by the youth-molesting cannibal’s lust for flesh and kept in his pocket a newspaper article detailing Dahmer’s murders.

He said Dahmer would taunt other inmates by fashioning limbs out of the prison food, applying ketchup on places to represent blood.

On November 28, 1994, Dahmer, 34 at the time, was assigned to clean the bathrooms with another inmate, esse Anderson and Scarver — unshackled and unattended.

Scarver, then 25 told the Post he’d gone to retrieve a mop when he felt someone poke his back. When he turned around, he saw Dahmer and the other inmate “laughing under their breath.”

“I looked right into their eyes, and I couldn’t tell which had done it,” he told the New York Post.

After the incident, Scarver followed Dahmer to the locker room where he confronthed Dahmer about the killings.

When Dahmer tried to escape, Scarver then took a metal bar and swung it at his head, crushing Dahmer’s skull.

Scarver then found the other inmate, Jesse Anderson, and did “[p]retty much the same thing.”

Scarver said he believes the prison officials left them all alone on purpose, knowing he hated Dahmer and wanted him dead.

“They had something to do with what took place. Yes,” he told the Post.

After the murders he pleaded to “no contest” in exchange for a transfer to a federal penitentiary.

Scarver was then sentenced to two life terms on top of the one he was already serving at the time.

He is currently incarcerated at Centennial Correctional Facility in Canon City, Colo. where he spends some of his time writing poetry for his website.

Manson’s Mind Controlled Assassins

Manson’s Mind Controlled Assassins

“There is no past. There is only now in this infinite time.… We are all one member—one force, ” Charles Manson said to his Family

One of the Manson Family members and call girl, Ronnie Howard, had told police investigators that they called Manson the Devil and how a woman’s mind was easier to control than a man’s.

That is why there were many more girls there than there were men. She said to Sergeants McCann and Patchett that Charlie was supposed to be like their father. They called him the devil, or as she said, he is the devil sometimes, and other times he is Jesus Christ.

Susan Atkins, a convicted murderer, and pathological liar was also a member of the Manson family and one of the main disciples of her Master, Anton Lavey, the founder of the Church of Satan. She was no stranger to the Satanic doctrines that shaped her character before she ever met Charles Manson and became a cold-blooded killer. In fact, Atkins was the definitive link between Charles Manson and Satanism. 

Lavey had discovered Atkins while she worked at a San Francisco club when she was introduced to the Black Pope who was impressed by her dancing. Later, she would often dance topless for the Church of Satan in various rituals such as the Satanic Mass and emerging naked from a coffin for LaVey’s Witches Review. In 1977, after she was convicted of several murders, Atkins would write about their first meeting with Lavey in her book, Child Of Satan, Child Of God. She had written;

“It was a slow afternoon, and I considered my first thirty-minute routine as merely a warm-up for the wilder things to come with nightfall. I was just finishing when Mr. Garnet, the owner, walked in with a man I had not seen before. The room was quite dark but the afternoon sunlight splashed through the swinging door behind them. The man seemed to be dressed entirely in black. His face and the top of his bald head were extraordinarily pale – white.

Garnet and the stranger walked toward me. “Sharon,” my boss said as I reached for a wrap and moved toward the side of the stage. “Sharon, I’d like you to dance one more number.”

“But I’ve just finished, Mr. Garnet.”

“I know, sweetheart,” he smiled, “but I’d like for you to do one more number for Mr. LaVey here. This is Mr. Anton LaVey.”

I smiled at the man. His gaze was intense as any I’d ever seen, even though his mouth was smiling. His eyes seemed to be black – and glistening.

She continues, “The intensity of the stranger’s black eyes deepened as he watched my movements. A smile curled about his lips. I slipped into one of my fantasies about Sharon King the dancer, the sensuous, long-legged, full-breasted movie starlet, the Broadway queen. The music penetrated the lower depths of my abdomen and up into my chest cavity. It possessed me.

Garnet turned to me. “You see, Sharon. Mr. LaVey has agreed to stage one of his productions here at the club – a witches’ sabbath – topless and all – and I think it could be fun for you if you’re interested.”

“What’s a witches’ sabbath?” I asked, looking first at Mr. Garnet and then back at the bald-headed man.

LaVey threw his head back and gave a barking sort of laugh. “It’s a time, my dear, when the witches worship their leader – Satan. It’s a marvelous ceremony and will be very colorful for your club. It’s a bit out of the ordinary.”

Anton LaVey had also befriended Charles Manson, who looked to the Satanic High Priest as a source of inspiration.  LaVey’s grandson, Stanton Z. Lavey, claimed that his grandfather had used the Manson girls like Atkins as recruiting tools (magnets) for the Church of Satan. He had said in a recent article, “When Killers Come to Your Church: Growing Up in the Church of Satan;

“Scandinavian photographer Leif Heilberg… recruited 19-year-old Susan Atkins to pose nude with my grandfather at the Black House. Many of these photos were printed in the men’s magazines of the late 1960s that ran exposés on ‘LaVey’s Lustful Church’ — the sex angle was exaggerated to sell Satanism to the public. Heilberg would sweep the streets of Haight-Ashbury for hippie runaways.

As long as they would pose nude, the girls had a paying job. Atkins made the cut because she didn’t just pose with my grandfather and my grandmother Diane once or twice, but many times, and always with badly done makeup. As my grandmother said, she looked like a clown because of her thick white lipstick and bright-blue eye shadow.”

Susan Atkins would later participate in the murder of actress, Sharon Tate who was eight months pregnant at the time. During the killing, Tate had pleaded for the life of her unborn child but instead, she was mercilessly stabbed in the stomach by Atkins.

Ronnie Howard described Atkins’s chilling words to Tate before she stabbed her, “I got no feelings for you bitch, we’re doing you a favor, we’re releasing you from this earth. People, you know, really you don’t really live until you die.” She then took her finger, dipping it in Tate’s blood to write “pig” on the front door.

Susan Atkins had soon found out that Howard was the one who ratted her out. She had written in a letter;

“I blame nobody but myself… My attorney is going to go on insanity. Yes, I wanted the world to know ‘M’. It sure looks like they do now. There was a so-called motive behind all this. It was to install fear into the pigs and to bring on Judgment Day which is here… I am not going to fight this. I will let my attorney do that.

I am going to save my soul, the body my soul is housed in can be destroyed for all I care… I went before the grand jury because my attorney said your testimony was enough to convict me and all the others. He also said it was my only chance to save myself.

Atkins ended the letter with, “When I first heard you were the informer I wanted to slit your throat. I snapped that I was the real informer and it was my throat I wanted to cut.” (Official Court Transcript: December 1969 Letter from Susan Atkins to Veronica Howard, presented during October 1970 trial testimony of Veronica Howard)

During the murder trial, Atkin was infamous for often appearing arrogant and smug, which outraged her victims’ family members and the public. While in jail, she even was said to have bragged about the Tate murders to her cellmates, who later told police.

Atkins would appear before a Los Angeles Grand Jury and confess to her crimes. She was positioning herself to become the prosecution’s star witness, but before the trial started, she recanted everything she told the jury and renewed her loyalty to Manson. However, after a nine-month trial, Atkins was convicted of seven counts of First Degree Murder and one count of Conspiracy To Commit Murder. In March of 1971, she and her fellow Manson Family co-defendants were sentenced to death.

In her book, Atkins claims that she had been brainwashed by Manson and had little control over her actions. She tried to justify her behavior and blame Manson for her troubles. In the book, she tells her story of coming from a dysfunctional family and becoming involved in the various cult-like organization that catered to insecure individuals looking for acceptance and a feeling of belonging.

Atkins said that she had not participated in any actual killings, but thankfully she allegedly found happiness in God by accepting Jesus as her savior. She claimed that Jesus came into her cell, and she became born-again.

Remember, these statements are coming from a convicted murderer, Satanist, and pathological liar.

The facts are that Sharon Atkins witnessed and was involved in several murders like Gary Hinman who was stabbed right in front of her. As he suffocated on his blood, she and fellow Manson girl, Mary Brunner took turns trying to get him to die quicker by smothering him with a pillow. A few weeks later, she saw Jay Sebring get shot and stabbed. Next, she stabbed Woytek Frykowski in the legs, then watched him as he was butchered to death by Tex Watson. Finally, Atkins witnessed Tex stab Abigail Folger in the gut so hard that her intestines started falling out.

She was certainly not a peaceful Christian but a Child of Satan, yes, absolutely…

Investigative author Tom O’neil details a connection to Charles Manson, the Manson Family, and a mind-control experiment spearheaded by the CIA and FBI in his book, “Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties.” After decades of research and death threats, he says, “And so, feeling the line between “researcher” and “conspiracy theorist” blurring before me, I hunkered down in the library to read about the many ways our government has deceived us.”

O’neil had investigated the crimes for over 20 years, and through the Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), he details numerous links to covert CIA operations in San Francisco during the time the Manson Family had lived in Haight-Ashbury. His book, CHAOS, is actually taken from the code-name of a domestic surveillance program started by President Lyndon Johnson in 1967 in opposition to demonstrations against the Vietnam War and to investigate the counter-culture.

As Entertainment Weekly had written, “What if everything we thought we knew about the Manson murders was wrong? O’Neill spent 20 years wrestling with that question, and Chaos is his final answer. Timed to the 50th anniversary of the Manson murders, it’s a sweeping indictment of the Los Angeles justice system, with cover-ups reaching all the way up to the FBI and CIA.”

President Johnson, a Freemason, was convinced that the nation was on the edge of a revolution instigated by opponents of the war and supporters of the civil rights movement. Jesse Helms, CIA director, authorized the implementation of CHAOS at the same time as the FBI Chief and fellow 33rd Degree Freemason, J. Edgar Hoover revived COINTELPRO, a counterinsurgency program of the FBI.

In the book, O’neil discusses the similarities between Manson’s ‘psychedelic brainwashing’ techniques to program his followers into committing murders to the CIA covert mind control operation called Project MK Ultra. He claims that Manson was a “protected” player by judges and his parole officer, to name a few, while the so-called Hollywood elite in his circle remained silent.

Joe Ide, the author of IQ and Wrecked, puts this in perspective when he wrote;

“Whatever you think you know about the Manson murders is wrong. Just flat out wrong. Tom O’Neill’s twenty years of meticulous research has unearthed revelations about the murders, the murderers, the prosecutors who tried them and a rogues gallery of cops, drug dealers, bent doctors, famous celebrities, grotesque government research, secret agents, and shadowy figures in a conspiracy/cover-up so sweeping and bizarre, you’ll be as astounded as you are terrified. If your friends call you paranoid, maybe they’re just ignorant.”

Maybe this is why we find In the book, Helter Skelter by the Prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi, and Curt Gentry, that fellow Manson Family Murderer Tex Watson was being treated very well while incarcerated. He had written;

“Tex apparently wasn’t suffering unduly. We heard, from various sources, that his one-man cell was comfortably furnished, that he had his own record player and records. His vegetarian meals were cooked by his mother. He also wore his own clothing, which she laundered. And he was not completely lacking company, his cell adjoining that occupied by the female prisoners.”

Tom Oneil had said that a 1976 FOIA request had forced the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the top federal agency for research on mental disorders, to acknowledge that it had allowed itself to be used by the CIA as a funding front in the sixties. He had written;

“NIMH psychologist, John B. Calhoun, who’d studied rat populations since 1946. Calhoun reported that rats in confined groups—even without drugs—became uncharacteristically aggressive. They’d erupt in rape, murder, cannibalism, and infanticide. A dominant male rat emerged in the “behavioral sink”—Calhoun’s term for his aggregated rat cultures—subjugating other males into a tribe of cowering, enfeebled followers and organizing female rats into a “harem” of sex slaves.

The strangest group to emerge was “the probers”: “hypersexualized” male rats that stalked and raped both males and females, and often cannibalized their young. The probers would commit “frenzied” and “berserk” attacks against rat families sleeping in their burrows, leaving the remains of half-eaten victims. Again, no drugs were involved here; the probers emerged simply as a result of their confinement. They deferred only to the dominant male rat, fleeing if he caught sight of them.”

In the book, Oneil rightfully poses the question of how a federal parolee, Charles Manson, could wander up and down the California coast between the Bay Area and Los Angeles from mid-1967 through mid-1968, as he also lived in Haight-Ashbury (violating the original do-not-leave LA terms of his parole to do so) and spent a great deal of time at the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic. He did so without raising red flags and the dark links between the seamier side of the Southern California lifestyle and FBI/CIA operations to infiltrate the “counterculture” of the anti-war movement specifically, and the general unrest related to civil rights and student demonstrations.

O’neil claims that the Manson Family Prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi’s account of the Tate/LaBianca murders, wanted to run cover for the State and its institutions while promoting himself.

He exposes Bugliosi’s sordid past and law-breaking history that he may have been used for quite some time to fill in the “official narrative” for the Deep State. Oneil proves this by taking readers down the path through interviews with many investigators and retired law enforcement personnel who all had many problems with Bugliosi’s hypothesis during the Manson Trial but kept their mouths shut.

In February 2006, O’neil had interviewed Bugliosi for the book in his Pasadena home shortly before he had died, detailing their encounters with one another. He tells how that Bugliosi was adversarial and went on many tirades during their hours long discussions. O’neil had written;

“Nothing could be worse than accusing a prosecutor of doing what you’re implying that I did in this case,” he barked at me. “It’s extremely, extremely defamatory.”

It was a sunny day in February 2006, and we were in the kitchen of his Pasadena home. The place was cozy, with floral patterns, overstuffed furniture, and—literally—a white picket fence out front, all belying the hostility erupting within its walls. Bugliosi wanted to sue me. It would be, he soon warned, “a hundred-million-dollar libel lawsuit,” and “one of the biggest lawsuits ever in the true-crime genre.” If I refused to soft-pedal my reporting on him, I’d be powerless to stop it.”

“I think we should view ourselves as adversaries,” he’d tell me later, O’neil had said.

O’neil details how he had talked with investigative reporter, Mary Neiswender of the Long Beach Press Telegram and Independent, who told him that Vince had threatened her back in the eighties, when she was preparing an exposé on him. He knew where her kids went to school, “and it would be very easy to plant narcotics in their lockers.”

O’neil had further written, “Actually, I didn’t even need other sources—Vince himself had told me mere minutes before that he had no compunction about hurting people to “exact justice or get revenge.”

He said Neiswender became one of several reporters who believed that Bugliosi was corrupt, arrogant, vain, even crazy.

It bothered her that he was always portrayed as upstanding and aboveboard—he was a snake.

Dew of Heavan

Dew of Heavan

The Bible introduces us to a substance in the atmosphere and fatness of the earth called the “Dew of Heaven.” It is connected to the Holy Spirit, the manna of Heaven, and wisdom. A symbol of material prosperity (Deuteronomy 33:13, 28; Zechariah 8:12), and its absence is represented as a sign of Divine displeasure (2 Samuel 1:21; 1 Kings 17:1; Haggai 1:10, 11) It is among the choicest parts of the earth (Genesis 45:18) and with it, we have plenty of corn and wine, which is the produce of the soil (cf. Deuteronomy 33:28).

This peculiar Dew substance is also likened to a tree with its stump within the earth and part of the land that also could be drenched upon men turning them from a man into Beasts by taking over their mind as we learn in Daniel 4:15;

“He called out in a loud voice: ‘Cut down the tree and chop off its branches; strip off its leaves and scatter its fruit. Let the beasts flee from under it, and the birds from its branches. But leave the stump with its roots in the ground, and a band of iron and bronze around it, in the tender grass of the field. Let him be drenched with the dew of heaven and graze with the beasts on the grass of the earth. Let his mind be changed from that of a man, and let him be given the mind of a beast till seven times pass him by.”

In Deuteronomy 33:13, this dew reached to heaven and also lies beneath us – “And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD [be] his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath.”

These Beasts i.e men like King Daniel were to live in darkness in the shadow of death bounded by what are called chains because they rebelled against the Most High God. As it is said in Psalm 107:10; “For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. Some sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, prisoners in affliction and chains, because they rebelled against the words of God and despised the counsel of the Most High.”

As I explained in my essay, The LORD of Hosts, The Most High i.e. God represents what is called the Supreme Being, the Creator, or Father of the world. While the word ‘LORD’ or Yahweh (Jehova) is a power, force, and or a person on earth having an honorary title that has influence and authority over others on earth and in hell ie the underworld. For disobeying these natural laws, people like Daniel were put under a spell or curse in which they live like Beasts and are unable to know God who is the ultimate ruler over humankind.

In Daniel 4:25, it is said;

“This is the interpretation, O king, and this is the decree that the Most High has issued against my lord the king:  You will be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling will be with the beasts of the field. You will feed on grass like an ox and be drenched with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass you by, until you acknowledge that the Most High rules over the kingdom of mankind and gives it to whom He wishes. As for the command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots, your kingdom will be restored to you as soon as you acknowledge that Heaven rules.”

In the old Ancient Greek text translated from the Phoenician/Hebrew, the darkness can also be translated as ignorance, wickedness, misery, destruction, and death. While the chains which bound these people like Daniel is variously translated as barzel or ubarzel in the original Phoenician. Many interpreters who study the doctored script, ignorantly claim this world means iron, but this is not the true meaning.

My research shows that the word barzel is connected to the word fetters. This word is connected to the Arabic frzn and firzil, which also means fetters and the Aramaic parzel, Syriac parzel, and Akkadian parzillu.

Barzel or Parzel is also related to the modern English, parcel which means a thing or collection of things wrapped or packed up; small package; bundle or land that has been sectioned off. It can also mean a wrap (rope) which mariners use with strips of tarred canvas, before binding it with yarn as part of a traditional technique to reduce chafing.

These words, barzel or parzel can also be connected to the Demon of the Wind and Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms named Pazrael or Pazula also spelled Fazuzu, and Pazuza. A demon who is said to control the west and southwest winds bringing famine and locusts.

In the Scripture, the desert and demons of the wind are some of the most formidable foes of humankind like those found in Leviticus xvi. 9 which specifically gives the name of one desert demon to Azazel, and in Isaiah 34 to Lilith and to several demons of the same class.

Hence, we must understand by “the band” the chains by which the unfortunate king would be confined is metaphorically speaking of fetters and not actual iron chains. The word fetter is also tied to the Latin word fetor and fetid – meaning stench or a strong smell of which Francis Bacon said is related to putrefaction or moldy.

Fetters are also connected to fools, and the unwise who have them up on their feet while learning is to wise men as an ornament of gold as we learn in Ecclesiasticus 21:16-21;

“As is a house that is destroyed, so is wisdom to a fool: and the knowledge of the unwise is as talk without sense. Doctrine unto fools is as fetters on the feet, and like manacles on the right hand. A fool lifteth up his voice with laughter, but a wise man doth scarce smile a little. Learning is unto a wise man as an ornament of gold, and like a bracelet upon his right arm.”

These chains i.e., fetters, were under the control of unclean spirits, and they restrained and seized demons.

For example, in Luke 8:29, we learn, “For Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was bound with chains and shackles, he had broken the chains and been driven by the Demon into solitary places.” However, some of these demons could easily break the chains and could not be subdued as it is said in Mark 5:4-5;

“This man had been living in the tombs and could no longer be restrained, even with chains. Though he was often bound with chains and shackles, he had broken the chains and shattered the shackles. Now there was no one with the strength to subdue him. Night and day in the tombs and in the mountains, he kept crying out and cutting himself with stones.”

Throughout Daniel 4-5, the beastly king was ‘drenched by dew’ three times until his sanity was restored. (Dan. 4:15, 23, 25, 33, 5:21) First in the dream, v.15, then in the interpretation in v. 25, and again in the outcome v.33 when the king was ‘driven away from people, and ate grass like cattle. His body was drenched with the Dew of heaven until . . . his sanity was restored”.

“As for the command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots, your kingdom will be restored to you as soon as you acknowledge that Heaven rules.” (Daniel 4:26)

Nebuchadnezzar represented the sons of rebellion, the fallen ones who defy God like wild beasts, even though, all the while, he was drenched with blessings from heaven. This supernatural Dew God continues to send down upon the just and unjust to drive them to repentance and thanksgiving. A type of symbiotic relationship with the Dew that can also become parasitic, issuing our punishments according to our deeds.

In contrast to the people who have rebelled against the Most High God, i.e. the Beasts (Behemoths/Behemoths/Fallen Angels/Demons) who lived chained (fetters/molds/fungi) in darkness and ignorance, in Proverbs, a wise man is compared to a fountain and tree of life, whose words and deeds refresh and encourage.

The Dew ie, oil or manna, is a symbol of the Holy Spirit associated with light, knowledge, and everlasting life throughout the Scripture. A reminder to God’s people of the death and resurrection of Christ. Dew is connected with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or the anointing of the head, which is symbolized by the pouring of water or fire in Baptism. The rite of induction into the priesthood — in the New Covenant, baptism. Baptism is also our induction into the Body of Christ. Psalm 133 stresses the unity of God’s people as they are ingrafted into the priesthood of the Greater Aaron, and share in the “one baptism” — the Baptism of Christ.

Dew is also a symbol of a metaphysical oil or manna involved in Baptism, the resurrection of the dead who live in the Dust but are awakened in the morning to become God’s people, and the washing of regeneration and renewal of the earth.

As it is said on Issaih 26:19;

“We were with child; we writhed in pain, but we gave birth to wind. We have given no salvation to the earth nor brought any life into the world. 19Your dead will live; their bodies will rise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in the Dust! For your Dew is like the Dew of the morning, and the earth will bring forth her dead. Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves a little while until the wrath has passed.”

The Dew of heaven is a symbol of God’s blessings in general. Jacob received the blessings as the firstborn; Isaac promised Jacob that as the earth would produce its fatness of grain and new wine, the heavens would also create Dew (Gen. 27:27-29). Thus when Jacob is restored to God’s favor after the exile, they receive the blessings of Jacob, including the promise of Dew (Zech. 12:8) again.

The word Dew is variously translated as Tal, Dal, Del, Yal, Zal, or Zel in the Scripture. The Oxford Dictionary also lists the Old English dæl, of Germanic origin; related to Old Norse dalr, Dutch dal, and German Tal, also to dell. In ancient literature, Dadal is the name of an Akadian Fish God. It is connected to the Arabic Zal.

From Zal or Zel, we find the Demon called Azazel from Leviticus in the Scripture and The Book of Enoch. He is among the chief of the spirits by whose doctrine and influence the earth was corrupted in the book of Enoch. According to some of the Church Fathers, Azazel is connected to Satan or the Devil and many biblical interpreters translated the name as “scapegoat” in Leviticus xvi, 8, 10.

Amongst the Ancient Gnostics, there is the God Yaldabaoth, who is first mentioned in “The Cosmos, Chaos, and the Underworld” as one of the twelve angels to come “into being [to] rule over chaos and the [underworld]”. In the “Gospel of Nicodemus,” Yaldabaoth is called Satan. In the Nag Hammadi Library under The Apocryphon of John (The Secret Book of John – The Secret Revelation of John), it states that Yaldabaoth is the Chief Archon created by the Goddess Sophia in the “form of a lion-faced serpent, with its eyes were like lightning fires which flash. In Pistis-Sophia, Yaldabaoth is spoken of as residing in the “Great Chaos which is the Outer Mist”, where, with his Forty-nine Daemons, he tortures wicked souls (pg. 382). 

In old magical books, he was the Chief demon presiding over the elements, elementals, or what I would call today – Chief of the fungi/mold Kingdom.

We find the name Dal in the Dál Riata, Dál Riada or Dalriada Scots, which was a Gaelic kingdom that encompassed the western seaboard of Scotland and the north-eastern corner of Ireland in the 6th and 7th centuries, it covered what is now Argyll in Scotland and part of County Antrim in Northern Ireland.

“For this is what the LORD has told me: “I will quietly look on from My dwelling place, like shimmering heat in the sunshine, like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.” (Isaiah 18:4)

The LORD extends Your mighty scepter from Zion: “Rule in the midst of Your enemies.” 3Your people shall be willing on Your day of battle. Arrayed in holy splendor, from the womb of the dawn to You belong the Dew of Your youth. The LORD has sworn and will not change His mind: “You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.” (Psalm 110:3)

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