Turshatha: The Lord’s Masons

Turshatha: The Lord’s Masons

The ancient Kings (Lords) of the East had two forms of government in which the king employed a governor to rule over their empire’s stone quarries, commerce, religion, and military by the royal title of “Tirshatha” (Turshatha, Tarshatha, Tursha, Tuirsha, תּרשׁתא, tirshāthā’, Ἁθερσαθά, Hathersathá).

In the Bible, one of the most important and if not favorite of the Tirshatha (Turshatha) is mentioned by the Prophet Erza who calls Zerubbabel (Zorobabel) “the man for the occasion.”

For example, we learn in the Scripture that “Nehemiah presided as Tirshatha at the national sealing.” “Nehemiah did not become Tirshatha of Jerusalem until the twentieth of Artaxerxes,” and “Eliashib, the grandson of Jeshua, was a high priest when Nehemiah was made Tirshatha.”

According to the Book of Ezra 1:1-2, “With the blessing of Cyrus, Zerubbabel, and Jeshua the high priest leads marked out as the representative of the Persian king.”

After leading their return from the 20 years of Babylonish captivity, it appears that Zerubbabel who we know by his official title that he was sealed as the legal representative of the Persian king, the “Tirshatha for Persia.”

The word is used of officers and governors under the Assyrian (2Ki 18:24Isa 36:9), Babylonian (Jer 51:57Eze 23:6,23; see also Ezr 5:3,14Ezr 6:7Da 3:2-3,27Da 6:7 [Hebrews 8]), Median (Jer 51:28), and Persian (Es 8:9Es 9:3) monarchies. Under this last we find it applied to the rulers of the provinces bordered by the Euphrates (Ezr 8:36Ne 2:7,9Ne 3:7), and to the governors of Judaea, Zerubbabel, and Nehemiah (comp. Mal 1:8).

Like me, one of the world’s most famous physicists and mathematicians during the 17th-century scientific revolution, Sir Issac Newton who happened to be an excellent Biblical scholar, had cofounded using math and logic had Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:63; Neh 7:65, 70), and Nehemiah (Neh 8:9; 10:1) because they are one and the same persons

Newton had written;

“Comparing, therefore, the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah together, the history of the Jews is, that they returned from captivity under Zerubbabel In The First Of Cyrus, dwelt in their cities until the seventh month, and then coming to Jerusalem, they first built the altar” (Ezra iii. 2), “and in the first day of the seventh began to offer the daily burnt-offerings, and read in the book of the law, and they kept a solemn feast, and sealed the covenant.”

I believe that this title was given to both Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:63; Neh 7:65, 70), and Nehemiah (Neh 8:9; 10:1) because they are one and the same persons which can easily be sorted out given the facts that they lived at the same time, they were both from the Tribe of Judah, and assigned by the Persian royalty as governors and priests which at the time was only assigned to one person or Tirshatha.

It appears that after the 20 years of captivity and upon his return to Jerusalem, Zerubbabel then takes on the surname (holy name) of “Nehemiah” (Neh. viii. 9, x. 1) after he becomes “sealed on the head” and becomes a national hero for his Great Work of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, for the first time since their destruction by Nebochenezzer.

You will find that all the priests who came up with Zerubbabel (Nehemiah xii. 1), are exactly the same priests who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah and Ezra at the time of the feast (Nehemiah x. 1). Among those sealed and my readers should find no surprise was Obadiah who was one of the priests who signed and sealed the same covenant (Neh. x. 5.) who may be cofounded with Iddo, Neh. xii. 4. who returned with Zerubbabel. (See Sir Isaac Newton)

The key to understanding this chronology is found after Nehemiah arrives at Jerusalem when he now expressly speaks of “the former governors who had been before him, and were chargeable to the people.”

This passage clearly shows us that before they were conquered by the Persians and upon their appointment of the Persian Tirshatha as a legal representative or governor who we can say is “chargeable for the king (Lord),” the former Kings and governors of Judah were “chargeable to the people.”

Later, in the time when Cyrus’s son Darius had ruled Persia, Zerubbabel is famously credited with the future independence of his people by laying the foundation of the Second Temple in Jerusalem soon after and restoring that city to its former state and dignity, as a fortified town.

This may be the reason why we find the Tarshatha immortally honored by modern Masons as the degree of Knight of the East in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, according to the modern ritual of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, for Tirshatha, and applied to the presiding officer of a Council of Princes of Jérusalem. (An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences, Volume 2)

According to the prophet Haggai who prophecizes; “On that day, says the Lord of Hosts, I will take you Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, my servant, and wear you like a signet ring; for it is you whom I have chosen. This is the word of the Lord of Hosts’” (Hag. 2:23).

Here we have another important clue as to the identity of these people with the words “he is chosen, a servant to the Lord and signet ring.”

Erza tells us how Zerubbabel, now named “Nehemiah” came to Jerusalem as “viceroy of Tirshatha,” clad with full powers, rebuilt the walls and adopted and enforced the legal reforms for the next twelve years.

Josephus that “after the death of Cambyses, and the slaughter of the Magi, but under the reign of Darius, Zorobabel was superior to the rest in the solution of problems; and thereby obtained this favor of the King, that the temple should be built.”

Josephus writes, “After the slaughter of the Magi, who, upon the death of Cambyses, attained the government of the Persians for a year, those families which were called the seven families of the Persians appointed Darius, the son of Hystaspes, to be their King.

Now he, while he was a private man, had made a vow to God, that if he came to be King, he would send all the vessels of God that were in Babylon to the temple at Jerusalem.

Now it so fell out, that about this time Zorobabel, who had been made governor of the Jews that had been in captivity, came to Darius, from Jerusalem: for there had been an old friendship between him and the King.

He was also, with two others, thought worthy to be guards of the King’s body; and obtained that honour which he hoped for.”

For his great Work, Zerubbabel was immortally enshrined as a prince of the blood-royal where he is emphatically called, the Prince, of the kings of the earth, Rev. i. 5. the King of kings and Lord of lords, Rev. xix. 16.

In Neh. ix. 38. and x. 1, 28, 29. it is said, “And because of all this, we make a future covenant, and write it ; and our princes, Levites, and priests seal unto it.

Now those that sealed were Nehemiah the Tarshatha, and the rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the porters, the singers, the nethinins, and all they that had separated themselves from the people of the lands unto the law of God, their wives, their fons and their daughters, every one having knowledge and having understanding;

They clave to their brethren, their nobles, and entered into a curse and into an oath, to walk in God’s law, which was given by Moses, the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the L O R D our God, and his judgments and his statutes.”


In my previous article, Tyre-Egypt: God’s Ancient Stone Masons of the Tora,  I share my research in regards to a Tirshatha discovered in 1889 when an Egyptian archaeologist found what has been described as a “yellow-haired mummy” or “blonde person”  that was a high or royal named Ш, wml Ё Ш Ъ Ш l, “An-Tursha”, “Anen-Tursha” or “Stone, Rock or Pillar of the Tursha”, and was governor of Heliopolis.

This mummy was found at a famous ancient stonemasons quarry called today Tura, Egypt that had produces some of the most famous and prized limestones in all the world. The stones mined here helped finish the pyramids and for the royal sarcophagus.

Some of the most powerful rulers for the Pharoah had ruled the Southern Kingdom of Egypt from this region which happened to produce not only some of the worlds finest stones and masons but also scribes, priests, and one of the world’s most powerful Navy operations.

The stonemason’s town of Tura bordered the Nile and thus the Mediterranean giving them exclusive access not only to the Pharoah but also Naval military access and the power of commerce for the region which must have been the most important shipping port in all the world.

These ancient facts I believe were the beginning stones for the foundation of the wealth for the noble families of Tyre who we now know were the king’s governors as late as the time of King Cyrus and as early as the 15th century BC in Tura, Egypt with the archaeological find of “An-Tursha”, “Anen-Tursha” who was governor of Heliopolis.

As I explained in the article, the native name of Heliopolis was I͗wnw (“The Pillars or The Stones”) which again connects to the people of stone ie: Tyre (Tur, Tor, Tora etc) to Tura, Egypt and also the Tursha (Sea Peoples). In Roman Egypt, the city belongs to the province Augustamnica, causing it to appear as Heliopolis in Augustamnica when it needed to be distinguished from Baalbek. Today, it remains a titular see of the Roman Catholic Church.


Not surprisingly, the Levitical Scribes have encoded a special etymological meaning into the name of Zerubbabel and Tirshatha to signify a clue to his regal authority and role as a witness.

Like most names in the Scripture, they are composed of compound words that I believe are meant to relay a special message to their descendants and is meant to be understood only for the initiated ie: a select few (sealed by the sacrificial Oaths and reincarnated of the royal blood).


It is said that the name Tirshatha is a Persian word for “Governor, His Excellency or His Reverence” title is used interchangeably with ‘governor,” and apparently represents an important or royal person who is “appointed by the King for a special mission.”

The meaning I have found in these names whether it be Tirshatha, Turshatha, Tursha, or Tuirsha is a bit different than the current narrative.

My research shows that they are compound words composed of Tir or Tur and Sha and sometimes with the appellation of tha at the end.

As I detailed in my previous article, Tyre-Egypt: God’s Ancient Stone Masons of the Tora, the ancient words variously spelled as tir, tur, tor and tyr can be used interchangeably to mean “rock, stone and or mountain” in which later times it became to be known as the equivalent of “governor, Lord, master or King.”

Especially when used in reference to their Tirshatha descendants and names of their cities which they ruled such as Old Tyre and New Tyre along with many other cities around the seafaring globe.

The word sha or shu are used frequently in the narratives of the Old Testament often in association with the servants (slaves) of the King ie: governors, the state religion and or the official names for the Levite priest or Prophet.

For example, Jo-shu-a was servant to Moses, Eli-sha to Elijah, and Eli-sha himself had a servant, Gehazi or a sha-ash’gaz (Heb. ttfttf. shahash-gaz’; Sept. Vat, gai), the appropriate name (meaning in Persian, servant of the beautiful) of a Persian eunuch, the keeper of the women in the court of Ahasuerus (Esth. 11:14), B. C. about 525.

The word Shaddai (sha’da-i), (Heb. “Ds, shaddah’ee, the Almighty; Vulg. in Pentateuch, Omtiipotens) is an epithet or name applied to Jehovah, sometimes with (Gen. xvii: 1; Exod. vi:3), and sometimes without (Gen. xlix:25; Kutli i:20, 21, and elsewhere), the prefix El for God.

In the Authorized Version the name is given as El-Shaddai where it first occurs; but is everywhere else rendered by ‘Almighty,’ which is the true signification, the word being plural of excellence from the singular, ‘mighty,’ ‘powerful.’

In the Scrip-tur, we meet a Levite named Shabbethai (sha-beth’a-i), who was a chief of the Levites who assisted Nehemiah in instructing the people in the law (Neh. viii :7; xi :i6) and assisted in enumerating those who had married foreign wives (Ezra x:i5), B. C. about 450.

One one of David’s famous guards was named Shabia or Shama (sha-ma, nHeb. shaw-maw) (1 Chron. xi:44; v:8).

Several very important people are named Shalum (shal’lum), (Heb. Bw, shafloom’, retribution)such as the 15th king of Israel who followed the death of Jeroboam If (B. C. 772), his son Zechariah was slain in the presence of the people by Shallum, who by this act extinguished the dynasty of Jehu.

Shallum is a king of Judah, son of Josiah (Jer. xxii: 11), better known by the name of Jehoahaz (B. C. 781). He was spared in the desert when the earth opened and swallowed up his father (Num. xvi:3i). His descendants had an office in the temple, to take care of the cakes that were fried there.

Shallum is listed as a Son of Shaul, a descendant of Simeon (1 Chron. iv:23), Levite priest, descended from Bani, who married a foreign wife (Ezra x:42)(Ezra x:24) and the last son of Napthali (1 Chron. vii 113).

Later we have a man named Shadrach who is listed as one of the three friends of Daniel who were delivered from the burning, fiery furnace.

We also have Shamir (sha’mir) who is called a “Kohathite Levite, son of Michah, and a servant under David in the sanctuary (1 Chron. xxiv:24). He is given the title of “A precious stone, named in Jer. xvii: 1; Ezek. iii:9; Zech. vii:i2. and is listed as a city of Judah (Josh. xv:48) and a city in the mountains of Ephraim, where Tola lived and was buried (Judg. x:l, 2).

Let me please add that there is also an infamous Masonic worm named Shamir (sha’mir) whom King Solomon had used to help him build Solomon’s Temple.

In the Hebrew tradition and as it is written in the Torah, we find that ten things were created on the eve of the Sabbath,” and among which is the Shamir. The story relates how Solomon sent his general Benaiah (Obediah, Bediah, Beda, Bedard) armed with his signet ring of Solomon to the King of demons, Asmodeus, with orders to bring unto him Shamir (the worm).

This Shamir was the “most excellent servant” who had helped Solomon with the stones of the Temple; “there was neither hammer nor axe, nor any tool of iron, heard in the house while it was in building.” (1 Kings vi, 7)


The compound word Zerubbabel contains the four words zer, ub, bab, and el.

The meaning of zer, zur, zir, and or zor are variations of the words sur, sar, and or sor which synonyms for the words “rock, stone, and or mountain.”

For instance, in the Scripture, the name Zu’ri-el means my rock is God; the meaning of Bethzur (beth’-zur) is House of the rock; place of rock and Zu’ri-shad’da-i, the Almighty is my rock.

The name Zer is mentioned in the Bible as one of the fortified cities in the territory of the tribe of Naphtali and is identical to one of two variants of the name of the Phoenician city Tyre (צר and צור). We know that Hiram’s mother was from Naphtali and he was one of the most famous Kings of Tyre (1 Kings 7:13-14).

As I explained in my article, the word Tyre is derived from the ancient word for rock, stone and or mountain which was tur, tar, tir, tyr etc.

The next word in Zer-ub-bab-el is ub which is synonymous with the words ab, eb, and or ib which is variously translated as “Father, origin, source, a fountain and or something proceeding from a fountain.” For example, Ab means father in Arabic, and Abi becomes “my father”.

Ab is one of the most popular appellations in the Scripture with names such as;

Abimelech, Ab-im’-me-lek, father of the king; Abi’hdd, the father of praise or confession; Abijah, the father of God; Ab-i’-jak, the will of the Lord. Abi’jam, father of the sea; Abinadab, Ab-in’-na-dab, father of willingness, Abiram, Ab-i’-ram, a high father, and Abishalom, Ab-bish’-a-lom, the father of peace; Ab’ner, father of light, the son of the father. Ab-ra-ham, the father of a great multitude; and A’bram, a high father, the father of elevation.

The last word in Zer-ub-bab-el is el which means “God” and is also spelled al, and il.

” Adon (ruler) into his palace” instead of “Adon (Lord) into his temple”—has first made congruous and clear— to the writer, at least. “Behold I will send my harbinger and he shall prepare the way before me. The ruler whom ye crave (Nehemiah) shall come suddenly to his palace, even the herald of the covenant whom ye demand. Lo, he will come, saith Jahveh Sabaoth. But who (of the transgressors) will bear the day of his coming? Who will stand when he appeareth? For he is like the refiner’s fire and the lye of washers,” etc. In the last chapter of his memoir, Nehemiah records in few words how literally he sat as a refiner and purified the sons of Levi. Those who would not repent and part with their alien wives were relentlessly banished.

We learn from Josephus in Chapter 5 that “Upon the death of Darius, his son Xerxes inherited his father’s Kingdom, and so did he inherit his piety towards God. For he did all things suitably to his father relating to divine worship; and he was exceeding friendly to the Jews.”

The Greeks called Cyrus by the name Artaxerxes and Xerxes is the abbreviated version of the same name.

After the death of Xerxes, the Kingdom came to be transferred to his son Cyrus; whom the Greeks called Artaxerxes.

At the time, Nehemiah AKA Zerubabbael was still Tirshatha for the Persians – AKA Governor of the Jews and the son of Jeshua, whose name was Joacim, and was the High Priest who was very skillful in the laws of Moses; and was well acquainted with the Persian royal house.

Joacim is credited with writing to the other governors of Syria the following epistle in order to have his priests and Masonic Levites to start rebuilding the Temple;

“Xerxes, King of Kings, to Esdras, the priest, and reader of the divine law, greeting. I think it agreeable to that love which I bare to mankind, to permit those of the Jewish nation that are so disposed, as well as those of the priests and Levites, that are in our Kingdom, to go together to Jerusalem.”

Later Josephus tells us that Nehemiah was one of those Jews that had been carried captive, who was cup-bearer to King Xerxes. After hearing about the destruction of Jerusalem, Nehemiah shed tears and said, “How long, O Lord, wilt thou overlook our nation; while it suffers so great miseries; and while we are made the prey and spoil of all men?”

King Xerxes cast his eyes on Nehemiah; and seeing him look sad, he asked him, why he was sad? Whereupon he prayed to God to give him favour, and afford him the power of persuading by his words; and said:

“How can I, O King, appear otherwise than thus, and not be in trouble; while I hear that the walls of Jerusalem, the city where are the sepulchres of my fathers, are thrown down to the ground; and that its gates are consumed by fire. But do thou grant me the favor to go and build its wall, and to finish the building of the temple.”

Josephus concludes; “Accordingly the King freely granted him what he asked and gave him an epistle to be carried to Adeus the governor of Syria, and Phoenecia, and Samaria. Wherein he sent to him to pay due honor to Nehemiah; and to supply him with what he wanted for his building.”

It is no surprise that given his stature an Ancient Freemason, we find in modern Freemasonry that Zerubbabel is called the “Prince of Jerusalem” and part of the Royal Arch degree ceremony in which a Master Mason is advanced to Companion is called Exaltation.

Holy Royal Arch Chapters are governed by three Principals, who conjointly rule the Chapter, sitting together in the east of the assembly.

It makes sense that Zerubbabel is also known as “the receiver of an apocalypse” who in the seventh-century Apocalypse of Zerubbabel is also known as Sefer Zerubbabel which is said to contain the prophecy given to him from God.

This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel:

“Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.”

“Who art thou, O great mountain before -Zerubbabel?

Thou shalt become a plain, and he shall bring forth the headstone (capstone) thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, Grace, unto it.

The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundations of this house, his hands shall also finish it, and thou shalt know that the Lord of Hosts hath sent me unto you.

For who hath despised the day of small things.”

Tyre-Egypt: God’s Ancient Stone Masons of the Tora

Tyre-Egypt: God’s Ancient Stone Masons of the Tora

In my search for the ancient meaning of Tyre, I have come to the etymological revelation that it is derived from the word for special type of ancient Egyptian limestone rock called today “Tura or Tora.”

Today, you will find these holy stone quarries of Tyre, Egypt located in the modern town of Tora in the Cairo Governorate.

Please keep in mind that as you read my research below, the Old city of Tyre is documented in Masonic mythology as being the home to the de-facto king of the Freemasons, Hiram Abiff. A person who I have also connected to in previous articles to the first King of Tyre, Abibalus (Obediah, Abi-Beda etc.) and also King Saul who was credited biblically as the first king of the combined kingdoms of Judah and Isreal.

It is also important to note that the men of Tyre ie: The Tyranians were not only builders – ie: Masons, they were also employed in the arts of shipbuilding, writing, linguistics, history, Babylonian magic, religion, weapons-making, military planning, and most of all, commerce which all can be easily corroborated via historical, biblical, and now scientific accounts which validate one another.


In studying the etymology of the word Tyre, I have found that it has been spelt variously over the last 2,000 plus years as Tiryns, Tyrsenoi, Tyresenes, Tyros, Tyrus, Tyrosh, Tyrion, Tyrseni, Tarshish, Tarsus, Tura, Turan, Tora, and or Tursha to name a few.

To give you a small example of the different spellings found in the course of my research, we can find that Tyre is spelt numerous ways in the Bible such as Tarshish – (‘the ships of Tarshish’) and xxxviii. 13 (‘merchants of Tarshish ’).

The expression ‘the ships of Tarshish’ which occurs several times in the Bible (1 K.x.22: xxii.48: Ps. xlviii. 7: Is. ii. 16: xxiii. l, 14 (in connection with Tyre) and has also been identified with the Hebrew name for Tartessus or South Spain and with Carthage (so the Septuagint Ezekiel and in Is. xxiii. in a passage which refers to Tyre), with Tarsus.

I have also found multiple locations of the city Tyre in which the Mother City was known as Palaetyrus (ancient Tyr) and was located on the mainland in the classical sources. Meaning, there were two Tyres which I will explore more in-depth in a future article.

In Greek mythology, Tyros or Tyro was the Goddess-mother of the Tyrians and Tyrrhenians, or Tyrsenians whose father was named Cretheus (Crete) along with Sidero (Sidon), and Eolus, who are credited as the founders of cities in Hellas.

All the great historians and poets mention the Men of Tyre under the name of the place they call Tyree or Tyry and the people under the appellation of the Tiryns, Tyrsenoi, Tyresenes, and or the Tyrsenians. The Greeks had called the Etruscans by the name of the Tyrsenoi.

As early as the 15th-14th centuries BC, we hear of a place and a people known as the Tiryns who are both expert Masons and mariners of the Sea.

The Penny Encyclopedia gives us this description:

“The Greeks attributed most architectural works § were characterised by rude massiveness and great antiquity to the Cyclopes, and such works were consequently described as Cyclopean. Homer (Iliad, ii. 559) calls Tiryns the ‘walled, or rather the ‘wally ‘Tiryns: and Pausanias (ii.25), 1000 years after him, thus describes the remains, as they existed in the second century of our aera.

“The ruins of Tiryns, he observes, “were on the right of the road leading from Argos to Epidaurus. The wall of the fortification, which still remains, is the work of the Cyclopes, and is built of unwrought stones, so large that not even the least of them could be even moved by a pair of mules.”

In mythology, King Proetus was the reputed founder of Tiryns, was succeeded by his son Megapenthes, who exchanged Tiryns for the kingdom of Argos with Perseus, son of Danaë and Jove, the mythic founder of Mycenae (Pausanias, II., 16).

At the time of the Trojan war, Homer (Iliad, ii. 559) represents it as being subject to the kings of Argos. Subsequently, it was partially destroyed by the Argives.

The date of that event is uncertain; but from two passages of Herodotus (vi. 83, and ix. 28), in which mention is made of Tiryns, it appears that it existed up to B.c. 480, and it is probable that it was overthrown about the same time as Mycenae, B.C. 468. (Clinton, Fasti Hell., ii., p. 425.)

According to Strabo (viii., p. 373), the Tirynthians, on leaving their homes, retired to #. idaurus : according to Pausanias (ii. 25),

There was an ancient tradition that there was an old people called Tyrsenes in the north Aegean Sea who was later identified with the Attic Pelasgians and rulers of Athens.

We read about Tyrsenoi in Homer’s Hymns to Dionysos, about how the god Dionysos appeared as a youth on the sea-shore, and was seized by Tyrsenian pirates (Sea Peoples), who in vain attempt to bind him.

Thucydides identifies the Pelasgoi with the Tyrsenoi.

Tiryns is today called an ancient archaeological site in Argolis in the Peloponnese and the location from which mythical hero Heracles performed his 12 labors.

There is also the legend of the Cretan king’s general named “Taurus” who carried off Europa after having taken Tyre by storm.

When speaking of the Tyranians, the great Roman poet Tibullus had said, “Prima ratem ventis credere docta Tyros.”

It is easy to see how the Greek myths of the Tyrsenoi from Tiryns and the Tyr-senian pirates or the Tyr-senoi can be connected to the Tursha AKA Sea Peoples and ultimately to Tyre. It is in the meanings of these various words where I believe we can easily discover the secret origins of these people from Tyre – the Tyranians (Tyrrhenians)., meaning their original homeland.

Words that I believe can also be etymologically connected to a special book where they document their history and laws known universally as the “Torah” AKA Tur-ah – the Hebrew or Phoenician Bible which is also known as the Old Testament. We also know of these collective writings as the scripture of skrip’-tur in which Moses was given the Laws upon stone tablets of Turs.


All this research leads us to the true meaning of Tyre which I have found is derived from the old word for rock or stone which was anciently called “Tur, Tsur, Tzor, Tor, Tora, Toorah, Tura,” to name a few. These words are variously translated to also mean mountain for it is from the mountain which we obtain the rock or stone to build.

The main revelation of this word is found in one of the oldest cities in the world that housed one of the most infamous of all rock quarries in Egypt and the world.

A city called Tura and someday we may call it again, “Old Tyre.”

Tura or Tora, Toorah etc. (Egyptian Arabic: طرة‎ Tora IPA: [ˈtˤoɾˤɑ]) is the exact location where Ancient Egyptians or who we may call Masonic Tyranians drew massive quantities of special type of limestone that was the most prized in all the world because it was the strongest, whitest, and most beautiful.

It is alleged by some researchers that approximately or precisely 144,000 of these highly polished Tura limestones were carefully interlocked together by Masons who decorated the exterior of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The brilliant result was the whole structure was illuminated white in the light of the reflected sun.

This unique stone is described today as creamy in colour and the denser the stone, the stronger which the densest stones can be found in Tura ie: Old Cairo. The greater the density the less the water absorbed and the cracking load is not much under the breaking load.

In Etruscan mythology, the “God of the boundary stone” was called “Turm” which can easily be connected with Tur.

A turret (tur-ret) is a little stone tower (from Lat. turris, Gk. rvpaa, tyrsis, riippa, tyrris, tower).

Another precious tur or stone of a beautiful blue colour worth mentioning is called “tur-cois, tur-kis or turquoise” which was highly prized by the Ancient Egyptians, who opened Turquoise mines in the Wadi Maghara, in the Desert of Sinai.

An Arabian authority on precious stones, Ahmed Teifascite, born about 1253, in writing about the turquoise quotes from Aristotle as follows;

“The turquoise is a stone with which the Kings of Damascus never failed to adorn their necks and hands and to employ for many other purposes because, among the great, the stone possesses the property of removing from its wearer the danger of being killed. Furthermore, when reduced to powder it is of assistance in case of stings from scorpions and dangerous and venomous reptiles.”

It appears through time, the words tor, tur, tyr, tir, tora, tura etc. became known to also variously mean mountain, chief, Lord, God, and or prince for their descendants.

For example, in ancient Egypt, the Pharoah had a turdannu (turtan), meaning “commander-in-chief” (POTUS) in charge of the administrative affairs of Egypt.

We find the Anglo-Saxon word fir, and tyr, meaning lord, prince, chief, as well as glory, dominion, power and Tyr in the Edda who was the name of the god corresponding to Mars.

Tur is the meaning of mountain in Aramaic.

The meaning of Tartar is a hard calcified deposit that forms on the teeth and contributes to their decay and also means an unkind or angry person and a member of any of the various tribes, chiefly Mongolian and Turkish, who, originally under the leadership of Genghis Khan.

A Scottish Highlander or Scotsman was known as a “Tartan” in ancient days. These Tartans wore a special type of clothing called tartaryn (“rich material”), from Middle French tartarin (“Tartar cloth”), and Middle French tiretaine (“cloth of mixed fibers”), from Old French tiret (“kind of cloth”), from tire (“oriental cloth of silk”), from Medieval Latin tyrius (“material from Tyre”), from Latin Tyrus (“Tyre”).

There are the gods of Old Asia Minor, Tar and Tarku who are clearly connected with the word Tara or Tora for it is the Esthonian word for “God,” and with Tar, “chief.”

Then we see the Akkadian Tur-an who is the “Chief of the Sky.”

The Report and Transactions – The Devonshire Association for the …, Volume 7 further documents;

Lu Gibson’s edition of Camden’s Britannia, we are informed that Brent Tor is a name signifying ‘a high rocky place.’

Pliny mentions dyr as a Mauritanian word for Mount Atlas. Taurus is the same designation Latinized in Asia.

For the Arabs, Tours is an elevated spot in the Gulf of Suez.

In Norway, Tours is the name of one of the highest mountains.

King—”The word occurs in both Somersetshire {Glastonbury Tor) and Derbyshire, and is apparently cognate with the Hebrew Tsoor = a rock, and the Phenician Tor = Tyre (compare also the Turkish dagh, and the form which occurs so frequently in the Caucasus).” pp. 208-9.

Moore—” Tor. A rude rack [? rock. W. P.] on the top of a hill.”

Bannister—” Torr. Prominence or hill {tor, a belly); a peak {tour, tower); water {dour).” Halliwell—” Tor. A bill. Devon.”

Grove—” Tor. A high rock; as Mam-tor, a high rock in Derbyshire. North.”

Prince—”Brewer, Lord William, was bom …. most likely at Tor Brewer, so called of old from the torrs and rocks which abound in these parts, and this noble family. But of latter times … it is commonly stiled Tor-Mohun.”

The best explanation that I have found similar to my own is by author Sir William Smith in his book, A Dictionary of the Bible: Red-Sea-Zuzims. Sir Smith writes;

“TYRE (nix, n’s, i.e. Tzór: Túpos: Tyrus: Josh. xix. 29; 2 Sam. xxi ‘. 7; Is. xxiii. 1; Ez. xxvi. 15, xxvii. 2, &c.). A celebrated commercial city of antiquity, situated in Phoenicia, on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, in latitude 33° 17’ N. (Admiral Smythe’s Mediterranean, p. 469).

Its Hebrew name “Tzór” signifies a rock; which well agrees with the site of Sár, the modern town, on a rocky peninsula, formerly an island.

From the word “Tzör” were derived two names of the city, in which the first letters differed from each other, though both had a feature of their common parent: 1st, the Aramaic word Tura, whence the Greek word Turos, probably pronounced Tyros, which finally prevailed in Latin, and, with slight changes, in the modern languages of the West; and, 2ndly, Sara, or Sarra, which occurs in Plautus (Truc. ii. 6, 58, “purpuram ex Sarā tibi attuli”), and which is familiar to scholars through the well-known line of Virgil, “Ut gemmá bibat, et Sarrano dormiat ostro” (Georg. ii. 506; comp. Aul. Gell. xiv. 6; Silius Italicus, xv.203; Juvenal, X. 30).

According to a passage of Probus (ad Virg. Geory. ii. 115), as quoted by Mr. Grote (History of Greece, iii. 353), the form “Sara” would seem to have occurred in one of the Greek epics now lost, which passed under the name of Homer. Certainly, this form accords best with the modern Arabic name of Sár. PALAETYRUs, or Old Tyre.

There is no doubt that, previous to the siege of the city by Alexander the Great, Tyre was situated on an island; but, according to the tradition of the inhabitants, if we may believe Justin (xi. 10), there was a city on the mainland before there was a city on the island; and the tradition receives some colour from the name of Palaetyrus, or Old Tyre, which was borne in Greek times by a city on the continent, 30 stadia to the south (Strabo, xii. 11,24).

But a difficulty arises in supposing that Palaetyrus was built before Tyre, as the word Tyre evidently means “a rock,” and few persons who have visited the site of Palaetyrus can seriously suppose that any rock on the surface there can have given rise to the name.

To escape this difficulty, Hengstenberg makes the suggestion that Palaetyrus meant Tyre that formerly existed; “quae quondam fuit;” and that the name was introduced after the destruction of the greater part of it by Nebuchadnezzar, to distinguish it from that part of Tyre which continued to be in existence (De rebus Tyriorum, p. 26).

Movers, justly deeming this explanation unlikely, suggests that the original inhabitants of the city on the mainland possessed the island as part of their territory, and named their city from the characteristic features of the island, though the island itself was not then inhabited (Das Phönizische Alterthum, vol. ii. gt. i. p. 173). This explanation is possible; but other explanations are equally possible.”

In my opinion, the words whether it be Tzör, Tura, Tora and Tyre, they are all etymologically connected through history to the word stone or rock with similar meanings in various languages and we also find these names of some of the most important coastal and commerce settlements where they have left their cornerstones around the globe which I will explore in a future article.


I thought it would be interesting to the reader to read this account from a book written in 1885  called “Lower Egypt, with the Fayûm and the peninsula of Sinai,” by Karl Baedeker gives us a clear account of the importance of this city. Baedeker writes;

“The railway to Helwān, which was constructed mainly for the purpose of connecting the great military establishments at Tura with the Citadel, runs from the Place Méhémet Ali, in a South direction. It skirts the base of the Mokattam, on the slopes of which are the interesting ruins of a mosque, and traverses the burial-ground of the Mamelukes (p. 327). To the right lies the oldest part of Cairo, with the Mosque of Tulān (p. 265).

On the same side, we next observe the Necropolis of Imām Shafe’i (p. 327), beyond which is the valley of the Nile, with the various groups of pyramids rising above it (p. 404). Before reaching (4 M.) Basātīn, a village situated in one of the angles of a triangular piece of arable land which extends a considerable way into the desert, we perceive the Jewish burial-ground on the left, and, farther on, the broad Wädi et-Tih (p. 339), which separates the Mokattam range from the Gebel Tura.

Traversing a tract of desert sand, the line approaches the Nile, on which lies the village of Tura.

A little to the right are the large military establishments and gunpowder mills. On the hill stand the ruins of an old fort. 91/9 M. Massara, a village on the Nile, is noted for the slabs of stone obtained in the neighbourhood, known as ‘palattes’, and used for paving purposes in almost every house of the better class in Egypt.

From either Tura or Masara we may visit the Quarries of Tura (p. 405), which yielded material for the construction of the ancient temples, and are still worked.”


The Masons have left their stones of Tura (Tyre) that were used for many building projects who some estimate for approximately six thousand years at least. It was said that the architects of the pyramids made their quarrymen (Masons) tunnel into the mountains for hundreds of yards until they found a bed of stone suitable for their work, and traces of their excavations are still visible to this day.

Upon the ancient Egyptian monuments dated in approximately as early as 1300 B.C. or before, you will find the men of Tyre are called by the name the “Tuirsha, Tursha and or Turusa” who are clearly classified as a “maritime people” who had “invaded Egypt” and are listed as among the enemies of Egypt.

It is documented that during the reign of Meneptah, the Tursha invaded Egypt from the coastlands in alliance with the Libyans, Achaeans, and other coastal tribes from Asia Minor. It is said in the great inscription which records the defeat of these “Sea Peoples” or who we may now call the “Tyranian invaders.”

“The Tursha took the lead in this war, all the warriors from that country having brought their wives and their children.”

The fact that the Tursha (Men of Tyre) found a home in Egypt from the West by the time of Rameses III during the so-called great invasion of Greco-Asiatic and European tribes which has been generally accepted by most historians.

It is the mysterious but powerful people the Egyptians called the Tursha whom I have connected to the royal family of Tyre and their book, the Torah (Tura or Tora).

We that Moses upon his entrance into the Promise Land on top of a Holy Mountain (rock) was given the history and laws of his people that he had written down on “stone tablets.”

Stone tablets that are said to be composed of five books that are collectively called the “Tora.”

It is evident that these special stones or Tora (Tyre) play a significant revelatory clue to the immortal origins of these people and serve as cornerstones for future prophets to identify and reconcile this lost but revealable history.

These facts I believe can be further substantiated via a discovery made in 1889 when an Egyptian archaeologist named Mr. Flinders Petrie AKA Rock or Stone 😉 was excavating at Gurob in the Fayoum where he exhumed what has been described as a “yellow-haired mummy.”

This blonde person is described in the hieroglyphs as a high or ryal official who is called Ш, wml Ё Ш Ъ Ш l, “An-Tursha”, “Anen-Tursha” or “Stone, Rock or Pillar of the Tursha”, who, according to the rest of the inscription, was governor of Heliopolis.

The yellow hair ie: blonde hair and the lower lobe of “An-Tursha or Anen-Tursha’s ear is pierced indicating his foreign ethnicity which I believe to be of Tyrian origin.

To be a governor of Heliopopolis, you had to be a very important person who was in charge of all Lower Egypt and the coastal ports as well as the country’s religion and the Pharoah’s stonemasons.

The native name of Heliopolis was I͗wnw (“The Pillars or The Stones”) which again connects to the people of stone ie: Tyre (Tur, Tor, Tora etc) to Tura, Egypt and also the Tursha (Sea Peoples). In Roman Egypt, the city belongs to the province Augustamnica, causing it to appear as Heliopolis in Augustamnica when it needed to be distinguished from Baalbek. Today, it remains a titular see of the Roman Catholic Church.

The mummy, Anen-Tursha is described in The Discoveries in Crete and Their Bearing on the History of Ancient History by Ronald Montagu Burrows who says that the Tursha can be connected “with the group of names of invading tribes which can now with scarcely a doubt be equated with Achaeans, Teucri, and Danai.”

Burrows had written;

“It has been known for some years that there was buried in Egypt, at Gurob in the Fay urn, not much later than 1300 B.c., a high official called An-Tursha, or ” Pillar of the Tursha.”

The name is followed by the ethnic and the country determinatives, and the type of the mummy’s face, and the piercing of the lower lobe of its ear, are recognised by Professor Petrie as non-Egyptian.

It has been argued that this implies a settlement of foreigners called Tursha in the neighbourhood, and the name has been connected with the Thuirsha or Turusha who trouble Egypt with the Akaiuasha in the reign of Merenptah, 1234—1214 B.c.’ The name thus falls into line with the group of names of invading tribes which can now with scarcely a doubt be equated with Achaeans, Teucri, and Danai.”

Biblically speaking, if the Tursha are who I believe we can connect to the Men of Tyre and can also possibly be equated with the Danai ie: the Tribe of Dan, we can start to make more revelatory sense of this confusing history to make ORDO AB CHAO.

In researching both men of Tyre and Tribe of Dan, you will find that they were an interrelated royal family of mariners, shipbuilders, Masons, and judges of their people (race) through a very important son who in the bible is called Obed or Obediah and the Widow’s Son and Masonically speaking, he is known as Hiram Abiff who it is no surprise to me is also known as the Widow’s Son.

These connections can be found in the Scripture in the seventh chapter of the first book of Kings where it says;

“And king Solomon sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre. He was a widow’s son of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre, a worker in brass: and he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in – brass. And he came to king Solomon, and wrought all his work’ (ver. l3, l4).”

The connection to the Tribe of Dan is found via another parallel passage in the second chapter of the second book of Chronicles, ver. 13 where it says;

“Now I have sent a cunning man, endued with understanding, of Huram my father’s,’ (or perhaps Humm Abi by name,) ‘ the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre, skilful to work in gold.”

In researching the Sea Peoples known in ancient Egypt as the Tursha, you can clearly see how these same foreign yellow-haired people can be connected to the Men of Tyre which as I have mentioned can also be spelt, Tir, Tyr, Tar, and or Tur. Not only were the Tursha Sea People who were masters of the sea ie: boat builders and navigators, they were also classified as being stonemasons and traders ie: businessmen.

Several slabs of rock (Tora) bearing figures and hieroglyphics have been found in one of the great stone halls of Tura, Egypt.

An inscription on one of the chambers tells us that during the reign of Amenophis III. a new part of the quarry was opened. Una, an officer who lived in the reign of Pepi I., was sent to Tura by this king to bring back a white limestone sarcophagus with its cover, libation stone, etc.

In one presentation, it shows King Amenophis III. (18th Dynasty) sacrificing to the gods Ammon, Horus, and Hersheft; and on the other we find him worshipping Ammon accompanied by Anubis, Sekhet, and Hathor.

An inscription on one of the massive stone slabs reads;

“His Majesty ordered new halls (het-u) to be opened, for the purpose of quarrying the light-coloured and excellent stone of An for the construction of his buildings founded for perpetuity, after His Majesty had found that the halls of Rufui (Troja) had been tending to great decay since the time of those who had existed at the beginning (i.e. former generations). These were newly established by His Majesty”.

Another inscription from the time of Pharoah Nectanebus II., reads thus;

“This excellent quarry of Rufu was opened in order to construct the temple of Thoth, the twice great, the double Aperu, the fooler of the divine speech, etc. May (its) continuance be everlasting!”

Hence, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build My church; and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it.” (Matthew 16:18).


It is obvious to me that the name that Masons hold to this day as one of their most important Kings, Hiram Abiff hails from a city that is variously called Tyre, Tyrus, Tarshish, and as we have learned from this research, we can also add Tora to the list.

Given the fact that they are Masons of whom their ancient ancestors were Stonemasons who hail from the city of the stone, Tora, Egypt which can also be called Tyre, Egypt and now can be used interchangeably.

It is revealed to us that these ancient people we know variously as the Men of Tyre and the Stonemasons of Tora have a longheld tradition going back approximately 3,300 years of holding onto their true names relating to the “stone” said in different languages but all relating to one another.

For example, we find evidence of these same Stonemasons of Tyre (Tora) more recently in ancient Ireland in an important location under their name that was anciently called Tyr-Owen, Tyroot and today, Tyrone which is now an inland county of the province of Ulster, in Ireland once known as Tyr-Owen, and was the territory of the O’Neills, descendants of Neal of the Nine Hostages, king of Ireland, and virtually sovereigns of the greatest part of the north of Ireland for several centuries after the English settlement under King Henry II.

The Penny Encyclopædiarecords this history;

“In a writ of Henry III., the head of the sept is styled King of Kenilum or Tiroen.

The chief seat of the family was at Dungannon, which, though several times taken and sacked by the English force in their attempts to reduce the country to obedience to the royal authority, continued to be so until the close of the reign of Elizabeth, when it was burned by IIugh O’Neill, earl of Tyrone, to prevent its falling into the hands of Lord Mountjoy, who then commanded the queen’s forces in Ireland.”

In the next part of this article, I will attempt to explain how these Ancient Masonic Tyranians of Tora, Egypt can be connected to the Masonic Tyranians of the Promise Land on the Holy Island of Crete.

PART II: They have laid Tyre’s “stones and dust in the midst of the water” (Ezek. xxvi. 12).

The Widow’s Son

The Widow’s Son

In the Ancient Craft of Masonry, Hiram is called the architect of the Temple and the Widow’s Son from the tribe of Naphtali who was the son of a Tyrian bronze worker, contracted by Solomon to cast the bronze furnishings and ornate decorations for the new temple.

It is said that from this reference, the term “Son of the Widow” is synonymous with Freemason and all Freemasons are designated as “Sons of the Widow,” or sons of Hiram. (1)

For such an important person, you would think that there would be some information regarding the true identity of this man, but if we study Masonic literature, the Bible and ancient history, you will not find one person who is named “Hiram Abiff”.

The name Hiram Abiff is only used in Freemasonry.

However, when we research Freemasonic history along with both the Old and New Testaments, we will discover that the name Abiff appears to be derived from the title Ob, Obe, Obi, Ab or Abi which means father or my father and was among the Hebrews (Phoenicians) often bestowed as a title of honor and dignity, on the chief advisers and intimate friends of the king. (2)

The person who I have found to be one of if not “the most important widow’s sons” in both the Old and New Testament was a man known as “Obed or Obediah” which I believe the modern Masonic version of the name “Hiram Abiff” is meant possibly to both conceal and represent the same person.

The names of “Obed or Obadiah” were common in Israel for the Tribe of Judah from the days of David and I believe that Abiff or Abi (Obe, Oba etc) are just different spellings of the same name throughout time depending on the language and or era it was written.

It appears that this particular family had a tradition of using the appellation of either Abi, Abdi or Obe to their names that signify their royal rank both as “Patriarchs (Fathers or Peters) and judges of their people (race).”

Names related and or connected to Obed or Obadiah such as Badiah, Obadyah or Obadyahu and old Phoenician as Ebed or Abad, Abibalus, the Greek as Ióbéd and Obed; Septuagint is Obdios and Jehoiada, or as Abadias (ab-a-di’as), and Abdiou and afterward Obed-edom and his sons were assigned to be keepers of the doors of the temple, (1 Chron.)

When we tie these names and thus history together into the true meaning of the name “Hiram Abiff”, what we will find is that the appellation of the “Widow’s Son” does not apply to King Hiram’s son, but most likely to his father whose name who was really the first King of the Hebrews (Tyre/ Byblos/Phoenicians).

For example, some names found related to Abi (Abdi, Obe, Oba, etc.) are, for example, Abijah which is translated “Yahweh is a father,” or “is my father” which is found in the parallel passage in 2 Chronicles 29:1 and Abishai, “father of Jesse,” denotes one to whom Jesse is father, and so with Abihud, “father of Judah,” Abiel, “father of God, and more importantly as it relates to this story, Abidan is “father of a judge.”

In relation to the story of Hiram Abiff as a servant for Kings David and Solomon of Isreal, you will also find a servant in the Bible a prophet of Baal, a Levite named Obadiah who is one of the most important men in the Old Testament being that he is;

1. The governor of the King of Isreal, Ahab’s palace (1 Kin. 18:3-7, 16).

2. Grandfather of King David and the head of a family of Judah (1 Chr. 3:21).

As you can witness for yourself, this man, Obadiah was a very important person who was not only the governor for the King of Israel’s palace (AKA the Temple), he was also the grandfather of King David and the head of a family of Judah.

Last but not least and has it relates to this story, he was the son of the most important widow of the Old Testament. Let me please explain…

If we are to research the history of the Old Testament (Law), we will find that there was only one person who we can truly document that could be “legally” identified as a “widow’s son” under the old Phoenician (Hebrew) laws in Israel.

In ancient Israel, if a wife’s husband was to die without children, it was looked upon with great unhappiness for a man to die without an heir. Widowhood, as well as barrenness, was a kind of shame and reproach in Israel: Isa. liv. 4, “Thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth,” passed away in celibacy and barrenness, “and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more.”

This is why a “widow” was allowed to marry the brother of her deceased spouse, in order to raise children and the continuation of estates in the same family and to perpetuate a man’s name in Israel which became a law.

As I mentioned in a previous article, Abibalus: King Hiram’s Father is the Widow’s Son, who is a prime example of a VERY IMPORTANT widow marrying in such fashion in the bloodline of Hiram is Ruth, who married Boaz, after she had been refused by a nearer kinsman.

Of course, Freemasons will recognize the name Boaz is one of their main symbols of the teachings of Masonry in which Boaz was one of the two pillars which stood on the porch of Solomon’s Temple, the First Temple in Jerusalem and also the Tribe of Judah (Masonic Archons).

Please keep in mind that Boaz is the name of the left hand, or north pillar, that stood at the porch of King Solomon’s Temple.

Ruth is said to be a “Moabitess, having been married to the son of Elimelech, of the tribe of Judah, after the death of her husband and father-in-law, accompanied Naomi, her mother-in-law, into the land of Israel, from love to her, and to true religion.

They arrive in Bethlehem at the beginning of barley harvest in a state of dire poverty and after the death of her son, Naomi was going to sell “her son’s inheritance and land” unless she can find a Goel who could assert his inheritance rights through her daughter in law, Ruth.

The meaning of Goel comes from the word lig’ol (“to redeem”), hence meaning “redeemer”, or a person who is the closest relative charged with the duty of restoring the rights of another and avenging his wrongs.

In Mathew, the great Masonic secret is revealed, “Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David the king.” (Matthew 1:5–6 NKJV) Boaz is said to be of the clan of Elimelech (Judah) – meaning “God is King or My God if King.”

Boaz was from a royal family and he was also a wealthy landowner and businessmen in Bethlehem when he met Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth who we know had the legal rights to the “Crown of Israel”.

By marrying Ruth, he would relinquish his former ancestral rights before the elders of the city, and by legal process gave up his claim, Boaz by marrying Ruth possessed the whole right of Elimelech ie: Israel.

Interestingly, when we search for more information and or history about one of the most important Old Testament prophets who is known as the Widow’s Son and is named Oded or Obediah, there is said to be nothing to be found in the sacred records respecting the life of Obadiah, and the time in which he lived.

But if we fast forward to today, there is a lot of history that syncretizes to who we know of as Obed or Obadiah and there is new archaeological evidence that shines a light on the widow’s son’s true name and this royal family who happens to be the true Patriarchs for the Tribe of Judah.

For example, evidence can be found via an ancient Phoenician seal bears the inscription “Obadiah the servant of the King.”

Some of this new evidence I recently revealed in my previous articles, The World’s Oldest Curse: King Hiram’s Masonic Curse and King Hiram’s Son: Ithobaal.

To recap this research, I explain that King Hiram’s son’s real name was Ithobaal (Ἰθόβαλος; Hebrew Ethbaal, Ishba’al, Latin – Ithóbalos, Εἰθώβαλος; Eithṓbalos – meaning with Baal) and King Hiram’s real name was known under many different spellings of the name Obadiah, Obadias, Ebed, Abibalus, Abidan, Abdi-Heba, Beda, etc. and or Ahirom, Ahiram, Amram, and Hiram which are Masonic alternative spellings of the same name which can all be used interchangeably.

The widow’s son who we know as Obediah in the Old Testament and many other spellings throughout time is documented by the ancient historian and priest of Byblos, Sanchuniathon or Sanchoniatho (Phoenician: 𐤎𐤊𐤍𐤉𐤕𐤍) who had dedicated his books on Phoenician history to King Abedbalos, Abibalos, or Abi’Baal (Phoenician: 𐤀𐤁𐤅𐤁𐤏𐤋, Latin: Abibalus both meaning “My father is Baal”).

He was the first king of Tyre (AKA Byblos, Berytus etc.) who reigned in the 10th century BC and it was said that Sanchuniathon’s book was approved by this king and other investigators.

The spelling of the name Abed-balos, Abi-balos, or Abi’Baal is very close to Obed or Obed-iah and the reason why I can connect him to the same person Sanchuniathon lists as Abibalos (Abibalus), king of Berytus but the Roman-Jewish historian, Josephus Flavus, writing in Latin, had written that King Abibalus was the first king of Tyre and Hiram whom he calls his son as the second king.

According to Josephus and Menander from the time of King Abibalus to the death of King Hiram’s son, Ithobaal or Ethbaal, which occurred about the time of the fall of Troy, was 169 years.

As I mentioned in the previous article, a new or rather old English spelling for Obediah for our modern era is Beda which is based on archaeologists working for the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University and the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) discovered a 3,000-year-old clay jar with ancient Phoenician writing in which they deciphered the meaning in 2015 which read;

“Ishba’al, son of Beda”.

The meaning they say is “man of Baal, son of Beda.”

The scientists working on the discovery claimed that “The name Beda is unique and does not occur in ancient inscriptions or in the biblical tradition” but this name we can easily connect in ancient history to King Abedbalos and in the Bible to a prophet of Baal named Obadiah.

There are several Obeds or Obadiahs listed as the name of 13 Israelites in the Old Testament and as I mentioned above, the most notable is the grandfather of King David who is the son of Boaz and Ruth – the Moabite widow (Widow’s Son) Ruth 4:17, Ruth 4:21 = 1 Chronicles 2:12; Ruth 4:22

It is important to note that Obed or Obadiah, AKA the widow’s son is also listed as the governor of Ahab’s palace (1 Kin. 18:3-7, 16) and as a descendant of David, he is the “head of a family”(1 Chr. 3:21).

The reason he is considered in charge of the Tribe of Judah and a master of Jerusalem is the fact that he is a son of Boaz through Salomon whose father Nashon was appointed by Moses, upon God’s command, as prince and military commander of the Tribe of Judah and one of the leaders of the tribes of Israel.

Salmon is the patrilineal great-great-grandfather of David mentioned in 1 Chronicles 2:10-11Ruth 4:20,21Matthew 1:4-5 and Luke 3:32

The son of Nashon: he married Rahab, by whom he had Boaz. 1 Chron. ii. 11, 51, 54; Ruth iv. 20, 21.

Nashon’s role is variously translated as “leader” and census-taker, one of the “heads of their ancestral houses, the leaders of the tribes”, “first .. over the whole company”, and “prince of the sons of Judah”.

In the Tribe of Judah and his brothers; from Judah, Pharez and Zarah, by Tamar; from Pharez, Hezron ; from Hezron, Aram ; from Aram, Aminadab ; from Aminadab, Nashon ; from Nashon, Salmon ; from Salmon, Boaz, by Rahab; from Boaz, Obed, by Ruth.

As you can witness, Nashon is one of the most important people in the Scripture from the Old Testament given the fact that he was “legally appointed” as leader and prince of the sons of Judah whose most important son was Boaz who happened to marry a widow from another tribe named Ruth in order to produce a new son named Obed or Obediah who would then become the “widow’s son.”

Nahshon was, through Boaz, the direct male ancestor of David, and thus of Solomon and all of the kings of the Kingdom of Judah and Nahshon is also mentioned in the New Testament in the genealogy of Jesus.

With that said, Obed of the Old Testament plays a critical role in the New Testament by uniting a divided Israel of two kingdoms (Pillars of Jachin and Boaz) into one bloodline in which he represents the Widow’s Son.

Here is an image of Obed who is named Obeth at the Kent England Canterbury Cathedral in The West Window Of The Nave Stained Glass Window showing Obed in the center between what appear to be the two Masonic pillars of Boaz and Jachin.

We find Obed being honored in Kent, England because this is an early medieval kingdom of Judah was said to be founded in the 5th century by a people called the Jutes – members of a Germanic people from continental Europe, some of whom settled in Britain after the withdrawal of the Romans.

Father of English History and Doctor of the Churhc, Saint Bede (lived AD 673-735) said that the King of Britain had brought the Jutes into Britain to protect his realm from Scots (from Northern Ireland) and Picts (from Scotland).

Bede had written; “The new-comers were of the three strongest races of Germany, namely, Saxons, Angles and Jutes. “Of Jutish origin are the men of Kent, and the Wihtsaetan; that is the tribe dwelling in the Isle of Wight.”

The Jutes and men of Kent play into the prophecy as I mentioned in my article, The Masonic Archons of the Tribe of Judah.

It is from the Kingdom of Kent where it has been prophesied in the bible as leading by ad hoc leaders known as Judges.

Not surprisingly, this is the precise location where we find all the Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses of the United Kingdom hail from ruling by way of the monarchy.

The word “monarch” (Latin: monarcha) comes from the Greek language word μονάρχης, monárkhēs (from μόνος monos, “one, singular”, and ἄρχω árkhō, “to rule” (compare ἄρχων arkhon, “leader, ruler, chief”) which referred to a single, at least nominally absolute ruler of hereditary rule.

Hence, the reason in the bible why this tribe is referred to as leading by ad hoc leaders known as Judges to rule “their people,” and why currently out of 44 nations, 16 of them recognise Queen Elizabeth II as their head of state.

In addition, today we find their Masonic descendants represented in the Old Kingdom of Jute, which was originally Juteland or the land of the Jutes, and is now known as the Kingdom of Kent. Jutland, is regarded as Judah’s land. An adjective for Jute is “Jutish,” pronounced jootish.

The Grand Master of Freemasonry from the Kingdom of Judah AKA Kent, and is called the Duke of Kent.

According to the prophecy of Jacob, concerning the time of the corning Messiah, “Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David, of whom, Christ came, who is God over all blessed forevermore.” (Gen. xlix. 10)

To be continued…


1. Source: Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

2. A Lexicon of Freemasonry (Page 137) Albert Gallatin MACKEY – 1845

3. Other sources noted above and or can be easily researched using Google 😉

The Masons of Notre Dame

The Masons of Notre Dame

One of the greatest French writers of all time, Victor Hugo, had written in his book Notre Dame, “At this time there exists, for thought written in stone, a privilege that may be compared with the actual freedom of the press at the present day, — the freedom of architecture. This license was carried very far. Sometimes an entrance, a front, or even an entire church presents a symbolic meaning wholly foreign to religion, or even hostile to the Church.”

(image courtesy of Richard Cassaro)

Encoded into the ancient Cathedral of Notre Dame are not only the mathematical secrets of life and death but also the symbolic keys to the hidden history of the spiritual and royal hierarchy that has ruled Rome since the time of the Caesars. For the motto for Paris is, “Only Paris is worthy of Rome; only Rome is worthy of Paris.”

After all, as Thomas Paine had written in The Origins of Freemasonry, “It is always understood that the Freemasons have a secret which they carefully conceal.”

Notre Dame is simply a Masonic masterpiece of our modern Age that holds the dead bones of power of the past and the future to come.

A future Victor Hugo states as “each race in passing writes its line upon the book.” Hugo said,

“Welcome fantasy and caprice. So long as the priest has his basilica and his altar, what can be said? The four walls belong to the artist. The architectural book has no longer to do with the priesthood, with religion, with Rome; it belongs to the imagination, to poetry, to the people.

Hence the rapid and innumerable transformations of this architecture that lasted only three centuries, – transformations that were so striking after the stagnant immobility of six or seven centuries of Romanesque architecture.

Hugo concludes, “Art meanwhile marches at giant paces. The genius and originality of the people does the work that the bishops had done; each race in passing writes its line upon the book, effaces the old Romance hieroglyphics upon the frontispiece of the cathedral, the more thoroughly perhaps that dogma itself can still be seen piercing through the new symbolism that has overthrown it.”

As the New York Times illustrates;

“Instead, in a miracle of timing, the sculptures of the Twelve Apostles and four New Testament evangelists escaped a fiery end when they were plucked by cranes and removed just days before the blaze in Paris on Monday. It was a small cause for celebration after the destruction of two-thirds of Notre-Dame’s roof and spire. People were also cheered to learn that crosses, a crown of thorns and the famous rose window also survived the flames.

It was a relief not to contemplate the likely fate of the spire’s sculptures if they had stayed where they had been for the last 160 years. A cock — the Gallic rooster that topped the spire, and the unofficial national symbol of France — was found in the debris with significant damage.”

Let be said in stone that Notre Dame in an immortal monument of both the creator and destroyer which has been built and burned down many times – always for the Restoration.

Built in the city of some of Europe’s first Masons, the Parisii of Isis who gave their name to Paris which is also known as the global birthplace of Revolution.

Notre Dame has been described as the symbol of Christianity in France by the Vatican and one of the most splendid monuments of Gothic architecture not in just France, but of all Europe. It is the sacred place where the kings of France were crowned like Clovis, the first Merovingian King of the Franks who was baptized by St. Remigius.

The site where Notre Dame is built has both a sacred and historical significance like no other in all of Europe. In 1163, the site of the Temple of Isis would be the location where Notre-Dame de Paris (IPA: [nɔtʁə dam də paʁi]; French for “Our Lady of Paris”) would be built, and had become the “Parisian church of the kings of Europe.” It was built on the same site of an older church and Roman basilica which burned in 1211.

The original statue of Isis was preserved in the Abbey of St. Germain until the year 1514 when the Archbishop of Meaux had it destroyed.

Unfortunately, this past week, another massive fire had almost engulfed this iconic Masonic masterpiece.

One of several fires that have stricken the Cathedral over the last 1,000 years.

Nearly $1 billion in donations have poured in from around the globe to aid in reconstruction efforts of this Masonic masterpiece. Structural engineers, stained-glass experts and operative Freemasons ie: modern stonemasons from across the world are said to be heading to Paris to help with “the Restoration” of Notre Dame in the coming weeks.

The Masonic Tradition continues…

French President Macron helped lead the charge to rebuild when he went on National television telling his fellow Parisii, “I’m telling you this tonight with force, we are a people of builders.”

After hearing Macrons we are a people of builders speech, you might find some interesting Masonic synchronicity here. The English name Freemason is a corruption of the French “Freres macons,” or Brother Masons.

If we are to look back at the early Masonic documents of Freemasonry in Europe and France, we will find that the words of “Macon.” “Macon,” “mace,” and “macoun” are frequently used and in about the year 1412 “Mason” begins to be often used.

In the Manual of Gothic Architecture, author Frederick Apthorp Paley write about this Masonic history;

William of Sens is the first known master mason whose works are extant. The masons were not incorporated in England till the thirteenth century, yet there is at least as much uniformity of detail observable in the Norman and (as before observed) even in the Saxon styles. An oath of secrecy is said to have been tendered to all novitiates.* They appear to have been convened and held secret meetings at certain times and places.

The name Free-masons is a corruption of Freres macons, or fraternity.

A presumptive proof how exclusively the details of the art were in their keeping may be derived from the blundering attempts at drawing them, which are always found in MSS., stained glass, brasses, and fresco paintings. The master masons were generally foreigners, incorporated by Royal authority.

When a large building was contemplated, the masons removed in great numbers to the spot; hence they have been well described as a kind of “nomad race.”

Not many people are aware that Notre Dame has many hidden Masonic secrets and mathematical formulas that were encoded into the Cathedral with the help and direction of the Catholic monks who had worked hand and right hand with these Masons.

Modern Freemason, Masonic code breaker, and author, Richard Cassaro details these facts on his website in quoting Victor Hugo, The Hunchback of Notre Dame;

“…from remotest antiquity…the human race has employed architecture as its chief means of writing…Sometimes an entrance, a front, or even an entire church presents a symbolic meaning wholly foreign to religion, or even hostile to the Church…Only the initiated can decipher these mysterious books.”

33rd Degree Freemason, Albert Mackey details this fascinating history in his book, The History of Freemasonry: Its Legends and Traditions;

“I am not ready to subscribe to the opinion of some writers who suppose that the builders of the 10th century were placed in possession of the method of applying geometric science to the secrets of architecture. But I think it highly probable that by his learning as a mathematician he gave the first impetus to the study of geometry by the monkish and the lay architects of his times.

This led to the application of the principles of that science at a little later period to the art of building, so as to develop into the system of geometrical secrets, which distinguished the builders of the Gothic style, or the Freemasons of the Middle Ages.”

Mackey continues; “In defining the secret or secrets of the medieval Masons to have consisted in an application of the principles of geometry to the processes of building, M. Michelet has taken that view of the subject which is now very generally accepted by Masonic and archaeological writers.”

McKay also lists the sacred mathematical equations of Notre Dame which appear to correspond with End Times (ie: End of the 6th Age). He writes;

“The choir of Notre Dame, at Paris, has 7 arcades. The cross-aisle is 144 feet long, which is 16 times 9, and 42 feet wide, which is 6 times 7. The towers of Notre Dame are 204 feet high, which is 17 times 12, the astronomical number. The length of the church of Notre Dame at Rheims is 408 feet, or 34 times 12.

The Cathedral of Notre Dame has 297 columns, but 297 divided by 3 gives 99, and this divided by 3 again produces 33. The naves of St . Ouen. at Rouen, and of the Cathedrals of Strasburg and Chartres, are of the same length, or 244 feet. The Saint Chapelle, at Paris, is 110 feet long and 27 feet wide, but 110 is 10 times 11, and 27 is 3 times 9.

In these few examples we have developed the numbers 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12, all of which have been retained in the mystical system of the Speculative Freemasons, and their appearance among the medieval Masons could have been neither by an accident nor a coincidence, but must have arisen from a predetermined selection.

“To whom, then,” says Michelet, “belonged this science of numbers, this divine mathematics? To no mortal man, but to the Church of God.” Under the shadow of the Church, in chapters and in monasteries, the secret was transmitted together with instruction in the mysteries of Christianity. The Church alone could accomplish these miracles of architecture. She would often summon a whole people to complete a monument.

A hundred thousand men labored at once on that of Strasburg, and such was their zeal that they did not suffer night to interrupt their labors, but continued them by the light of torches. The Church would often expend centuries on the slow accomplishment of a perfect work. Renaud de Montauban, for instance, bore stones for the building of the Cathedral of Cologne, and to this day it is still in process of erection.”

Albert Mackey finishes the chapter by stating;

“This is not the place to discuss the question of how much the Freemasons were indebted to the Church for their symbolism. It will be hereafter treated on a more appropriate occasion.”

Pharisees: The Lord’s Masons

Pharisees: The Lord’s Masons

Jesus had said to the scribes and Pharisees, “Woe to you experts in the law! For you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.” As Jesus went on from there, the scribes and Pharisees began to oppose Him bitterly and to ply Him with questions about many things.” (Luke 11:52)

The Lord speaking to his Apostilistic Pharisees had proclaimed, “I am from above, ye are from beneath.”

These prophetic words indicate both the religious and political roles that the Pharisees had administered during the formation of the ministry of Jesus. What is interesting is that these Pharisees he says are from beneath and he is from above which shows it was a carefully constructed dual ministry (Light & Dark – Truth & Lies – Politics – Heaven & Hell) via the Masonic chessboard right from the beginning of this 6th Age.

The Masonic Pharisees of Jesus

When I research the formation and the political roles of this secret society of some of the world’s most celebrated Apostles, I see many parallels with modern Masonry who may very well be the modern descendants of the teachings of the Pharisee #33 global rule of Golgatha – ORDO AB CHAO.

Some of the most famous men in the religious history of the civilized world were members of this very powerful ancient secret political society. Pharisees like Saint Paul, Judas MaccabaeusJohn Hyrcanus and the Roman-Jewish Historian – Josephus.

Most of our modern knowledge of the Pharisees comes down to us from Josephus in the first century of this 6th Age. He explains that they were kin (related/Family) to the sect known in Ancient Greece as the Stoics but that the Pharisees were able to make great opposition to kings, cause great mischief and when the Jews swore their allegiance to Caesar, the Pharisees did not swear.

Like the Masons of today, Josephus said that they had the power of true royal authority to become the real administrators of public affairs. Josephus writes;

“Being now nineteen years old, I began to conduct myself according to the rule of the sect of the Pharisees, which is kin to the sect of the Stoics, as the Greeks call them.

These are they that are called the sect of the Pharisees, who were able to make great opposition to kings; a cunning sect they were, and soon elevated to a pitch of open fighting and doing mischief.

Accordingly, when all the people of the Jews gave assurance of their goodwill to Caesar and to the king’s government, these men did not swear, being about six thousand.”

Joseph also states that they have the power to make freemen by the binding and loosing of souls. He had written;

“The Pharisees artfully insinuated themselves into Queen Alexandra’s favour by little and little, and became the real administrators of public affairs; they banished and restored whom they pleased; they bound and loosed at their pleasure; they had the enjoyment of the royal authority, while the expenses and the difficulties of it belonged to Alexandra.”

In studying the modern history of Masonry, we also find that the Masons have been involved in various important and what some call occult governments like here in the U.S. with the creation of its capital named after the first Freeman AKA Freemason – Washington.

Freemasons today are also heavily involved in all legal systems throughout the world and of course, their involvement in some of the world’s most famous revolutions such as the Masonic French Revolution in the 18th century.

One of the most important of the 12 Apostles, the Apostle Paul, declared himself to be a Pharisee before his conversion to Christianity. We do not know much about Paul’s family or upbringing, but we know that both his father and teacher had belonged to this secret society.

Paul stated that he was “a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee” in Acts 23:6, and he “was educated by Gamaliel, a Pharisee.”

St. Paul mentions he is a Pharisee after he was arrested and put on trial – “And when he had so said, there arose a dissension between the Pharisees and the Sadducees: and the multitude was divided. . . . And there arose a great cry; and the Scribes that were of the Pharisees’ part arose, and strove, saying, We find no evil in this man.”

Pleading before King Agrippa in the presence of Festus, Paul says;

“The Jews knew me from the beginning, if they would testify, that after the most straitest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee.”

Rekhmire: The First Masonic Grand Master of the Deep State

Rekhmire: The First Masonic Grand Master of the Deep State

Many prominent Freemasonic historians such as Cagliostro, Thomas Paine, and Manly P. Hall trace the long history of the Craft back to Ancient Egypt well before the modern version of the History of Masonry was allegedly recreated in England back in the early 1700’s. Like these great historians, I have also found the original Freemasons had their origins in Ancient Egypt.

In studying this lost history, I have discovered what appears to be the first known evidence and physical proof of what we can call “The First Masonic Grand Master of the Deep State.” These Masonic revelations I discovered in the tomb of a very important Egyptian noble and official of the 18th dynasty who served as “Governor of the Town” of Thebes and Vizier for Pharaoh’s Thutmosis III and Amenhotep II.

His name is Rekhmire.

The image above shows us Rekhmire’s Masonic symbols and the way he faces, the position of his feet and also what he holds in his hands are done purposely to indicate his “royal authority” and also the subjects AKA slaves who were all under his magical sway. He advances with his right foot forward as he holds the Shepards cane/crook in his right hand to control the slaves and in his left hand is the scepter to beat any unruly slaves/masons under the Kings sway that runs behind his body. 

In ancient Egypt, Rekhmire held the royal title of Vizier which is the highest-ranking government official, appointed by the pharaoh and acting as his chancellor (chief administrator; Egyptian: taty).

Vizier was a term for the chief administrators of Upper and Lower Egypt during the times when the administration of the country was headed by two officials with the vizier for the North (Lower Egypt, the Nile Delta), and a vizier for the South (Upper Egypt).

As Vizier and Chancellor, Rekhmire directed all the concerns of government with Egypt’s slaves and wealth through what is known as “The White House” and “The Red House.” In Ancient Egypt, their treasury was called the White House (per-hedj) in Upper Egypt and the Red house (per-desher) in Lower Egypt.

The term vizier was carried on by various world ruling factions such as in recent times with the Turks. In the Ottoman Empire, the Grand Vizier (Turkish: Sadrazam) was the prime minister of the Ottoman sultan, with absolute power of attorney and dismissible only by the sultan himself.

In the U.S., we carry this Ancient Egyptian tradition with our own White House as the head of political affairs as the official home to the Masonic PONTUS and his Deep State CIA Viziers.

But now we know that the initial concept of the White House was not founded by Anglo-Saxon Freemasons such as our first President, George Washington, but by their extremely powerful predecessors, the Freemasons of yesteryear whom they honor – The Ancient Gnostic Priesthood of Amon.

As I have written before, the City of Thebes was said to be founded by the founder of the Phoenicians, Prince Cadmus who is also credited with bringing letters to Greece and the creation of a special breed of warriors he had sown via dragons teeth into the ground. An extremely savage group of pedophile warriors raised from birth to kill that we know as the Spartans.

Masonic Proof

It is exactly here in the tomb of Rekhmire where we also uncover a veritable treasure trove of Masonic history, symbols, images, and texts that are very specific to his roles regarding his office and nobility.

The first evidence of organized Freemasonry I have found is in the tomb of Rekhmire in what is known as “The Craftsmen of Amun.” It is here where we find the first known representations of the workmen/masons in what appears to be an organized society.

We can call this the Masonic / Gnostic Brotherhood of Amon Ra (Amun Ra) who may very well be the first Gnostics to come from the East. Their city, Theba or Thebes, the City of the Ark in the New Kingdom was their capital in Egypt when they had held power. The God they had worshiped there was Amon (Amun, Amnion, Amen).

As it is said of Amon who we know in Christianity as Amen by one of their Gnostic descendants, Saint John in Revelation 7:12; “Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might, be to our God forever and ever Amen.”

We know from these texts that Rekhmire was placed in charge of all Egypt’s foreign lands which included all the slaves, laws, religion, commerce, arts, taxes, collections, courts and judgments. This includes who we call today Masons and they called back then in texts as “craftsmen of the temple of Amun.”

In one of the depictions and texts of Grand Master Rekhmire, it states that he is “Inspecting all craftsmen of the temple of Amun […] and giving every man instructions for his task (to make) all types of products.”

Rekhmire is also described as “one who sets the rules for priests and guides wab-priests in their functions”.

As the power grew for the Ancient Deep State and Rekhmire, they had amassed superior power that was equal to that of some pharaohs which made them the true ‘protectors of the king’ and even ‘kingmakers’ like we see today.

These original protectors of the king, I have traced back to the Ancient Priesthood from Crete known by various names such as the Telchnines,  Curetes, and Corbanytes who in mythology were placed in charge of the infant king Zeus and hid him in a cave in Mount Ida. I will explain these connections in a future article.

It appears that being the Pharaoh’s Grand Master had taken its toll on Rekhmire.

For example, in a special text called the “Duties of the Vizier,” we find that even though Rekhmire is a noble and has one of the most important positions in the Kingdom, his jobs and life is far from being ‘Cush.’ Rekhmire seems overwhelmed with the responsibilities of the Deep State when he says;

“Behold, as for the Vizierate, see, it’s really not a sweet thing, see, it’s a thing bitter as gall.”

A speech delivered by Tuthmosis III to his newly appointed Vizier (Grand Master) shows us just how tough the job must have been for Rekhmire to govern the Deep State of his vast empire.

Introduction: “Instructions communicated to the Vizier Rekhmire Bringing the Council members into the audience hall of the palace, life, integrity, health. Pharaoh presents the newly appointed Vizier Rekhmire.”

The king’s speech: “And His Majesty said to him.. Look now at the edifice of the Vizierate Ensure vigilance about what happens there, See, it is the prop of the whole country. See, as to the Vizierate, see, it is not really a sweet thing, See, it’s a thing bitter as gall.

See, this is copper around the gold of the estate of his Lord. Look, it is someone who does not bow his head before the Magistrates of the Council, and does not create supporters or accept them (as partisans). See, if a man is inside the house of his master (= if it is according to the rule) it is that he must act appropriately (for him) and it is not for another to do as he must do the same.

See, it was after he suffered […] from the office […] that a complainant comes from Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt (in short) the entire country, so you must watch to do all things according to the law, to do everything as it should (literally everything in accordance with its justice) in [? making (sure)] that justice is done for him.

See, for a magistrate who appears in public, that in all he does (openly) is as water and wind can report. See, what he did is known. Indeed (literally: it is in truth), If it is something he does in his conduct and that it is not revealed from the mouth of the head of current affairs, then we (the Pharaoh) will know from the mouth of one he has given judgment to, when he says that to the person being responsible for the business, stating, “This is not my decision to support the case (literally: my voice).

The complainant will send […] or to the (higher) magistrate. All the more one cannot ignore what he did. See, this is a protection for the magistrate to have acted according to the rule, doing what was laid down. (When) The complainant and the one judged […] “I have not been done justice.”

See, this is the proverb that is in the Book of Memphis, namely: ‘To the lord, merciful and, renowned Vizier!’ Beware of what was said of the vizier Khety. That is for the benefit of other people he impoverished people around him for fear of what might be said against him […]

That one of them might complain that a judgment exists that he thought applied to his case, he persevered to the impoverishment, but it was an excess of justice […] It is an abomination to the god to be biased (literally ‘overlook one side’). It is a Precept that you shall do the same, so that you shall consider (equally) that (person) which you know to whom you do not know, who is close to you (equally) as one who is away from you.

As for the magistrate who does similar things to these, he will become successful here in his Office. Do not treat the complainant with negligence before you pay attention to his words. If there is a complainant who come to complain to you (in person), do not dismisses what he says as a thing already declared. You may dismiss him only after you have made sure that he understands why you rejected his (complaint).

See, it is said, ‘a complainant would rather that one pays attention to his speech than to hear that (judgment) for which he had come. ” Do not show your anger towards a man unjustly. Show your anger about that for which one ought to show wrath. Make yourself dreaded that we have to fear you (because) you are a magistrate, it is the magistrate who is feared.

See, this is the prestige of the magistrate, to dispense justice. (But) behold, if a man is feared a million times, there is something wrong with him in people’s opinions. They will not say of him: ‘He is a man’. See […] a judge who tells a falsehood, but it is on his own merit that he should get on. See, you will succeed because you’ll take care to do justice in this office. See, It is by the decisions of the Vizier we desire to accomplish justice. So, see, that’s been his rigorous goal since (the time of) God.

See, this is said about the great scribe of the Vizier that ‘A Scribe of Ma’at’, is said of him. And as for the building in which you heard cases, there is a lobby within under […] judgment […] “As for the one who provides (?) Justice to all people it is the Vizier. See, a man remains in his office when he does things according to the rules given to it. Good fortune belongs to a man, when he does as it is laid out for him. Do not let a case drag out in which the law concerned is known.

And, see, as regards the bold (man), it is that the master loves the fearful more than the daring. Thus you will act according to the directions that were given to you. Behold, it is given to […] and pay attention to these regions in proceeding to their certification. If you’re planning to inspect (them), you will send, as inspectors, district supervisors, the chief of the police and their officers. If there is someone who can inspect on your behalf, you delegate it to him, so you will act like what is ordained for you.”

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