Philip K. Dick’s Androids: Physiologically human but an imitation, a copy of an original

Philip K. Dick’s Androids: Physiologically human but an imitation, a copy of an original

A common theme you will find in Philip K. Dick’s writings is the concept of people who do not act human due to their behaviors and how they treat other people.

He claimed that a person who lacks the ethics, empathy, and sincerity that are seen as defining humanity can be considered an android, which he says is “a metaphor for people who are physiologically human but psychologically behaving in a non-human way.”

“The android, by definition, is not human,” Dick wrote. “He is an imitation, a copy of an original. And he must be treated as such.”

The difference between people and androids doesn’t lie in their biological characteristics, but rather in their actions and behaviors. Any person who is compassionate toward others can be called a person; those who lack empathy aren’t human but something else altogether.

Dick says this is especially true if that person has been programmed by their parents or society to live in such a way that they lack empathy towards others.

He called these people manufactured human beings who were much like androids. They can be considered to be “manlike” because they are often made in their image and resemble human beings.

“Androids,” Dick wrote, “are manufactured beings almost identical to real human beings.

He said the android was “a thing somehow generated to deceive us in a cruel way, to cause us to think it to be one of ourselves.”

Dick was also infamous for his claims that many people’s lives were controlled by external forces. That we live in a type of computer simulation.

A theme he used to describe this world was “The Black Iron Prison” of the “Empire (Roman) that never ended.”

In many of his books, androids can have biological and mechanical parts to make them indistinguishable from humans. They can be genetically modified clones of humans (as in Clans of the Alphane Moon).

“An android'” Dick said, “doesn´t care what happens to another android. That´s some of the indications we are looking for.” (Dick 2007, 88).

When a person does not care about how other people feel and just does whatever they want, they are said to lack empathy and sympathy. They can be even diagnosed as sociopathic and even psychopathic if their behavior gets worse.

According to the Oxford Dictionary and the Oxford Advanced Learner´s Dictionary, empathy derived from the Greek term “empatheia” and means “the ability to understand another person´s feelings, experience, etc.”

People who lack empathy have the inability to put oneself in the position of someone else or simply do not care. This is the opposite of the Christian ethos of treating others how you want to be treated or the Freemasonic concept of Brotherly Love.

Dick was interested in artificial intelligence from an early age: he studied philosophy at Berkeley and wrote his first novel — Solar Lottery — while still in his 20s.

The book features a robot who looks like Elvis Presley and is able to sing like him too — which makes it clear that Dick knew about AI long before computers were powerful enough to create anything like it (or even before anyone had thought of making one).

Among the examples of androids in the modern world, Dick sees the unethical and immoral behavior of the German Nazi’s and the police state in which he predicts a future where we would all live in a surveillance society.

Dick had researched the behavior of the Nazis and their treacherous murder campaigns of millions of people. He read how often many of these Germans who became Nazi’s were highly intelligent but emotionally “so defective that the word human could not properly be applied” to them.

This led Dick to a study of “the problem of differentiating the authentic human being from the reflex machine I call an android.”

Dick’s 1956 story “The Android and the Human” is a classic that tells the story of an android that is programed to behave like a human being, but cannot feel empathy or compassion for other humans. This behavior leads to the scientists who created the androids to question what makes us human.

In a lecture on “The Android and the Human” in 1972, Dick discussed the difference between an android and a human. He said;

“I strongly suspect that we will discover in the 21st century that what makes us human is not our physical bodies or our biological processes but rather our minds — our minds in whatever shapes they take — and if we can find ways to communicate with other intelligences we may find that they are not all physical at all.”

Dick said, “…an android means, as I said, to allow oneself to become a means, or to be pounded down, manipulated, made into a means without one’s consent—the results are the same. But you cannot turn a human into an android if that human is going to break laws every chance he gets.”

Androidization requires obedience.

And, most of all, predictability. It is precisely when a given person’s response to any given situation can be predicted with scientific accuracy that the gates are open for the wholesale production of the android life form,” he says.

Dick says, “Some meaningful comparison exists between human and mechanical behavior as the external world becomes more animate, we may find that we—the so-called humans— are becoming.. .inanimate in the sense that we are led, directed by built-in tropisms, rather than leading. So we and our elaborately evolving computers may meet each other half way.”

In his novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”, he explores what it means to be human through the eyes of Rick Deckard (the main character) who hunts down rogue androids that are trying to blend into society without being detected.

In his novel “A Scanner Darkly”, he takes this idea further by exploring how people can become addicted to drugs and how they lose their humanity as they continue to use them over time.


The term android was used before Dick to describe a robot that looks like a human being.

The word was first coined by John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) in his book “A System of Logic” (1843). He said:

“Let us conceive a machine as nearly resembling a human being as possible in outward shape and motion, but constructed of metal and possessed of no other faculties than those which would enable it to walk, handle materials and perform particular operations.”

Later it was used by playwriter, Karel Capek (1890-1938) who is credited with inventing the word “robot” in his play “R.U.R.” (1920).

The Ancient Greeks gave us the first concept of an android or human like creature they called Beast (thēríon) and ‘αὐτῷ (autō),’ meaning “He, she, it, they, them” and use of the “third person, and of the other persons.”

So when we read Beast, we understand that this represents a person, and I contend it is from the Greek word ‘αὐτῷ (autō), where we get the word automatic and the adjective to describe a person who acts like a robot as an “automaton.”

The word “automaton” is the Latinization of the Greek αὐτόματον, automaton, meaning “acting of one’s own will”. The Hellenistic world’s automata were intended as tools, toys, religious spectacles, or prototypes for demonstrating basic scientific principles.

A person who is an automaton acts like a Beast because they would be similar to the meaning, which is “a moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.” 

These philosophical teachings of the Greeks became part of our Bibles. For example, in the New Testament, the Greek Beast (thēríon) and ‘αὐτῷ (autō) is derived from the Hebrew word behamah, which means “human-animal” or, more appropriately, a “stupid or ignorant person”.


These people who he called androids would act fake and appear to be good humans. But they were wearing what he called a “Devil’s mask.”

Dick wrote;

“My theme for years in my writing has been, “The devil has a metal face.” Perhaps this should be amended now.

What I glimpsed and then wrote about was in fact not a face; it was a mask over a face. And the true face is the reverse of the mask.

Of course it would be. You do not place fierce cold metal over fierce cold metal. You place it over soft flesh, as the harmless moth adorns itself artfully to terrorize others with ocelli.

This is a defensive measure, and if it works, the predator returns to his lair grumbling, “I saw the most frightening creature in the sky — wild grimaces and flappings, stingers and poisons.”

His kin are impressed. The magic works.

I had supposed that only bad people wore frightening masks, but you can see now that I fell for the magic of the mask, its dreadful frightening magic, its illusion. I brought the deception and fled.

I wish know to apologize for preaching that deception to you as something genuine: I’ve had you all sitting around the campfire with our eyes wide with alarm as I tell tales of the hideous monsters I encountered; my voyage of discovery ended in terrifying visions which I dutifully carried home with me as I fled back to safety.

Safety from what? From something which, when the need was gone for concealment, smiled and revealed its harmlessness.

Now I do not intend to abandon my dichotomy between what I call “human” and what I call “android,” the latter being a cruel and cheap mockery of the former for base ends. But I had been going on surface appearances; to distinguish the categories more cunning is required.

For if a gentle, harmless life conceals itself behind a frightening war-mask, then it is likely that behind gentle and loving masks there can conceal itself a vicious slayer of men’s souls.

In neither case can we go on surface appearance; we must penetrate to the heart of each, to the heart of the subject.

Probably everything in the universe serves a good end — I mean, it serves the universe’s goals.

But intrinsic portions or subsystems can be takers of life. We must deal with them as such, without reference to their role in the total structure.


In the era Philip K. Dick had lived, there was widespread panic in the U.S. about artificial intelligence and computers taking over our lives and the world.

His books and stories that also became movies like Total Recall seemed to fuel fear rather than abate it.

Dick often described himself as being paranoid.

The Sepher Yezirah, a Cabbalist text, “The Book of Creation,” which is almost 2,000 years old, tells us:

“God has also set the one over agaist the other; the good against the evil, and the evil against the good; the good proceeds from the good, and the evil from the evil; the good purifies the bad, and the bad the good; the good is preserved for the good, and the evil for the bad ones.”

Underlying the two game-players there is God, who is neither and both.

The effect of the game is that both players become purified. Thus, the ancient Hebrew monotheism, so superior to our own view.

We are creatures in a game with our affinities and aversions predetermined for us — not by blind chance but by patient, foresighted engramming systems which we dimly see.

Were we to see them clearly, we would abolish the game. Evidently that would not serve anyone’s interests.

We must trust these tropisms, and anyhow we have no choice — not until the tropisms lift. And under certain circumstances they can and do.

And at that point, much is clear which previously was occluded from us, intentionally.”

Among the examples of androids in the modern world, Dick sees the unethical and immoral behavior of the German Nazi’s and the police state in which he predicts a future where we would all live in a surveillance society.

A future that today many of us are living in as a fact.

The Dangers of Anal Sex

The Dangers of Anal Sex

Many studies over the last couple decades have shown that receptive anal sex can be very dangerous.

In North America and most of the world, men who have sex with men (MSM), AKA gay and bisexual men (GBM) continue to have disproportionately higher mental health problems, suicide, immune suppression, HIV, sexually transmitted diseases, fungal infections, and God forbid, fecal incontinence than any other group.

Depression has been associated with an approximately 10-fold increase in condomless anal sex (Reisner et al., 2009). A recent study showed that men who had receptive anal sex with men reported the highest prevalence of anxiety and depression (31.32% and 46.15%).

Several studies have shown that having someone else’s penis inserted into your anus and having semen deposited there will cause long-term ill effects on your mental and physical health that may be irreversible. Especially if you continue to have rectal infusions of another man’s semen – AKA DNA.

When semen enters your anus, it travels into the gastrointestinal tract where it is absorbed by your body through the membrane (lining) of the epididymis.

A lot of people who choose to have anal sex do not understand that the skin lining of the anus is thinner than the vagina, which allows it to become much more vulnerable to tearing and can allow old semen, fungi, viruses and bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

Also, please remember that your anus AKA colon is connected to your second brain, i.e., your gastrointestinal tract (gi tract), and that semen is made of DNA and other biological compounds. My theory is that if you allow another man’s semen (DNA) into your rectum, their DNA will alter your own DNA and it can cause mental and physical health problems.

The prevalence of anxiety and depression in an MSM population in Canada [12] and the United States [13] ranged from 26.4% to 44% and 39.3% to 80%, respectively, and in China [14,15,16], these figures were about 21.25% to 24.0% and 33.2% to 45.4%,

The researchers concluded “that mental health in MSM could not be ignored.”

Many studies have shown that men who have sex with men are at higher risk of experiencing mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and antisocial when compared to the general public and multiple mental health problems can co-occur creating a “psychosocial syndemic”.

The psychosocial syndemics theory is centered around how traumatic experiences drive multiple psychosocial epidemics such as violence, depression, and substance abuse with elevated sexual risk-taking and HIV infection – occurring at a greater rate in marginalized populations (Singer & Clair, 2003).

One study of 3,934 men who have sex with men across 151 countries found a significant relationship between the number of syndemic conditions (e.g. depression, substance use, violence, sexual stigma, homelessness) and unprotected anal intercourse. Men who have sex with men who reported three or more syndemic factors were twice as likely to engage in unprotected anal intercourse than men who reported none.

In China, men who have sex with men (MSM) have become the most important high-risk group for new HIV infection.  A UN report pointed out that MSM were 19 times more likely to be infected with HIV than the general population, and were found to be three times more likely to suffer from mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression, than heterosexuals.


A 2016 study found authors found that receiving anal sex results in a 34 percent increased risk of fecal incontinence in women, and a 119 percent increased risk of fecal incontinence in men.

Bowel incontinence is an inability to control bowel movements and is also known as fecal incontinence.

Some people feel a sudden need to go to the toilet but are unable to reach a toilet in time.

Another big problem with anal sex is sexually transmitted diseases.

Unprotected anal intercourse is a well-described risk factor for HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among men who have sex with men,

People can develop or transmit an anal yeast infection if they have anal sex with a partner who has an anal yeast infection without using a condom or another barrier contraceptive. A yeast infection anywhere on your skin is called candidiasis.

Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by a yeast called Candida.

Candida also breaks down the walls of your anus and intestine, which can lead to leaky anus and leaky gut to allow the Candida to penetrate the bloodstream along with its toxic byproducts.

This can lead to many different symptoms and mental health issues including: Irritability, moodiness, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

A John Hopkins 2016 study In a study found that a history of Candida yeast infections was more common in a group of men with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder than in those without these disorders.

Another study with 808 participants discovered that men with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder were noticeably more likely to have a candida infection than men without these mental health issues. 


Meyer IH. Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: Conceptual issues and research evidence. Psychological Bulletin 2003;129(5):674-97.

Sexual compulsivity, co-occurring psychosocial health problems, and HIV risk among gay and bisexual men: Further evidence of a syndemic.

Diversity of Psychosocial Syndemic Indicators and Associations with Sexual Behavior with Male and Female Partners Among Early Adolescent Sexual Minority Males

Santos GM, Do T, Beck J, Makofane K, Arreola S, Pyun T et al. Syndemic conditions associated with increased HIV risk in a global sample of men who have sex with men. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2014;90(3):250-3.

Sanchez T, Finlayson T, Drake A, et al. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk, prevention, and testing behaviors—United States, National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System: men who have sex with men, November 2003-April 2005.

The Meaning of the Circumpunct

The Meaning of the Circumpunct

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“The most primitive and fundamental of all symbols is the dot.” — Manly P. Hall; Lectures on Ancient Philosophy

The ancient symbol known as the dot in the circle, circled dot, circle with a point, or a circumpunct, is one of the oldest symbols known to humans.circumpunct

According to Gnostics, it is the most primal aspect of God. To Greek philosophers and the Pythagoreans, the circumpunct represents God, or the Monad – the point of the beginning of creation, and eternity.

It is the sun of astrologers and astronomers; the alchemical gold of the alchemist, and the Keter of the Kabbalah.

33rd Freemason, and one of Masonry’s foremost scholars, Manly P. Hall had written about the circumpunct in the Lectures on Ancient Philosophy view;

“The keys to all knowledge are contained in the dot, the line, and the circle. The dot is universal consciousness, the line is universal intelligence, and the circle is universal force – the threefold, unknowable Cause of all knowable existence (the three hypostases of Atma).

In man the spirit is represented by the dot and conscious activity or intelligence by the line. Conscious activity is the key to intelligence, because consciousness belongs to the sphere of the dot and activity to the sphere of the circle.

The center and the circumference are thus blended in the connecting line – conscious activity or intelligence. The circle is the symbol of body and body is the limit of the radius of the activity of mind power pouring out of the substance of consciousness.”

The circle around the dot is the universe or world in which we live.

A blank canvas to draw from the circle that we wish to create.

A place to also retreat back from the world when things in life get too chaotic. Erase our problems in ‘order’ to have a clean slate.

In a sense, to redeem our souls.

As you can see, the circumpunct is a symbol that can help evolve our souls to become truly illuminated. An enlightened soul who is “I AM.”

In order to know the meaning of this symbol, you first must understand how the world in which we live operates.

The modern man-made world is ruled by chaos which confuses people and often leads their souls astray.

Man-u-fact-ured chaos.

This is why the motto of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry is ORDO AB CHAO.

A Latin term meaning “Order from (out of) Chaos.”

To find order, we must first look within our own selves. You do not find true order within by searching without in books or buying the latest online course from some self-proclaimed enlightened guru who claims they have all the answers.

The whole goal of going within is to find your true soul. To find your true self. To “KNOW THYSELF.”


To accomplish this, we must silence the outside world and any chaotic thinking by going within and finding the center of space that is within each one of us.

In a sense, meditate.

We must often leave the web of the man-made reality of confusion in order to move into the circumpunct where we find clarity and retain our true selves.

The knowing of who you are, who you were, and where you are heading.

The symbol to your own individual Gnosis, knowledge, the past, and our mission as an evolving soul in life is contained in the dot within the circle. Our mission is to go there.

To be one with the one. To be you.

The symbol of the circumpunct is the ancient symbol that helps us realize this truth. If you concentrate on the circumpunct, you can visualize your soul as the dot within the world of which we live.

Think and meditate on the symbol of the circumpunct. This is how knowing the meaning of symbols can help you learn, grow and evolve.

Today you will find the symbol of the circumpunct all over the world. It is featured in the best-selling book by Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol. It’s also the symbol for the consumer shopping giant, Target.

Circumpunct target

Below are many more quotes by Manly P. Hall that I believe are perfect, and I think you might agree. They are taken from his book, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy.

“The dot, being most proximate to perfection, is the simplest, and therefore the least imperfect of all symbols.

The dot, moving away from self, projects the line; the line becomes the radius of an imaginary circle, and this circle is the circumference of the powers of the central dot.

Hypothetically, every sun has a periphery where its rays end, every human life a periphery where its influence ceases, every human mind a periphery beyond which it cannot function, and every human heart a periphery beyond which it cannot feel. Somewhere there is a limit to the scope of awareness. The circle is the symbol of this limit. It is the symbol of the vanishing point of central energy. The dot symbolizes the cause; the line, the means; and the circle, the end.

Motion away from self brings a decrease in consciousness and power; motion toward self brings a corresponding increase in consciousness and power. The farther the light ray travels from its source the weaker the ray.

The dot, the line, and the circle are the supreme and primary symbols. The dot is spirit and its symbol in the Chaldaic Hebrew – the Yod – is actually a seed or spermatozoon, a little comma with a twisting tail representing the germ of the not-self. In its first manifestation the dot elongates to form the line.

The line is a string of dots made up of germ lives – the monadic lives of Leibnitz. From the seed growing in the earth comes the sprig – the line. The line, therefore, is the symbol of the dot in growth or motion.

The sun is a great dot, a monad of life, and each of its rays a line – its own active principle in manifestation.

The key thought is: The line is the motion of the dot.

The dot, or Sacred Island, is the beginning of existence, whether that of a universe or a man.

The dot is the germ raised upon the surface of infinite duration. The potentialities signified by the blank paper are manifested as active potencies through the dot. Thus the limitless Absolute is manifested in a limited way.

After the dot is placed on the paper it can be rubbed out and the white paper restored to its virgin state.

Thus the white paper represents eternity, and the dot, time; and when the dot is erased time is dissolved back into eternity, for time is dependent upon eternity.

Therefore in ancient philosophy there are two symbols: the NOTHING and the ONE – the white paper and the dot. Creation traces its origin from the dot – the Primitive Sea, the Egg laid by the White Swan in the field of SPACE.

The dot is the first illusion of the Self, the first limitation of SPACE, even as Spirit is the first limitation of Self. The dot is life localized as a center of power; the blank paper is life unlimited.

According to philosophy, the dot must sometime be erased, because nothing but the blank paper is eternal.”

Biological Rhythm: The Energetic Dance Between Chaos and Order

Biological Rhythm: The Energetic Dance Between Chaos and Order

Everything in life has a rhythm.

It is one of the most basic and important elements in music, which is comparable with that of rhythm in all biological systems.

All social interactions are rhythmic metaphysical dances.

Whether we are talking, working, resting, walking, running, hopping, skipping, or dancing to music with a partner or in a group, we are all engaged in a complex biological rhythmic dance with the energy frequencies that surround and come in contact with our being.

Even every cell within our bodies is attuned to these unseen waves and frequencies that envelop all life on earth.

It’s what makes music that may start out as chaotic to have order and function causing it to come “alive,” and likewise, rhythm in biological systems such as the planet and human species is necessary for sustaining health and life.

All living organisms have internal time-measuring devices within their cells that affect their development, health, lifespan, and lifestyle.

This is why we can say God is the master clockmaker tuning all life on earth to play a certain rhythm for the song we call life.

As it relates to the human body, these rhythms regulate all bodily functions and your internal clock that control all cycles of life.

Each dynamic behavior related to the frequencies of the human biomedical systems may be related to both normal and pathological physiological functioning.

Whether we are thinking, breathing, or walking as our heart pumps autonomously and our eyes blink effortlessly, these functions are occurring at the cell level as if “they have a mind or program of their own.”

This mind and program are led and controlled by various unseen energetic forces that act upon the frequencies without and within the human body.

Our brains together with the nervous system control all these functions automatically with the help of our cells and the secret chemicals that fuel them.

A concert of biological chaos miraculously turns into order.

Sensory nerves carry messages from the sense organs to the brain for processing, and then, the brain sends instructions in response through other specialized nerves to the physical parts of the body, such as the muscles, that can carry out its commands.

There are phenomena where regular dynamics reflect healthy behavior such as our sleep-wake cycle and menstrual rhythms.

The opposite polar dynamic associated with arhythmic pathologies is found in various diseases like cardiac arrhythmias, and different neurological disorders such as tics, tremors, and epilepsy (Glass, 2001 – Ferriere & Fox, 1995).

When they become out of rhythm, i.e. arhythmic, you can become ill and diseased.

Your bodily cells and organs appear to go from order to chaos.

A type of autonomous desynchronization down to the cell level.

They misfire, skip a beat and the rhythm becomes out of tune or arrhythmic.


Biological rhythm and periodic biological fluctuation in an organism correspond and respond to periodic environmental change.

An understanding of the mechanisms responsible for biological rhythms is crucial for the comprehension of the dynamics of life (Glass, 2001; Goldbeter,2002).

Examples of changes that affect all life include cyclical variations in the relative position of Earth to the Sun and to the Moon and in the immediate effects of the day alternating with night, and high tide alternating with low tide.

Biological rhythms can be subdivided into various levels such as circadian rhythms, which refer to recurring cycles mainly activated by light and dark patterns like the sleep and wake cycles (Van Someren, 2000; Tähkämö et al., 2019).

Ultradian rhythms refer to recurring cycles that are completed more than once per day such as the molecular and cellular rhythms (Goldbeter et al., 2012) and our cardiovascular and respiratory systems (Haken and Koepchen, 1991).

Infradian rhythms refer to recurring cycles which can last longer than a day, months and years like menstrual cycles, human life cycles, and generations of life.

Scientists have found that virtually all light-sensitive organisms from fungi to humans have circadian clocks, which indicates that unicellular organisms have circadian oscillators that are built to work in a cell-autonomous fashion.

Most physiological processes in mammals are influenced by a complex circadian timing system in which the master pacemaker in the brain synchronizes numerous subsidiary oscillators in peripheral cells.

They have found that most body cells of these organisms have their own circadian clocks that continue to oscillate even after they have been dissociated from the organism.

Meaning they still appear to move, and live in this energy field after death.

Spinning unseen in the ether as if they had a program and life of their own.

This again verifies the autonomous nature of all cells, and we can raise the argument for the immortality of the human genome.

Scientists have found that oscillators play a dynamic role in the “rhythm of all biological systems.”

An oscillator is a biological, mechanical, or electronic device that works on the principles of oscillation, which is a fluctuation between two things based on changes in energy.

What this means is that these oscillators respond to stimuli at some times in their cycle and may not respond at others.

Researchers have found that rhythmic biological processes are related to the tendency to stay in balance between chaos and order i.e., homeostasis (Crutchfield, 2003; Gnocchi and Bruscalupi, 2017).

Oscillations are also found everywhere throughout the physical and biological worlds.

Clocks, watches, radios, and computers, are among the many electronic devices that use oscillators.

It is also known that such biological oscillators in humans interact with the cell cycle and the effects that can emerge from a non-linear interaction between oscillations.

Their interactions can result in a systematic process of synchronization called entrainment.

Entrainment has been studied in a variety of contexts including music perception, dance, verbal communication and motor coordination more generally.

Entrainment is defined by a temporal locking process in which one system’s motion or signal frequency entrains the frequency of another system.

Hence, it makes it like itself.

It does this by way of energy/wave frequency (oscillations) down to the cell level to play the same tune.

This is how the world works. It’s how everything we see, hear, and touch operates.

This can be used for mind control that in psychology is called entrained thinking.

Keep in mind when I say mind control that I believe that there are several categories that define mind control.

For example, I believe that people can control their own minds making it almost impossible to be controlled by other people which is the most powerful form.

Your mind can also be controlled or semi-controlled by will or by force such as through cults, abusive spouses, or government propaganda.

The last category is your mind being controlled by pathological fungal infections in your microbiome via your gastrointestinal tracts and mental illness, which I have written about extensively in the past.

Entrainment of the human mind can happen via one or a combination of these three mechanisms.

Social entrainment is the responsiveness of people to rhythmic information generated by other people or sources.

A condition that occurs when people are trained to learn a subject or specific task while being effectively blocked from understanding and using new ways of thinking or by perspectives they have acquired through past experience.

This occurs whenever the rhythmic output from one person or organization becomes the input for another person’s rhythmic signal processing system like what we constantly pay attention to, rather than experiencing ourselves.

Examples of another person’s rhythmic signal can be found in academia, media, music, video, film, podcasts, etc., and especially via social media platforms like Twitter.

Hence, our world is based upon the rhythms of social entrainment.

The questions I think we should each ask ourselves is “who and what are we allowing to entrain us and where do we each stand between the chaos and order to find balance in a world gone arhythmic?”


The Two Minds of Man: The heart within the chest and one within the stomach

The Two Minds of Man: The heart within the chest and one within the stomach

“You offspring of snakes! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth (stoma | στόμα) speaks.” – Mathew 15:18

In Scripture, humans are described as having two distinctive minds. One center of power came from the “inner man or heart” and the other was the “outer man or flesh.”

Whichever “mind was in control” determined a person’s thoughts, actions, will and destiny which could either lead a person to their heavenly homeland or their own personal hells.

No one is immune from this law.

The inner man was always in battle or in contrast with the outer לבי ובשׂרי ירננו.

My heart and my flesh cry out Psalm 84:3; מעים Psalm 22:15; Jeremiah 4:19, the inner for outer מעים Jeremiah 49:22; as within the breast על לב Exodus 28:3,29,30

Within the heart is the mind and connection to God.

The heart represents the soul, mind, spirit, will, the whole inner man, that which makes him what he is, a conscious, intelligent, responsible being.

This is symbolized by the Catholic devotion called “The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (LatinCor Jesu Sacratissimum)”, which is seen as a symbol of “God’s boundless and passionate love for mankind”.

In Christian iconography, this is often depicted with Jesus wearing “dual colored clothing”  to represent this duality holding a flaming heart shining with divine light.

The heart is the mind where a good person like Jesus operates biologically and a bad or evil person like Satan, his mind was from his stomach as it is said in Luke 6:45;

“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth (stoma | στόμα | nom sg neut) speaks.”

The reason these people are called evil is that they are ruled by their flesh (sarka), which has a mind of its own.

It is the mind of the material world within the heart of the earth – the domain ruled by the LORD or whom some might call the Devil.

This is why you will see the Devil and his Demons often depicted in Christain art with faces painted upon their stomachs and buttholes.

The biological domain of the so-called Devil that if we do not keep good care of often causes good people to become bad and some evil.

When someone operates from their stomach (stomata), their essentially talking out their ass, which has now become their face.

Yeah, it is like that…

To operate from the heart within the inner man was to be wholehearted and perform tasks wholeheartedly. These were the true men of “courage” and are called “men of the heart.”

The Lord is said to speak “in his heart” (Genesis 8:21); that men “know in their own heart” (Deuteronomy 8:5); that “no one considereth in his heart’ (Isaiah 44:19 the King James Version). “Heart” is this connection to the “mind,” as in Numbers 16:28 (“of mine own mind,” Vulgate (Jerome’s Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.) ex proprio corde, Septuagint ap’ emautou). The “heart” also seems to represent “conscience,” for which there is no word in Hebrew, as in Job 27:6,

The foolish “is void of understanding,” i.e. “heart” (Proverbs 6:32, where the Septuagint renders phrenon, Vulgate (Jerome’s Latin Bible, 390-405 A.D.) cordis, Luther “der ist ein Narr”).

God is represented as “searching the heart” and “trying the reins” (Jeremiah 17:10 the King James Version).

By doing so, you were conscientious, and considerate and had the courage to act encouragingly for the fainthearted who were controlled by the heart of the earth and as a result, they were the timid and weak people controlled by their flesh.

“And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will destroy with the breath of his mouth (stomatos | στόματος | gen sg neut), and bring to an end with the splendor of his coming.” – Thessalonians 2:8

In contrast, the heart of the earth was connected to the flesh and stomach as told in the story of Jonah being in the “belly of a whale,” like we see in Matthew 12:40:

“For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”

Why are people stuck in some belly and connected to the heart of the earth (biomagneticsphere)?

We read in Matthew 26:41, “Stay alert and pray lest you enter a time of trial. The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh (sarx) is weak.”

The flesh is called sarka, which the scripture informs us that it is related to the human body, 2 Cor. 7:5; flesh, human nature, human frame, Jn. 1:13, 14; 1 Pet. 4:1; 1 and 1 Cor. 5:5; 7:28; materiality, material circumstance, as opposed to the spiritual, Phil. 3:3, 4.

As Romans 8:7 says, “because the mind set on the flesh (sarkos) is hostile to God; it does not submit to the law of God; in fact, it cannot and in Romans 8:8;

“Those controlled by the flesh (sarki) cannot please God.”

These people seem to have a supernatural or medical condition that causes them to be unable to be spiritual or connect with God.

As if their minds and bodies through the flesh are governed by another entity or force that naturally precludes them being able to understand and participate in all that is good.

Scientifically, I contend that they are akin to automatons whose commands are being programed via their second brains in their stomachs i.e., gastrointestinal tracts.

These people who are unconscious to thier own realities then go on to commit various moral and legal crimes, which Paul calls the ‘works of the sarkos’.

“Now the works of the sarkos are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” (Gal 5:19-21)

The reason that people do not obey God and they are ruled by a different force than God is because they have what the Bible calls defiled.

So “what defiles a man?”

We discover that his thoughts are what defile him.

This makes perfect sense because thoughts provide us with the guiding principles in life, which give us direction and meaning in life.

Our beliefs originate from the information we are given from others since we were children to adulthood. These sources include our parents, religion, the media, the government and other people.

Once you understand this simple concept, you then can witness how our whole culture is based on the “works of sarka” .

“Do you not yet realize that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then is eliminated? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander.” – (Matthew 15:18)

“But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the proclamation might be fulfilled, namely, all the Gentiles might hear, and I was rescued from the mouth (stomatos | στόματος | gen sg neut) of a lion.” – 2 Timothy 4:17

We know in Scripture that the symbol of the lion is directly connected to the Devil and to avoid “being eaten,” we must remain both “sober and vigilant” and we must “resist him.”

As it is said in Peter 5:8-9:

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world.”

This Devil I contend works through the stomachs of each and every man, woman and child on earth. No one is immune from this natural law.

The key is knowing the secrets of the Devil and good and evil, which are biological processes that can be controlled by other people if you do not control them your self.

To do so, we all must remain sober.

This means we must refrain from the use of addictive substances such as sugar, alcohol or taking pharmaceutical and intoxicating drugs.

We must also remain vigilant to resist these devilish urges and when they depart, we do not let our guards down because these addictive substances and things in our culture that cause us to slip up i.e.: sin can come back into our lives at anytime for we learn in Luke 4:13:

“Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time.”

It is important that we all know that these ancient teachings have been purposely kept secret by the Roman Catholic Church and government in order to control and conquer the world. Today, we are in year 2022 of this plan that is soon one day going to end.

It has to because these ancient impulses that arise in our stomachs are not only pulling the levers of billions of brains, but entire nations with the risk of the entire world being brought down to the depths of hell.

“So that what was spoken by the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, “I will open my mouth (stoma | στόμα) in parables; I will utter things kept secret from the foundation of the world.” – Mathew 13:35

And Jesus proclaimed:

“By the brightness of this light, peoples and nations will be illumined, and they will be warmed by its ardour.”

Battle for the Neurosphere: How the human mind can be highjacked via neurotransmission

Battle for the Neurosphere: How the human mind can be highjacked via neurotransmission

In my search to discover the biological and environmental mechanisms that create the conditions for good and evil behaviors, I have turned my attention to the stomach (gut, gastrointestinal tract g.i.) and brain as being the root cause.

This research has led me to a simple conclusion that is easier said than done.

Control your gut and you will control your mind and life. It is really that simple.

But if you don’t have the knowledge and the discipline, then I contend that you truly do not control your mind, body, and life.

The reason being is that there is an ancient code inserted within our DNA that can take over biological processes and even commandeer our brains if we transgress against these natural laws of being human.

As I explained in a previous article, if you become unhealthy through diet, drugs, alcohol and bad choices, you can become a programmable automaton (android).

A person who the ancient Phoenicians would call behemah (behemoth) and the Ancient Greeks, thēriou.

Words that mean “ignorant, stupid, or human beast.”

In Hebrew, behamah i.e., a stupid person would be considered to be under the psychological sway of a mysterious land animal called the “Bĕhēmôt (Behemoth) which controls all land animals.

This Biblical creature I have connected to the earth’s biosphere in which I believe fungi/molds that are inherent in all matter and in our very own DNA are its defacto military order in helping manage the earth and all living things.

I believe would deal with our second brains being the microbiome/fungi in our gi tracts being connected to what is the “hive mind or earth noos” of the fungi which control the earth’s biosphere through all living entities.

It is this second brain that I contend if people lose control and become sick, it causes people to act beast-like if they follow their carnal/fleshly desires and appetites.

As it related to animals and humans, I believe these fungi communicate and carry out special ops missions within the human genome to manage, regulate and if needed, punish and eat the human species for transgressing against these ancient laws.

Laws that I believe have been passed down to us through the prophets of religion such as the 10 commandments and the Christian concepts of the 7 deadly sins and treating people how you want to be treated and Brotherly love.

Traditions of how to be civil and healthy humans.

The difficult part is implementing and maintaining this control because we live in a culture that seems to be designed to trick you into becoming a beast.

Bad ideas + bad food + bad drugs = Sick People

Sick people who become automaton slaves to their own appetites are easily manipulated and controlled.

People who I believe are controlled by a parasitic fungal contagion in their stomachs that if allowed to get out of control by continued unhealthy behaviors will be hell bent on destruction as a result.

Philp K. Dick called these people androids who he said were manufactured beings almost identical to real human beings. An imitation, a copy of an original. And he must be treated as such.

You will know them by their poisonous behaviors and fruits because they often have inflated egos that are 100% unwarranted and are inauthentic who copy (imitate) other people as they ignorantly think they are like Gods and one of a kind.

Many of these same people become very emotional, angry, bad and some so bat shit crazy they morph into psychopaths and whom some may call demons.

They not only make bad health and life decisions, some become evil by taking their badness to the next level by hurting and abusing other people. The lunatics on the fringe will commit rape and murder.

Simply put, if you let your microbiome get out of control, you can become mentally ill and commit evil acts. It doesn’t matter if you are an atheist, Satanist, Christian or a Muslim. No one is immune from these ancient natural laws.

How do people lose control of their guts and minds?

Studies have shown that the gut-brain axis links our emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with the peripheral functioning of the digestive tract.

This occurs through the gut-brain axis creates a bi-directional system between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain where the influence of gut microbiota depending on how it has been altered affects our behavior.

Research has shown that naturally occurring chemicals like tryptophan and serotonin, when altered, play an important role in human central nervous system disorders such as bipolar and schizophrenia.

All the while, one in five people suffer from a mental health issue and one in a hundred have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

One of these chemicals I would like to focus on is called tryptophan.

Tryptophan is an “essential” amino acid that is made from plant or animal sources. It is called an “essential” amino acid because the body does not produce it so we have to get it from our food.

When you consume tryptophan, your body changes it to a hormone called serotonin, which transmits signals between your nerve cells and affects the emotions.

It is found mainly in the human gut and brain as the main chemical involved in gut-brain access (GBA) systems and communications.

It is an important chemical that science is beginning to discover acts as a transmission antenna or biological internet via neurotransmission that we can control or be controlled by the microbes in our guts.

Research has proven that the main residents in our gut are our microbiome, which is a massive community of bacteria and fungi that have the ability to alter human behavior through the gut-brain axis (GBA).

Here is an image from a recent study showing how gut-brain access occurs and how easily we can be unknowingly manipulated by the microbes in our gi tracts:

“The brain-gut axis and the bi-directional system of communication. The brain-gut axis is a bi-directional system of communication between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract. This links emotional and cognitive centres of the brain with peripheral control and function of the gut and its resident microbiota. Serotonin is a key element of this axis, acting as a neurotransmitter in the CNS and in the enteric nervous system that is present in the wall of the gut. A. Neural communication between the gut and brain is via the vagus (stomach and rectum) and dorsal root ganglia (DRG-small and large intestine), via projections from the enteric nervous system to sympathetic ganglia and parasympathetic innervation of the gut. B. Humeral communication is via release of bacterial factors, production of cytokines and circulating hormones. An important advance for future studies will be testable models of a potential mechanism of action (e.g., cutting the vagus can block some effects of changing the gut microbiota in rodent models).

The part of the brain I theorize is controlled by the fungi is what we call the gi tract or gut and the mammalian part of our brains.

If you are ill due to being unhealthy due to poor diet, alcohol, and or drug use, I believe that the fungi in your gut can control this gut-brain access and thus highjack the mammalian brain to carry out its destructive and pathogenic missions.

These little microbes do this through secret processes like our tryptophan metabolism and other chemicals. Recent studies have shown that a number of microbial metabolites (referred to as neuro-active metabolites) produced through tryptophan may influence more than we ever imagined.

In the human gut, our microbes, which are symbiotic with us, convert tryptophan to tryptamine. Tryptamine activates trace amine-associated receptors that regulate the activity of dopaminergicserotonergic, and glutamatergic systems.

Tryptamine produced by mutualistic bacteria/fungi/molds in the human gut activates serotonin and coordinates absorptive processes in addition to playing a role in innate and adaptive mucosal immunity.

In fact, if you do not have enough of this chemical, it can cause severe neurological issues and create lesions and deform parts of your brain like the amygdala. I believe that it becomes highjacked by the very microbes in your gut making otherwise ordinary people become not only illogical and unreasonable but also pathogenic, parasitic or demonic.

I discuss this science in my previous essay, Battle for the Noosphere: How the human mind can be highjacked via the amygdala.

The main job of the amygdala is to regulate emotions, such as fear and aggression. The amygdala is also involved in tying emotional meaning to our memories, reward processing, and decision-making.

Amygdala dysfunction during face emotion processing is well-documented in bipolar disorder. Individuals with bipolar disorder showed greater amygdala activity (especially the amygdala/medial-prefrontal-cortex circuit).

Amygdala size has been correlated with cognitive styles with regard to political thinking. A study found that “greater liberalism was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex, whereas greater conservatism was associated with increased volume of the right amygdala.”

These findings suggest that the volume of the amygdala and anterior cingulate gyrus may be associated with an individual’s ability to tolerate uncertainty and conflict.

This brings us to what I believe we can equate to human possession or demon possession.

The disruption of the microbiome in our gi tracts has long been shown to alter these chemicals causing the development of mental disorders. I believe this is caused by bad ideas about how to live along with bad food and drugs which leads to a fungal infection and overload within the stomach (gut/gastrointestinal tract).

And what do you know?

Fungi and even some parasites synthesize amino acids, including tryptophan which helps protect against fungus infections.

For example, there are many reports of fungal infections and the psychiatric side-effects caused by antibiotics, even in people without a previous psychiatric history. It is no wonder because most antibiotics are created using fungal derivatives such as penicillin.

Research has proven that serotonin in higher-order brain function and that low brain serotonin levels are associated with poor memory and depressed mood.

Studies have shown that that the effects of acute tryptophan depletion can cause neurological problems such as depression, psychomotor processing, declarative memory, working memory, executive functions, and diseases like Parkinson’s disease patients with demonstrable reduction in global cognitive function and verbal recognition due to acute tryptophan depletion.

This is why L-tryptophan is used along with other medications to treat mental depression and is used along with lithium to treat bipolar disorder.

The list of medications that contain trptophan is log such as medicine to treat mental illness such as chlorpromazine (Thorazine), fluphenazine (Prolixin), thioridazine (Mellaril), and others; a narcotic medicine such as meperidine (Demerol) or pentazocine (Talwin); or. a sedative such as diazepam (Valium), clonazepam (Klonopin), lorazepam (Ativan), and others.

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